Spaceballs – Episode 94 As Seen On

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Spaceballs – Episode 94

Enjoy the video “Spaceballs – Episode 94” plus 100’s of other video clips starring the loved hysterical characters of Doug and Bob.

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Welcome to the final week of Rick Moranis month here at Movies that Make Us! This week we are discussing the 1987 film Spaceballs: The Movie starring Rick Moranis, John Candy, and Bill Pullman.

Make sure to buckle your seatbelts because we are going to Ludicrous levels of silliness in this episode. A screwball comedy that gently mocks such sci-fi classics as Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien, and Planet of the Apes. There are so many groan worthy jokes but the majority land and it’s a fun 90 minute film. It’s not on the same level as Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein, but it holds up pretty well and it was a pleasant trip to nostalgia for us.

What are your thoughts on the film? Next week it’s staff picks as we start March Madness films and we’ll each discuss a director that is unusual and different and three films of theirs you should check out. Will Tracy dare pick Anthony C. Ferrante and three of the best Sharknado films? Tune in and find out! As always, you can reach us at

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As always, thank you for listening, drive safe if you’re tense, and for now, we won’t see you at the movies…
[Music] hello and welcome to another episode of
movies that make us i’m jake
i’m tracy and we are missing
what sounded just like her no we we are
we are missing val today and anytime
that one of us isn’t here we definitely
miss them so val
we hope that you’ll be back next week
obviously and hope everything’s good for
you so
um but we are ready to talk about it’s
our last rick moranis movie that we’re
talking about this month
it’s kind of sad it is really sad and
it’s funny because
as i’ve told people we’re talking about
rick moranis and they start oh are you
gonna talk about this movie in this
movie it’s like
no no we did listen it’s we did three
and so we didn’t even touch on the guy’s
career i know like he’s got a huge
career but
i think we did a wide variety of movies
for sure between yeah
my blue heaven um parenthood and then
today’s movie spaceballs they are all
very different very different roles and
and uh i don’t know tracy would you say
that spaceballs may be the silliest
movie we’ve ever done
i think without a doubt this is the
silliest movie we’ve ever done
i don’t think there is anything that we
have discussed
that comes close to the level of
absurdity of this film but
that’s not a bad thing no it’s not it’s
especially because and we’ll get into
the film a little bit more but this is a
film that knows that it’s absurd
and knows that it’s silly i mean it’s
mel brooks and if you
know mel brooks stuff you can’t take any
of it
seriously so hey we forgot to mention
this is now officially spaceballs the
corrects baseball’s the podcast i wish i
heard a spin-off
so we’re all in on the merchandising
well i guess if it’s baseball’s the
podcast we have to start with a
one of these
the spaceball salute
[Laughter] before before we get into spaceballs and
we’re going to get into it and it’s
and we’re going to go off the rails
because it’s a movie that just goes off
the rails
and it’s just the two of us so yeah it’s
going to go nuts yeah
yeah it’ll be fine it’ll be fine um but
we both watched a documentary the other
uh that’s on uh hbo max it’s an hbo
documentary and it’s called fake famous
we kind of just wanted to touch on that
really quick
and just kind of recap it if you guys
haven’t heard of it uh
it’s worth checking out and hbo max
exclusive so that’s the only place you
can check it out
correct so um
you you were the one that kind of
recommend well you didn’t recommend it
you said you had watched it i was like
what is this and so i wanted to check it
tell us a little bit about what fake
famous is all about
so i was just i’m i’m working yesterday
late afternoon i’m like i just need
something that i can put on in the
i’m tired of commercials from tv so
yeah i just want to find a movie that i
don’t have to pay a lot of attention to
and i scrolling through found this movie
called fake famous
and it’s about social media influencers
and people especially on instagram
who have these hundreds of thousands and
millions of followers
and they get paid to endorse products
so they’ll um they’ll talk about jewelry
they’ll talk about like
facial cleansers they’ll discuss
all sorts of stuff they’ll they’ll go to
a hotel and review it and stuff like
but a lot of these people are simply
their followers and kind of talking to
the void until real people discover them
and it follows three different people
and it’s interesting they they take
three people they audition a bunch of
people and they’re like we could have
the easy route and chosen the obvious
people but they tried to find more
quote-unquote normal people
ordinary people and trying to make them
on the internet and after about 15-20
minutes i’m like
i need to pause this and wait until
after my work day because i’ve got to
finish the rest of this because it’s
requiring my attention
so yeah you mentioned it my wife and i
decided to turn it on and watch it
um and obviously with what we do on
movies that make us
being involved with the stolen droids
network we’re all trying to build a
little bit of that social media
um because we want people to come watch
our shows and
or listen to our shows and
we’ve done it all any of our followers
we’ve gotten organically we haven’t gone
bought any books or anything like that
which is probably why we’re under a
thousand followers on like all of our
social media but
i have confidence that that those are
all people that that are
interested individuals yes correct
um but my wife does a lot with social
media because she’s
she’s a blogger she does craft blogging
i mean obviously i’m going to drop the
name of her blog here because everybody
should go check it out it’s amazing
and she’s turned she’s turned that into
an income
for us um but she can’t compete with
some of the bloggers that are out there
of the fact that they’re spending
hundreds of dollars thousands of dollars
to get these
fake interactions and fake bots and
things like that now it’s not
everybody on there but it kind of is as
you watch fake famous and they break it
and they talk about even some of the big
