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Spaceballs Review – Off The Shelf Reviews

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This week Gary and Iain review and discuss, Spaceballs (1987) by Director, Mel Brooks. Starring, Rick Moranis, Bill Pullman and Daphne Zuniga.

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[Music] hello welcome to off the shelf reviews
i’m a mog half man half dog i’m my own
best friend
and i’m gary and today we’re gonna
review and discuss
space balls which come out in 1987
co-written produced and directed by mel
brooks ian why don’t you give us the
well the story follows princess vesper
from the planet druidia
she has just escaped from a forced
marriage and is about to be captured
by the evil space balls they want her so
that they can steal
all the oxygen from her planet
but king roland has hired lone star to
try to save
princess vesper from the evil dark
[Music] you know mel brooks is just he’s still
as for me the king of parody yeah yeah
you go all the way back to blazing
yeah young frankenstein you got silent
and then to the later extent you’ve got
uh robin hood men in
tights dracula dead and loving that
just he’s just a source of endless humor
and almost every one of his movies is
insanely rewatchable
and he always said that you should only
ever parody
something that you love yeah because
then it comes from the right place and
one of those things that you just get
inherently so that when you’re making
fun of it
you know how to and you also know how to
respect the source material
as well yeah so much so that when he had
the screenplay
for spaceballs it wasn’t even called
spaceballs it was called planet [ __ ] but they checked and there was a film
that came out like two years prior
called morons from outer space so he was
just like oh
you know what we it’s got to have space
in the title
yeah yeah and then they were in the
office just brainstorming ideas until he
shouted out balls
space balls and that was where the film
title come from
uh but you know he he loved star wars
and once the screenplay was written he
sent it to george lucas yeah and he was
like i i want your blessing
please on the film and george lucas
loved the screenplay so much
that um when he got to see the film as
well he went
you know what industrial light and magic
my my tech
company yeah they are going to do all of
your post
special effects all the laser blasters
the light effects
yeah there’s even unused shots from star
that weren’t used and so put into this
film wow
like the uh escape pods towards the end
yeah yeah completely filmed for star
wars and not used so we’re just like
there you go
but there was one massive stipulation
from george lucas to mel brooks i think
i noticed because i read this for carry
on right and it was
you’re allowed to make a star wars
parody on the sole
condition that you make no merchandise
to compete with my star wars merchandise
so my brother’s like okay especially
i’ve read this up as well especially
action figures because he was worried
that mel brooks’s action figures would
look better than his original star wars
i was like yeah that’s true and so that
is why
when you watch the film there is a
running gag yeah that the entire film
countless amounts of film merchandise
that is completely unavailable
space falls the doll me
may the schwartz be with you i
watched this i i was saying this to gary
before we hit the camera
you know i watch this i think at the
right time of of my life
you know i was i am still a big star
wars fan
you know regardless of what people say
regardless of the troubles that the
films go behind i like laser blasts and
ships flying around and pew pew it’s all
great you know
and when you’re a kid and you’re you’re
just eating all up you get a film
with the i remember i think it on the
picture on the front it’s just all of
them in a group and spaceballs and
somebody firing their finger in the
laser and i’m like
i have to see this you know and and once
you get into the film if you know what
you’re looking for
everything is funny well even the
opening text crawl
oh god of star wars oh yeah it’s
it’s maybe not as funny now as it was
when i first saw the film
because we’ve seen endless you know yeah
yeah yeah totally totally but i love
this that still makes me laugh a bit at
the end where it comes up if you can
read this you don’t need glasses i’m
like that’s still funny
but then you get that whole shot of the
you know and like i know star wars did
it first a lot of the other sci-fi has
tried a copy of it but mel brooks just
you know what i’m just going to take the
piss out of it how big can we make
spaceball one
right you know how long can we make the
