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Someone Punched Rick Moranis In The Face

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So it seems like people feeling like fighting recently. In these time
yeah hello and welcome to
inflammatory talk we’re not live yet
we are live i’m sorry
oh we are live okay sorry okay yeah so
yeah rick moranis was punching
douchebag rick mourinho
punched in the face yes
this is the name of the show debbie
someone punched rick moranis in the face
really but did he have it coming
well you know that’s what i want to know
was he invited
was this an open invitation or was this
um a surprise attack did you see the
video joey
no there’s a video there is a video
punched in the face oh i’m gonna post it
in a second okay hold on
yeah i’m gonna watch this now yeah so
rick moran
it was a black man so could it have been
like an angry black man racial vendetta
of punching him in the face because he’s
and jewish by the way but uh
he’s greek i didn’t know he was also
jewish uh brian can you send me that
video because i can’t find it
hold on a second i’ll tweet it to you
i bet i can find it i don’t know how to
find it
it’s not on youtube it’s on twitter oh
let’s go to twitter
[Music] last name blow daley
on rick moranis attack i already found
okay here we go 10 hours to go do you
want to see
of course brian how dare you
there it is okay i’m gonna play it
it’s it’s short it’s only 25 seconds
yeah it’s only
so here he is walking here here’s a
walking black guy
he’s a black man he’s a black man
oh no he’s chocolate
oh that was just him that was the
suspect okay
so there’s gotta be a video there’s a
video of him again if about him punching
rick moranis
this is what he looks like
rick maria is 67 years old now are you
sure this guy’s
black what the guy that
uh that’s what it seems to be maybe
it could be right now colin flaherty
does have uh uh you know
has written like two books about racial
hostility against
uh whites and uh
this is something that uh happened i
shrunk the kids
i just steps up
what police say was a random attack that
was caught by secured
suspect cs 2’s jenna deangelis reports
a morning walk in your central park
ended with a man getting sucker punched
in the head
knocked out attack hacker ironically
wearing an isle of new york sweatshirt
casually walks off it turns out 67 year
old’s victim
is actor and comedian rick moranis known
for his roles in honey hashtag kids
little shop of cars and ghostbusters are
you the gatekeeper
scenes from this movie shot around the
park coincidentally near where police
say this
random thursday morning attack took
place at 70th and central park west
you’ll be looking over your shoulder a
lot more often i’m worried about
the fact that everybody’s troubled and
they’re so troubled
there’s more crime this woman lives in
the same building as miranda’s
leaving him a node i said i was really
sorry did he hear about it
we were on the board the other
i think colin flaherty uh needs to do a
thing on this segment because
you know like i said and it could you
know i think the question is
debbie’s first funny joke of 2020. he’s
awesome follow me
we only have to wait till 2021 for it to
happen again
um but uh yeah so we
you know i i wonder if it is is it too
politically incorrect
to uh point out the fact that this the
the person who punched him could have
a case of the racial vendettas against
white people
he’s a person with deep seated racism
debbie you know what if we went out for
a steak dinner you know what i would get
i would get you a glass of water and i
would like put a napkin under it
yeah that’s right i go into a coffee
shop and i get her
you know uh a glass i asked her if she
wants a glass of water and a little bit
of piece of class i put it
shut up brian oh my god
where the hell is that guy man i missed
that son of a [ __ ] well y’all ran him off not me you know
what i used to hate his guts and i
thought he was
such a such a piece of crap
but uh then i grew to like him and
actually i really couldn’t like it more
when i would hear him on the drs show
and people would threaten him
oh that’s good
i’m gonna see if i can find that real
quick go ahead yes find it
please and then he would begin to agree
with me
because he was kind of conservative and
he saw how uh
just uh uh you know off-hinge some of
these uh
race hustlers are and he would be on the
trs show
it’s kind of funny
i think i found it i think found it
okay here we go here comes miss um
jewish producer
good stuff right okay this audio
i mean i can play it i just have to hang
up my um
my sound board real quick can you do
that it’s great stuff though
i could hear yours pretty good when you
were playing that video so
here it comes okay here we go
oh this is a new one
this is called seeking a black
partner with mystery called with ask mr
here we go here we i’m going to send you
the link joe
