Categories: Rick Moranis

SPACEBALLS: The Review | Flesh Wound FARCE | Mel Brooks | John Candy | Rick Moranis | Comedy | 526 Uploaded By

Home » Posts » SPACEBALLS: The Review | Flesh Wound FARCE | Mel Brooks | John Candy | Rick Moranis | Comedy | 526 Uploaded By

SPACEBALLS: The Review | Flesh Wound FARCE | Mel Brooks | John Candy | Rick Moranis | Comedy | 526

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Flesh Wound Fiends! It’s time for a new episode of Flesh Wound Farce! This week we review the ever popular Mel Brooks classic Spaceballs!! Be sure to enjoy this review, not then, but now. Join Todd, Greg, and Ozzy in this brand new episode! Support us for exclusive and uncensored content at, check out, join the Horror Cartel Flesh Wound Radio Facebook group, and like the Flesh Wound Features FB page.
[Applause] yes
ladies and gentlemen welcome to a new
episode of flesh wound farce
where we discuss and review your and our
comedy films a statement that could not
be more truer
today ladies and gentlemen i am the
world’s first and only combination
trivia host
and professional wrestling announcer of
chilean descent
ozzy v i also forgot to mention i reside
in southern california
but i was so excited to get started
talking about this movie
this wonderful movie but first also
joining me as always on this program
in the northern bay area world famous
juggler greg larson
hey how’s it going ozzy i’m doing
fantastic i was so excited
for this movie i didn’t even change
shirts i’ve worn this shirt either
for seven days award every day
award to trivia yeah of course
i actually had a tough time uh choosing
between spaceballs
the baseball jersey or spaceballs the
hockey jersey
uh i chose the baseball jersey because
it says uh
you know comb the desert and
fantastic and of course flash wound
producer todd
yes i’m chilling chillin why do i even
excited to talk about this movie i guess
uh you guess
shut up like i can buy some of your you
bs with airplane but anybody that
you know wants to fight me about this
movie it’s going to come to blows
it’s almost as good as the animated
you know it’s it’s so frustrating
because i forget that we have
audio listeners to this this show
and when you say things like that and i
just you know see red for a second i
just blink
i know that the person watching this
which you can see this on youtube
can see like oh yeah as he’s getting
pissed but if you’re listening like
what’s going on and that’s the moment
what i wish like in the looney tunes
any character would blink their eyes
you’d get that the
the xylophone whatever the high-pitched
thing you’d know that somebody was
blinking their eyes
now before we jump into this review
is am i wrong todd or no you made me
laugh i’m sorry i reacted well no
it’s just the nine times out of ten i
understand children nine times that ten
you’re also a jerk
so it clicked in my mind the noise you
were saying so that made me laugh
got it thank you very much all right now
before we jump into this discussion
we’re going to feature a commercial
starring rick moranis circa 1992
for a location you will not find
in the united states technically
todd if you do the honors at some video
stores excuse me
they never have what you want don’t have
them when you want it
excuse me jumbo video excuse me you come
to the right place
have some free popcorn we have what you
want and more 24 hours a day
music videos video games computer
software children’s movies just 99 cents
movies for sale wow this place is great
jumbo video has
everything you want for a great night at
home jumbo video
let us entertain you okay so real quick
for those listening to the audio version
the reason why
i uh mentioned
you can’t find a location like this
anymore is because it takes place in a
video store
rick moranis is asking for help in a
video store and
when i saw this video i just thought
that i have to share this
it’s more important than anything else
just because it features a video store
where you used to go
to be able to just pick up the movie
read the back of them put them down
to just pick out what movie you were
going to watch that weekend
or even some places yes todd i’m going
to throw one out there too
you couldn’t have went here if you lived
in the united states back then anyway
it’s actually a canadian chain which is
why i never heard of it until the
oh well there you go right so
that means i did just watch the last
you can check out a review of that on
the on one of the other many shows but
my copy actually got sent to me from the
last blockbuster
oh nice yeah it was it was actually
pretty good
and sad you know but um i just have to
say like
the world is less of a great place