audience sit there until you go
where’s the end of this [ __ ] right it’s
like nearly two minutes just panning
along this ship
but you get the jaws theme behind it as
and you know that’s really the beauty of
it because like i said i at that time
i’d already seen
airplane you know and so i i knew
parodies and understood jokes like that
and i i only thought about this while i
was watching this film of
you know after this the amount of
parodies that would come out who must
look back at mel brooks and go
that’s where i got the idea you know i
wanted to go after watching this i
really wanted to go watch the scary
movies you know just because our parody
is how stupid they can be
the austin powers movies of how stupid
they can be with james one film
somebody somewhere went and went i watch
mel brooks movies let’s just take the
piss out of this
genre you know i mean up to the point
colonel sanders on the bridge of the of
space ball one you know they’re getting
position to come to planet druidia
and to steal all the oxygen from them
but druidia’s got this
invisible shield so they need the code
to unlock it
and dark helmet turns up mr rick moranis
now if you don’t like rick moranis
i’m i have to politely ask you to get
the [ __ ] out my face because
the guy i can’t i can’t i can’t name
anything i haven’t watched him in that i
haven’t really enjoyed
you know the speckled glasses the dorky
the fact that his tie in this looks like
a dick
but it does it does and you know it’s
like i’m doing it a couple of times like
he’s walking forward and it’s got the
two little balls up top and then it’s
got the bit going in the middle
and it’s black because it fits him with
the rest but i’m like he’s wearing a
dick well it’s more like
his helmet is like the obvious
like who came up with that idea like we
need to rip darth vader
so we’re gonna get the shortest most
geekiest looking guy and just pick the
biggest [ __ ] thing on his head
i can’t breathe in this thing but it
works you know
and the humor is is just there i mean
granted you know he
he he doesn’t force choke them but he
laser blasts him in the nuts
[Applause] [Laughter] they have some of the best dialogue just
him and colonel sanders on that set i
mean i
i don’t want to jump all over the place
um like we
like we try to avoid that with our
reviews as we try to keep context for it
but you know with parodies you know it’s
really hard because it’s just joke after
joke after joke
and the amount of jokes they have on
that bridge this i’m surrounded by
[ __ ] joke is [ __ ] brilliant you know like
stop firing sorry sir and he’s got cross
eyes who hired this man i did here’s my
who is he’s an [ __ ] it’s just back
and forth
then like how many takes must they have
done that
well i can tell ya mel brooks was kind
of famous for doing more than 10 takes
everything he was aiming for perfection
every time
um it drew some of the actors a little
bit nuts yeah yeah
but he just but he also let them
improvise as well
and just him played with the dialogue
yeah he gave the ground
work and just went play with it and
obviously rick moranis
uh john candy oh yeah they’re fantastic
at just improvised comedy yeah
and so often or not they would just say
a line and mel brooks were like they’re
staying in like you can’t write that
funny she doesn’t look jewish
well yeah mel brooks is i mean his
jewish humor
is in every one of his movies and he
always said i feel a bit
a bit guilty putting it in there but
then he always says but i also feel
that i left it in there oh man okay mel
yeah i love the fact that he’s in the
movie as well because he’s got some
great sequences like when he gets beamed
by scotty
and his head’s on backwards or or the
bit where he’s in the toilet and she
calls him on that video one he’s like
don’t call me here
and she just looks down and then looks
at the camera to laugh
all of the fourth wall breaking stuff
there’s so much fourth wall breaking
like i love the moment
where he’s just like yes take me to the
and he wanders off and he’s just like
what’s going on with this readout on
this machine he said well that’s mr
and he’s like well that’s exactly what i
wanted get some coffees i always drink
my coffee when i’m
on radar duty radar machines like right
next to him
but they have that little run down down
there right we’ve come to the planet
we’re going to steal the oxygen we’re
going to kidnap the princess to get the
code to get king roland to open it and
rick moranis just looks the camera and
you got it once we kidnap the princess
we can force her father king roland to
give us the combination to the airshield
thereby destroying planet druidia and
saving planet’s baseball
