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Sorry there’s no Rick Moranis

Consume the YouTube video “Sorry there’s no Rick Moranis” including hundreds of other videos presenting the famed pop culture characters of Doug and Bob McKenzie.

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all right
and we’re live
what’d you say and we’re live and my mic
is hot as [ __ ] let me turn it down there we go
there’s already food on the grill
you get here sorry here
yeah right here wow
[Applause] my old heart can’t handle it I think I
I need a roly-poly part to fix my chest
oh I don’t know if we have any
might be if it’s okay with you that
might first things first
[Music] I’m heading over there
[Music] oh
one of the ones from the leaf
that one’s where the trampoline is yeah
that was
I say for some reason you know because I
you know thanks to ADHD my memory is
either really good or really shitty
um it depends on the day or the moment
so I was like how interested you there’s
that too also the thing that sucks is I
can be extremely interested
like um like I am in The Punisher series
on Netflix that I’ve started five times
and never finished
um either way
so yeah I was going to the one we used
like a dozen times left
[Music] oh I’m doing that right now
[ __ ] ass ladybug
ladybugs are not all seen surprisingly
not terrible
right it’s the the ones that have spots
are the males right I think so it’s kind
of like yeah it’s kind of like ducks and
peacocks right like the pretty ones are
the right nails
where like the orange you know looks
like this side of this Juice Box color
or the like female
those weird like
Browns colors as opposed to humans where
we our women are
gorgeous and our men look like [ __ ] maybe I’m just speaking for personal
experience because I look like
I don’t know man I think there’s more
gay guys than there’s lesbians
you’re you know that’s you’re probably
but I will say this most gay men that I
have done a lot of lot better job of
grooming and I would say look prettier
than most
well yeah of course
[Music] roly-polies what we’re doing right I
there’s a ladybug on that fence line
The larva
I’m shooting at him
he’s halfway done
that ladybugs coming towards you
how are you I thought she was probably
[Music] there’s a rhino bug he’s pissed at me
I’m coming
I mean we’ll probably have to kill this
rhino first because that the roly-polies
are behind him
[Music] hey I’ll
[Music] drop it
at that point screaming on
people who have moved on to like VR
I’ll have to learn how to do that
[ __ ] [ __ ] what are you doing I fell right in
front of the spider yeah the monster
spider like literally right in front of
him yeah
don’t worry I’m killing this beetles I’m
trying to come help you there’s this
spider you sure don’t want to let me
[Music] oh no oh that worked
let’s see the Rollie Polly off in the
I’m not having any luck climbing this
[Music] don’t worry I killed him
but there’s a ladybug
[Music] leave me alone yeah kill it
I’m gonna try
oh I know what to do
oh I forgot we had magic wands
they’re taking her house down yeah it’s
pretty quick it’s the same type oh
just give me a hand
hang tight
it’s not gonna happen
all right I’ve got your Hoops
[ __ ] second that was amazing oh and I
got the book God damn it I’m a hero that
was amazing
I was like [ __ ] it I’m going for it you
know what I’m done the gold star Adrian
wins this stream
oh my god dude
I thought we’re about dead right there
after all the booked all that food for
us and then I left it on the [ __ ] wicket
you need something
here do I have
yeah I do
come to me
[Music] well first up let’s get back up here so
let’s work on that real quick before we
um there’s a leaf right here
actually we can get on the thorny thing
here with this guy this this one
yeah you know
um and then God damn it I can’t see [ __ ] and then right in front of me I’m
dropping this food
it’s at the it’s at the bottom of the
plant here I don’t know where you’re at
down here
you see it
do you see it
oh my gosh all I could see was yeah
[ __ ] you [ __ ] you leave me alone
I didn’t do anything
ladybugs are [ __ ] dude [ __ ] with them
let’s go kill this
oh [ __ ] that was scary
oh yeah I’m kind of hoping they start
fighting and chilling a little bit
oh [ __ ] [ __ ] ladybug
help me out
I mean this is probably what I’ve got
you Hoops let me in coach
oh come on
oh [ __ ] really that’s it
all right let’s sleep off the night at
