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Rick Moranis Sucker-Punched in Manhattan (ft. Anthony Lee) Watch At Our Site

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Rick Moranis Sucker-Punched in Manhattan (ft. Anthony Lee)

Consume the video “Rick Moranis Sucker-Punched in Manhattan (ft. Anthony Lee)” among many similar clips presenting the famed comedic characters of the McKenzie brothers.

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Special Thanks to Our Guest & Friend:
Anthony Lee
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• Hosted by Tiffany Del Real
• Commentary by: Joe Jitsukawa, Julia Chow, Casey Chan, Anthony Lee, Steve Greene
• Edited by Nelson Nguyen:

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• Bart Kwan:
• Geo Antoinette:
• Tiffany Del Real:
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• Casey Chan:


[Music] do you guys remember honey i shrunk the
rick moranis that’s a great classic
yeah right bro comedy genius
he was also in the canadian group uh
[ __ ] what what do they call them i
don’t know you would know this that
would damn it
and you could literally say anything no
it’s just it was uh it wasn’t second
city it was the broken lizard or
the group no no no no but they were
thinking about it sctv sctv he came from
oh that i don’t know
they were great that’s right they had a
sketch show in canada i didn’t know that
so this is what he looked like back in
the day this is the photo that they’re
him currently man he looks different
he does look it’s the hair though he
went from old to old glasses
older he was always a dad him eugene
from the american pie show those cats
yeah sctv
yeah so rick here he’s in the news for
an unfortunate reason
why he was attacked randomly attacked on
the street
casey showed me this this is so sad in
the upper west side he just got
hit by a random dude who was wearing an
i heart new york
ny shirt this dude where though
in the upper west side so the nice poshy
area of new york
yeah and then this guy’s like i love new
boom go back to l.a [ __ ] he’s not even
from l.a
he’s canadian yeah and he has been
living like in the midwest i think so
the cops are currently looking for this
man they’re asking they actually
are offering um a reward at 2500 reward
was he like i hated that movie honey i
showed the kids
why did you shrink your children i hated
honey i blew up the kid oh
that’s why it wasn’t that good
can you turn around again can we see
this guy
at least he’s wearing a mask though can
we just say he’s not covering his nose
so it’s pointless okay my bad true way
well it’s easier to tell who he is then
right he does it does help
it did help that he did not cover his
nose here is the cctv footage
of the attack oh no why did he get
punched violence video shows the assault
a man laid them out out of nowhere
sucker punched the 67 year old actor
that’s suspect jesus
what a suck what up because he didn’t
like the movies that’s just like what
kids do like every now and then right
what’s that called
one punch knockout they just run up to
people and punch them
that was like a gang thing right i don’t
know uh yes
last it’s a fun thing for them you know
it’s like that it’s funnier because i’m
a white guy and i just said that so
that that’s right isn’t that a game
thing huh
isn’t that some gang thing so he’s 67
years old
rick moranis and this is
this seems to be a some like some sort
[ __ ] up trend happening in new york so
on august 23rd a 66 year old man was
walking west
on west 129th street when a man came up
and smashed him on the back of the head
several times with the bottle
on july 27th a 68 year old woman
standing on the l
train platform on 6th avenue and 14th
street was
kicked and struck by a man who then
pushed her onto the track
and then he ended up attempted murder
and then he called her a cracker
so people think it’s just because of the
fact that she’s white
said the victim’s daughter and then on
july 17th
an 89 year old woman walking near 16th
avenue on 77th street
was slapped by two men who came up
behind her one of them set her shirt on
fire with a
match or a lighter what the [ __ ] where
are they what about the chinese
the chinese is that the chinese
grandmother i don’t remember was that in
new york that was new york
new york that was the job of this stuff
is in new york it was the wd-40 one
right probably that one
um on june 12th a 92 year 92 year old
why seniors hit her head on a fire
hydrant after a man passing by casually
shoved her
to the ground and then she said when
they helped me up i said what happened
because i didn’t even know what happened
it was completely out of the blue
wow what about the [ __ ] kid that got
blown away in new york did you see that
yeah there’s a kid who he just got shot
in new york the guy like walked up to
him with a gun and just [ __ ] blew him
away wow
remember that other kid from in front of
the bodega
that got killed like that like it was
really [ __ ] up
they mistake them for some other like it
was a game related thing they thought he
was a gang member but he wasn’t he was
just some innocent kid and he got killed
he’s like 14 or something right like
real young yeah i remember seeing that
one that was
rough so crazy so do you think do you
uh if he knew if he was a fan of
ghostbusters do you think this guy would
have attacked rick moranis
because i don’t think he’s ever seen
ghostbusters he doesn’t look like him
anymore that’s why
he looks pretty close like and then also
he has a mask most likely most likely
wearing a mask
if he knew that he punched honey i blew
up the kids
i think he’d be really guilty right now
you think so the kids is a good one okay
i want the kids to go don’t ever
blowing up the kids i i like to blow up
the kids when i was a kid though
i would assume that this guy who was
down to just punch some random like
older people
if he found out that he punched a
celebrity probably relishing it
even better it’s more attention i don’t
know what goes through a guy’s mind
where they want to [ __ ] up a grandma
like that that’s to me it’s like beating
up a toddler so like
i i usually i could tap into a criminal
but when it comes to that kind of mind
it’s a whole different territory
it’s about being uncontested i think
because all people get raped all the
time too
oh my gosh gosh it’s so bad so how
weak of a human being do you have to be
to where
because you know all these things is
about power right like they do it
because they need to feel
like above somebody um they’re the
beta [ __ ] men beta bitchman beta
yeah that sucks man yeah that are
attacking these
people because most people when they
