SCTV – Youth, Do They Give a Damn or What? Only On

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SCTV – Youth, Do They Give a Damn or What?

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Soren and Weiss discuss the Youth of Today, most notably with a drunk Floyd Robertson. Starring Eugene Levy, Martin Short, and Joe Flaherty.

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  1. I have to wonder if Levy regrets some of this now. Well, that’s true of any comic, really, right? Time rolls on, culture changes, the things you used to joke bout are now off limits. I’m not making a moral point or some kind of social statement, I absolutely adore all of these guys and SCTV pretty much built my sense of humor. But, you know, every comedian is gonna end up doing something that ages badly sooner or later. I do wonder if Levy doing Schitt’s Creek cringed a bit at the memory of this. Or if, y’now, Joe Flahrety kinda cringes whenever someone brings up Black Like Vic. (Which probably doesn’t come up all that often) or if Dave Thomas hopes no one remembers Lin Ye Tang.

  2. I really get tired of these "kids these days" type sketches.

    Its so overblown and projective. I find its the elders whom really dont care about thibgs as much and wanna revive their generational heyday.

    Adults have more individual power to do as they please amd expect the youth to still be innocent and idealistic.

  3. This sketch is an anomoly. I've never seen other SCTV sketches that use outside actors so much. That guidance counselor spoke a lot considering he wasn't part of the cast. The principal spoke a lot too. I wonder what was going on. Besides, who are those people? Did they do any other acting?

  4. Now we have negative groups like antifa, blm, trump extremists, anti-trump extremists, stop the oil, anti-capitalists, trans activists, child groomers in school, maps, vegans, skin heads…
    at least the animal rights people have changed, they've gone from violence, like splashing blood on people, to making cute kitten channels like The Dodo.

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