it kind of is everybody out there that’s
got a huge following
and not just celebrities politicians um
news stations uh entertainment sources
everybody’s kind of in on this and
and i knew that this existed but not how
that it went um like during the election
i remember that twitter
and facebook were getting rid of bots
and all of a sudden the
the numbers for uh politicians would
drop and stuff like that
but i didn’t realize that it was down to
these individual people and it’s so
interesting to me the lengths that they
go to like
they want to show that they’re on an
airplane and they’re really not
and so they went to home depot and
bought a toilet seat
and take the bottom of the toilet seat
and holds it up next to the actress
and then they have a picture of some
clouds behind her
and it looks like she’s flying on an
airplane the way that they frame up the
um they they just go out into the
backyard and they get a a
kiddie pool from like walmart fill it
with water and rose petals
so you can’t see the bottom and then all
of a sudden she’s in a spa it’s
go ahead oh yeah it i i just
totally was and when they got to the
toward the end
spoilers covet happened yeah um i don’t
think that’s a spoiler because i think
we’re all
pretty familiar with it at this point in
a year your spoilers are okay
yeah yeah um and you know everything
shut down yeah and they talked about how
weeks a lot of these influencers on
instagram were posting
just their normal pictures like they
were still living the high life
and when you get to peek behind the
curtains of how they built up the three
individuals that they
select and the fakeness that they did to
get there
you realize that you know while you’re
sitting here struggling
to just like deal with quarantine in
they’re out having a great time but
they’re really not and it’s all just
yes um and and one of my f go ahead
i was just gonna say one of the one of
the to me the part that
really struck home is to the end of the
and i won’t go into into too much detail
for those that want to check it out
but it really hits home how much social
media affects
kids yeah and the sad thing is is we’re
now having a generation who is having
kids who are raised on social media
so now they know how to get their kids
into this
and that’s a very questionable
realm to be in sometimes yeah i i agree
they showed the stats of and i think
this is probably the same when you and i
were kids tracy like if somebody asked
you what you wanted to be like your
dream job
for me pro athlete probably would have
been at the top of the list and that was
you know they showed that for a long
time was like pro athlete doctor
astronaut you know these kind of things
and now more and more kids are saying i
want to be an influencer
and i want to be famous i want to be
famous and
and what does that mean so it’s it’s all
very interesting um i think one of my
favorite lines comes toward the end of
the film
where he says the point of these
influencers isn’t to make you feel
better about yourself
but to make you feel worse because you
aren’t happy with who you are
and you want what they have um hold on
just one second i got to close my door
no problem yeah so it’s a really
interesting film it’s on hbo max
it’s exclusive there um if you’re
interested at all as pekenbot like jake
said peeking behind the curtain
um as to how social media really kind of
um between this and the i think it’s the
social dilemma
that’s on netflix yeah
we appreciate all our real life
listeners exactly
all of that being said it made me happy
about where we are as far as our
we appreciate you guys and the
interactions that we get
and we just um
like i feel like we try to offer
something that’s entertaining that
people enjoy
and uh if that means that you follow us
on on facebook or on instagram or on
twitter like
we just totally appreciate that so
absolutely um
awesome the other film really really
quick and then we’ll jump into
um it’s on disney plus just came out on
friday of last week
and it’s called flora and ulysses and
it’s based on a children’s book
but and this is a film that i would not
have sought out in the theaters like i
wouldn’t have bought a ticket and gone
to the theater and watched it
it is really cute it’s a great family
film and when we talk about family films
there’s a stigma
this is a really smart clever
um movie it’s got ben schwartz allison
danny poody from community who we both
um it’s got a couple people from
saturday night live it’s got horatio
uh or not i think it’s racial sans
anyway um
really cute movie about a little girl
who becomes friends with a squirrel
who gets super powers so it’s a weird
concept but
man it’s cute i’ve heard i haven’t i
haven’t watched it yet
but everything that i’ve seen from
everybody that’s seen it online has
really enjoyed it i’m sure there’s
somebody i’m sure you can find somebody
who didn’t and i
don’t mean everybody who’s seen it
really enjoyed it but people that i’ve
interacted with
it seems like it’s been very well
received and i think that that’s great
um i think it’s easy to look at disney
plus and these kind of family films that
they’re putting out there straight to
streaming and disney kind of has this
record of
you know if it’s on the disney channel
it’s a certain level of quality
and if it’s like straight to dvd it’s a
certain level of quality
they’re turning that around i feel like
a lot on their business
stuff yeah yeah they’ve had a couple of
really good fun films
yeah there there have been a few
clunkers the the fairy godmother
one was was not good uh that was not
good that was not good and i had high
hopes because i love both the actresses
in it
yes that was a stinker um
yep but but between one division the the
trailer that we saw for falcon in the
winter soldier
the quality is there like they’re
putting in the time and the effort
yep and and this isn’t a stupid little
kitty film this is a
really cute smart clever film about a
um coming together and overcoming
while having a superhero squirrel and
they’re mixed and it’s
really cute cool well i’ll have to check
it out
it it feels like it’s probably on the
same level of quality as like noel that
came out like right after disney
i didn’t see that one but i heard that
one was good yeah and i yeah i enjoyed
that one quite a bit and again it had
some good
strong comedic actors in it with anna
kendrick and
bill hader yes bill hader thank you
um and so it was also really good so i’m
excited to watch
floor flora and ulysses florida and
ulysses yep
yep all right you ready so now we’re