with such little rick moranis in it
these days
he’s an international treasure and and
it’s just great seeing more of him
i heard he’s running a wrestling show on
wednesday nights on tnt though
oh wait sorry that’s a different guy so
now moving on
to our trailer that i want to show of
the film
classic film classic mel brooks film
todd if you would please do the honors
[Music] there it is planet druidian and
underneath the air shield 10
000 years of fresh air we must get
through that airship
we will sir once we kidnap the princess
we can force her father king roland to
give us a combination to the airshield
thereby destroying planet druidia and
saving planet spaceball
everybody got that
spaceballs the moon
princess vesper spaceship within range
sir good
[Music] what’s going on it’s either the fourth
of july
or someone’s trying to kill us now we
will show her who he is in charge of
this galaxy
if you do not give me the combination to
the airshield
dr schlotkin will give your daughter
her old nose
[Music] only one man and his trusted companion
can save planet druidia from disaster
eagle five coming in onstar
first they must learn the secrets of
[Music] i am the keeper of a greater magic the
no the schwartz avoid capture on a
distant planet
come up the combat desert you hear me
calm the
desert found anything yet
we ain’t found who battled the
entire space ball army my hair
he shoved my hair
[Music] holy
and escaped the clutches of dark helmet
and i see your schwartz is as big as
abandon ship proceed to escape prize
[Music] that goes the matter with this sea fella
[Music] when does this happen in the movie
[Music] gimme bomb
spaceballs the movie
how do i know you’re not making faces of
me under that thing
and may the schwartz be rich
[Music] all right and there was the trailer for
spaceballs released
june 24th 1987 with a run time of one
hour and 36 minutes
rated pg thankfully
you know funny story about this uh my
dad used to hate
seeing me watch this movie but he had
recorded it off of cinemax
and i said if you hate this movie so
much why did you record it and he says
i thought it was star wars actually you
i totally made that story so much
shorter than it actually was
because he didn’t know i’ve never heard
him say star wars
he described in spanish i thought it was
that movie
with the with the planes that shoot
lasers and the laser swords
and that’s when i was like you thought
it was star wars and then he’d get mad
because the look on my face
expressed how much of an idiot i thought
he was so
this film one of my favorite films of
all time
as i mentioned i got this now this isn’t
the the schwartz edition
of the dvd this is a general dvd i got
as a birthday present nothing
a whole lot of bells and whistles uh
just the standard looks like a regular
the special features on here of course
have the commentary there’s
behind the scenes footage and the
trailer so not very much stuff but i did
manage to have this commentary but back
of the dvd synopsis reads
fearless and clueless space heroes lone
and his half half-man half-dog sidekick
wage interstellar warfare to free
princess vespa
from the evil clutches of dark helmet on
the way to the rescue
in their winnebago they confront the
gooey pizza of the hut that’s kind of
i’ll i’ll touch on that that’s kind of
false advertising
a sassy robot dot matrix and a wise
little creature named yogurt
who teaches them the mystical power of
the schwartz
in order to bring peace and
merchandising rights
to the entire galaxy real quick
when it says they encounter pizza the
hut it’s a video
call i i just i when i when i
said that when it left my mouth i was
like that’s an inaccurate statement
but of course you have lone star played
by bill pullman barf played by john
candy dark helmet played by rick moranis
president’s group and yogurt played by
mel brooks
princess best played by daphne zuniga
and you also have zuniga
zaniga now i’m screwed no zuniga because
on the commentary mel brooks actually
said how he had messed up the
pronunciation and then she had
her she had to correct him on the
correct way to say it
now dot matrix sim the same deal as uh
like a c-3po
the voice of dot matrix was joan rivers
the person inside the dot matrix costume
was a former mime nor known by
uh laureen janssen who had a
successful mind career that played to
give her some credit
yeah that the unsung heroes brooks
now here’s the funny thing about the
commentary is it was done for laserdisc
it was done for laserdisc
nice what todd what are you doing that
holy cow you have the laserdisc
but the commentary specifically mentions
well there it is that looks more like a
that’s what a laser did that i know i
