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Saint Rick Moranis

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From the best of the Explodeded Show!
but real quick Dr Grant have you seen
the movie Honey I Shrunk the Kids yeah
yeah you’ve seen it man who who hasn’t
you’ve seen [ __ ] Ant-Man imagine
Honey I Shrunk the Kids but it was like
an action hero yeah it’s it’s a it’s a
more action version of honey that’s
exactly what it is that is a great way
to put it honey I
for adults
I Shrunk the Kids
but they’re all tiny explosions
my daughter and my wife thought it was
great and I’m sitting here watching all
the time I’m going well you know what
this movie’s lacking a little bit of
Rick Moranis if this is some [ __ ] Rick Moranis I mean honestly can’t that
apply to almost every movie you know
that’s the greatest point on Earth I
don’t think he died I think you could
watch anything no he he died he quit so
he I’m I’m just putting him in he’s a
saint Rick Moranis is a saint I will
make Rick Moranis a [ __ ] exploded all
right now because you should do this a
saint yeah that’s that’s the sound I
don’t have any we’ll do it again nope I
can give him that one
you’re a saint Saint’s Rick Moran here’s
the what here is why he is a saint uh
Rick Moranis had a huge movie career his
wife died of like cancer he had three
kids and he said well I’m gonna quit
movies and I’m going to raise my kids
and then I’ll figure [ __ ] out afterwards
and that’s exactly what he did he didn’t
[ __ ] do a single thing until all his
kids were out of high school
um Rick Moranis is the [ __ ] man is he
making a comeback is he doing things
he’s doing albums now just music
um bun music or like like comedy music
okay yeah like his last album he could
have gone like cowboy Red Dirt Road
country I don’t know that’d be a really
weird transition well I I was watching a
Brooks and Dunn video today and I was
thinking this could also you know what
that’s a sentence you could use for
anything because as I’m watching the
Brooks and Dunn video in the back of my
mind I’m thinking you know what make
this better a little bit little Rick
Moranis I think Rick Moranis makes
everything [ __ ] better Rick Rick
Moranis is the debacon of the of
entertainment he is he just goes good
with everything
like Rick Moranis should have [ __ ] like [ __ ] Jerry Lewis
let’s put Rick Moranis in there and see
if ALS donations don’t go up I guarantee
you if he hosted the MDA Telethon it’d
be the most successful NBA Talent they
ever had guys uh everybody go like Rick
[ __ ] Rick Moranis people are tired of
seeing Jerry Lewis he’s been on there
for [ __ ] 60 years well I’m convinced
he’s dead at this point I’m convinced
he’s zombie he’s a Hillary bot yeah
we’re just all gonna like time will
freeze and everybody will live forever
at one point and we’re just stuck with
60 year old Britney Spears and Lady Gaga
it’ll be like be like whatever whatever
Mickey Mouse character comes up next
everybody would just like their hidden
I’m trying to think like if I’ve ever
seen anything that was shitty with Rick
Moranis because like little giants was
great yeah great maybe [ __ ] great uh
the whole Honey I Shrunk the Kids
franchise all day
my name is
flip the baby or whatever oh yeah the
third I didn’t know there was a third
one honey I believe the kid was a great
movie they crashed a plane that was the
baby on the Las Vegas Strip
and [ __ ] take over a casino I highly
encourage you to rewind
I forgot about that part good point I
forgot about that part that makes a
uh he was like Ghostbusters one and two
he was pivotal to both those movies
especially I would think in a way I mean
he was the key master after watching the
dog he was Rufus yeah I would argue uh I
would also argue though after
re-watching Ghostbusters 2 he was more
important for Ghostbusters 2 than
Ghostbusters one because but
Ghostbusters 2 was not that great of a
movie but you make Ghostbusters too no
yeah I don’t know how to spell his last
name when Ernie Hudson ended up in the
[ __ ] just like it sounds how many U’s
I think there’s zero use ah
there are no use in Rick Moranis my
mother’s brisket is that his album yeah
if you pre-order now you can get a
yamaka wow I was Jewish so yeah one of
his albums is
no he’s definitely Jewish the other
album is uh uh agoraphobic Cowboy that’s
his two albums they’re both great he’s a
funny [ __ ] guy where’s my
imbda what else was he is Little Shop of
Horrors every day yeah
there was a remake or the Rick Moranis
one is the Remake hey what was the old
one you can’t forget it from the like
50s dude Jack Nicholson Jack Nicholson
was the lead it’s oh really it’s it’s
almost exactly like the Rick Moranis one
only with different actors it’s not a
musical it’s not a musical it’s yeah
it’s not a musical are you sure there’s
no use
there are no use it’s m-o-r-a-n-i-s
Rick you can’t forget him in uh
Spaceballs either dude [ __ ] Spaceballs oh my God he was great in
Spaceballs okay everybody just okay no
nobody look everybody avert your eyes I
don’t know if you thought or not but you
may have an advantage we’re gonna steal
a [ __ ] uh a [ __ ] little bit from
uh Doug Benson let’s play an IB IMDB
Game what do you want to like guess I
got one more Rick Moranis movie in my
pocket well I don’t know what the game’s
called when he does it but essentially
we’re gonna guess the top four for Rick
Moranis oh on the on his IMDb page the
top four
top four would be tough whatever that
game’s called well I’m gonna go ahead
and say I’m gonna go and say
Ghostbusters I’ll throw that out right
now yeah all right well JC’s gonna start
so Ghostbusters oh no not the music I
was looking for
uh is Ghostbusters right well
let’s see yeah avert your eyes oh I got
a I got a piece of paper
yeah I can totally see it stop don’t
don’t look Travis is winning Travis all
right Ghostbusters so you got it on the
first guess all right what other movies
are in his top four I guess y’all can
look now who goes next me or something
you get the guess oh I forgot about that
movie you get to guess what other three
well I’ll say Honey I Shrunk the Kids
I’ll say Strange Brew
and then
this would be better if I played on my
oh did they get something a little out
of out of whack
um no I’ll just go Ghostbusters too
so you get a total of three points uh
Honey I Shrunk the Kids was correct
Strange Brew was also correct you missed
Spaceballs space fish balls dude I just
said it

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