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The FLINTSTONES movie: a charming throwback Watch On

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The FLINTSTONES movie: a charming throwback

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Review of the movie THE FLINTSTONES starring John Goodman, Rick Moranis and Kyle MacLachlan.



“Funin and Sunin” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

“Funky Boxstep” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

“Boogie Party” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Flintstones it’s The Flintstones that
I’m gonna be talking a little bit about
today now wait hold on it says
flagstones on here
that can be right
wait till The Gladstones hear about this
you could be forgiven for not knowing
much about The Flintstones nowadays
they’re not really a thing anymore sadly
not in their original form it’s a shame
that Seth MacFarlane never got that
reboot he was planning off the ground
would have been interesting to see at
least back in their day The Flintstones
was the thing to watch though not in
caveman days I’m talking about the 60s
obviously it was like The Simpsons in
fact it kind of is The Simpsons just
no actually it’s more like The
Honeymooners it’s a direct parody of
that the OG Simpsons if you will this
was an animated sitcom by Hannah Barbera
set in a society just like ours except
everyone’s caveman living in caveman
times in a town called Bedrock
stop it we’re not there yet that’s
certainly an idea someone had it’s one
of them basically just an excuse to make
lots of puns and prehistoric jokes but
the family at the heart of it all was
you heard me snarky YouTube commenters
iconic Fred and Wilma Flintstone with
their best friend neighbor couple Barney
and Betty Rubble all lovable characters
with Fred and Barney voiced by Alan Reed
and Mel Blanc two of the best voice
actors ever it was silly it was funny it
was just very very cozy I think is the
best way to put it America’s
best-selling best tasting filter
Winston tastes good
not so much this bit looking back but
yeah anyway 1994 Hollywood decided to
finally take the plunge and make a
Flintstones live-action movie because
reruns and tv specials were doing well
either that or the show Dinosaurs put us
in the mood for this kind of thing I
don’t know
okay it’s not like it was my favorite
cartoon as a kid but I like The
Flintstones I would watch it from time
to time honestly I watched a lot of
Hanna-Barbera stuff Tom and Jerry The
Jetsons you name it having said all that
I really had no idea how the hell they
were gonna pull off a Flintstones
live-action movie turns out freaking
nailed it I mean look at this
hold on hold on I’m getting too excited
let’s just slow down a little bit the
great thing with this movie is it’s
funny right away
[Music] one second in and I’m already cracking
up I really want a Steven Spiel Rock cap
to this day then a little bit like the
Popeye movie the film opens on the Grim
sort of mood
who died guys what what’s with the
gloomy music I thought this was The
Flintstones Wilma in fact what actually
happened is the plot already kicked in
no time wasted we meet our villains
Cliff Van Der cave played by Carl
McLaughlin and Sharon Stone played by
not Sharon Stone actually played by
Halle Berry in full fam fatal mode then
the classic Flintstones intro kicks in
and it’s it’s perfect
[Music] it’s Perfect it’s hilarious it’s live
action it’s the Flintstones
I’m in John Goodman I’m fully in Rick
Moranis I’m further in and I just
realized it sounds like I’m making love
to all these people in a way I am to sum
up it looked like this movie was gonna
kick ass and it did
thank you
[Music] I’m just kidding imagine if I ended it
like that just look at these sets
they’re huge they built all of bedrock
damn dude don’t you just want to be
there actually I should explain so back
in the 90s and before that we had like
stuff called sets and like makeup
effects and puppets every movie had
puppets okay Anthony Hopkins and Nixon
that’s not Anthony Hopkins that’s how
good the puppets were
that was a puppet confirmed
look it up I know we still do that
anyway the film sees Fred Flintstone
earn himself a promotion of work after
acing an aptitude test but Barney had
switched the test at the last second to
help out Fred this all backfires as not
only does Barney get fired because of
this by Fred but Fred Finds himself
being misled by the bad guy and Fred and
Barney’s friendship collapses completely
movie you just you just threw that in
there didn’t you only the collapse of
one of the most cherished sacred
friendships in all of media make me cry
why don’t you you instantly care about
these characters because they clearly
love each other the way they joke around
look out for each other it’s adorable
but the movie’s like nope it’s over
Barney just punched Fred in the face
it’s over
it’s all over wow
okay I’m making it sound more dramatic
than it is in the movie granted but this
is the heart of the film and the show
while it’s done in a lighthearted way
and they can always cut to a cartoon
Dino to uplift some scenes this
crumbling friendship is a sad idea and
it carries everything in this film
because even though this is a more
accessible movie a more kid-friendly
movie than say Popeye which is a bit
more challenging it’s not without its
drama at the beginning of the movie Fred
does a nice thing for Barney he helps
him financially to adopt a son Barney
then tries to do a nice thing for Fred
but it backfires and destroys everything
these guys don’t deserve this why why
are they being tested like this usually
characters get punished for being
douchebags but here both are completely
humiliated in front of their families