jp all right all right here it comes
this ought to be good too this guy’s a
riot guys you gotta trust
carbon radio when seeking a black
partner asked mr
solution we’re waiting on beta
yeah it was called trs and then it was
also called carbon radio
yes yeah i gave it to jp it’s in the
chair everyone
oh scored oh i was looking in the
private okay
let me go to it yes
all right for those of you that don’t
know mr solution was a very
prim and proper african-american man he
spoke like
hello debbie i’m glad to see you again
and he was just very
he hated mr smith’s that movie
[Music] radio where do i go here we go in your
or in one’s immediate family you you
have to meet these people
they’re strangers so how do men
and women meet and 21st century modern
america well it’s him that’s him that’s
it occurs with great difficulty and
uh yeah this is mr solution uh
talking about how to meet people from
disastrous results
and i’m disastrous results in that
people oftentimes
don’t meet i have a little story to
uh that that proposed that occurred to
me just yesterday
it was just it was it was amazing now
possibly it can be rectified
and i’ll tell you i’ll tell you about
that in a moment but
at any rate uh we’re talking about
something that is a little bit
oxymoronic it should be really
easy for men and women to talk to each
uh to uh develop a compatible
common ground or develop compatibility
and uh you know come together on common
but it just seems like our society
really keeps us apart and and and that’s
a horrible thing our men and women are
you know created for each other we need
each other
he was saying this five years ago
imagine what he’s saying now
we need to connect we need to socialize
we need to
build and this is men and women uh of
all ethnicities i mean all men and women
need to do this
and certainly it affects or impacts some
groups worse than it does
others and uh so we just need to talk
about the particulars of
ice breaking meeting each other how how
is it done
uh how can we improve upon it
and uh those and things of that nature
uh i take and everyone will be on that
we’ll be on the 92nd rule today
as well but you don’t have to be though
mr solution back we’ll be on
the callers will be on the 90 seconds we
can’t hold them up for longer in the 90
seconds i’m just saying because we’ve
[Laughter] [Music] does this bring up memories brian when
you have conversations with that dude
well i used to have conversations with
both yeah both of these guys
mr solution and uh is that poverty
supreme brian
and now but now he goes by the name good
you know just basically we need to um
we need to prioritize relationships
not acting or communication we need to
prioritize communication
and i would say the fundamental uh
of a relationship would be
communication effective meaningful
but it must be prioritized because we
see it’s not just happening by osmosis
it’s not just happening
on its own so we’re going to have to
blend it in
we’re going to have to work it in now
i’m going to say something i don’t mind
being controversial at all
uh if it’s if it’s accurate women have
the most power
in ships they have the most power for a
number of reasons
uh women have the most power at startup
and they have the most power during a
relationship because generally
men want to please women that’s just the
most men have been socialized
so on and so forth so women have the
greatest power
now there’s a guy i don’t you know i’ll
quote him because
you know we’re kind of we’re not huge on
block talk radio so
most of us know each other or know of
each other
but i stated some of these principles
one night on all facts show
and he made the point he says if women
initiate conversation with men
that makes it too easy and i said all
you seem a little bit sane up until that
and he was i said why should it be
difficult to communicate with each other
and you know of course he couldn’t
answer that he just kind of laughed it
off because when you really
expose some questions the uh
both the stator of the question and the
listeners see the silliness
of it why should meeting a woman
or a woman meeting a man be
inherently difficult that makes no sense
that’s like it’s difficult to get in
your car is it difficult to
go in the store it just doesn’t make it
so meeting each other should be really
and what happens is uh we put the
emphasis in my humble opinion in the
wrong place
the emphasis between a man and a woman
should be on the
uh content of the conversation
not getting the conversation started
but the content of the conversation
and if we make it difficult to have the
guess what we never have the
we end up just creating these obstacles
to ourselves which most men and women
are very very good at
and so what we need to do is just uh
throttle it down
you know a couple octave and just learn
to talk to each other and
my advice to women if they want to be
with a man
with a quality man they need to learn