we’re i’m ready let’s talk about
because we’re going ludicrous speed
we’re going luda crispy we we’re going
like it’s going to be out of the world
out of this world
this is such
it’s so great because it does poke fun
at star wars obviously and if you’re a
star wars fan you’ve got to be able to
poke fun
at yourself um and if you’re a fan of
anything like
enjoy taking the things to the extreme
that that are in the movie i mean
yeah from the
the whole concept of star wars which is
ridiculous in and of itself but
wonderful and great and
stupendous i mean
to like you’ve got lone star right and
his friend barf and bill
and everybody and john candy
so good bill pullman john candy um
and when they’re in their s their ship
which is a flying winnebago
and i just love that because this is how
you know they’re poking fun
because when you look at the millennium
falcon it is supposed to be
like a hunk of junk like everybody
comments on that i love that ship it’s
one of my favorite ships
in all of sci-fi i mean look you can see
up here i’ve got
i’ve got the picture whoa yeah got the
picture up on my wall like i love it
when i saw the when i saw the millennium
falcon at the disney park
like i teared up i legit was like
absolutely i need a moment here
you come around that corner depending on
how you come in and you come around the
corner and it’s just
blind and then it’s just there and it’s
awesome yeah but every time somebody
sees it in the films
for the first time they comment on it
being a hunk of junk right
right in mos eisley they do it when they
pick it up in the force awakens
it’s like this piece of junk that’s just
been out here sitting in the junkyard
like all this kind of stuff and so to
take that to the extreme and have it be
a junkie worn down
winnebago like it’s just
awesome and that’s when you’re like yeah
this is gonna be
fun it’s there’s a minute the first
minute of the movie is nothing but the
crawling of the spaceship as it goes
through yes
it’s a full minute i timed it it is
it’s really really long um
but the thing is that’s okay
and and when you watch a new hope
when that when the star destroyer comes
over you and you’ve got it going slowly
it’s not a full minute but it feels
long and so they are poking fun at some
of these things and it’s okay
because you’re like yeah no that’s fair
that’s really funny
but what i think i love about this movie
so much is it has
the loosest definition of a plot like
they took the most cliche
like a princess who doesn’t want to get
married to the prince
and falls in love with the scoundrel
kind of plot you
can see this movie in like this is
tangled from disney
this is like every princess movie that’s
out there almost is basically
the plot from this movie but guess what
the plot it doesn’t matter
they had to have a movie with a story
that just moves you from
one site gag or pun to the next and
all this is right it’s the framework
that you hang the jokes on
yes exactly like some movies some
comedies approach it as hey let’s have a
good story
and throw in some jokes here and there
this approaches it as we’ve got all
these great jokes can we find just
some story to throw behind these jokes
and that’s basically what spaceballs is
a loose story
with a lot of jokes not every joke hits
but they throw them
so fast at the screen that by the time
you finish
laughing at one yeah the next one is
and so i first saw this movie it came
out in
i think 87 and i was 12
and i was a huge star wars geek
like i had the bed sheets and the drapes
and the toys and everything
and i had never seen mel brooks i had
never seen a parody film i had no idea
what i was getting into
um back then we didn’t have the internet
where we could pull up trailers
so i went into it called my dad went
into it cold my dad was like oh looks
like a star wars movie
the kids like that and so he took us and
i remember coming out of that movie and
my dad was laughing and i was like
that was the dumbest thing i’ve ever
seen like i hated
that movie because i didn’t get it and
because it seemed like they were making
fun of star wars which at the time was
like an affront to me
and i had not i had not seen this movie
in 25 plus years
and it’s so stupid but i found myself
laughing so hard last night i don’t know
i was in the right mood or what but
my completely different reaction
i just think that it’s just
it it might be in the right mood i don’t
know but i felt the same way like i’m
watching him like this is the stupidest
movie and and from a storyline plot
point of view it totally is
and and the acting is fine
but like it’s not but that’s not what
you’re watching for
but despite yourself you’re still
finding yourself laughing at some of the
and you’re right some of them don’t land
but but the ones that do
are enough of them that you’re just like
yeah that’s still really a funny movie
i don’t care i think the most
groan-worthy joke
is they have this huge setup and then
uh lone star says to barf well
who knew we were going after a jewish
and then yes john candy pauses and looks
directly into the camera goes
funny she didn’t look jewish and it’s
because they’re setting up that she’s
high maintenance and she’s difficult
and she’s a jewish princess and i was
just oh i lost
i’m like that is so bad though well
and when you look at where it is in the
place of the movie
like when he says it who knew we’d be
going after a jewish princess
what do you mean you didn’t know like if
you think about the story again
and this is why you can’t because it’s
not the point of the story is just to
move you from one joke to the next
and when you think about it like how did
you not know that it was a jewish
princess because you just talked to the
king of geridia
who told you go after my daughter why
would you not think she’s a jewish
like but that’s why the joke is so funny
because it’s just so s
stupid and it is totally groan worthy
and you’re just like
that’s and even when they’re
and again like it’s a different time
obviously and i think that mel brooks
the way that he does comedy he gets away
with stuff
that if you do it in a different context
or if you do it you have to be so
careful with some of these jokes
yeah because they can totally land in
the wrong way and end up being offensive
um like when they’re combing the desert
which is a classic scene
you’ve got three sets of people combing
the desert and they’re
two of them isn’t just the regular poem
that’s got the y part and the skin part
they’re home in the desert
and you’ve got to the two black guys
that are doing