everybody got that was that moment as
well when he opens up the video cabinet
[ __ ] and you know i was like what’s
up the film’s almost quite prophetic
because there is almost that many rocky
movies now
but they find the spaceballs film oh god
they put it on and they have their own
spaceballs inception moment just i love
that bit because i mean we’re talking
1987 and they’re making the jokes
about all the merchandise and how the
film’s out before the film is even
finished in cinemas and rick moranis is
like what
where who when and i’m sat there
watching this film and i’m like
that’s true because half the time you
can find the film on the internet before
it’s even hit the cinema
you know so you already have a copy of
it to look through before you even
watched it
and the fact that they’re searching
through the film to find out where the
main characters have gone
i’m like they should just fast forward
to the end to find out how this all ends
so they can avoid it oh my god my
brain’s brushed
much too early prepare to fast forward
preparing to fast forward fast forward
fast forwarding sir
so it cuts back down to uh planet
geridia yeah
princess vesper it’s our wedding day um
she’s not too
uh enthralled with her prince her uh
he just keeps falling asleep and so she
does a runner on her wedding day yeah
she gets into uh her mercedes
and she drags.matrix with her who’s
voiced by joan rivers
oh my you couldn’t get any better like i
like a lot of female comedians but i
think it all started from joan rivers
nice like she was the first woman who
could make me laugh by telling me to
shut the [ __ ] up
yeah i kind of feel bad for the uh for
the it was a mime an actress that was in
a suit yeah yeah um and she
she worked she worked her blood off she
did especially in the desert sequences
as well
um and so yeah she was suffocating in
that suit but
she was the original voice but mel was
just like i’m sorry but your voice just
isn’t quite right yeah yeah
he brought in joan rivers who had never
even seen the film and just
did her lines and i was like that’s what
i wanted yeah yeah you just needed this
i mean because it counters with c3po
doesn’t it
the character he’s always there as the
butler telling people what to do
and joan rivers is there just you know
she kind of thinks that she knows what
she’s doing but then at the same time
she’s just playing up to everybody else
so we’re with with princess vesper when
they’re in the car
and she’s giving her this big talk about
why she can run away
and then princess vespa just kind of
lifts up her ear muff and goes what do
you say
the princess leia earmuffs was fantastic
what a joke
i i got to bring up now daphne daphne
who plays uh princess vesper i did not
realize was the same girl from fly 2
right like i learned something new every
time we do an episode of this i’m like
oh it’s it’s it’s her [ __ ] you know
i didn’t recognize it from any other
films over there in those two right now
i haven’t seen fly too in such a long
time oh i haven’t seen these two
back to back but she played a really
good princess leia kind of
i want to say knockoff parody yeah you
know but she also made princess vesper
her own
right you know and that’s something
you’ll take from this film is that as
much as it’s a parody of star wars every
is their own character so you know when
we get to lone star
played by uh bill pullman man that
president united states
you know like when he when like after
this he’s like
i’m gonna go save the world of course
you know
and like gary said we’ve got john candy
playing barf
you know the half man half dog chewbacca
parody once again can’t name a bad film
with john candian so this one just goes
right up there and i love the way you
you just pay attention more when you’re
reviewing the film the amount of times
he smacks lone star in the face with his
tail as he walks back
long stars just go [ __ ] stop whacking
well i mean it was rick moranis who
suggested to mel brooks hey why don’t we
get john candy in to play to play barf
yeah and originally it was a character
that was supposed to be completely made
up a bit like chewbacca all right yeah
yeah but then mel was just like well if
we’re gonna get john candy and like
i wanna see his face otherwise we could
just get anybody in the suit yeah
it wouldn’t matter and so they went
through lots of different revisions
uh to get the makeup just right and in
the end it was just a hairpiece
yeah but it was like two different
technicians one controlling one ear each
and uh john candy had like a device in
his hand to control his tail
nice oh anything to drink hey hey
watch what you’re sticking that thing
huh oh
look it’s got a mind of its own