and they need to like i like to say
increase their male
iq and they need to talk to men and
just talk to random men men are okay
they’re all right just learn to talk to
them step
outside of your comfort zone which
usually hasn’t worked
and just start talking to men now men
who have a problem with that
just leave them alone leave them unto
because you know to me that’s a
breakdown in understanding if you have a
with someone just just approaching you
an attempt
and and attempting to socialize so
that’s a problem
and we can talk about the implications
of that low self-esteem
uh maybe a controlling attitude both
which equal
a a manifest dysfunctionality
so we can certainly talk about that but
i say to women
all the time i explain hey man this is
the kind of guy if you ask me what time
it is he’ll tell you how to build a
[ __ ] clock
oh he will go on and on and on talk
your ass off
i think this uh this show is a good
go forward go forward see you to see if
a caller calls in do it go forward
it’s a four-hour show
abroad in it but you know specifically
within the black community all right
let’s go back to a second
well being gay to go next then there’s
nobody after i’m gonna save this female
for a lot
and i’m gonna let mrs solutions go a bit
and then you know we’ll stop him at a
certain point
um you know [ __ ] is he saying
uh wow that is a thick ass uh
oh yeah yeah now no you gotta understand
if you ain’t got a wife and the reason
why i said what i said earlier when
about i’ve been
supported by females i’m just saying
that if a female what yeah can i think
when i repent
you just cut me off here they go here
they go
you know what i was going to say is that
we live in an opposed modern society
you have a breakdown within the the
fabric of society whereas though they
took the woman out the house
and she has to work you know i’m saying
now she had received and down i’m doing
you know we could broaden it but you
know specifically within the black
you know um with those the woman you
she’s um becoming more successful she’s
uh going to uh college at a higher rate
than uh her black male counterpart
she’s receiving a sufficient income all
right and this is where you have the
hearing and i let me just ask
you this big jake do you think a sign of
you define what weakness in men uh
is uh is a sign of strength speaking
your mind
just as you did in your opinion
this call is called speaking my mind and
common sense and love the logic and
don’t let it don’t and
there’s something some craziness come in
there is the problem
in order to key man with testosterone
but um to try to pinpoint say who should
who should who shouldn’t i think we’re
going beyond
beyond what nature has designed us to do
um we need to get away from some of the
idiocracy of
and and the baggage that we carry when
we try to communicate to one another we
need to get back to
scoring humans about ourselves
this is pretty true though uh
no you know you got to pick up remember
we’ll bring no communication as a
solution what i’m saying for you is that
you know
a woman has a way but he’s not saying
that way
that’s what i’m saying so what happens
is wow
the thing of it is this is a four-hour
show damn they go
on and on and on
criticize or tear down
is doing the advice tonight i was gonna
say well he’s a real jackass
i mean a jack-of-all-trades but anyway
to get the maximum acceptance from you
be very friendly not aggressive
not um demanding
um basically
in half and had he has to has a job
you say what yeah this is the same
but yeah in all seriousness how do you
like to be approached by a man
to make you just melt at his charm
you got to have a balance of friendly
but manly at the same time
and i’m going to kiss me
and then we’re going to move on
somewhere else go and check me
solution yeah i promised my thought
i think i needed a subject
yeah i kind of forgot my thought process
but i guess i could you know i feel but
i can um
speak from experience um having 19 years
a marriage 11 year old son um
and at the game a while you know
you still keep your car oh wow
guys i’ve broken this is where i think
mr solutions is coming from
when he’s saying that while females
should make more so he knows who you are
he knows that you like me he knows his
traits basically
females know what men like her and what
men don’t
you see what i’m trying to say but all
right we’re gonna bore everyone to tears
yeah it’s boring many tears let’s let’s
fast forward a little bit joey
all right the two-hour leave a very
sensitive part
if you want but the truth is the truth
people who get married don’t don’t um go
into america
they do like you they won’t pretend that
they don’t
in america a woman can like you and
she’ll pretend that she doesn’t
exactly that’s immaturity
right even females do that
in the uk
based on the feminist movement and based
the way most men women act now this
would help this would actually help