with the the pick instead of a comb
and like and it plays out fine but if
you do that wrong it could play out so
poor oh yeah like you just got to be
careful and i think mel brooks flirts
with that line
oh he is right on that line yes
and i think that’s what makes him so
good at comedy i mean when i think about
some of the other stuff that he’s done
that i really enjoy like young
frankenstein which is just
a classic film i mean he just pushes
right up and just dances on that line
and probably as he’s dancing away from
it and you think he’s going to go over
it he’s just giving you one of these
and he’s walking away i mean yeah
and this film does that i mean it just
takes it to the point where you’re like
oh this is gonna get really
inappropriate and then it doesn’t
but it’s just enough yeah it’s and i i
think it’s really seasoning
yeah yeah and hey and for some people’s
it may be over seasoned and i get that
but i george sure
but but i have a question for you yes
when is this happening
now this is happening now so what
happened when we started the
well that was before okay hold on let’s
see if we can get this right here
because i’m gonna try
[Laughter] that was probably my favorite scene
re-watching the movie
was was them watching spaceballs the
whoa so when is this how we go well this
is now and see now we can look at it and
anyway well done
that’s even that’s a throwback to the
movie visual well
done sir and that is such a
great moment because he’s still totally
confused so what
are we gonna what are we gonna do and i
love it where they’re getting to the
part where they’re up to the now
and it shows the ludicrous speed part
it’s like skip over this
fast forward like never show that part
rick moranis in this is so good
um as as lord helmet just
perfect for this because he is the look
of someone who is completely not
rick moranis is the least menacing
person you will ever see
i think and that’s not a dig on rick
moranis at all i don’t think it’s
a positive thing to be menacing but he
just isn’t
and so to have him be the big bad guy
yeah darth vader is like the most
badass evil menacing
figure in cinema and then you have
tiny rick moranis with this gigantic
and i forgot he’s wearing a black tie
yes the tie is just perfect i had
forgotten that there was a tie involved
and to i mean just just the way they
play on that he has trouble breathing in
the helmet so he’s got to push the
the mask up and yep um and then when i
i love when they’re in the desert and
he’s in the big helmet
yes and he’s got it open the whole time
and then he closes it and
like rick moranis we’ve talked about
this before
when you’re talking about actors a lot
of times people think that comedy
is less than drama as far as the the
talent of the actors and it’s really not
because you’ve got to get that timing so
and this is where he really shines i
mean this is shortly after he’s doing
like sc tv and some of that kind of
stuff and if you’ve never seen sc tv
it’s like old saturday i mean it’s
saturday live canadian saturday night
live basically
exactly and it’s got some incredibly
talented people on there like rick
moranis john candy
was on sctv catherine o’hare was on sc
hartman was on that yes like yeah
just incredibly talented people um
and that’s kind of where you can see him
cutting his comedy teeth and really
coming into his own is is in that series
and this reminds me a lot of that
because he’s in this outrageous costume
playing this outrageous character
and he just does it so well because he
just nails everything he says
like the whole well when is this is this
now what
like he’s totally confused by that and
what happened behind every bit of it
when he crashes in after they’re in
ludicrous speed
and they pick him up and he’s like oh
how is everybody
why don’t we go ahead and and take five
like the way he plays it is just so well
it reminds me a lot of his character in
ghostbusters at that moment
yeah hey everybody how’s it going
the other thing that i love with him is
when he’s when he’s reenacting with the
and he’s got the little figure of darth
helmet and he’s got
the princess and he’s got lone star and
he’s got barf
and he’s like i’m going to kiss you oh
the club star’s like i’m going to stop
woman knocks him over
i can’t even imagine having to shoot
that scene
and trying to be quiet while he’s doing
this and not
laughing and and i don’t know
how much of i look at scenes like that
i’m like i hope that that just wasn’t
totally scripted i hope that it was like
i bet you it felt improved yeah because
i would like for the director to just be
here i want you to play with these dolls
like reenacting the story
i don’t have the exact lines but just
all right great and then he’s just doing
and like with a straight face the whole
time and like when colonel said
first of all his second his right hand
man is colonel sanders all right which
awesome and they they they don’t overdo
the lines with it either
there’s like one or two lines where he’s
like what’s the matter sanders
chicken and like and
when it hits it’s perfect and it just
anyway they don’t overdo it but when he
comes in and he grabs the dolls
and he’s like can i tell you to knock
her or whatever
you didn’t see anything no sir
yes that scene is just so genius and so
well done and so hilarious
uh oh and the the great thing too is i
mean the majority of it is spoofing star
wars but they take on
several sci-fi classics so
you’ve got star trek with snotty who’s
trying to team in
uh president scruggs
president he’s got like the the scottish
hat with the
you know um you’ve got uh aliens
or alien um and you actually had um
i think i can’t remember the actor’s
name but the guy who actually had the
alien burst out of his chest was
cast into this role and he gives a great
line oh not this again
yeah and the thing is if you’re not a
fan of alien and you haven’t
you won’t get that but if you have that
you’re like that’s hilarious because
it’s the same guy that happens
that’s another one when i was a kid i
was like that was gross what was that
and now having seen alien and then the
alien breaks into hello my baby hello
i was just so stupid but it just works
they also spoof uh planet of the apes
yeah which i had forgotten about which
was another film i had not seen those
times when the apes come up and they’re
looking what is it
space oh shoot
well there goes the planet
but that’s another one where i was like
this is dumb why do they have talking
monkeys like i just did not
get the comedy at the time yeah and i