know but the with the sleeves
well that’s what you gotta look like an
old school record you gotta protect it
it’s a
mgm laser disc no i get that i just
thought it would be in like some sort of
plastic instead of sort of like a a
paper sleeve
there was a do you even have a laserdisc
player i got two
oh he has two there’s two i mean
i mean i was already shocked to find out
that you have a laser disc player and
you have two
i almost think i almost think you’re
kidding with me it’s like
he’s teasing you nobody has two laser
look i do want to say like sorry to like
tangent on laserdiscs right now
but like since the laserdisc there’s
no form of media in which you can type
in the exact scene number
and get there that was brilliant and i
loved everything granted i probably only
used it
once but still it’s amazing that you
could do that
sorry no it’s fine it probably must have
been really hard or really annoying to
put in there because
you know it was so easy to put in there
they would have done it with all the dvd
you had to flip it over i
had to flip it over one of my players
does it automatically so i was like
that was big so you got to wait like a
minute halfway through the movie but
does it do it like a jukebox where an
arm comes down picks it up and lifts it
and flips it
and if laser discs were still around i
would totally design something like that
oh they’re they’re making their comeback
but i didn’t mean that
they really are the hipsters
[Laughter] i just sold my godzilla versus biollante
laserdisc for like 80 bucks
you’re telling me that
a giant record
poor man is coming back
coming back as in the hipsters are
adopting it like they did the vhs tape
and they’re commanding high dollars
again like i like i said
you’re in your laughing fit i just sold
a godzilla versus biollante laserdisc
for 80 bucks
i heard that
okay whatever this this the show is not
laserdisc i just wanted to show you yes
okay and i brought it up because brooks
had mentioned that this commentary was
being done for laserdisc
it was just amusing to hear that uh but
this aside from the story about uh
my father thinking this was star wars
greg any initial thoughts
man this has always been a classic i’ve
always loved this movie
i don’t think there will be a day where
someone says
hey would you like to watch spaceballs
and i’m like nah i’m good
not feeling it today this is anytime any
like it’s this is always a great movie
to put on so it’s it’s
i didn’t need to watch this movie uh to
have this conversation
but any excuse i have to watch it is is
yes and flesh with producer todd i’m
with you like i’m not even gonna mess
with ozzy on this
and i do love this movie um way better
than airplane
can you even argue that statement
okay audio listeners i just did an eye
that’s all uh so
there’s tons of lines in this
film that are so memorable and quotable
uh and i don’t want to say anything
right now just in case one happens to be
a favorite but
it wasn’t a particular line that was my
favorite it was a clip it was a good
like 60 seconds
where i found myself laughing through
the entire
joke and i’ve seen this movie millions
and millions of times
i could recite this movie in fact there
was times when i was
when i was watching it and i’d be
writing stuff down and i would finish
people’s lines but when
in in the case of this show that we’re
doing here
i really try to make myself
hear each joke for the first time
and when it came to the scene of
what’s happening now is happening now
we’re at now now
my sister and i quote that all the time
and in that stage of like okay
really try to you know take it in as
though it’s the first time that was one
where i was laughing
through their dialogue when will then
be now soon
trying to stand back with his reaction
it’s just
oh man and and i i feel that
because usually i would be describing a
little bit more detail what i’m talking
and i feel this is a movie that
everybody has
seen i haven’t found one person that
hasn’t seen this movie
that enjoys comedies that hasn’t seen
this movie that’s that’s a more accurate
but definitely hands down that was my my
favorite scene
of this movie greg well
before i say my favorite moment of this
movie i think there’s a very
important question that was brought up
that was not answered
ozzie if you had to choose spaceballs or
what would you choose sir
can we save that for the end yeah let’s
save that for the end
all right sounds good but we’re not
we’re not
you know just glossing over that but um
i this this is another one of those ones
where it’s tough to pick one
but the moment where barf just goes
funny she doesn’t look jewish like
i lose it every time the delivery
like from facial expression to the way