women be better
partners if they would understand what
have to go through in dealing with them
um uh it’s it’s estimated
that that you need to lose some baggage
that’s what it sounds like to me
hold on a minute you need to lose your
it’s been estimated that only about 10
of of women in america make good
girlfriend and good wife material now if
you’re one of the lucky men
to find a woman like that more power to
but let’s not act like there are a lot
of just
wonderful women out there because there
okay yeah excellent excellent a good
woman is a woman who
is supportive of her man she is
emotionally available she doesn’t have
all these stalkers
because a lot of women are dangerous you
hear of a lot of men
getting hurt and killed because of these
men that this woman had chosen that are
after her and a woman needs to let let a
man know
and vice versa if a man has crazy women
chasing him
he should let a potential partner know
that but i’m just saying
if you look at the available pool of
and this is even if the man approaches
he does all of that traditional stuff
a lot of women are still not
um you know in a position to be a good
girlfriend or a good wife a lot of them
are selfish
they will you know put the man through
um stress
because they really don’t care about men
a lot of women
a lot of women do not care about men and
that’s a problem
are you telling me that you make your
judgment that you
you might not want to deal with the
females from the united states based on
and does this include white women and
asian women and all of that
or is that just talking about black
women no no no i’m just talking about
women when i usually look
obviously there are things that you can
attach to different groups
but i don’t care if a woman is a good
woman and i think this is true with most
who are sane and mature if a woman has
attributes she’s supportive she’s
emotionally available
she she has she has this respectfulness
about herself she is respectable
a man will spend time with that woman
and try and get to know her
but if she’s selfish is going out to
four and five star restaurants
and uh buying her stuff all the time is
the relationship
is all about her which many times it is
then of course a lot of men don’t
buy into that
can you hear me
jackie’s jackie’s jackie
it is hi i i want to um
something that i was saying earlier i
think sister
she met some really good examples about
people men and women being broken
and not trying to fix the problems
within themselves but they want to get
into the relationship
and we got this thing now where people
think that somebody’s supposed to accept
their flaws when they get in a
flawless i’m not accepting your vlog
when you come to me
that’s correct
[ __ ] muzzle that dog
i gotta accept this because there’s
nothing else out there you know you
don’t have to accept people’s laws
you don’t that’s what you’re doing but
jackie how do you forget about your
previous relationship
until you get undefined coming to fill
that void
you see what i’m saying because i’m
gonna tell you
my previous relationship supreme i was
married for 10 years
i was very supportive of my husband
and this leader was lost i followed him
around for 10 years
helping him pursue his death in our
to this man i supported him
for 10 years and he was going nowhere we
got to win that we have to
to make sure that we make a good
decision and we are not submitting
because [ __ ] does going nowhere and
that’s what i said
that means but for both people and it’s
just like when he said about uh
this is this woman in a relationship you
make it all about her and it’s gonna
be about her that’s because that’s how
you start it off you
can’t change it then if you started off
making it all about her then that’s how
she’s gonna take it
and when it’s not all about her no more
which is something that you did
then she’s gonna go to somebody else
that makes her feel how she wanna feel
if you made jackie would you take a man
on a first date
yeah i agree with you by the way what
you said previously i agree with you
i would only ask you why you selected
that man in the first place
but anyway moving past that dealer
and he was a dream and we was making
i’m sorry i didn’t hear that jesus
in the first place because i was a drug
dealer and he was a drug dealer
yeah he fell in love
and then when that started the
relationship was over
a drug dealer so that was respected
okay everybody listen i wanna and uh
engage in that conversation that you
guys have but first let me address mr
on something that he said earlier now
earlier he was saying
you know women want this and this is
what women want to women choose these
type of men and blah blah blah
mr solutions let me just say this to you
if you really need to stop speaking on
behalf of females okay stop speaking on
behalf of women
you don’t have a vagina you don’t have
you know you don’t have a you don’t have
any of that stuff
