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Rick Moranis blew up my chickens! And a yard leveling update. Streaming On

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Rick Moranis blew up my chickens! And a yard leveling update.

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I give an update to the chickens and talk about my timeline for merging them all together. I also show progress to the sunken back yard.
hello everybody how you doing today
Sunday afternoon I worked my butt off
yesterday we were putting in a privacy
fence over at my sister-in-law’s didn’t
get any of the panels up but they had a
whole lot of posts and so we got all the
posts set and so now it’ll come together
really quick I’m enjoying how little
heat we have right now
apparently there’s a system down in the
Bahamas and they said it’s you know 20%
chance of it doing anything but we’re
gonna get a lot of rain over the next
couple days and I’m fine with that we’ve
needed that so I moved the chicken coop
over because they’re not able to get out
in free-range so you know mess builds up
and it starts to stink a little bit and
so I’ll rake that into the ground and I
move the coop so they have some fresh
grass to pick at and all kinds of fun
stuff these chickens are getting huge
Hannah dealt with him yesterday I didn’t
deal with them yesterday and so when I
came out today to look at him when I
moved it I’m like holy cow these things
are massive so I’m gonna show you the
chickens do a little update we’ve got so
much done here y’all so I’m just gonna
kind of show you what we’re doing around
around the homestead here also when you
see these chickens and how big they are
a couple of them Hannah goes they
actually look like chickens meaning
pretty much all the feathers are out all
the down was gone
should I move a couple of them over how
many do you think I should move over
with the two chickens even the two small
fuzzy butts that just kind of held on to
being really tiny and not have feathers
coming in they have exploded the past
couple days and even them you’re like
holy cow these things are huge so let me
show you and I thought with us moving
our little escape artist wouldn’t try to
do it immediately went to that corner
was trying to dig underneath it to get
in with the big chickens so I had to put
the bricks in again but let me show you
the chickens and show you what we’re
dealing with so here they are like I
said like this one and this one and this
and this one basically the four well
summers they are huge especially this
one like I think it’s ready to go over
right now but what do you think should I
move the well summer’s over or should I
just move you know two or three over
keep the smallest one here and with the
chicks a little bit longer and I think
they’re ready to get over with the big
chickens so there’s the chicks still got
to redo their feed we’re gonna do their
water I ordered water nipples yesterday
so they should be here in the next
couple days I’m not gonna be able to do
what I wanted to totally yet so they’re
just gonna get the bucket with the
nipples on it eventually I’m going to
follow Sunnyslope
homesteads lead and get a self filling
water tub water bucket in there so that
is the chicks let me show you the
chickens so there are those guys they’re
kind of the same they haven’t got too
much bigger
they’re definitely enamored with the
they don’t stray too far from that fence
they’re always right there with them and
the chicks are right there with with the
bigger chickens too so I’d have to go
back and look somebody said that that’s
a good thing that the chickens stay near
each other so we’ll see I’ve been having
Owen get in and sit with the chickens
for the past few days I go and I grab
the rooster the one that kept pecking at
me a little bit
I’ve been grabbing him and just walking
around the yard with him when he stops
making his noise and I feel his
heartbeat go down and he calms down then
I put him back in so hopefully that gets
to where we don’t have that issue
anymore and he just accepts me as the
dude you don’t want to mess with so
we’ve been doing some other stuff around
here lately
finally have that giant pile of dirt
gone that was a brutal job that I I knew
it’s gonna be tough man I didn’t think
it was gonna be that bad
but we did it Hana helped me out a lot
so I’ll turn it around show you what
we’re dealing with what we still have to
do to get this yard at least fenced back
in enough for the kids and then we can
worry about getting it fenced in for
absolutely that no more Mound I still
have to replace this because that’s just
sitting on the ground that’s one that
was dipping really bad and so it’s broke
off and what just sitting over on to the
side so I have to replace that I have to
move that about six inches farther
because I’m off kilter what what can I
say I thought it was lined up and so I
went to stretch the fabric and realize
oh no it’s not lined up and I looked at
it again and said okay well that’s why
it’s that way so we got this filled up
I’ve been burning a bunch in the burn
barrel this thing has been a godsend so
I’ve been burning that up been able to
get rid of some of the bad gas we had so
I’m safe with it don’t freak out so if
you’re a firefighter broussard or you
know you know me personally know I’m a
bit injury prone take care of that I was
safe took out the old fire pit and
filled it in we’re gonna get one that’s
off the ground
so what it was down in the ground it was
a pain to keep lit or get lit because
there’s no air movement and I just it
was annoying to have to get down on my
hands and knees and reach down into the
ground to get anything done so that’s
what we’ve been doing around here just a
quick update and I wanted to show you
the chickens how much they have grown
that’s it’s crazy you can start telling
them apart now which means Owen is gonna
have to rename them and so we can say
okay this one is this one and this one
is this one leaf and squid those two are
easy to tell those chicks it was tough
so now that they’re getting bigger and
you can definitely tell them apart
Owen will just have to rename them we
got that giant pile of dirt done and
gone now we can button everything back
up and
start to move on finish some of these
other projects around here that weren’t
so labor-intensive but we just kind of
had to put them back because that had to
be done first then the chickens kind of
came in and put that on hold for a
little bit so we could deal with that
so now we can get working on getting our
garden set up working with that old
trampoline which is gonna be a surprise
and this next week we have a special
visitor coming to stay with us for a
while my mom is coming and so we’re
pretty excited about that
and then at the end of next month with
Ellen’s birthday party my dad is flying
down to meet up with her and then
they’ll fly back to Ohio together but
she’s coming down to stay with the month
with us because with Hanna is starting
to teach me being a teacher we have like
a week and a half where we would have to
find childcare and so mom’s coming down
to help us with that and then she’s just
gonna stay for the month until the
birthday party and then she’ll fly back
with my dad after the birthday party so
we’re pretty excited with that whoo
you’re definitely gonna do alive if
you’ve been in on our lives
she is mammals reborn pumpkin patch so
we’ll do a live with her and that’s
pretty much all I have I just wanted to
show you those few things get your
caught up if you’re in the Midwest be
safe there’s been some nasty nasty
weather come through
I’ve been following really close to
verse Wisco homestead if you don’t know
them if you are subscribed to them go
subscribe they do a lot of really cool
stuff anyway but the videos that they’ve
been showing with the weather has been
pretty insane and the aftermath video
that they posted I think I think both of
them were posted today one may have been
yesterday one today I’ve watched a lot
of their weather videos but it’s just
devastating like I know I know his dad’s
car had a tree fall on it and not good
stuff so I hate seeing all the damage so
remember to keep that area in your
prayers I know New York has some pretty
nasty weather too so
it’s going crazy so keep keep everybody
donal nasty weather in your prayers
remember be self-sufficient and help
everyone can and can be just knowing
y’all have a good day bye

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