this oh I don’t even know where my
response is oh yeah sir I set my respawn
I think no I didn’t I thought I did
I am I’m here just sleep just sleep
where you’re at and just come over this
[Music] get some fries no I mean I didn’t either
can’t eat that [ __ ] into
I really wanted to because I’m always
like down for free
but I’m being really strict on my
[Applause] okay no way no how about to be filming
more and I’m like I don’t want to look
like a [ __ ] gross ass piece of [ __ ] same same
you get away with a little more than I
can right now you’re looking good
shouldn’t compare yourself to anybody
that you said it in a way against
yourself regardless of how you phrase
now I meant you could I was just saying
you can afford the fries today
I’m not gonna do anything uh drastic
I mean really the the Vegas in
California trip and really put some
poundage back on me
but feeling pretty good today like I’m
back down to uh 173 again which is good
all that good stuff but
just trying to take that fat content
down too you know
which is nice like this uh I’m wearing
one of those wine shirts that I bought
which was a [ __ ] just just just a hair
snug you know what I mean the [ __ ] what happened
uh monster spiders on the side we want
to be on
maybe we can pit them against each other
you because I don’t want to [ __ ] with it
right now by myself
we’ll come over come down here I passed
I’m heading towards my backpack really
oh he is here yeah
he’s on the side we need to be on I
thought you mean he was where you were
that’s right come get me come on come on
Big Boy
come to Daddy yeah there’s a roly-poly
here I’m trying to cut him too
come here you wolf piece of [ __ ] oh
come on [ __ ] with that real early pulley
oh the wolf spider
okay he jumped up here somehow
what is that oh okay the wolf spider has
attacked the roly-poly now
I’m at this roly-poly and wolf spider
come get me
uh I’m trying to kill this [ __ ] [Music] oh yeah this little spider’s helping a
lot with this
come on come on
there we go we got a free roly-poly out
of that yeah
I’m heading back to see you okay
[Music] three
where are you heading
towards the little Base by the juice box
we have a viewer hello viewer
welcome I’m panicking okay okay
most important story Thursday night
where are you at oh you’re by at the
actual base
the most important stream of your life
all right
uh here you go
there’s a bunch of it pick it up
everywhere from around here
I just need the one
be a real big pain in me
[Music] oh my [ __ ] still anymore no I got all the roly-poly
oh there should be some at the base here
eat this piece of meat and let’s go back
to the base
I have a lot of
oh okay
skip that one for
you if you need anything let me know
word word
I have been speaking of of losing weight
um I this one guy I like to watch I’m
gonna send you some
um on YouTube he’s one of those you know
personal trainers that likes to share
stuff for free and hope that that’ll let
encourage you to buy his programs
sure I mean I’ve thought about because
I’ve learned a lot from
um yeah
so I mean that idea works but yeah he
recently posted a video
or he talked he talks about like
your body as it loses weight comes
especially as it loses weight and builds
lean mass
it becomes more efficient and so it
becomes more efficient means you either
need to start moving even more
yes or you need to start eating less
like those are the two your two options
and so I would argue that the second
one’s kind of a really terrible idea but
yeah you know no no yeah that’s
really lean on he was like those are
your two options and this is the best
option you know kind of yeah at least
what I got from it
so I upped my my steps that’s why I
started walking more like when I was in
Austin yeah I was like I’m going on a
walk because I figured as much yeah and
I’ve been trying to make sure I get
about 12 000 steps a day
you should look up what’s referred to as
the Cooper’s run
uh it’s a principle of of or a style of
uh running and jogging that’s based off
of those types of mentalities and and
the shock you should be doing to your
I’ll check it out
Hooper’s run there’s another you know
more professional name for it nowadays
like Beth Cooper’s rooms the kind of
like the
the originator’s name but they don’t
call that anymore you know
okay so what else do we need to do
uh that’s all I needed at this point in
time so I’m ready to do whatever our