think that that’s the thing
now you know when you’re a lot younger
and you watch it
it does just feel like oh this is a
funny star wars movie or making fun of
star wars
um but now where i’ve definitely
taken in much more pop culture in my
life than i
had back then probably more than anyone
should but still
a lot of the jokes make more sense and
it it just it’s
like they have when he goes over to the
tapes and they’ve got i don’t know how
many rocky films
just laying out there and you’re like
well that’s funny
thousand and what’s funny is when this
was done you know back in the 80s
they maybe gotten up to rocky iv at that
point but like
now what are we on like there’s been
rocky five
and then rocky balboa and now the two
creed movies
so we’re getting into that range of
rocky movies
that they show um
but like it’s just
oh it is just you have to let yourself
go when you watch it and just
not take this seriously at all no not at
all it uh
and first of all if you’re sitting down
to watch mel brooks film and you’re
wanting to take it seriously
you’ve made a mistake already i’m going
to really dive into the cinematography
and how it
illustrates the inner workings of the
character yeah then not happening in
this one yeah
there there are some great side
characters in this too
because you you’ve got rick moranis as
dark helmet you’ve got
uh mel brooks as president scrub and his
right i think he plays both roles um and
then you’ve
got um the side characters like colonel
you’ve got scrub’s assistant who is
like the biggest pervert in the galaxy
but it’s done in such a subtle way that
if you’re a kid and watching it you
totally miss that
but like when she’s talking about snotty
beaming her
and and like how many times he beamed
her and everything you’re like wait a
whoa or when she calls him on the
wall anyway she and she does great
because it’s just a look here and there
that you’re like oh my gosh
um and and you’ve got to love barf
you’ve got to love dot matrix
the the uh oh
uh joan rivers rivers thank you i was
thinking of joan phillips and i’m like
that’s not right yeah joan rivers
um for those of you who don’t know joan
rivers tremendous comedian
and and that’s her voice and i love the
fact that they made the robot kind of
look like her
yeah it’s a really crappy robot version
of of her so
yeah yeah it’s like if if she and c-3po
had a baby it would look like that
basically is what dot matrix is so did
you did you have a crush on the princess
of druidia growing up like i did
oh yeah i think so um i mean
and that’s another one that the way that
i i don’t know how to describe this but
there’s a certain 80s attractiveness
that they have in these movies where
these the way that they portray these
female characters
it’s not over the top like reveal
everything but there’s just something
about it where you’re like she makes me
weird in a weird way as i’m getting
but there’s nothing like inappropriate
about anyway no
yeah i yeah i think so as as a child of
the 80s i totally get where you’re going
with this yeah it was a very
very special time yeah yeah it was it
she was and she was really good i don’t
know that she’s really done
a whole lot outside i didn’t i looked up
um she did a lot of tv she did um one
tree hill
um she did something else on the cw for
like eight seasons so she did a lot of
work um she’s still active um
as an actor but nothing this was
probably her
biggest uh in her career which was
but then you’ve got the dad from eight
is enough
yes who plays the the king
[Laughter] i’m like oh my gosh flashback to eight
is enough
that was like oh man
it’s it’s so 80s it is so
it totally is 80s yeah well and the
thing is if you’ve seen
more um mel brooks films you see some of
these actors kind of show up because i
think that the actor who plays
king roland who who was a dad and eight
is enough i think he’s in some other mel
brooks films as well and he kind of
pops up in there and and i think that’s
the way it goes right you when you start
making movies like this
you kind of get this group of people
that like just
want to be part of it and just want to
have a good time and you can rely on
them to do the side characters that they
and i was going to say score says he
can’t make a movie without leonardo
dicaprio and robert de niro right now so
you know yeah it’s like that
it’s like scorsese and de niro yeah
yeah with with mel brooks and and
the film god self appreciates that kind
of comparison
uh yeah i was thinking more like adam
sandler if you watch an adam sandler
movie you’re going to see the same three
or four guys
that are in every adam sandler movie and
they’re just as friends
they do nothing else because they’re
crap actors
that’s not fair they they’re fine
but they show up and adam sandler films
the next day
but it’s just a bunch of guys getting
together and making a movie and having
fun and
yeah you got to respect that you know i
i kind of get the feeling with this film
too i mean like so much of it is so low
but it still works pretty well that
little alien thing is a little
stop-motion puppet
but it works the spaceships going
through space look
hokey but that’s the whole the whole
you know the schwartz is like uh
animated and when they get all tangled
up like it looks like a cartoon
but but it works in the context of the
film i don’t think that that would work
in a star wars film because it would be
like that looks too campy
right and this it’s fine because
everything is campy
and the lightsaber is such a cool iconic
weapon like you just
feel cool like right behind you you have
a lightsaber on display
and here it’s this little ring that just
makes this little
boop yeah
and of course like say goodbye to your
two friends
and i don’t mean barf
i mean there’s some there is some
innuendo there that just completely went
over my head when i was a kid
i know there’s like she’s conversations
yes i see your schwartz is bigger than
like i think i got that one quicker than
a lot of the other
windows like at a younger age because
that was that one i’m like okay
yeah yeah but uh it’s
yeah it’s totally full of that kind of
stuff and
um but but that’s what it is it
it and it knows what it is from the
beginning it doesn’t
pretend to be anything else it’s not
taking itself seriously
at all i mean listen
they talk about jamming the radar and
then they throw a giant
jar of jam at the radar they are taking
it to this
level of ludicrous yeah
it is it is ludicrous there’s no other
way to describe it because that’s
exactly what it is
and and so you know that they’re just