so um you don’t know how we think you
don’t know our passions and you don’t
know our thoughts
all right so when you say stuff like
well women they they want
this type of guy they want that type of
guy they all these women they want bad
guys let me tell you something for every
one woman that wants a so-called bad
guys there are 10 women
that want a great guy with good
you know what i’m saying
and i’m almost finished i’m just about
done okay
okay wonderful woman
okay so um there are millions and
millions of women
in this united states with different
tastes different personalities
different preferences and choices so
please please stop
trying to be the spokesperson for the
american woman
just stop it okay don’t you don’t know
what we can let me respond to you you
don’t date those women so you don’t know
what you’re talking about
well no no you said this is what women
want if you would have said
what i’m saying is maybe you need to
change the verbiage
then because you said this is what women
women want this type of man women want
that type of man
you’re not a woman you don’t have a
cooch you don’t have breasts you don’t
what we want you can say that you you
noticed something you can say oh i went
to a bar and i saw x
y and z so or i was in a relationship
with somebody and this girl did me so
bad so it’s my impression that all of
them are back
you can talk about your own personal
you can talk about a relationship that
you’re you were in
but you can’t say this is what women
want women want this type of guy
women want that type of guy all these
women x y and z
that’s when you were wrong for what you
said now maybe you need to change the
verb like i said maybe you need to
change the verb
a little bit but you can’t say what what
you think we want because
when we do it we get we get in that and
that’s why i stopped doing it
okay i’ve caught myself because guys
tell us
you’re always telling me what they want
you’re always telling me you’re only
speaking for me
you women need to shut the hell up blah
blah blah that we’re told this on this
show a lot
from some men not all but men tell us
always telling you guys what y’all think
so i’m just saying have you finished it
seems like you have you’re there’s a
pregnant pause
look i don’t know what i’m talking about
and just like i would ask you this i
i date women so i and i listen to women
talk about women i listen to me and talk
about women
so i do know what i’m talking about but
allow me to ask you this question
do you initiate uh communication with
with men
first of all do you want a good man are
you single and
do you want a man well well here here’s
a it depends on the situation if you’re
talking about this without a it’s right
you know i’m going to ask you a question
i’m going to answer your question god
it depends on the situation if we’re at
the gym or something like
that somebody looks over at me and i say
hey how you doing he’ll say hi
it depends on the situation if i’m in a
dark alley
and somebody’s walking up there don’t be
silly i didn’t ask you that
now would you pay for a man
i have never said that anybody should
meet anybody in a dark alley that’s a
red herring and i know that i
i’m you know what i’m i’m just making a
point sometimes i use humor
i’m okay all right all right okay can
you i see i see where this is going
and i see that i can’t have a dialogue
with you so i’m just going to pause
i’m going to pass the mic to the next
person okay
hyperbolic statements like that no one
suggests that you meet anyone in a dark
alley that’s absurd
okay got it next next
question if she throws that out that’s
absurd but a woman is wrong because she
automatically accept a man off the
street that says hi to her
to me that’s absurd because no one asked
anybody to meet
anybody in a dark alley did you hear
what she said
you didn’t let me finish i was making i
was making a point but you got so
angry and you kept trying to talk over
me you wouldn’t let me finish
so i i i see i can’t have like i said i
can’t have a dialogue with you i don’t
know what is wrong with you
something is wrong in your head i can’t
limit the ladies were quiet when you
were saying i’m sorry this is so good
when you were saying you know let me
watch this wonder what that the woman
didn’t say anything they were quiet
nobody talked over you nobody screamed
nobody raised their voice so give the
same respect to everybody
else you don’t agree let the person
then when they’re done then you can go
ahead and say something
okay all right next person
geez oh thank you for that
big j big j wants to go go big j all
right let’s see what big j has to say
i would like to add a list of solutions
uh a question here now now
how do you grow up growing up to a woman
i mean i mean i ain’t coming out now
i’ll come out
come out when you was like 1920 uh
before before you turned
before you got you know uh before you
before you turned like 30.