next thing is
uh is it in the Box
okay I don’t know I have it
we could go to the lawnmower check that
stuff out
we haven’t been over there yet
[Music] we could try to kill more vloss
[Music] I’m down
wait wait no we got to go through that
that area that I have trouble jumping on
uh no no no follow me
[Music] oh there’s also a like a a tunnel we
need to go check out come on where you
[Music] I like the zip lines too because it
gives me an opportunity to satisfy my uh
[Applause] also since I’ve been doing all this
extra walking
um I haven’t changed much as much as my
diet like you know I kept bitching all
most of the year I’m like I don’t know
why I’m eating clean as [ __ ] yeah
um and I’m not losing [ __ ] since I
started walking more at least it’s clean
it’s helping I’ve lost five pounds since
the last time you saw me
yeah it’s I mean
it could be that you got a lot of
calories coming into and that’s why your
walking’s helping so if you are able to
cut your actual calorie intake as well
on top of what you’re doing
uh you would can you could kind of like
balance out the walking in that too
in stuck man there’s first off there’s
no oh [ __ ] there’s no cookie cutter answer you know
what I mean like everybody’s body is
literally different everybody
got it like because you get on the
internet and you’re like just what
what’s the one thing I can eat that will
make me lose weight I’ll eat it every
[ __ ] day I won’t like that’s where
I’m at I’m in one of those like a very
results driven mode I don’t give a [ __ ] about oh yeah yeah I will eat chicken
every day right
yeah chicken brown rice baby yeah
uh you could do cabbage soup
do you know that one no the cabbage
juice are rough one it hurts
yeah I’ll go find an old recipe of mine
but also like look at some articles that
are kind of in the mentality of it I
mean it’s just basically
an enema plus all the nutrients you need
you know what I mean
yeah I’m just saying it’s a pain in the
ass because I’m like I’m right there and
part of it part of that mindset came
guys YouTube’s that I found because he
his whole life is built around
I don’t give it yeah
yeah did I lose you
I’m coming
you can just go more left and it gets
higher the ground does you can just jump
on the tire
oh uh come over here y’all
come over here
see this one
this one
uh I don’t know but I just saw this
thought as a better better option than
what you were looking at so here we go
and then that blade of boat
I’ll show you
it’s this blade of grass right above
jump on the weed
it’s just an ant yeah
all right so uh
slow down
all right let’s just kill this guy so
he’s not annoying
I mean you started it buddy that’s all I
gotta say anyway so yeah you can jump on
the weed
and then jump on that grass yeah yeah
making the mechanics happen
[Music] I don’t advise falling in this it looks
pretty tough to get out of
I think you did but yeah I’m just gonna
steer clear that
I know there’s a chest in there or
something but there’s also those crazy
uh Fleet water fleas that are tougher
okay so this is a tough area oh did we
get this already
oh okay I thought it was gonna fall
I’m jumping down on the graph
[Music] okay so if we have to run in panic I
don’t know where you went but I’m gonna
run oh left going over these tools
I think we’re kind of safe here
yeah yeah we can definitely get some
yeah it’s an ass ton of rust right now
and there’s even more up top
oh that fell
best man
[Music] okay there’s the the wasp in this right
um so I’m no like right here right here
it’s like you turn around we’re we’re
talking about so I’m thinking we chopped
down some of this [ __ ] build a little bitty you know base here
kind of like what I was trying to do on
those other ones
and then we just
do that
that way we also don’t get snuck up on
Mr brownies
uh we should have just brought a bunch
of mushrooms
would have been easier
why can’t I build this okay
[Music] I’m not appreciate you [ __ ] I guess that’s glitched grass for me
rope sprig I got sprig right here
we need two rope
uh pick up the yeah pick up the grass
the little woody little grass Tufts
like these
you need three per one rope
chop down a few more of these
and if Will you uh build us like the
standard bed and Grill spots you know oh
yeah yeah
play some whatever
yeah yeah just on that interior of that
wall that we
towards the box and all that [ __ ] all right sweet
uh bed
I’m [ __ ] with you