sweetheart i can’t do a thing with it
it’s it’s just works so well because
once princess vesper has escaped from
the planet and she’s being chased by the
space balls you know they really want to
capture her for this
and and lone star and barf rescue them
and they go
shooting off well it’s because lone star
is you know he’s uh he’s like han solo
yeah absolutely a rip of answer and uh
pizza the hutt
it’s got a bounty on him and wants a
million credits that he’s owed
and so it’s lone star makes a deal with
the king yeah to rescue the daughter for
a million space credits
it’s so gross to look at pizza the hutt
but so tasty
right like i mean it’s it’s actually
real pizza that’s bubbling on top that’s
why it looks
so real right exactly now the the guy
that was inside the suit
uh he’s not the guy who remains in the
suit because in some most of the tanks
obviously mel brooks again
again again there was heaters inside the
to keep the cheese melting and bubbling
and it set on fire and the whole suit
was in smoke
the actor crawled out of it and was just
like oh brave i can’t breathe and i was
like get back in the seat we’re doing
another take
and he was like ain’t going back in
there so they had to put another guy in
the suit to continue the scene
but yeah it’s it’s memorable because
it’s so disgusting looking oh yeah
but they they’ve made this plan to to
save princess vesper to get the million
space bucks
and you know you know as a star wars fan
of how this is all going to play out the
good guy is going to beat the bad guys
but what is also really interesting is
the relationship between
vesper and and lone star like you want
them to get together as well
and i love that whole bit where they’re
arguing over the intercom giving each
other [ __ ] he’s just a peasant she’s a spoiled
you know and then they’re gonna go meet
and they just stop in the middle of the
winnebago i mean
lone star ship is a winnebago with wings
like eagle five i think it’s cool
yeah yeah you know it’s like i want that
i think i you know i like serenity you
know i like the
serenity ship it looks really nice but i
want to win a bagel with wings
yeah i’m looking at the spacecraft you
know i’m just like
how does it even function like
when they do the space rescue yeah they
just drop a ladder from the bottom of
the wing omega
he just climbs down he’s just in the
vacuum of space he’s just like come on
i was sat there like oh mugs must be
able to breathe in space that’s why this
is what this is
but then they climb back up and i’m like
yeah now i’ve got my mother
okay mentally there’s a force fielder
yeah there’s a magical force filter
but it’s the fact that they they are
about to get captured as well and they
activate their super hyperdrive
and so they shoot off and dark helmets
just like
where’d they go what happened they must
have secret hyperdrive sir
what have we got on here we’ve got
something yes sir we’ve got a hyperdrive
that’s too s too slow we need to go to
ludicrous speed and you’re like what the
[ __ ] is
new to crispy and colonel sanders played
by george
weiner is just like sarah we’ve uh never
gone that fast before what are you
chicken colonel sanders
profession prepare ship
for lunatic speed fasten all seat belts
yeah ludicrous speed go and he just
oh this whole exit section of rick moran
is just kind of holding on
you know because he hasn’t buckled
himself in because he wants to look all
brave in front of everybody
his face is squeezing up the whole light
coming past the screen you know because
they’re going so fast
like i still don’t understand how they
got to plan
but i’m just going with the fact that
there’s so many lights it just made a
nice pattern
[Music] but they end up losing them anyway and
uh lone star
and his crew end up crashing onto a
planet yes
and uh there’s another kind of like i
guess a prophetic
line of dialogue right where all the
aliens have surrounded them
and he’s like where are we disneyland
i’m like
this is star wars parody and now it’s
[ __ ] star wars
oh it’s [ __ ] brilliant i was like mel
brooks can just see the future
you know those little dinks walking
oh great and then when they get to their
their secret hideout
and they go inside we realize that this
is the secret lair to yoga
not yoda because that would infringe on
we have yoga and it is a it’s a bit of a
wizard of oz piss tape because he’s got
the big statue trying to be all scary
and then mel brooks comes out and i
gotta give the guy dedication you know
because he’s playing
president scroob the president of the
space ball people who’s just
you know there he wants this air because
there’s no good air on planets baseball
other than the little cans of perrier
that you can buy and then he’s putting