how how did you approach approach with
women and let me say something somebody
said something said though
that you that you married no hold on two
to the lady who married the journalic
dealer that’s that is what you expect i
was going to have to anybody
that you know why you mad man when you
when you were doing it wait a minute
before you
and that was about 20 years ago if you
look out in the world right now
these kids at the same age i was back
then is doing the same thing and
following the same [ __ ] so you can’t pass your judgment you
can’t probably judge that
on me
she was just using it as an example she
was just speaking on it not that she
your opinion of it or anything okay
i’m sorry i’m sorry dude i’m sorry i’m
sorry about time to
just drive uh judgment
so what reason do you have to accept
that as a man
you know what you come from emotional
issues going on i don’t have that in my
life and if i deal with you
it might spill over and you get some
[ __ ] and check first and then we can
date or whatever you can say that to
right right well the thing is you know
we learn as we get older
i i think i know much more of what i
uh than i did then and i think that’s
true with most of us
as we age a little bit but uh i’m just
having a conversation
and earlier jack you weren’t here but
the conversation revolved around
first of all recognizing the
communication breakdown between men and
and a lot of people here on this line
are in denial that there’s a problem
and that’s why i told supreme that if
the people don’t acknowledge there’s a
in communication between men and women
well they are going to try to fix it
they’re going to defend their position
they’re going to attack
all right did everybody leave
i think everyone left i was like oh [ __ ] oh you’re here okay
even brian left i’m here i’m here
i was listening okay do you want me to
keep playing it
you know why don’t we keep playing a
little bit uh maybe we can uh hopefully
we can see some more
we’re almost through it i’ll tell you
this though the best one was when mr
solution was uh trying to talk uh
to uh to talk real solutions that is
still the most classic
is debbie still online has she gone away
i think she went to bed good night
debbie what’s that
what do you want to do
a little bit good good chat good shot
i heard you say that and i heard you
bring up
um playing games too and the game the
woman plays this i’m gonna
play this game to try and get him
interested in me and
only me in the game the man plays is i’m
gonna try and get her interested in me
and i’m gonna try and get her interested
in me
and i’m gonna try and get her interested
in me and her and her
that’s the communication breakdown yeah
right but i think what we were trying to
do at least supreme and i
is just increase the necessary
between men and women just give some
ideas and one of the points i made
is because a woman is not held to the
same standards as a man
it’s easier for a woman to access a man
it’s easier for her to open a
conversation with him
she doesn’t have to have uh how do we
say a line
she can just say hi how are you and just
engage in a polite conversation
and so that’s what we’re saying is
because as you increase your circle
of individuals whereas you have a pool
of individuals that you can engage
friendly conversation with you improve
the odds of
ultimately finding and that you’re
compatible with
so we just want men and women to talk
and be friendly with each other that’s
but i feel that you’re being lazy by
saying well women should
you know that’s all amazing
or what
she was giving
i’m i’m glad it broke through but see
what supreme is saying if a woman is
playing hard to get let me tell you
if you notice the pronunciation of a
word i use this
all the time if you put the accent in
the wrong place you pronounce the word
the wrong
way okay now with women and men
the emphasis should be on the
not being hard to get because that’s the
silly game that doesn’t advance the ball
and doesn’t lead any one of them to
except wasting their time a woman being
why you can’t be playing mr solution
say i said why the word can’t be playing
why it gotta be the hard to get part why
it can’t be playing
i mean if i approach you and you playing
games i mean what obligation am i under
to approach you again
huh well right that’s what the supreme
used that word
i just used the word hard to get because
he said the woman was
was playing hard to get what i said guy
jackie not long ago
i said he said well if the woman talks
to the man see people are scared of men
and women
being together a lot of people are
threatened by that
he said to me the gentleman said to me
if the woman
talks to the man then that’s too easy
and i say what the hell is too easy
what is that and the person obviously
saw the ridiculousness of having made
that statement
and they just kind of backed down now
that was all facts and