[Music] and you need some help
it’s blueprint
[Music] there you go and just one
all right Pebbles can we get up and down
from here now
at least not right now it looks like
there’s spiders over there too so be
careful if you fall down there
actually just nip that in the bud with
some of this action right here
[Music] [Music] all right
all right I’ve got some Pebbles three
right is that correct
I’ve got four so a five
get the [ __ ] away from me ladybug I
ain’t [ __ ] with you
we need Cloverly two Clover leaves is
what we’re missing on that
all right cool I made a little Bridge
uh the far left thing crafting looking
you need anymore
yeah we can always use rope man it’s
they’re on this door for sure right here
come use it on that door
thank you
[Music] I mean this is probably what uh yeah
just be careful don’t set you say oh we
we need the Cloverleaf for that yeah but
we do have this uh what’s it called uh
research station Field Station so go
inside of that make sure you interact
with some of that to make sure
that’ll be the one you respawn at if you
know what I mean
[Music] free aphid body I’ll take that
we’re in the just
I would honestly guess probably this way
then uh
is that glitched
be alone
yeah that way
I’m coming with you just in case
uh maybe a little bit more this way like
a little lower
you see where it gets like a little
swampy down here
I’m just trying to get away
not that I can’t find
yeah save the accidentals
oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you fire ants
nope I didn’t make that jump oh here’s
one got some
yeah a couple
uh just help me grab a few of these
please I think we might want I don’t
know if we need them for the roofs but
they’re light
yes they fit in your
yeah yeah
they stack
you say that
the stacking mechanics of your inventory
you all right there’s some more here we
got these and then I think just these
would we should be good I believe
I’ve got a lot of plant fiber for rope
okay let’s get back
it’s getting dark
uh if you see some aphids and [ __ ] oh actually
I think this is where we we might be
able to go underwater here if we can
kill some of those water fleas for food
that’d be good
probably all wrong oh you just still do
[Music] double check
it ain’t all right yeah I see him
yeah I’m good I’m good
is that wall on the left done on your
okay no it was not
it was so annoying
oh yeah set your respawn if you didn’t
get one if it’s cooking
it’s all still good you need some
uh not at the will it be good in the
morning do you think
I have one piece
okay well I mean with that with that
aphid cooking that should be fine
just making sure that we have something
for the morning even if it’s mushroom
you know
[Music] okay this Ranch is nice because those
little [ __ ] can’t follow us really
over here yeah this is a good little
we’ll fortify this wall a little bit
more the one I’m looking at actually
yeah that’s the only thing is we need
more grass
there’s a bunch right here
oh yeah
[Music] all right
I guess it’s inside the tires
[Music] oh oh it just appeared on this side
[ __ ] off ladybug
[Music] all right
all right
well we can actually go to sleep
give me this grass
oh so did we hear back about uh this
this week weekend
back for about Monday yet
okay well no that would
would mean you need to drive
yeah I gotta get prepared mentally and
and financially a lot of ease
I’ll I’ll knock there
thanks man you’re welcome
appreciate it
oh sweet dude I’ve been waiting for that
that perk to kick in
that’s been 12 13 years
all right we need a weed stamp for that
actually all around I think we need to
make those weed a stem Style
I can just chop this day and land down
right here I think
we should fish
[Music] all right
[Music] uh let’s go to bed
we’re only 45 minutes in
oh man I gotta send you a picture of uh
the medicine that I got
oh yeah yeah it is just crazy looking
like it looks like I got it off of a
movie set how fake it looks really
yeah I think so
that’s not so bad
[Music] [Music] um
I don’t know
that’s crazy I caught it because I was
trying to place that that’s so funny
um so I think
what would be best is some sort of
yeah yeah yeah yeah
go away ant somebody invited you I need
weed stems
hydration is the key to perform I’ll eat
they heard you
oh [ __ ] don’t kill me
[Music] [Music] oops
[Music] all right and then
why do I always leave the base without
every time do I need to go get some
while you build [ __ ] I yeah
