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YABBA-DABBA-DOO! This is my review of the 1994 live-action flick of The Flintstones starring John Goodman, Rick Moranis, Elizabeth Perkins and Rosie O’Donnell.
greetings my fellow youtubers on duel
aka the big be a big beez entertainment
rankings and reviews back again with
another bully and anniversary review
this time I bring to you the Flintstones
released by Universal and Amblin in May
of 1994 three Suites from 25 though I
was doing my reviews I had forgotten
about this so I do apologize anyway I’m
going to review this the film was
produced of course by Steven Spielberg
and was directed by Brian Levin who had
already previously directed to our
movies at the CEO which those were
problems child to and Beethoven and of
course he would go on to direct other
movies including the prequel to this of
course it was mm the Flintstones in Viva
rock Vegas by all review that next year
all right
as if y’all own mine the film is based
on the popular Emmy it’s series that was
produced by hanna-barbera that came out
in 1960 which that happens to be coming
back to broadcast television for the
first time in over 20 years because I’ve
just learned it’s gonna be coming to the
me TV network at the end of next month
anyway back to this the film stars John
Goodman as Fred Flintstone definitely
pretty good job along with Rick Moranis
as Barney Rubble Elizabeth Perkins as
well MA Rosie O’Donnell is Betty
then there’s comic Lockland who plays
the main antagonist of the film cliff
vandercave Halle Berry and one of her
one of her early film roles as Miss
stone and let’s see well there’s also
other pentas Richard Moll and future
lawn or and lawn or SVU star Dan
Florrick as mr. slate that although you
see him just a little bit in the movie
but anyway this movie USA is a little
bit of a big success despite the film
kind of got dissed by Craig’s it was
still a big hit at the box office though
especially with the help of some big
companies most notably McDonald’s who of
course they had their own that name
parodied called rock Donald’s yeah and
of course there was also a wolf pump
will give a fun park thing called
Jurassic Park which of course was named
that – the movie which had been was a
hit for this Universal and ambling the
previous year but enough about that well
Fred isn’t going to do something very
good as he gives the money to Barney so
I he and Bay can adopt a son of course
that’s Bam Bam of course and soon the
Flintstones kid pebbles manages to get a
new playmate must to the surprise of
bamm-bamm strength considering he was
raised by mastodons oh yeah me well I’m
gonna say that slating company is
looking for a new kind of vice-president
or something so apparently Barney
decides to return the favor in swaps if
put swaps test answers puts his answers
in France called love folder thingy and
buying puts Fred’s in his in his own and
Fred gets the big job
from cliff but however things do take a
turn for the worse of course we get to
course Fred’s can be too thrilled with
seeing Wilma’s mother pearl slaghoople
who is played by Elizabeth Taylor in her
file film performance but anyway
fred’s now enjoying the life of being a
well worker at slayin coming until he
gets into some serious hot water when
cliff tells everyone that he’s stolen
some money from the company and
apparently he’s on the run from the cops
but anyway I’m just going to get a
little bit of heads up but anyway before
this he and women weren’t joined well
the big ridge light but soon things take
a turn for the worst and friendship
between the Flintstones and the rubbles
start breaking down and all that chance
that’s all I could say about it but I
will tell you that that later on Wilma
and day managed to try to clear Fred’s
name with the only thing around the the
office held well clear his name
the dictabird who is voiced by Harvey
Korman who would play Wilma’s dad in
Viva rock Vegas and he also voiced the
Great Gazoo in the actual animated
series in the sixth and final season but
anyway I can say that was pretty cool
so apparently they soon decided to try
to give them give cliff the dictabird
back for their kids freedom entry
takes them it puts on my big machine
that now I am going to do the mention
the ending of it so if you’ve not seen
this week I’m giving you five seconds to
stop okay now I have to say the ending
to this is it’s not too bad I did see
that friend mine won’t reconcile the
friendship and managed to get back a
cliff for why he’s done everything and
well Fred apologizes to the dictabird
before this here filed bail apparently
they get the machine blown up save their
kids well after the stretchin closed all
covered in all sorta I don’t know calots
substance have a substance here and mr.
slate Colton Springs out and name
Flintstone aside I can’t really do like
damn Florrick does that’s just me doing
mr. slate from the cartoon series who
was voiced by John Stevenson yeah I can
do a bearing pressure of them full
install yeah that’s why okay anyway
Frick hi reveals that Mister that’s
Cameron Clem is why would he would call
it concrete and he liked the salad a
kind named after his daughter concrete
show and he would give him a big job
being a CEO but well Frank decline it
but he wanted to be nice and like let
slate ran all the workers back and
that’s how the story goes
but anyway the Flintstones it’s an
absolute fun flake I mean now of course
it’s got a kind of fun version of the
theme that made the b-52’s who
unfortunately do one of my least
favorite songs Love Shack I hate that
song please don’t get mad at me okay
though they do have better songs I like
like Rome and well rock lobster that’s
not a bad song it’s Love Shack I don’t
like but anyway but the meet the
Flintstones theme song done by them
they’re not too bad they they are
actually in the movie is they’re called
the BC 52s
but anyway the Flintstones was really
good despite what crypt the negativity
the critics gave the film still proved
to be a big success so I have lots of
merchandise I don’t know I know we got
video couple video games one for Super
Nintendo one for Game Boy I’ve seen
plays of both games Syria 1001
all right it’s not good and the game boy
wants a little more okay and of course
there was I do remember the talking Fred
Flintstone though that I believe Mattel
made yeah really good get their hair out
John Goodman’s French voice just like in
the movie yeah really funny yep
yeah there are all those Wilma yeah
or down do down they have you’ll get to
hear audio archive sounds of the late
great Mel blanks and even though he was
dead they used some of audio samples of
his to do deals for Dino since he did
the vocal effects for the character in
the cartoon series anyway why did you
think of the Flintstones please let me
know what you thought about in the
comment section like and subscribe to my
channel and I want to thank you very
much for watching until next time on the
Big D’s saying see ya

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rick moranis the flintstones The Flintstones,John Goodman,Rick Moranis #FLINTSTONES #REVIEW


View Comments

  • This takes me back! Haven't seen this in ages! Definately remember it been a decent take on the old Saturday morning cartoon! :) Awesome review! :)

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