and and i like all facts to some degree
i heard you saying that earlier can i
give you one example
of that i got a co-worker here
and i’m really outgoing and i’m
flirtatious and i smile and greet
everybody and she
she is the um they call her the [ __ ] now this is just how it is in in america
she still likes getting one we’re both
she’s the light skin one on the dark new
one and then they they just
automatically got to the license one and
they always talking to her and and she’s
just all
attitude and you know and and and they
and i watch this and i laugh
and they constantly try and try and try
and they get the same response
and i always think to myself why the
hell y’all keep bothering her y’all know
what y’all
and then after six seven eight nine
times because men
they can’t i don’t know what the [ __ ] it
is about rejection they don’t like it
she’s saying no i don’t like you and i
guess he’s taking it that she’s
playing hard to get but she’s not
playing she’s serious i don’t like you
get out my face
don’t say hi to me if i want to speak
i’ll speak to you
nick stop playing hard to get
just mute them quickly do you see mr
the breakdown in communication
that probably turned down x amount of
times but he keeps thinking that she’s
playing games with it
you see what i’m saying
see what i’m saying rick moranis got
punched in the face
this is the break down in in
where you speaking with me surprisingly
the reaction that she start getting from
people and this is the part i don’t like
now she takes on my personality and she
acts just like me
now they nice to her
the first time it is not sometimes every
time somebody say hi to you
sometimes they are not trying to get
with you they’re just probably just
a little bit if there’s not a sale
nothing nothing
follows if there’s no contact nothing
and there’s nothing and i say submit to
absolutely nothing i study public policy
and there’s nothing that would prevent a
mature adult twenty percent
american woman from initiating a
friendly conversation with the man but
far too
many women don’t do that and they hide
behind well i’m traditional
well i’m old-fashioned which is all
[ __ ] and i dismantled that every
even a woman 60 years all can’t use that
because generally she’s not
old-fashioned am i coming
and so um if women
don’t like to be if they don’t like
okay fine then don’t look like a
like you’ve been weaned on a lemon when
a man approaches you
for your point why can’t you be a woman
and woman up and just say what you want
and and go after it
why would you do this there’s two
reasons for that
number one business it might not be your
business that i want that man and not
you know i might want to keep you on the
back burner i think they call that a far
back these days
i might want to look at the farm he
never comes
so i don’t want to i don’t want to just
cut you out like that it could be that
but you know jackie you are funny you’re
because that’s
you shouldn’t be doing this don’t make a
difference listen it don’t make a
difference what it is or who you are
if somebody is treating you in a way
that you don’t want to be treated or the
[ __ ] is going nowhere
you can’t say to that person you owe me
uh truth or you owe me to treat me this
way the only thing you can say is
you’re not treating me right i’m out
be honest how many times have you been
out of your way for a woman
when you take the
stuff only you answered that one
i hear feedback and i thought somebody
was talking i’m sorry
here’s my answer i would really like
if someone could just be honest and say
listen i find you
or whatever whatever whatever he really
whatever is not
his line but if he just says listen i
find you attractive
you know xyz you know however your game
is and say listen
you know i would like to be with you it
just depends you may catch me at a great
time i may say oh no i’m not interested
or you may catch me in a freaking move
but at least i know where you’re coming
you know what i’m saying but don’t play
games with me just don’t
just actually don’t even be bothered at
all that’s what i would prefer if you
just don’t if you if you just don’t even
be bothered at all
but i would prefer like i know someone
will say oh no hell no i wouldn’t want
to say that to me but i would want you
to at least at least give me the
opportunity to say yes or no
let me give you the opportunity to say
oh no i’m not interested
at least give me the opportunity to say
no i’m not interested no i’m or
you never know if you guys come at a
woman like that especially if you come
a little bit of class she may say okay
that’s all i want to i just want to get
mine off too
or she may say oh hell to the no but at
least be honest with the woman and give
her that option instead of
buying lunches and buying lunches and
buying lunches and then when you think
you’re not getting
you get mad pissed off now you’re mad at
all women