[ __ ] I don’t even know dude
uh no
um here
I’ve got enough arrows
there’s 40. they’re going to be in close
a lot of the time anyway so
so I think
like you keep talking about how you need
to get the tattoo that says did you
press record I need to right
yeah did you get arrows okay and then
we’ll quit playing this game
right people be like why do you have
that and I’m like
you wouldn’t understand
yeah we need more Grass more and one
more weed
to just build that out and I think that
should be enough to like
oh my gosh an antidote
there’s a black widow spider here just
get bit by it I got bit by his little
young one
I guess that’s what’s underneath us I
just killed the young one
I need help
holy cow
[Music] oh [ __ ] there’s another goddamn
youngling here
I was just out front
all right I’m just using the NAT to go
get all that [ __ ] just come back inside
check playing with this guy
[Music] oh my god dude stop killing me
that was really annoying okay
[Music] I could love this thing
look at him we’re gonna fly over the top
right here that’s awesome
fix up all this [ __ ] and give a [ __ ] hilarious
[Music] uh you go to the building mode and then
push G
[Music] Ana
and y’all like go [ __ ] off everybody
Jesus Christ all these bugs man you guys
got attitudes that’s all I’m gonna say
about that
and it’s no good
no good because you’re arrested
oh my God you scared me
can you pick up this grass and bring it
with that net there please and thank you
can I please stop getting attacked
thank goodness
I made it I’m out of everything that I
this is a dangerous ass area man it is
glad we built this big
I don’t know
oh because just uh push Victor as in v
[Music] oh this might be helpful actually
[Music] see
[Music] and then
and Roblox
me and most of them actually I mean
have you ever played Roblox
uh no do you know that like so you know
people build worlds on Roblox which you
can do if you want to it’s not like
where it’s like this
um but like people build games for you
to play
right so they also decide
what the controls Mean Time C is
crouched some
sure usually it’s c
I need one more grass thing so that they
can’t fly through that
and that way we have our little cubby in
here and they can’t kind I mean they’ll
be able to hit us but it won’t be as
drastic you know I mean like we got some
playroom in this little
just one more blade
uh yeah
all right two there’s two
[Music] nice
Okay so
now that I don’t have any heels
taking a look around
I guess yeah let’s do this
I don’t know oh there’s one up there I’m
gonna shoot him
got him
[Music] oh God
[Music] just keep fighting
what’s up
my response right here
god brother
keep fighting this is insane dude this
is pure chaos
over here
[Music] oh [ __ ] foreign
back up into the base with this guy
[Music] damn whenever he does that dude he’s
[Music] how the [ __ ] [Music] you need to hit it with spikes dude like
not the not your bow
not when it’s right here
two of them
[Music] I got him [ __ ] you where’s this goddamn
[ __ ] you got this one
[ __ ] we did it dude
rabbits more into our lipstick okay call
looks like it’s all still here
[Music] all right
mom would kill me if I lost this
[Music] [Music] rabbit split Morton or lipstick big Hall
looks like it’s all still here
we should be able to chop this down
might be Knighton to build up to it
the spiders are really what [ __ ] us up
I think I think those two little [ __ ] really got us one
[Music] [Music] yeah
this has got to be a black widow in here
do it
at least look in here a little bit right
so tired of all the [ __ ] Critters in
this area
I’m almost dead
[Music] yeah oh
oh it’s there
there’s ants out here I’m just running
past them up to the space
with me for some weird reason
we need it
I mean yeah we ran by grass and I was
like I’m gonna pick this up
I mean this thing kind of did its job
tunnels yeah it’s just excuse me I was
trying to see if there was a better look
yeah yeah
[Music] two weed made walls and block the spider
in and just Arrow it to death at some
we did
first spider kill
[Music] yeah we just make Palisades I’m gonna
place them down here
let’s see what we can find
armoring up
[Music] can I not be attacked every [ __ ] five
seconds like for [ __ ] sake dude [ __ ] off
yeah duck though
who’s stuck that ain’t
[Laughter] [Music] okay let’s make the Trek Back Home
[Music] don’t worry
I’m broke that’s all broke
making sure
I am also