think of old people you want to protect
you have you have this feeling of like i
need to
help them or whatever right but the
people out there that are out to
hurt them it’s like how do you even
think like that and like how far gone in
your mind you have to be where you
just see an old person and you just rage
out and let your anger out on that
person is rick
okay yeah so they did
he did end up saying that he’s okay um
he says that he’s fine but grateful for
everyone’s thoughts and well wishes
even chris evans tweeted out he tweeted
out my blood is boiling
find this man you don’t touch rick
moranis he was just in a commercial with
ryan reynolds
if you uh rick moranis or chris evans no
rick moranis so he
so ryan reynolds brought him back to do
an aviation gin thing
i think oh that’s sick yeah was it like
a ghostbusters or uh
honey i shrunk no he was just like hey
it’s rick moranis and then rick moranis
is like
cool what am i doing here and he’s like
you’re just here to just be rick moranis
and then he’s like wow
that was it like it was pretty great i
mean ryan reynolds has like the most
amazing social media ever
you know a lot of people are moving out
of like new york and
downtown l.a dude the murder rate spiked
like a [ __ ] in new york
a lot of this stuff is it’s like not
being reported
but in the major cities there’s like
hell of crime going on right now
yeah yeah a lot of a lot of social
unrest yeah
yeah yeah so for rick moranis i forgot
to mention that he did end up going to
the hospital with pain in his head
back and hip damn um before he ended up
going to the police station to report
the crime but like he said he’s fine
so he’s okay but he did end up going to
hospital he has like a bunch of kids
right like he lost his wife and then he
moved away
because that’s why he retired right yeah
he left the hollywood scene because of
his wife’s death or some
something like that can you imagine
being down and out and a guy just
punches you that’s like the ultimate
[ __ ] my life man well it’s not to say he was
actually down and out in that moment but
sure he was down and out at the end of
that moment though
but i know what you’re saying wasn’t
fully out
went to the hospital well you might have
been a little bit up we don’t know
you’re a little dangerous just died in
so since then yeah that’s when he left
hollywood because all the movies he made
were in the 80s
and honey i blew up the kid was i think
maybe yeah right after i think it was
like early 90s honeybooked the kids so
yeah i think
i think he he left because he was
financially secure enough from the
from the honey i shrunk the yeah and now
he’s coming back to do another one
as in 97 minus began a long break from
acting to dedicate
his time to his two children as a
widower he did not appear in a
live-action film for decades thereafter
although he provided voice over work for
a few animated films
he also released comedy albums after a
nearly 23-year hiatus from live action
phil’s miranda signed to appear in a new
sequel to honey
shrunk the kids called shrunk i’m so
excited just just to see
him again and anything is like awesome
but i think he’ll be passing the torch
or something who knows
oh really yeah maybe he’s the the
machine gets rediscovered by someone
else like yeah the zielinski family or
you remember my name their names
i love movies man i [ __ ] obsessed so
wayne zielinski was his name wayne
that’s right
what would you do if he gets like sucked
in the script writing for strong oh
no that’s duh it’s a good pitch
it’s a good picture to be clear like he
didn’t say anything to this guy
it was just completely out of the blue
kind of like the other attacks
it’s just like we talked about that even
grandma that burned and that was they
said nothing to her just later on
even if he did what the [ __ ] could he
have said like what deserves a punch
in the [ __ ] back of your head happy
doodle do time okay that would deserve
it i would have been like
boom what the [ __ ] happy doodle what
what’s happy diddle doodle time bro
yeah you know that’s molestation
sounding yeah and then
boom boom that’s a good town
that’s so sad man i don’t like a
violence violence is scary that’s a big
dude too
yeah people look like still thinking
he’s a big guy with a small heart you
know he’s got a chip on his shoulder but
i like how he has a i love new york he
loves it so much
this picture is so clear like from what
yeah how did they get that
probably tracked through cctv and then
found this near or something
i don’t know i don’t question his love
for new york at all by the way i just
want to be very clear it’s like the
metro or something
i think he does love new york yeah i
wonder if you ask him about the pizza
if he would say that i love new york
pizza or he’ll go be like chicago’s
actually better
no he loves new york too much oh yeah
that’s true
well he could be a deep dish guy though
we don’t know i know
does that make you guys worry about
walking around in a city
uh when we were when i was in new york
with just me and isaac
there were people that were like a
little sketchy and then we did
there were moments where i did get a
little scared hey what’s up
girl well they were talking to me it was
just like
us walking and then you see people like
get really aggressive with
each other or like oh they were fighting
with each other no it’d just be people
and then it’s just like talking as new
yorkers talk yeah
i don’t know i’m not used to it so for
me i got
i got nervous no there was this one time
where we were getting back to the hotel
pretty late so it was
night time and the maps thingy it ended
making me go through this alleyway and i
was like
[ __ ] did i did a homeless man pop out of
a garbage can and be like
what are you doing here [ __ ] no no one
talked to us
you might not believe me i’m a time
my name’s oscar
oscar zielinski

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View Comments

  • Very weak joe but it also has to do with mental issues it's not only a power craving. Lots of people are already angry asf and don't bat an eye doing things like this.

    I forgot la is big square mileage wise but yall ain't a big city in terms of downtown skyscrapers like NYC sf Chicago Philadelphia etc.

  • he needs a kick in the nuts for hitting the mint mobile guy, sad. I think most of these people doing this are homeless I see a lot of them doing this ish out in New York.

  • This pisses me off. Just why, why. I don’t get it. Why are there people in the world who just wanna hurt older out of laughter. It’s not right at all

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