himself in there
as yoga and you can see all the
prosthetics that he’s got on and the
and the fact that he’s trying to be
small but if you look carefully you can
see his legs
yeah he’s walking around on his knees
i know and then when he hits that whole
thing about
uh space balls merchandise you know the
the action figures the toilet paper the
kids flamethrower
oh everybody wants one of those i’m like
why don’t we get star wars flamethrowers
oh man so if you look when he picks up
like the coloring book on the lunch box
it’s optimus prime yeah i was like
well they didn’t have enough time to do
it well the you know the prop master was
just like ah screw it well
it’s prophetic isn’t it what leads up
later on in the movie
yeah uh because while they’re on the
planet like we said the spaceballs have
lost them but they’ve searched through
the spaceballs movie to find out what
planet they’ve gotten to
and then when they get to the planet
that [ __ ] line of combing the desert
was awesome i mean there is a there’s an
right at the beginning of like this
safari outfit
but like their vehicle looks like it’s
floating yeah
but now i’ve watched it like on blu-ray
yeah like you can see all the mirrors
that they’ve used to give it the
illusion of it floating
i was like well you know back back in
the day that looked totally fine yeah
them combing the desert with literally
giant combs
was amazing and small bit of trivia for
you yeah uh
the guy who goes we have found [ __ ] yeah
tim russ who is tuvok from star trek
voyager oh
[ __ ] oh man i i want to do
something like that that guy’s got to be
somehow famous because he’s been given
this line the camera is close up to him
and it’s just brilliant
i mean i want to shout back to michael
winslow yes on board spaceballs
[ __ ] doing the voice there’s only one
person who would use strawberry jam
you know the radar has been jammed sir
um i’ve lost the bleeps the creeps and
the sweeps and you’re like the what the
what then what
and then watching him do all the the all
the sound effects sound effects and just
making it sound so brilliant i love it
when he’s doing that
[Laughter] well you don’t need that private we’re
right here now what is it
yeah what is it yeah i mean mel brooks
turned around and he was just like yeah
you know we saved like a thousand
dollars like
hiring him so we didn’t have to do all
the sound effects ourselves
like that guy’s genius and playing with
his voice oh it’s amazing
but the space balls have gone to the
planet and they’ve realized that
you know our heroes are where yoga and
dark helmets like look i can’t just walk
in there because he’s got the good
schwartz and i’ve got the bad schwartz
and there’s like a whole thing and
that’s what mel brooks calls it in this
movie it’s not the forces the schwartz
you know because it’s jewish um and and
dark helmet uses his schwartz
to pretend to be king roland to lure
princess vesper
out and once she’s out he captures her
and doc matrix gets them back onto
spaceball one and fires off
so yogurt gives lone star and barf
a bunch of fuel so that they can get
after spaceball one
and it also gives them a fortune cookie
because lone star has got this necklace
you know and he’s he was left on the
footsteps of the
this uh the on the steps of this
you know and and he’s
[Laughter] you know you you you kind of know what’s
gonna happen like she can’t marry
anybody else other than a prince
you know and she’s kind of fallen in
love with lone star so
spoilers um but they go shoot they go
shooting off to
rescue her from space ball one and as
they get flying up there
well actually they they don’t go to
space well one do they they go to
planets baseball
because she’s been catching i didn’t
realize this i’ve seen this film like
[ __ ] 15 million times and i always was like
oh yeah he rescues her from spaceball
one no he doesn’t he goes to the
planet’s baseball
you know beats up those two guards
steals their outfits luckily they’re the
size right and then they go and rescue
her from the detention sector
because space ball one have got the
codes for the air shield and they’ve
gone flying to planet druidia
and they are starting to change
spaceball one into
[Music] mega maid it’s a giant maid with a
vacuum cleaner
and they they pilot it right over the uh
the gap and then they start
sucking out the atmosphere suck suck
suck suck suck
[Laughter] yeah and so then lone star who’s rescued
princess vesper
they launch a mission to uh to
deactivate it yeah and uh but he’s like
well we don’t know how to do it
we use the schwartz so he uses his ring
and he manages to turn it from suck to
are you seeing reverse animation all the
trees going right back down again