willing to take it to those limits
and not worry about what it is and not
take themselves seriously and
if you can sit down and watch this film
and not take it seriously and really
just appreciate the humor in it
then you’ll really enjoy this film and i
and i think most of our
listeners have probably seen it i think
most of our listeners are pretty
i would think so movie savvy and would
would have seen this movie at some point
or another
i bet you a lot of them are like us and
haven’t watched this movie in forever
um it’s free it’s free streaming on roku
um you got commercials that you got to
sit through but it’s not that big of a
um otherwise it’s a couple bucks to rent
but yeah
and it really did it was opened up to
i ended up buying it on itunes for like
10 bucks and i was like yeah
because it was like four bucks to rent
or 10 bucks to buy i was like
i’ll just buy it because i’ll probably
watch it again sure
or my kids might be interested as they
get a little bit older you’re like you
know what it’s been a long day i need a
giggle on a friday night
let’s throw on spaceballs yeah exactly
like when
when you talked about wanting a movie
that you didn’t have to sit and listen
to i mean obviously spaceballs wouldn’t
work in this context because we were
talking about it today right
but like generally speaking you could
put that on and just
like just hear in the background and be
like oh okay it’s every once in a while
just chuckled to yourself and whatever
um it’s a fun fun movie um it’s a john
candy role that you
don’t normally see him in so so
under appreciated and and gone too soon
man absolutely i love john candy
i mean he’s in a dog outfit
in a mel brooks movie and he brings such
warmth and humanity
to this role like the the scene at the
diner where the tail is
is swapping the the waitress’s skirt
yeah she’s like
i’m sorry mind of its own can’t control
or or the scene poor poor barf when he
comes in and they’re lifting up the
statue and then it
like drops on his foot and the way and
he makes it
like he does such little subtle things
in it too
like when he goes down to get the
princess which first of all
again you can’t even think about it
because he’s just
climbing down a ladder in space from one
spaceship to another
no spacesuit nothing and that’s the
thing is you can’t
you and i just gotta do that on purpose
they do it on purpose to kind of point
out that there’s a lot of stuff in star
wars that when you start to think about
it doesn’t make any sense
and they’re just blatantly doing it like
they don’t care
and right when he’s climbing it down the
ladder he’s like we got to get up here
so we can get you out of here and
whatever and she’s like what about all
my luggage
and like it’s taking too long and he
starts kind of whimpering like a dog
but he does it so subtly that you you
can miss it but it’s so well done he’s
like it’s
so good and it’s just great
on his face he just looks like such a
like the puppy who got left home you
know yeah
it’s just awesome and that’s the thing
like it takes a lot of talent if
somebody brings you in and they’re like
okay we’re gonna have you play a mog and
you’re like well what is a mog well it’s
half man half dog so you’re going to be
in this ridiculous dog outfit
that’s going to look cheap and it’s
going to look bad on purpose
and we need and your name is barf
but you are the heart of this show so we
need you to really bring it
it takes a special kind of talent to be
like i can do that
do it it’s yes yes
there are not a lot of big name actors
that i think would be able to pull that
because they’d be like this is the
stupidest thing i’ve ever done i feel
self-conscious and stupid about this
i don’t want to do this because it’s not
like john candy wasn’t
a big name at that point he was he was a
big star when space balls came out
so it wasn’t like he was just trying to
get into the business here
so the thing i love with john candy is
you don’t
sometimes you’ll see an actor and you’re
like oh that’s the actor playing this
um with john candy it’s just the
like he’s he’s the guy from summer uh
he’s plays trains and automobiles del
griffith you know
just he becomes that character and
really kind of molds himself into that
and you just go with whatever he’s
right so i agree yeah he’s he’s so
talented and
was gone way too soon um but just an
incredible talent
and and luckily now we’re getting rick
moranis back in some stuff
i know i’m excited for that took some
time away to raise his family out of the
spotlight and major props to him for
and now he’s coming back and he’s done a
couple of uh commercials with ryan
and uh commercials they’re making uh
uh honey i shrunk the kids film for
disney plus
so yeah yeah good to have you
it is good to have him back but i also
respect the fact that he said
you know the point that he did because
again it wasn’t like he was just
breaking into the business he was a big
star he was when he decided to step away
and um i still think even when you see
him on like the ryan reynolds commercial
it just seems like
this guy just doesn’t take himself too
seriously right
he’s like he’s just rick moranis this is
just happens to be his
job and he just happens to be really
good at it
and he seems like the kind of guy you
want to go and have lunch with
and just chat and he would tell you all
sorts of stories that would be hilarious
but you feel like you’re just with a
friend yeah i agree i think so
and and i don’t ever want to meet him
and have that
um that broken illusion probably
taken away from me like i just i
i everything that i’ve heard is he’s a
really decent nice guy and i think
you’re right tracy
but if you catch him on the wrong day
that could
right and i don’t want that ruined for
me right now right
absolutely but now we’ve got to grade
this movie and i’m
so torn on how to grade this movie
like i don’t think you can grade this
based on well i don’t know i want to
hear what you gave it
tracy and why all right well this is my
like i said this and we have said
throughout this conversation
is this movie is completely ludicrous it
off the rails it doesn’t make a whole
lot of sense
but man the the jokes come fast and the
the the acting is for what it was not
i mean um very different version of rick
this was this wannabe evil dictator
who just really is just kind of a soft
little nerd
guy in a giant helmet and
but he wants to be this evil dictator um
it’s a it’s a b movie and i i’m gonna
give it a b
i it’s a solid b for me i i
i it’s not great cinema it’s not citizen