he says it everything about it is just
fantastic and the ears
yes yes i actually had a dude behind him
on a machine that would be controlling
the ears for each
each scene oh no kidding like he’d be
somewhere behind him you know like
in in uh so barf would have to wear
wires going into a suit
you know troll the ears todd
you guys like i the [ __ ] one are
is is a big one but you know we’re
surrounded by [ __ ] the one that got me this time was one
that normally doesn’t and i hear i wrote
it down so i don’t
screw up the line because i need to be
say this correctly
and it’s when they’re all trying to
escape the [ __ ] ship when dark helmet
get back here you fat-bearded [ __ ] i
dying i it never i don’t think i
i don’t know if i just didn’t notice it
or but man i was dying off that one this
even the line right before that is when
dark helmet goes to the pod you have the
bearded lady approach the pod
and then who are you i’m the bearded
lady who are you
one of the freaks i i was laughing there
and then you laugh right after the with
it it’s like such like a good one-two
one line that i always say out loud
no matter what or where i see it
whenever i see an out of order sign
100 without fail i always say even in
the future nothing works
right and there have been some times
where somebody will ask me what did you
spaceballs like and like they had that
look on their face like
oh yeah i’ve seen it i don’t know what
he’s talking about
i guarantee that’s that’s what happens
but uh and yeah oh
okay so check this out because the
commentary on this
film now it’s funny because it’s it says
it’s director commentary
but the fact is the commentary features
all three of the writers
one of the writers doesn’t even say
anything and the other writer
says a few things at the end because one
of the writers
was the uh the priest conducting the
that was uh ronnie
ronnie graham he was one of the writers
of the film
that played that role and towards the
end you’ll notice that when vespa comes
back and she
embraces her dad and the camera cuts to
another dude who doesn’t say anything is
just smiling
before it cuts back to them then cuts to
valley prince valium
that is was the third writer um
thomas meehan third writer that just
wanted to
have us have a role in the movie didn’t
need to say anything he just
wanted to be there and wanted to
whatever because he’d never done
anything in a movie
and afterward he said i never want to do
that again
because because they because of the
costumes they had to wear it was very
hot on the set
of course they do that mult they had to
do that multiple times yada yada
uh and i’m gonna be completely honest
there was a joke i got for the first
watching this movie that i i didn’t get
because being raised in a
spanish-speaking household when i should
spanish was my first language i learned
english second there are some things
that took me a while to
figure out or find out about and that
was the term raspberry
what a raspberry what i’m not just
talking about the fruit like the actual
putting your
you know thumbs by your ears holding
your hands up and sticking your tongue
out and
you know that that noise that happens i
for the longest time
i didn’t know that was a raspberry so
for the jam scene that happened
and when helmut said there’s only one
man who would dare give me the raspberry
oh [ __ ] oh my god i’m 36 years old seeing this
for the
36 millionth time and i’m finally
getting that little piece
because the way the way that scene
happens is because of course
the camera’s closing up on dark helmet
and then colonel sanders sees the
cameras gets out of the way
so it’s this this movie the scene is
a rather this movie is packed with
scenes we have so many things happening
in between uh that it’s almost like
you can see it multiple times and enjoy
it each time
yes todd hopefully you’ll disco well
yeah because
how many times have you watched it so
what’s your next viewing what number
will it be
i it’ll no i said 36 millionth so the
next time it’ll be
36 million in one okay i didn’t i didn’t
hear the million
yeah okay try not to watch spaceballs
going through the parking lot
right okay so just one other note before
i get to the rating
is one particular scene i wanted to
point out
because it was one of these where you
had like
a visual joke and if you were focused
too much on the visual joke
you’d probably miss out on the other
joke that was also in the scene
that is after scrub is is telling the uh
everybody to comb the desert and they
actually have
combs giant combs and they’re combing
the desert
and when you have colonel sanders asking
dark helmet
sir are we taking this too literally and