man i swear i had a mandela effect with
this sequence right
you know like like i said i’ve seen this
film a hundred [ __ ] times and i
swear i swear i must like it must be in
my brain just lost but
i swear when when mel brooks colonel
sanders and dark helmet are on board
space ball one going suck suck suck
i swear the other guys must have said
blow blow blow at one point when they
reversed it but i’ve never seen it
again and i’m like i know i’m not mad or
i might be mad i don’t know but i swear
i’ve seen it
but it doesn’t happen here he reverses
it and i love the fact that the trees
plop right back
in the spot you know the snow goes right
back onto the
mountain the king wakes up again i can
breathe especially
and and they fly through the ears the
ear of mega maid to try to get to the
self-destruct sequence
and lone star leaves heads to the uh
he heads to the self-destruct uh button
and while he’s there
he sneaks up behind the car and he’s
what are you doing i’m trying to do the
broken neck print it’s where the
shoulder and the neck connect
oh okay there
the car is just like so helpful
you are the last guard to the
self-destruct system
oh no there’s the other guy the guy with
the shaving phone right you know they
shaved in the face and i was like
i really hope that’s some kind of
whipped cream because that must taste
[ __ ] horrible
so just before he gets to turn off the
button though dark helmet turns up
yeah and he does the whole you there’s
something you didn’t know about me
i’m your your father’s housemate’s
distant relative cousin
whatever it was like what does that make
us nothing then
they get their schwartz rings out but
they place them precariously over their
testicles and then they just make these
rods and you have your lightsaber fight
and knowing that obviously
you know uh it was your lighter magic
yeah george lucas went yo we’re gonna
help you
just makes it even more sweeter you know
sometimes with the parodies you know the
special effects can be so bad
it ruins the joke you know like i said
about scary movies sometimes that
happens like with the cat
when the cat’s running around it just
looks so [ __ ] stupid
you know for seeing this like i like
lightsabers and seeing these two
like clash against each other the way
they point them is the fact that he
holds dark helmet back
and he can’t reach him the way their
lightsabers get into it
well if i put my leg there and you
really push
you know and he just he ends up beating
him up and knocking him into the big
the self-destruct is then activated
so it’s that’s an awesome sequence as
well like you you don’t know
like we’ve seen up lots of sci-fi shows
self-destruct gets activated and
everybody just calmly
moves to the escape portfolio you can
just see like all these random people
just struggling
to get to an escape pod the circus
you know this more ladies the bearded
like all these stupid things up to the
point so that there are no more escape
pods left and the only three people on
are our three evil mains and then
everything just explodes and the head
goes flying off
and and lone star flies princess vesper
back down to the planet
drops her off and bug is off and
princess vesper is pissed at this point
because she’s like just like leia she’s
like oh he took the money
and he just went and we cut back to lone
star who’s stopping at a
space diner and i don’t know if you’ve
noticed i paused it but there’s a
millennium falcon there
i was like is there any other ship and i
had to search and i was like
no okay but they go inside him and barf
and they’re talking to the waitress and
she’s like what do you want do you want
the super
special and he’s like i’ll have the soup
and barf will have the special
and then we cut over to a familiar crew
from a particular film you know we’re
all talking
and one of them has a bit of indigestion
i guess he had the special too
it is one of my favorite parodies ever
yeah seeing the nostromo crew sat there
and then john hurt
spitting up and struggling and wobbling
around and then chest bursting
wait a minute there’s a chestburster’s
got a hat and a king
it’s singing
hello my baby hello my honey
[Music] another mandela effect i swear i saw
them order eggs once
i swear i’m like i said i think i’m mad
i don’t know but i swear he ordered eggs
and then when she asked what they had he
had the egg and it’s not it’s the
special and i’m like
but it’s a such a phenomenal sequence i
was it you were saying to me before like
john hurt didn’t get paid for it
yeah he was like mel was just like hey
just you know it’s just a cameo roll
we’re just gonna parody alien
and he was like it’s only for a day and
so he was just like oh you know i’ll do