uh yeah I guess I could put on like
better safe than sorry this thing’s
about to break oh man everything’s about
to break
could be better than nothing okay
what happens if we touch those things it
starts like a survival thing so you get
science but you have to outlast like a
bunch of Critters attacking you
in three three or four phases or
something like that
yeah yeah it’s intense and you know it’s
based on the area you’re in so like
one right there would probably
yeah it’d probably be those larva
and then the final round might be like
with two ladybugs or some crazy [ __ ] are you on my my Sixth Street on my tail
I guess I thought I did
I am you say the weirdest
don’t get me wrong though I like uh I
like mushrooms I don’t like raw
I’ve had enough of this guy
Don’t Look Down Don’t Look Down
wasp paper
[Music] I don’t know what we get to yeah I don’t
know we’re gonna what we’re gonna get to
build with it but it seems cool
pop my neck
[Music] choppiest [ __ ] all of a sudden
why am I so laggy
that’s terrible those are some terrible
things to unlock
it’s just all decorative [ __ ] nothing
yeah sucks I want that time that we
thought that was washed back
what am I gonna do
that came from the
[Music] anyone else tired just me
all these Dew drops and teams
not gonna be
[Music] right that’s a big sound like
so what right that seems like some stuff
what’s that that the Dew drops are
coming back is that what you said yeah I
might as well canteen the Dew drops
yeah they respond
go ahead and reset on there
let’s see so
what else can we do
oh no
we could do
have we we there’s still one spot with
the assistant and your key card
I don’t know where
now we saw that thing so many times I
don’t know I might be making
watch it speedy coming through
[Music] ah
great we don’t have any Black Ox parts
I need to
hope this is enough is enough safe
wait didn’t we just kill one we killed
yeah but we also killed the Blackhawks
before the roly-poly
yes by the pine cone
that was you would it was that I was on
I wasn’t there
[Music] yeah I gotta go kill a Blackhawks
and aphid
I’m already over here
bring you some aphid
I had literally just got
thank you
[Music] [Music] yeah yeah [ __ ] off
all right I found the Blackhawks
[ __ ] I’m running laterally how
[Music] thank you
oh wow one shot me okay cool
[Music] I don’t know what to do with that
information yeah
what the [ __ ] [Music] dude my game is freaking out right now
yeah like really bad
it’s fine there
[Music] all right
all right
[Music] I fell off the fence
couldn’t jump up the fence I do it a lot
what am I gonna do
all right
this is Aerosmith yeah yeah
cause then when he gets better enough to
again hey hey oh this [ __ ] green bugs
here now
oh is he [ __ ] [ __ ] dude
why in the world does everything hate me
go the [ __ ] away bro what the [ __ ] oh my God
hey there’s some pupas here
did you see that Hugh Grant’s thing
Oompa Loompas
no I haven’t seen it like they put him
on a little body
this is his funny head
oh you’re there now getting these pieces
yeah I took off running because his
goddamn bugs were chasing me and I
couldn’t [ __ ] do [ __ ] about it
[Music] foreign
things that was chasing me
oh my God
that’s that green piece of [ __ ] that was
[ __ ] with me
the bigger stink bug
[Music] oh no
no no
come to that
I’m a ninja
oh yeah I’m up here baby
man you know what [ __ ] off bug
that’s right
just give me a hand
there he is
oh come on
hey [ __ ] I hit you from over here
yes you [ __ ] you fat [ __ ] up get out of here you
green piece of [ __ ] really
[Music] oh
really dude
I can’t see him now
come on
[Music] [Music] you’ve been over there this whole time
I die I had to respawn and I was like oh
well I might as well go ahead and
healed because I didn’t left my [ __ ] why is it missing
my arrow
leave me alone why did you
now the roly-poly is here
hit that
[Music] yeah
it’s almost dead
I killed him I stole my kills
I didn’t mean to oh no
and nobody cares about you roly-poly
I don’t know where you ran off to but
I’ll see you later I guess
what I’m shooting at
there’s a roly-poly right behind I don’t
know what you’re doing bro
yeah everything’s [ __ ] the Blackhawks
no way
you forget to set my respawn
come on everything [ __ ] hit it
yeah I made a poor choice standing down
there and trying to shoot the Blackhawks
there were so many things attacking me
[Music] ladybug a larva
I suggested highly recommend
10 out of 10.