it is not um some of these other movies
but it is what it is and what it is is
really funny and
really clever and really well done i
mean clever is stupid
and there’s you can get so dumb like
this this straddles the line between
dumb and
silly and and handles it really well
um in the hands of a lesser filmmaker
this would have just been
a really really terrible movie um
there’s laughs it was fun to go back in
very 80s base i i’m going i’m going with
a b
yeah and i think that’s i think that’s
about right
it’s hard because when i look at grading
a movie i’m like okay well did i enjoy
the story did i enjoy the acting did i
and the problem with that
is i the story it could have been any
story here it didn’t
matter and it was so inconsequential to
the actual film and what they were
trying to do
but they weren’t wanting it like the
writing wasn’t supposed to be like this
powerful story it was supposed to be
what it was and that’s the hard thing is
the acting was great from a couple of
actors and it was
okay for the other actors for what it
was but they weren’t
looking for it to be great and so right
you get like any
any complaint that you could throw at
this it would be like yeah but that’s
something we were trying to do
for what they were trying to do this is
a really good movie that stands the test
of time
it’s funny a lot of the jokes still
land really really well and the ones
that don’t are
you’re already on to the next one so
fast like you said tracy that they don’t
even matter right um
it’s not exactly it’s it’s not blazing
saddles or young frankenstein
but no but i think that it’s better than
like robin hood men in tights
which yeah although i haven’t seen that
in years so maybe i’d have a different
uh reaction to that now but
you know i think that’s a good place to
put this it is
like it isn’t blazing saddles or young
frankenstein which i think are two
of the greatest comedies that have ever
been done
um they’re just so good and this
doesn’t get up to that level but it is i
think a step above robin hood men in
tights and i think that’s a good place
to put it
um and and for me that would probably
put it as a b as well
nice blazing saddles young frankenstein
might be getting into the eight
territory but we’re not talking about
mill brooks films and we’re not talking
about those films right now so i can’t
tell you you’ll have to tune in later
you have to go in
if you haven’t seen in a long time if
you didn’t experience it back in the 80s
um get ready but you know buckle in
but like i said it is silly it’s over
the top but
it’s amusing and it just is a really
funny little
silly little inconsequential movie it’s
not going to change your world it’s not
going to change your life
but it’s going to give you an hour and a
half of a good time
yep and and honestly and it is it’s only
an hour and a half so really you’re not
even gonna
we aren’t even having to commit a ton of
time to it but honestly if you saw this
15 years ago and you liked it or you saw
this as a kid and you liked it
watch it again because you’ll probably
still like it there have been other
movies that we’ve reviewed where i was
like i really like that as a kid and
then i watch it i’m like
uh-huh why the parent trap
comes to mind immediately yeah yeah
and um or even like we we talked
recently about nacho libre i remember
when that came out i enjoyed it a lot
more than i did this last time when we
watched it and i was like
but this this is very different because
i think i got more of the jokes
you know 10 15 years later i think i um
enjoyed it on a different level and i
think that that you will too if you
haven’t seen it in a long time
go check it out it’s it’s free in some
places to stream with commercials or
not a whole lot to rent or buy so yeah
yeah three
ideas i’ve got an old vhs of it sitting
around just dust it off put it in your
and watch it the other thing real quick
i remember going to the theater
and again i i was so young i was 12 i
didn’t get a lot of the jokes but
so much of the merchandise at the movie
was spaceball’s theme so it was um
spaceballs the soda cup
and it was spaceballs the popcorn box
and listen if if you’re watching this
and they start talking about the
merchandising and like i’ve i’ve seen
star wars fans get upset about
things like that because it’s like well
no star wars isn’t just about the
i’m telling you go back watch like on
netflix there’s the toys that made us
talk about the star wars toys go find a
good documentary like that about
the merchandising that went along with
star wars oh yeah
and they hit it right on the money in
space because they licensed
everything lucas was a genius in the
lucas said to the to the studio they
were having trouble with the budget and
he had to go back for more money
and he said tell you what i’ll take a
lower cut on my initial fee
but i get all the merchandising and
advertising rights and at the time they
didn’t merchandise films so fox studios
was like
yeah whatever right have at it and
everything i i had star wars sheets i
had pillowcases i had
drapes i had toys i had
soap i mean there was so much star wars
george lucas and that licensing deal
that he made for the merchandising and
things like that of star wars
is the reason why your kids have
spider-man sheets on their beds right
and the reason why like
that i mean and disney has copied that
with with their marvel stuff
and just to just in general i mean let’s
face it there are two
company or two people that do or two
groups i guess that do
this kind of merchandising better than
anybody else it’s disney and it’s
now that they’re owned by the same
company they’re unstoppable i mean it’s
what it is but i’m not even angry about
it because i’m fine with buying a bunch
of star wars crap and disney crap and i
don’t care
and if you’re not then you don’t have to
buy it nobody’s making you buy it
that’s okay too yeah but georgia
he got wealthy not off of the star wars
films them but off
the merchandise exactly right he made
more money in one year
off merchandising than he did for all
the theatrical
releases uh gross box office
so i mean yeah yeah but that that was
the other thing that stuck out at me
last night watching it is i’m like i
remember going to the theater and it was
spaceballs the mat you know on the
ground and
yeah they had stickers and like a
sticker on the wall and it said
spaceballs the sticker and i’m like
what i wasn’t in on the joke so it
didn’t make sense
but but now like if this has come out
i think i and i was thinking about that
