Rick Moranis Interview With Bobbie Wygant | Ghostbusters (1984) Only On BobandDougMcKenzie.com

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Rick Moranis Interview With Bobbie Wygant | Ghostbusters (1984)

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Rick Moranis talking about Ghostbusters in 1984 with interviewer Bobbie Wygant.

#ghostbusters #rickmoranis
speak okay Bob well Rick hello again
hello again from Dallas to New York yes
yes because we talked with you and with
Dave Thomas when you were in town for
Strange Brew right I wish I gotten a
chance to see more of Dallas other than
the Lowe’s anat hotel but we did drive
through boy what an incred I’ve never
seen architecture it’s like Chicago only
modern I’m some fantastic architecture
in Chicago and the suburbs especially
new industrial developments I’m a
supporter of Dallas good good well we’d
love to have you back sometime uh I have
to assume now that uh because we talked
about this when you you and Dave were
there for brew that uh you would be
doing individual projects that you
wouldn’t just forever be together doing
things um now has there been a total
break or oh no not at all we’re we’re
very close and we’re planning a couple
of things um Dave’s right now writing a
script for the two of us McKenzie
brothers are doing another album um we
just uh got into different things cuz I
went and did a Walter Hill picture
called Streets of Fire right after
Strange Brew in fact while Dave was
finishing Strange Brew and um then right
after that I got this and Dave came to
New York to do a television series so um
we just both felt that it would be
better for us if we did more than just
things together might you be doing
another McKenzie brothers movie I don’t
know um I’d like to um I don’t know when
we’ll we’ll have time or or what will’ll
happen it’s so hard to say because
things come up that you don’t anticipate
not only are we are we trying to plan
our careers but things outside that you
have no effect on come up like somebody
all of a sudden calls and wants you to
play a part in a movie and you want to
do it because it’s a great director a
great script or something so um I I
don’t know I’d like to do another one
though you’re of course in Ghostbuster
that’s the Ghostbusters that’s what
we’re here to talk about and uh
obviously you all must have had just one
whale of a time making it oh sure um
you can’t you can’t be with Bill Murray
Dan arroy and Harold Ramis and not have
fun I mean you know they’re really funny
funny men you had to know at least Dan
before didn’t you oh I knew I knew
everybody I I had worked only with Bill
though Bill did a guest shot on SCV on
One show so we had briefly crossed paths
and uh Dan actually I worked on a script
with Dan um peripherally Dave Thomas and
Dan are old friends and they were
working on a script for the three of us
to do so I was involved in some meetings
on that and Harold I replaced on Second
City and had run into him at parties and
at meetings here and there but we had
never worked together and IV and I kept
meeting on Air Canada and on flights
between Los Angeles and Toronto and we
sort of said yeah someday we’ll have to
do something so when he called me to do
this I just you know of course I had to
say Yes Rick are you afraid because of
this role you’re a I’m going to say
classic nerd do you object no no I’m I’m
glad it’s classic uh um uh if you’re
going to ask if I’m afraid of only
playing nerds um no not at all I do a
lot of things and if you know I enjoyed
playing the role um everybody loves a
nerd and it’s fun to play them um if
somebody wanted to see a whole Nerd
movie uh I I might consider it I think
there is a movie with all nerds that I
heard about but I I wasn’t asked to be
in that so maybe I’m not that classic a
nerd I don’t know but no I um I’ve done
a lot of other things so I’m not afraid
of that at all the beard is something
new huh well I’ll just take it
off yeah I grew this for a um a role
that I that I didn’t wind up doing um
for a number of reasons and then I was
inches from the barber’s chair cuz I
don’t want to try and take this off
myself I’ll just I’ll slit my neck um
and my agent called and said hold the
beard because there might be something
for the beard so you know I don’t know
what that means does that mean that I’m
involved or they do they just want the
beard you know it’s Rick Baker needs
some facial hair for a ape he’s working
on we need we may need the beard of
course the agent gets 10% and sorry I’m
just involved with my facial hair yeah
go on so anyway the beard is on hold the
beard is on the beard is on hold okay
and more more on the 11:00 maybe okay
11:00 Shadow yes right uh Streets of
Fire what are you playing in that um in
Streets of Fire uh I play the manager of
a rock star played by Diane Lane um she
gets kidnapped by a gang so to speak and
um in getting her back I hire um someone
to do that I find out later that he’s an
ex-lover of hers which complicates the
relationship it’s um in its own way it’s
a it’s a real spectacle um it’s rock and
roll and I think kids are really going
to find something in it it uh Walter
Hill has has peaked as a filmmaker it is
an exceptionally well-made piece of work
I’ve never seen post- production like
this I’ve never heard sound like this
there’s a there’s a car in it a
fantastic car I mean it’s a shiny
chopped old hot rod sort of thing and to
get the sound for that car the recordist
who are the best in Hollywood they they
do Steven Spielberg’s movies and they
did Raiders they um they drove somewhere
in Northern California cuz somebody knew
about this car that had a great sound
and they mixed that with this custom
motorcycle that somebody had and they
came up with this sound I mean there’s
Precision in this movie that I’ve never
seen in any other movie and Ry Cooter
does the score plus there’s songs by all
kinds of terrific writers it’s uh it’s a
remarkable remarkable piece of piece of
movie I don’t know if it’s your type of
movie um but as a student of film which
I’m sure you are you’ll probably really
be impressed by uh by by just the the
technical aspects of it and then you’re
in bre The Breakfast Club John Hughes no
as a matter of fact I’m not John Hughes
and I are going to wait for another
picture to work together that’s what the
beard was for actually it was for
breakfast club and um at the last minute
we we decided um that we better wait for
another movie because the movie evolved
in the weeks leading up to my appearance
in it and um in communicating with John
we decided it was better if he used
somebody else for the role well Rick
it’s good to talk with you again yeah
it’s nice to see you again and the beard
good to
good I’ll let you know what happens with
the beard okay and congratulations on
Ghostbusters that’s going to be one
whale of a hit yeah I think so it’s a
lot of fun isn’t it it really is yeah
it’s a great movie well come back to see
us and we’ll drive you through the anol
again oh great okay hello
Dallas is it hot there this time of year
uh yeah
it’s okay uh you’re cutting like about
here or someplace yeah
okay might you do another movie a sequel
to Strange
Brew now have you and Dave Thomas made a
break that I don’t even talk to
him anymore hey hold
it cuz that picks up on my mind okay
that’s all
right in this movie you play what I
would call A Classic nerd you object to
bloody right I’m sorry I can’t resist
I being Canadian I have to assume that
maybe you knew Acro
huh the beard is
new the beard is the new look
what is your role in Streets of
okay and then I understand you’re doing
The Breakfast Club with John
Hughes what about The Breakfast Club
you’re making with John Hughes
okay now let me just give you some
[Laughter] one more thing i’ let me add in
okay so the beard is on
hold okay that should do it

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