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Rick Moranis Gets Sucker Punched | Possible Hate Crime | Media Stays Silent Seen On Our Site

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Rick Moranis Gets Sucker Punched | Possible Hate Crime | Media Stays Silent

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#RickMoranis #Assaulted #Punched

In this episode of Jolly’s Rants, Jolly covers the breaking news about Rick Moranis getting sucker punched in New York Street by a random black man, and the media refuses to mention a possible hate crime

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welcome back to jolly’s rants
i’m jolly here’s your rant all right so
we got some breaking news this morning
and it’s not good news um legendary
slash honey i shrunk the kids actor rick
who recently came out of retirement by
the way
um was punched in the face sucker
yeah just randomly on uh down some new
york street
yep just walking along and boom
bam instant trip to the hospital yeah
so um well before we get into it further
let’s take a look at the footage
[Music] and we’re back so did you notice
something kind of funny about that
i did yeah and if you put that footage
with the context of all the articles out
there you might notice something else
yeah i know we’re not supposed to talk
about this
but rick moranis got punched
by a black man oh
what does that mean well nothing because
it’s a black man
punching a white person so it’s just a
random assault
yeah but but now imagine if the rolls
were reversed
right imagine that this was morgan
and some random white dude came up and
sucker punched
him right what do you think the news
media would be saying
hmm what do you think i’ll give you one
hate crime yep blatant racism
attacked because he was black yep but
this time
none of that no now you won’t hear that
in the media
you won’t hear that in the news don’t
hear anything like that
nothing about looking into it as a hate
chances are this guy’s probably uh you
know an advocate for blm
possibly you know a trump hater um
had a bad day probably doesn’t even know
who rick moranis is
just saw a random old white dude decided
hey this is a good day to punch a white
punch a nazi so to speak like the antifa
likes to say
yeah well guess what you punched a
ghostbusters actor honey i shrunk the
yeah let me give you a little backstory
his wife died
when his kids were really young so he
retired from from acting
so he could raise his kids yeah yeah
heart of gold that guy
yeah he just recently came back actually
now that his kids are grown up
um there’s there’s rumors out here that
he’s doing another honey i shrunk the
kids for
disney plus and he just did a a
commercial with ryan reynolds
you know he’s starting to get back in
the spotlight again possibly
might even be in the new ghostbusters
movie we don’t know but um
what we do know is he’s in the [ __ ] hospital right now
over nothing nothing what is that for
why what possessed this guy to punch
rick moranis
in the face i don’t know i don’t know
but it’s [ __ ] and i’m sick of it all right and the
media needs to start
telling the truth or at least push their
narrative on
both sides tired of this rhetoric
and i’m tired of of you know people get
punched and
hurt for no reason just because just
and this time they hit home they hit a
legend they had
a beloved actor and it’s just wrong i
don’t know
you let me know in the comments below
what you think smash that like button
this is your first time here crazy
puppet antics i’m joey the conservative
and uh you know we do a lot of fun stuff
over here great videos
great live streams fun music and uh yeah
hit that subscribe man you’ll love it
and um oh this is just terrible news i
hope rick will be okay
and i’m real curious to see uh what the
outcome is when they finally catch this
[ __ ] right all right guys i’ll catch you on
the next one tuck and roll
[Music] you

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View Comments

  • Nobody is talking about it, but street assaults in Manhattan are getting a whole lot more common. This one got covered because it involved a celebrity. But alot don't get covered at all. Now that its reached central park west, maybe the people who live there (and whose opinions matter so much to the media) will get it. But probably not....

  • Punk has the audacity to wear an I ❤ NY shirt... as he punches random new Yorkers walking the streets. Lovely. #TuckandRoll

  • I would be absolutely shocked if this guy is charged with a hate crime. His skin isn't white enough. For years, leftists have been trying to change the definition of racism so that anyone who isn't white can't be racist. As a result, they get away with so much that a white person would never get away with. Black people have been knocking out white senior citizens for years now and I doubt any of them have been charged with a hate crime.

  • Not surprising the media is silent and I wouldn't be surprised if the thug is a criminal smh.

  • Man, I love me some Rick Moranis. I am glad he is ok. Honey I Took The Punch.

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