dark helmet turns him with the megaphone
says no you fool we’re being we’re told
to come the desert so we’re combing it
through the megaphone he’s right by him
right then he to the people combing the
he puts down the microphone and yells oh
that’s so good i mean like because
you could be focused on the dialogues
like oh what do you mean come in the
desert and then you see the giant combs
might not even realize he’s yelling at
them when he has a megaphone in his hand
small stuff like that is just oh it’s
it just makes it so great and an
honorable mention of that scene
when they say we ain’t found [ __ ] like
died that actually got through on a
when they showed it on ktla when i was a
i i remember i’d recorded it on tape and
i showed my sister
and she’s like oh they probably they
probably thought he said ship
and then i was like i wonder if they’d
made him say
[ __ ] but it was supposed to sell the
[ __ ] so i did the subtitles
nuts it’s [ __ ] it’s definitely [ __ ] uh
also some other notes
from the commentary president skrube
played by brooks scroob is
brooks backwards and just the r
rearranged in a different position
nice he had also mentioned on the
commentary that had gene wilder not gone
to do other
movies gene wilder most likely would
have been president scrub and yogurt
[Music] would have been different than i think
it’s i mean
it’s it they could have made it work
yeah it would have been a different
but i’m sure he would have made it his
own and hilarious right
another point that i another joke that i
never got as a kid
and i finally took the time to look it
up and got it
it was it was a nod to the intellects
when the mega maid is about to be
dark helmet says ready kafka do you guys
know the story behind that joke
no okay so calf uh
kafka was supposed to reference franz
kafka because he penned the book titled
the metamorphosis metamorphosis
metamorphosis intuition made right
here’s what makes it even better this
book was mentioned
in the or in the producers as a play
where max bialysock picks up one of
these plays in the beginning when
they’re looking through all these plays
he says gregor samba awoke one morning
to discover that he had been transformed
into a giant cockroach
and he stops and says too good it was
that book
called the transf the metamorphosis so
brooks referenced it again
in spaceballs like is it’s kind of like
a another nod to that
so and he even mentions the commentary
like it was a joke for the intellects
and i’m i’m sure they hate me for it
the actual it’s a german novella and
the direct translation is that he transl
a local morning to find himself
transformed into a giant vermin
but change it for cockroach for the film
but i thought
to finally get that joke the kafka it’s
i feel somewhat redeemed
so there’s nothing i could or no one
else that could
convince me otherwise and give this less
than a five it is a five
absolutely hands down
i can’t say enough good things about
this movie
greg you know we’ve been giving
we’ve been giving oh i’m gonna fight
quite quite a few fives
and i after watching it again this time
um there’s some moments that i kind of
had to second-guess
uh my rating and so
i do have to give it a five um man we
were gonna fight
we were gonna fight i was silent we were
just fight well i guess we are
okay see um
i am it was it was better than mystery
man i’ll give it that so what’d i give
that and i’ll get add
up that’s a 5. well it’s not a false
statement it is better than this
exactly so a lot of things that
i think something that has probably come
across the minds of some people
watching this movies what did george
lucas think
and what was really funny is mel brooks
actually watched
the rough cut version with george lucas
who actually thoroughly enjoyed the film
uh a division of skywalker ranch did the
audio post-production for this movie
oh nice and ilm
created the alien monster that came out
of john hurt’s
stomach nice and
for those who don’t know ilm is a
division of skywalker
industrial light magic yes thank you
todd um
so that that scene the alien played by
john hurt
john hurt in the original alien film
that was just reenacting that part
now john hurt was another mel brooks
movie that we’ve
reviewed in a small role he played jesus
in history the world
so that scene the back and forth between
that was john hurt and after the movie
when he was done john hurt had told mel
hey if you need anything at all let me
so then doing the space movie and he
sees john hurt do the alien thing he’s
hey do you think he could do the the
alien thing
and he just responds absolutely of
course nice so
that was there’s nothing bad to say
about this movie i
it’s practically impossible i can’t
