Strange Brew Seen On

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Strange Brew

Witness the video “Strange Brew” among alot of related video clips starring the loved funny characters of Doug and Bob McKenzie.

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This is not the Kootenay Brew I was thinkin of…this “Strange Brew” presented itself to me while I was out on an Elk hunt…so I took the oportunity to get some footage as Mr. Le Pu was huntin some vittles.
Filmed in September of 2009 in the East Kootenay.

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bob and doug mckenzie strange brew song Smell,Pretty,Purty,Mr,Le,Pu,Kootenay,STRANGE,BREW,hunting,elk,skunk #Strange #Brew


  1. I could have had a whole litter of them once 3" long mother was killed on highway they were all sitting on the side I walked up to them one was trying to spray but there like a kitten all action no attitude still makes ya wonder so we chased them to the trees with a spruce bow –they make good pets .

  2. Brutle…did the smell get on your truck?
    We drove over a few on the roads that were already splat cat dead hit by traffic…and my cousin would tell me here comes one dead on the road….he'd say wait for it (the smell) and sure enough as we drove over it…the smell would still empregnate our vehicle…I"m not used to it…so to tell you the truth it didn't smell that bad to me…kinda sweet smelling?
    My Cuz said yah…but he says that the smell gets to you after a while ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. In just a few seconds, I went from being the hunter to watching the hunter…not sure what the quarry was…but it was fun to watch the Skunk hunt.
    That bearded creature is among a rare species of protected organisms…comes from the main stream society only appreciates nature predominately first hand. LOL…I'm kooky like that ๐Ÿ˜€
    Thanks DUDE!

  4. Actually he must of just showered…or maybe found some scent killer that a hunter dropped LOL…no stinky him smell no bad…what kinda english was that?
    Thanks…it was a cool and fun lil sighting.

  5. Right on DJ…I was thinkin of this tune while I was a 600 miles from home filmin this cute lil critter
    Febreeze eh…good to know…very good to know…ok I won't ask…but maybe you'll tell me eh LOL, thanks.

  6. I didn't know that…I've never killed either yet…and I've heard they both are beyond excellent eating…supposed to be very tastey? So, I've heard. Don't know that I would try skinnin a skunk to find out though LOL.
    I do know that if you don't kill something right away…then the adrenaline will get pumpin and some animals will live for mega and take a lot of shots if they get worked up into it.
    I saw a cat put down that did the same thing…took mega shots.

  7. I thought so too…pretty good lookin lil stinker.
    People tell me they do taste great…just don't know how they get to skinnin it?
    And oh yah…guess I should answer you in that Skunk is open…I could of shot it…I'm a suck for a cute lil critter…if it got cocky or sprayed I'd of hunted em all down though…but it was just cute and fun to watch on its own hunt.
    Thanks so much…appreciate it!!!

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