and co-workers why now spoilers we’re
about to overthink this hardcore the
real reason of course is because stories
need conflict Flintstones is a parody of
the 50s with all these new fantasy home
appliances and work ethic and 2.1
families all the while making fun of how
young and strange we are as a species
currently but this isn’t just The
Flintstones it’s The Flintstones the
movie in 1994 so on top of that you get
a shot of adrenaline with a criticism of
the system as a whole as Fred and
Barney’s friendship is crushed by greed
corruption money basically it’s kind of
the 90s making fun of the 80s in a way
as well this system in Bedrock is
advanced in some ways but very backwards
in other ways obviously this big garbage
disposals which is messed up but I’m
talking more about the way in which
society demands a lot from the people of
Bedrock yet rewards Good Deeds with
complications Temptations Fred
Flintstone isn’t initially that into his
promotion that much he’s kind of lonely
and miserable pretty quickly and he just
wants to go back and hang out with the
guys but Vander cave throws so much
money at him that he eventually starts
to believe the hype and becomes an
actual jerk get me a clean spoon they
make a point throughout the movie of
showing that Fred is Never Too Proud to
ask Barney for a small loan sometimes
and I’m sure that’s partly why he wanted
to pay Barney back in such a big way
Barney tried to do something nice for
Fred thinking he owes him something but
does he did he need to do that it’s not
like Fred was expecting anything he was
perfectly happy with that beautiful
speech bar and he made even if he did
make that promise just knowing he had
made his friend Happy was enough Barney
then is punished for thinking that
friendship is a transactional thing like
they’re not equal unless he pays him
back somehow but raising a kid is tough
and expensive and it ends up costing him
his job and his home he was not thinking
of his family at that moment so the
moral is kind of weird right families go
head to head against friendships in this
movie neither Barney or Fred are
particularly well off at the start so
Fred’s Financial sacrifice comes
straight from the heart he shouldn’t
have done that really because it’s his
savings with Wilma but she she doesn’t
care she’s proud of him it was never
about the money for her but Fred also
gets punished eventually for putting
friendship ahead of family of course the
film is not that dark or political right
it takes all of this lightly but the
truth of it is Barney and Fred are
struggling a little bit they don’t have
much but they could lose everything they
have at any moment so they’re gonna have
to find this fragile yet steady life
balance that they had before and they’re
gonna have to do that by saving the
Friendship somehow being honest and
looking out for each other even if one
family is slightly ahead of the other
they completely rely on each other in a
sitcom by the end of each episode
everything’s kind of back to how it was
before right and they do that here but
what they go through is way more intense
than in a sitcom it’s about survival
this is why a movie like The Flintstones
is so much better than say Inspector
Gadget for one thing this movie is
actually funny so that’s a big one right
there but its universe is coherent
detailed and painted so well plus it’s
actually about something there’s
interesting themes here director Brian
Levant really understood the assignment
Inspector Gadget was like someone
scribbled a bunch of Doodles on a page
and sold it to Disney somehow the really
cynical take on this Fred and Barney
friendship and the real tragedy of it is
that Barney is envious of Fred’s life
deep down he’s trying to have a kid The
Flintstones have Pebbles remember Fred
is a bit of a selfish douchebag and
likes being slightly ahead of his friend
in life but they accept each other’s
flaws and differences and try to be the
best friends they can be to each other
whatever happens there’s something
touching about that it’s sad but it’s
sweet as well talk about humanizing
these cartoon characters they did one
hell of a job essentially this film is
about Barney Rubble finally managing to
be on the same level in society as his
friend both of them making big
sacrifices to help each other out and be
there for each other Barney gives up a
potential promotion which he really
needed and so does Fred at the end when
he decides that being who he is and
being the friend he is comes first after
screwing up big time of course because
it’s it’s Fred Flintstone after all I
mean even though he really didn’t
deserve to be humiliated in this way
both friends had to learn these lessons
the hard way after all the promotion
that he gets at the end would have been
a sham as well it would not have been
truly earned because even though Fred
Flintstone technically invented concrete
it was completely accidental this movie
applauds Friends helping each other out
but at the same time it warns that to
survive in society you can’t rely
entirely on handouts or even your
friends you’re gonna have to fight to
survive there’s gonna be some curveballs
throwing at you and it’s not gonna be
easy but if you’re a good person at
heart you’re a good friend and you work
hard you might be okay maybe you won’t
reach the top of the Bedrock Elite but
maybe that’s okay because to do that
very often you kind of have to be a
cliff Van de Cave a little bit the
message of this film is a little harsh
around the edges but pretty positive
basically just that if people are going
to be surviving and evolving they’re
gonna have to be good and honest with
each other
everything else should just fall into
place I honestly really like this movie