think of anything else so that is the
of spaceballs hands down one of my
favorite films of all time
and we are going to be back with a new
review rather new episode
next week we are going to have a review
of a new movie
that we have not reviewed on this show
before and that
film is martin lawrence picture blue
also featuring dave chappelle i only
just saw some dave chappelle in
but he’s a supporting role in this film
blue streak which also stars
luke wilson i haven’t seen this movie in
a long time
and i’ve been craving to watch it
after seeing a clip of it on tv recently
so that’s what we’re gonna
do blue streak greg or todd any
final thoughts before we head out
it’s i’m i’m always happy to watch these
movies man like i just i just gotta
thank you guys like this has been a lot
of fun
and watching all these great comedies
and some that i’ve never
seen looking forward to blue streak
because i’ve never seen it uh it’s just
been a blast man
and i hope people who are listening um
take the time to watch some of these
movies and give them a chance if you’ve
not seen them
you know absolutely todd
um check out what we got going on on
on the fleshroom and when
was spaceballs coming out on blu-ray
tuesday this tuesday this tuesday
there we go so look forward to that
that can upgrade my dvd there you go to
exactly i have the 4k on my phone laser
by the way no laser just screw that just
real quick
the the digital 100 aussie just for you
they look beautiful mount look it even
has the original cellophane on it i
ended this whole thing without
mentioning my biggest gripe oh yeah
with particular versions of this movie
now when i said i can’t find anything
wrong about it there’s
one small small thing so the digital
um digital version is great in fact the
one i got
includes extras you can actually watch
the film in ludicrous speed
just hilarious the whole thing is that
however in every other version i’ve seen
of this movie if it’s been on tv
the scene when they enter the diner
after they’ve rescued princess vespa and
they’ve left her
the alien monster scene
my copy of the dvd still has the
where it’s good enough played by van
as soon as they walk in as soon as they
walk in you hear david lee roth
hello babe and then the rest thing goes
but then i was like wait a second i
could have sworn the digital version
has this other stupid song that i got
mad about i pulled up the digital
lo and behold if you listen closely you
can actually hear
it cuts midway into a song it’s not the
beginning of a song it cuts midway into
a song
which i thought i don’t know what the
deal with that is but even in the
digital version
you go all the way down to the credits
it still credits good enough by van
yeah technically even though that they
had to pull the song for
rights issues only on digital it only
affects digital
um something with the contracting
also they can’t really alter the credits
because of the way the
uh mpa works and yeah mpa
they dropped an a works with the with
the credit so
technically it’s not a new addition it’s
you know i had an audio replacement yeah
so i see spaceballs or airplane
okay so here’s the thing no
jesus oh no all right really loved no
hold on a second
no i have to explain my reasoning for
for deciding what i’m going to decide
and it’s not
a 20 gonna be a 20-minute thing or
whatever but last
week when we talked about uh rather two
weeks ago when we talked about pineapple
and we i mentioned how much i enjoyed it
being a hybrid
having some comedy and some action in it
this you got this benefit of having a
really funny space satire
but still a just a basic
fairy tale basic space fairy tale that
gave you
some space action scenes it was visually
having said that if i had to choose one
and this doesn’t mean anything’s wrong
with the other
it just means that i would go spaceballs
there all right good man good man i
smart choice it it’s a
it’s a hybrid sci-fi comedy
there you go visually pleasing as you’ve
heard it here
ozzy says space falls is great
and what else is it todd and what else
what i was what was the second part of
that statement
given the choice airplane would go in
the dumpster
oh my god it’d be better off if it
didn’t exist
you both are ridiculous now that we have
all that out of the way
we are we gonna be back next week with
this episode with a new episode
featuring blue streak
review and discussion that is world
famous juggler greg that is flesh room
producer todd
i’m ozzy p see you next week right here
on flesh wound farce
[Music] you

Other Videos Related to SPACEBALLS: The Review | Flesh Wound FARCE | Mel Brooks | John Candy | Rick Moranis | Comedy | 526

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