Strange Brew – mouse in a bottle Seen On This Site

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Strange Brew – mouse in a bottle

Stream the YouTube video “Strange Brew – mouse in a bottle” plus tons other clips presenting the loved hilarious characters of Bob and Doug McKenzie.

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Bob & Doug put their mouse in a bottle to the test.

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  1. The clerk got almost got the price right according to the chart… $12.30 for 24 + $2.40 for bottle deposit (10 cents each)= $14.70… but forgot the "Retail Sales Tax" listed.

  2. Necro post on a 12 year old vid. Why so many boomers not getting that inflation is a thing and hating on anything not old in the chat?

    Also, funny scene from funny film. Thanks for uploading this clip.

  3. Thanks for posting this great video. An interesting sidenote, a brewery ran a 20 year anniversary promotion of the stubby beer bottle used by bob & doug McKenzie. After the promotion, they gave the bottles to us (rather than sending them to a recycler) and we shipped 15,000 bottles and 200,000 bottle caps to South Sudan to start a refillable bottled water business (video below):

  4. Holy Crap, they send the beer out faster than Jimmy John's delivers sandwiches. we toured a brewery last Christmas and I had to laugh when it came to the bottling part of the tour. Could not stop laughing when the guy asked us if we had any questions and I wanted to ask where the hosers where to check for mice in beer bottles.

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