about to do it again
how am I out of all of my arrows
oh wow dude cool
I have arrows
I’ve [ __ ] blocked
[Music] [Music] ah
oh my God
oh [ __ ] you go away
[Music] help me
[Music] [Applause] [Music] I died
[Applause] [ __ ] like two Taps because they’re
both ganging up on me
it’s gonna be
[Music] this [ __ ] area is annoying as [ __ ] cheers it
come on man
you coming
okay now everything’s just [ __ ] cool
that ant’s gonna fight it like that
come over here
[ __ ] charge for me
Wizarding him
I am
how is it still alive I don’t understand
you [ __ ] nailed it like eight times
after it should have been dead I think I
did I’m pretty
you’re not picking me up
it wasn’t it wasn’t than it was and it
wasn’t I was sure that was the end
[Music] oh you’re pissed off too
yeah I hate to tell you this but we
might die here
damn it dude
sometimes I swear to God I can’t
understand what this game’s doing
[Music] [ __ ] 12 backpacks out here because of
this stupid [ __ ] and now I’m gonna
have to [ __ ] kill like eight lady
bugs because my goddamn Shield’s broken
[ __ ] this game sometimes dude oh son of
a [ __ ] I need to kill that roly-poly
my chest plate is now done
[ __ ] me
this is the best ever
the Recon episode
it’s just filler
nothing exciting
I had just fixed my helmet
[ __ ] [ __ ] dude I was blocking so
many times that it said I wasn’t
[Music] um
I can’t have my shield and my half
really lame I’m not gonna [ __ ] with you
give me a luck
it’s like everything’s still here
dude [ __ ] off
I’m so [ __ ] fed up with this [ __ ] dude
dude why did I just get launched into
the sky
I’ll pass cool looks like it’s all still
[ __ ] goddamn wool spider
you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me
I’m gonna get up on top of these leaves
and kill that [ __ ] yeah if you get back on the the leaf
spot you know on the fence
you can jump up here too and kill it
[Music] I mean it’s two of us in a safe spot you
don’t need to use the mid ones those are
they are a finite resource we do not
have unlimited those
I love this yeah
oh [ __ ] he finally hit me
and I swear I had more bandages than
this but now I have zero
he’s about halfway dead if
you end up getting here anytime
[Music] just whenever you’re ready
oh okay
mom would kill me if I lost her
[Music] oh what just give me a hand really
this guy
[Music] [Music] oh mother
[Music] if it’s healed by the time I’ve got back
I’m done for the night I’m not even
[ __ ] [Music] okay I can’t even find it who’s gonna be
all right I’m gonna get back to the base
and I’m done
[Music] I’m pushed
should we call it a day oh that’s so
[ __ ] annoying
[Music] you have a backpack over there no I
already got it and brought it back here
that’s not so bad hmm
I’d eat this normally
oh awesome
there were so many things around my
all right
it prevailed
don’t look down don’t look down oh [ __ ] me
[Music] it’s a good episode good thing I think
it’s fun I wish more people were here to
watch this
we killed some wasps
we’re [ __ ] up by a wolf spider mutate
[Music] thank you
[Music] thank goodness that doesn’t need [ __ ] aux parts
all right
Safety First
oh shit’s so [ __ ] up
just got a handed to it didn’t we
jumping on the trampoline
let’s see what we can find
so there’s something behind that wall
over there
behind the lawnmower
really yeah
it’s a whole other part of yard
a whole other yard
yeah different houses we have to go
there I don’t I don’t know if it’s a
whole yard or if it’s just an
underground thing
actually I wonder if we go talk to
he’s got anything right now
[Music] no that tastes really good he ain’t got
[ __ ] dang it burgle
[Music] foreign
what that I could
grilling rice
burgle said that
nothing left to shoot
[Music] look how easy
what does it cost a spicy shard
those are finite as well just so you
[Music] [Music] oh I’m just letting you know me I ain’t
seen anything else
fight about it
thank you
[Music] see there is something else to watch
papers for [ __ ] you game we analyzed it
should be [ __ ] unlocking it for us
what is it for
I don’t know it’s just it says question
marks oh
[Applause] [Music] I guess I’m gonna go drink some bleach
all right you enjoy that
thank you
hopefully we find out what we’re doing
talk to you tomorrow later
on the stream we love y’all
have a good day

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