it for free
yeah and then after the day of filming
he walked off and he said i should have
asked her been paid for that because he
didn’t realize how much work was going
to go into
the rigging and the setup and everything
else didn’t he didn’t he said that he
was never going to do that kind of [ __ ] after he did elephant man
right yeah dodge on her
oh great actor though and you know it
really just
gave that scene some gravity as well
actually john hurt there yeah
yeah because like as a sci-fi fan like
like i said if you know the jokes if
you’ve seen the films everything is so
funny and it’s the way john hurt goes
oh no not again like this happens on a
daily basis
and the crew i like that chef who comes
out and just looks and goes
and it’s like dancing
but princess vesper she’s being forced
to obviously
uh marry prince valium and she realizes
from her father
that lone star didn’t take the money he
just wanted some money for gas and he
just left
so it turns out he’s not a complete
scoundrel he’s actually got some honor
but we then cut back to lone star and
bar if he were in the winnebago and
they’ve got no food because obviously
they’re not having any specials
and the fortune cookie that uh yogurt
gave them they opened
and he comes out yogurt comes out and
says oh yeah uh your medallion
basically it’s the uh a birth
certificate for a prince
you’re a prince hey and he’s like i’m a
prince that means i can marry princess
vesper woo
and they’re so happy and he flies back
as fast as he can and walks in in that
badass white suit i love the priest i
like there’s so many little characters
in the background of mel brooks movies
that have such witty lines and this
priest is one of them
because he’s so [ __ ] adamant he’s
gonna marry somebody here today he just
ends up doing a short version do you
yeah do you yeah you’re married right
okay here we go the short short version
do you yes do you yes
good you’re married chester yeah and
it’s yeah they lived happily ever after
you know fairy tale ending yeah yeah
yeah yeah but fantastic but the space
ball head is still
the the mega maid head is still flying
through space and it finally crashes on
this planet
and we follow two apes from planet the
apes you know with the prosthetic
effects which is so brilliant
riding up and watching these space balls
climb out the nose
and they’ve got such a great line i’m
going to save it for my favorite scene
but right
the movie’s just one big [ __ ] joke
that’s pretty much how the film ends as
well yeah i mean they did reference
space balls too the search for more
money oh yeah
which sadly has never come to pass and
so many of the actors sadly have passed
yeah i just don’t think it should ever
be touched i mean
there was a short-lived animated cartoon
yes but it was awful
like it is one of the most awful things
so never never never look for it just
let it die
worse than ankle buyers it’s on the same
level oh damn
yeah i did like the idea i mean rick
moranis had been saying that he
he at one point him and mel brooks had
been in talks to make space balls three
the search for spaceballs too i thought
that title was amazing i’m like
you have to do that just a movie trying
to look for a sequel that doesn’t exist
right well do you have any favorite
baseballs i i didn’t write down any
favorite scenes
uh for this film because i knew i would
be here all [ __ ] day just
every sequence in the movie and like i
said it was just personally for me
i hit it at such right time every joke
lines up the george jokes the disney
jokes the star wars jokes
the alien jokes you know any scene with
john candy in any scene with rick
moranis in any scene with mel brooks in
any scene in this whole movie is just
funny but there’s always one scene
that just has me in stitches every time
i see it ever since i first saw it as a
and it’s that sequence with the planet
the apes because it’s just the way they
ride up and they see the space ball
slime now and the guy goes what’s coming
out of their nose
spaceballs and the guy goes oh [ __ ] there goes the planet
[Laughter] balls oh [ __ ] there goes the planet
yeah it’s just sherry on the top for me
you know if i haven’t died of laughter
through the film that that
sequence i’m dead i don’t say i’m dead
it’s one of those rare movies as well
still retains like a pg rating despite
the overuse of the word [ __ ] and
[ __ ] yeah i i caught one [ __ ] right yeah
well when they found the self-destruct
thing was out of order i heard a [ __ ] and i was
[Laughter] [Music] but yeah i i have many many favorite
scenes in the movie i literally wrote
down the ones that made me laugh
out loud yeah and the first sequence
