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Spaceballs (That MOVIE-NUT review)

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In which I review the 1987 science fiction spoof starring Mel Brooks, John Candy and Rick Moranis.

Does it fall to the dark side?
that movie’s not here with a review for
space balls the 1987 science fiction
spoof starring mel brooks John Candy and
Rick Moranis the story follows lone stan
is half dog half man psychic buff who
are hired to rescue a princess and her
robot servant from the evil dark helmet
a member of a race called the Spaceballs
who are planning to suck the princess’s
planet dry of air once they rescued her
the space balls chase after them and
eventually they crash on a planet where
they meet the mysterious yoga who
teaches lonestar the powers of the
schwartz which is a mystical force that
dark helmet also possesses and from
there at a race against time between the
four heroes as they attempt to stop the
Spaceballs evil plans the casting all
around is really strong mel brooks also
being the director and writer does
appear as both the sage yoga who’s
obviously a take on Yoda from the Star
Wars films and as the president of the
space balls and much like his cohorts
candy who plays bath and Rick Moranis
who plays dark helmet he nails the
material showing off his professionalism
and years of experience of delivering
each line flawlessly at a grey effect
and that transcends onto his
aforementioned peers who do very well in
their roles and perfectly emulate the
characters that meant to be making fun
of Chewbacca and our fate about bringing
a sort of zany twist we’re with Rick
Moranis providing a surprisingly good
pastiche not imitation of James Earl
Jones when he has the helmet down and
candy shows us why he was such a loss to
the world when being able to live a
strong performance despite having to
wear the prosthetics and the makeup to
make him look like a dog in he has good
chemistry with Bill Pullman who plays
loan Stan he perfectly nails the
tough-guy role that
film has it make fun of the princess and
the robot servant also share good
chemistry turning the c-3po a
relationship that’s making fun of on its
head and giving us or sassy street
smartness to it which lends itself to a
number of funny scenes and the whole
team clearly embraced the material and
really run with it now one of the film’s
strengths of course is its visuals they
perfectly replicate the big science
fiction films of the 80s that this is
making fun of Star Wars Star Trek and of
course classics such as Planet of the
Apes it’s got it all its got the
plasticky armor for the soldiers the
spaceships the lasers the long corridors
they even got a variation of lightsabers
with rings in here and it looks great
the production designer did a great job
emulating that style and it adds so much
to the film and it lends itself again to
jokes most nobly visual jokes such as
dark helmets of titular helmet which is
ridiculously oversized and the winnebago
which is clearly meant to be a take on
them an lndian Falcon and John Morrissey
score as always is top notch and
perfectly satirizes the works of john
williams and Jerry Goldsmith being epic
but also poking fun at itself with
plenty of big bowl instrumentation and a
great sense of epicness that really adds
to the film’s lunacy and now for the
most important thing as always which is
the script and being a Mel Brooks film
the humor is key here now as I mentioned
before and as is pre obvious the film is
a take on Star Wars and many of the big
space operas the big science fiction
films of the time and being Mel Brooks
of course you can expect a low of
inversion turning what would otherwise
be a serious straightforward film into
one that is brimmed with jokes the film
much like Brooks’s other spoofs is
self-aware and it pokes fun at the
ridiculous conventions of these science
fiction films with some notables being
the ludicrous speed gag obviously a
can hyper seis from a number of these
sorts of films and of course the
Schwartz a parody of the force though a
little bit more lowbrow the humor
consists of as I mentioned a metahuman
poking fun itself as well as its fair
share of raunchiness and some slapstick
most nobly when buffs foot is crushed by
a statue of yoga and for the most part
it does work the laughs as with many
Brooks’s earlier films are here and they
come quick the timing is great and you
just feel so much energy from these
actors they know they’re in something
that is ridiculous and silly they know
they’re making fun of people like Mark
Hamill James Earl Jones and Harrison
Ford and they’re just having a ball with
it and the production values help them
feel like they’re in a real science
fiction space opera epic and the
production design more than just that
helps planes with all the jokes as I
mentioned the winnebago which a first
glance may look silly but it does
actually work very well in the film and
of course the opening shot making fun of
basically almost all the opening shots
of these space operas with a
ridiculously long ship if I really had
anything to complain about would be with
the movie it would be the pacing at
times the film does slow down even when
it’s throwing jokes at you and it does
somewhat set off the timing and
sometimes it kind of loses a bit of
sense and as a result some of the gags
don’t work as well as they should and
there are a couple in here as well but
unless you really embrace the Brooks Ian
metahuman raunchiness will probably come
off as either childish or uninspired
most notably the name of dark helmet
associate being Colonel Sanders yeah you
can probably tell what the joke is gonna
play into their among a few others but
there aren’t enough here to really break
or ruin the film and as I said the
satire stays strong and the actors are
clearly having fun with the material
which in turn transfers to us the
audience and helped us embrace this
grand sweeping yet undeniably silly
world and so I must give mel brooks’s
spaceballs a Silver Star while it does
lag in a couple of places and this was
technically the beginning of the end for
Brooks’s career after this he would make
robin hood men in tights and the
dreadful dracula dead and loving it a
lot of the energy and pizzazz of old
brooks is still here while the jokes are
great the acting is solid and the
production is i just helps to complete
it all making you feel like you’re in an
actual science fiction film that’s been
turned on its head

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rick moranis spaceballs Star Wars,John Candy,Rick Moranis,Spaceballs (Film),Mel,Brooks #Spaceballs #MOVIENUT #review


  1. Spaceballs is awsome i should go and get myself some Spaceballmerchandise(c) i think i buy the Spaceballs (C) Flamethrower………..XD Brooks knew how to breake the 4rth wall at the right time , to get the best laughs . He is the Frank Sinatra of Movieparodys (Funny , but not braindead humor….oh no …Classic Humor mixed with new concepts .Good Review

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