you see what i’m saying no no no no it’s
just today ain’t going to work
but man does that that
maybe a library at your work
that would be your best some females
don’t want to deal with workmates but
those are probably your bet the best
um you know the best thing that you can
find to a partner based on the fact that
you see them and you
interact with them every day
can you hear me
eating someone at work for a man who
likes his job that’s
deadly i mean i’ve seen this happen
really uh
many a time uh eeoc regulations are very
strong a woman can go to hr
and turn you in and they’ll actually
fire you or punish you because they
don’t want to risk a lawsuit
this is true this this happened to me
i don’t know if that’s ever uh been
something anyone’s dealt with
they say uh don’t don’t [ __ ] where you
eat and uh
yeah the workplace idea is a very
very difficult one all right brian i’m
done with this man
i’m done with you i’m done with this as
well uh
jamal x already jamal x
i wonder if if you’ll ever join our uh
join our show
uh uh i i could uh uh see if you know
what man
i’m gonna you know what come on
let me uh and i think he dtm
girl after getting electrocuted i’m
going to send
him some here this is in the stream mark
i wonder if he can click on it
[Laughter] i’ve been one of my he’s one of the fans
of our show
a violent uh a violent person by the way
and uh actually i don’t think this works
oh it’s from all x’s here
jamal x is here i see
i put him in the stream yard but i don’t
think we played this for a reason
this is um a couple of guys that you
used to have
very lengthy conversations with oh yeah
yeah i was uh when i had my no white
guilt show
uh a lot of these individuals would show
up in particular mr solutions and
poverty supreme
a british man would uh shut up
[Laughter] he got caught in a loop
you just yeah anyways so yeah so
mr solution in my view used to
basically clean the floors with you i
there was a time when i i was worried
for your sanity
because he would just pile drive you and
at some point it was almost like
watching rocky and you started smashing
at him
and and then all of a sudden you were in
like kind of cruise control for a while
with with the way the shows were going
and around that time uh our shows
just got completely taken down
yeah yeah yeah bad decisions
on our part i don’t know
yeah you’re right on that anyway let’s
call it a day joe
rick marie punched in the head yes he
not a good thing and uh
we would um reminiscing about mr
what did the assailant look like
well he looked he didn’t look like jamal
x but he was a black man
you could even call in right now so we
have the number posted there
and i can tell him why i believe that
encroachment uh should follow should
people should be able to use lethal
force to stop encroachment
i believe in that by the way i believe
that a person who’s encroached upon
and acted in someone who’s acting
uh only a slave would not uh use every
methods at their uh at their disposal to
stop that but there are violent acts
that happen
um typically because this
is a news story that come came off of
mainstream newswire yeah
i’m not so sure uh but we did hear a
story earlier tonight
that was real
and it was uh and it was bizarre but
i guess you know happened you never you
know things happen
i try to avoid violence but i have my
and you know there’s some people like
some of these individuals out there i i
wouldn’t want to meet without armed
and and i’d want to be armed myself by
the way
and uh yeah
all right anything else i think that’ll
do it hey like and subscribe i know the
show is a little bit long a little
but uh we do say some i think we’d say
some interesting things here
hopefully we can get some interest we’ll
be able to get some interesting guests
over time
and we can talk about a number of issues
and a number of topics
uh we’re for freedom of speech freedom
of expression
um self-defense for those
at least not for uh self-defense in an
extreme way
at those who want to violate freedom of
speech and freedom of expression
i think uh citizens should have the
to use extreme uh measures to uh defend
against things like encroachment uh
and uh violent acts uh and there’s
someone takes a swing at you you have
you should have the right to respond
um everything is on the table
after that so that’s just my opinion
anyway uh i don’t think he’s going to
call in but
thoroughly disagree apocalypse you i
give you the last
word uh visit the website yes
best website around best
our website is coming up and like i said
freedom of
freedom of expression uh hopefully we
can have some juicy delicious debates
and come to uh clarity
not necessarily understanding we are a
very divided nation in really a divided
world right now and uh i think that
hardcore brutal honesty is
necessary so yeah
there we go thank you
that’s it good night

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