made me laugh out loud is when they jam
the radar
and it cuts to the space shot and you
literally see the jar of jam
hit the satellite and then the readout
when there’s jam coming down the monitor
and he wipes his finger across it and
tastes it and he’s like oh there’s only
one person
who would dare raspberry me lone star
and then the camera pans in and just
smacks him in the helmet
and knocks him out it’s like it’s just
gag joke
funny moment after another yeah becoming
the desert sequence
with tim ross saying we ain’t bound [ __ ] just the different units of men just
combing the desert absolutely hilarious
yeah the the longest starship in the
that opening crawl i’m like that ship
looks fantastic like i love that
miniature effect
really really well done um princess
vespers headphones
reminiscent of princess leia’s head of
just brilliant just an awesome gag
because it blended so seamlessly yeah
yeah yeah yeah
of course the the alien parody with john
hurt the chest burster and then it’s
singing and dancing
yeah awesome born somewhere in the ford
fantastic ludicrous speed amazing
all the rocky sequels
and then i think one of my favorite
lines is so now you see
that evil triumphs because good is dumb
[Laughter] now you see that evil will always
because good is dumb
yeah like when that when they’re having
their lightsaber duel
yeah and he he slashes across all the
kids when he gets one of the
like the sound engineer or whatever he
well ian i think this is gonna come as
no surprise to anybody watching i
recommend spaceballs i totally recommend
spaceballs and
honestly i was thinking this last night
when i was reading when i was writing it
all down and making my notes that
honestly mel brooks is just
he he hits comedy at such a level that
if you’ve never
seen his film there is one for everybody
be it a western with blazing saddles
be it uh robin hood be it [ __ ] space
balls be it dracula love it
even the producers you know which makes
a mockery of all
you know filmmaking anyway he hits
spaceballs really well personally if you
don’t like comedy
get the [ __ ] out yeah it’s
this is a really easy recommendation
from me if you like sci-fi adventure or
comedy films
and or are a fan of the original star
wars you’re bound to enjoy the humor and
the gags
in spaceballs this to me is what galaxy
is to star trek oh totally you know it
spoofs its source material well
and with love and it shows i’ll admit
that the film at times feels incredibly
goofy and silly oh yeah yeah it has a
nice range of visual jokes
fourth wall breaking self-aware humor
with some slapstick comedy and many
to other classic sci-fi films yeah there
is so much to enjoy in this film
the performances the sets the music and
sound effects
and the dialogue is endlessly quotable
yes it’s not high art it’s looking
dated now but it still retains its charm
which makes repeat viewings a joy to
this is without a doubt a classic a cult
classic and one of the best parody films
ever made
i know comedy is incredibly subjective
you may not enjoy all the jokes but it
still works even like as a child
friendly adventure film yeah that will
be remembered with fondness
and entertain for generations to come
and may the schwartz be with you
thanks for watching off-the-shelf
how many [ __ ] we got on this ship

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  1. This is a brilliant comedy, for me, Rick Maranis is the standout as Dark Helmet, but everyone is great in this movie. Always show some love for Michael Winslow too.

  2. I think I watched this movie before I watched the Original Trilogy. I think I watched Episode III and IV shortly after. In the next 8 years, I watched the other 4. I was aware of the general Star Wars stuff, but the only thing I watched was a few episodes of the Star Wars: Clone Wars show from 2003

  3. Mel Brooks' movies have always been very hit-and-miss for me. When I like them, I like them a lot (such as Young Frankenstein), but this one doesn't do it for me, which, especially as a Star Wars fan, disappointed me. Still, I enjoyed your review and it made me appreciate this movie a bit more, so thank you. 😉

  4. I had seriously high hopes for this movie since I had heard so much about it, but I couldn’t even get through the movie, there is nothing more unfunny to me than puns and puns is what makes up almost the entirety of the humor of the film. I do not think I have ever seen a movie that has aged as badly as this movie. 1/10

  5. I still have my vhs tape recorded from tv of this movie. I still love watching off of that media due to old commercials and other fact that this was how I originally watched the movie.

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