like we need a spaceballs too
of some sort because like there’s been
so much more star wars that’s come
after this and there’s so much more that
you could make fun of and
i need a helmet lord helmet
action figure yes well i need the whole
so i can recreate that screen in my
basement it’s fine
oh man it’s the silliest movie we’ve
ever done by far
i think so i think so and maybe we need
to do more mel brooks films to kind of
compete with that i was thinking about
that last night i’m like you know i have
not seen
blazing saddles in a long time
uh yeah so that one that one was one
that i’m like okay i got to put that
back on the list
i haven’t watched young frankenstein in
some years so that was that’s another
one that i’m like okay i got to put that
on the list
but yeah young frankenstein to me is
really funny because
we were pretty uh growing up we were
um careful about the content that we
watched i guess is how i’ll say it
as far as pretty conservative and things
like that but young frankenstein was
something that we watched every
every year my dad could quote it and i
remember getting older
and starting to get more of the humor in
it i’m like this is a filthy show
like compared to some of those and it’s
not like overly bad that people are like
wow jake’s a prude no
i’m just saying like once i started
getting some of the jokes i was like i
am surprised that we watched this as
often as we did
so true so tr roll roll
monty python’s a lot like that too you
watch some like
the holy grail now and you’re like wow
there is some stuff in there that i
don’t know was appropriate for kids but
you know right over our heads at the
time yeah yep like stuff that if my kid
comes in while i’m watching it i’m like
oh man
but they don’t know what’s going on no
they have no clue
and i’m like what was wrong with my
parents so they let me watch this stuff
although to be fair with monty python we
didn’t grow up watching monty python
i was probably in my mid to late teens
when i saw
holy grail for the first time and it was
with the consent of my parents not that
they were against me watching it like my
dad just doesn’t care for monty python
so it wasn’t like he sat down and
watched it with me or anything it was
i watched it at a friend’s house and i’m
like have you guys heard of this movie
and they were like
oh stupid there there’s some great stuff
yeah monty python is oh so yeah
so good okay
we’ve got a cameo here by number six hey
i’m recording the show
can you yeah it’s ben and this is
appropriate for what we’re talking about
with spaceballs he’s talking about how
big his lightsaber is and there’s just
i’m not going to go there because it’s i
i’m not either
boy yeah but not gonna we’re not gonna
go near that one
so but turn it on have a laugh
enjoy yourself exactly and it’s it’s a
lot of fun
you’ll really enjoy it um and if you
don’t then we’re sorry
and that’s okay you have no soul
[Laughter] or we just hope you find something else
to watch that you enjoy instead and
that’s fine
um next week we are going to be back
with some more staff picks for you guys
um we are have picked uh three movies
uh based on a weird director kind of off
wall kind of director um
and so we’ll unveil those picks next
week as we go into march madness where
we are going to be doing
uh we we’re each picking a film that’s
just a little bit weird
uh for march madness and in there
somewhere we are going to talk about the
zack snyder
justice league yes yes that’s coming out
on hbo max
and i think that’ll be an interesting
conversation we’re going to go live with
that we want to have
um feedback from people in real time um
like we’ve done in the past
um i think all three of us are on the
same page and that we’re not
huge zack snyder fans we’re not huge
uh we’re not like savoring and and just
chomping at the bit to watch this it’ll
be interesting
to see i will probably only watch it
because we’re talking about it on the
like that’s kind of where you are with
it i i i i
i love the marvel movies um but i was a
dc kid growing up like batman was my guy
um yeah and and you’re a huge superman
so it’ll be it’ll be interesting to see
i’m i
i don’t think zack snyder really
understands these characters
he wanted to do more of a deconstruction
of the superhero
um as opposed to what they’re supposed
to be
which works for like batman but doesn’t
work for superman doesn’t work for the
so um it’ll be interesting to see it’s a
it’s a weird experiment but hey
we’ll we’ll check it out and let you
know yep and we’ll talk about it right
here so march is going to be all about
some kind of off-the-wall kind of stuff
um because it’s march madness i keep
telling people we’re doing march madness
there was like so you’re going to talk
about basketball movies
no no like nerdy crazy kind of march
madness not like
basketball sports nerd kind of march
madness which right we’re big basketball
fans too
that’s we’re not against yours yeah yeah
i’d love to do a month of like hoosiers
glory road and there’s some good
basketball flicks out there there’s
very good good stuff out there yeah but
we’re not talking about those next month
we’re talking about weird movies so
it’ll be fun
and then we’ll we’ll figure out what
we’re going to do in april but that’s
what we’ve got coming up in march so we
hope that you’ll stick around
check us out you can send us uh
email feedback at uh podcast movies that
make us dot com you can also
uh follow us on all the social media
please do
um get your bot friends to follow us as
we i just learned that there are over a
hundred million people on instagram with
a hundred thousand or more followers
we’re slacking we need more followers so
please follow us on instagram
especially because we want to start
getting those free deals from people
oh so i i need some some free swag so
get get on that and send us
uh get us some swag exactly exactly
we want to get one of those all expenses
paid vacations yes to take lots of
pictures and stuff
so and if you haven’t checked out
fake famous you really should it’s a lot
of fun it’s it’s
a lot of fun in that it’s very
interesting uh yeah and then you’ll get
what we’re talking about here
um and uh yeah we really appreciate
everything that you guys do
uh all of your interactions we’ve had
quite a few over the last couple of
weeks and we really appreciate that
um we think it’s great and i guess
that’s it i mean
until next time we won’t see you at the
space balls space balls
[Music] this has been a stolen droids media

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