it’s cute it’s cozy it cheers me up you
know okay so the story is very simple
you never really feel like any of these
characters are in any real danger or
anything and you know it’ll end up on a
happy note of course there’s threats of
multiple hangings and a dude dies by
being turned into a statue but it’s The
Flintstones how deep dark and serious
are we expecting this to get again it’s
like with the new Mario movie can you
really complain that the story was too
light the games are literally about
nothing dude it’s Mario they did an
awesome job with it if you want a more
complex dark and twisted version of
Mario there’s a little thing called
Super Mario Brothers the movie from
1993. hello it’s right there it’s
beautiful The Flintstones film
definitely manages to capture the vibe
of the original sitcom the excellent
cast perfectly embodying these beloved
characters playing the roles earnestly
instead of dripped in irony it looks
fantastic it’s funny and it elevates the
themes a little bit for the big screen
people sometimes will call this a bad
movie or make fun of someone because
they like it or make fun of the movie
itself but the truth is my friends that
sometimes people say they don’t like
something or they make fun of something
because they’re embarrassed to admit
that they actually love it if a friend
of theirs loved this movie they’d
probably rethink it you know it’s a it’s
a sheep thing we learn this from sheep
first of all this movie was a hit people
forget but this movie made Bank why do
you think it got a sequel people loved
this movie kids especially I suspect
it’s just that when those kids grew up
they decided to pretend like they
totally didn’t just nail the freaking
Flintstones with this movie and they
didn’t lap it up back in the day just
like the Friendship at the heart of this
movie crumbled so did our interest in
The Flintstones unfortunately or at
least our honesty about how much we care
about The Flintstones you know
it’s a sad thought what a bummer day
oh well at least I’ve got a good old
Winston cigarette to cheer me right up
[Music] this is what the Flintstones movie looks
like on Rotten Tomatoes the critics
consensus The Flintstones waist’s
beloved Source material and imaginative
production design on a tepid script that
plunks bedrock’s favorite family into a
cynical story a wash with lame puns lame
um excuse me have you ever watched The
Flintstones tepid script next to what
the Godfather 2 it’s The Flintstones
it’s fine it literally just needs to be
The Flintstones be funny and make some
sort of sitcom sense that’s it I mean
mission accomplished right like I said
yeah the story is very simple but why is
that bad it’s The Flintstones it’s not
freaking tenet thank God by the way I
actually think the writer did a great
job at both paying homage to the classic
show and introducing it to a new
audience it keeps the silly sense of
humor and Hannah Barbera Vibe we
remember from childhood and makes it
look as legit as possible the characters
are exactly like in the show both in
terms of personality and the costumes
the only thing that’s different is it’s
shot really well like a real movie not
just backgrounds moving and repeating as
characters just walk around talking with
like canned laughter over it I really
don’t know what more they could have
done for her first movie it’s great
obviously the real waste was that lame
brain sequel but that’s for another time
we’ll get to it maybe
ugh do I gotta watch that again they
just took too many Flintstones Vitamins
when they made that movie let’s just say
that by the way I used to have a
cassette tape of this movie I would fall
asleep listening to it telling me the
story of the film and I never got bored
of it so the movie must have done
something right maybe The Flintstones is
not the most cerebral movie but it makes
up for that by being a lot of fun
tongue-in-cheek for sure but not in an
annoyingly douchey way more in a way
that celebrates exactly what it’s based
on the casting is so good you guys I
can’t stress this enough John Goodman is
awesome Rick Moranis too of course
Elizabeth Perkins and Rosie O’Donnell
perfect also as Wilman Betty Harvey
Corman as the dick to bird amazing I
don’t think they heard you in the back
and re-watching the movie I realized
that Elizabeth Taylor is actually
hilarious in this I remember thinking
like it was weird that she was in this
film but she kind of totally pulled it
off plus you’ve got music by The B-52s
who are also in the movie and they’re
awesome okay so the Jay Leno Cameo is a
little cringe that’s okay not all the
jokes hit the mark here admittedly but
the humor is on point it’s The
Flintstones It’s gotta be cheesy a
little bit you know that’s part of its
charm sure the bad guy’s plot could have
had a couple more twists and turns to it
but I’m happy with the plot we got
there’s no need to get too complex here
right like why I enjoyed this movie as a
kid and I enjoyed the hell out of it
just the other day so I’d recommend it
for pretty much all ages even if some
will pretend this isn’t Charming as hell
but I guess just like Popeye became
Mario literally and The Honeymooners
became The Flintstones so too must The
Flintstones continue to evolve with the
times and hey maybe we don’t have The
Flintstones anymore but as long as
there’s that Flintstones Vibe out there
floating in the world
I can live with that thanks for watching
this video my friends and a huge thank
you for the amazing response to my
Popeye video I’ve been enjoying reading
through all your comments and uh yeah
you guys rock
see what I did there Rock that’s uh
that’s a play on words
or a pun either way it it’s something if
you enjoyed this video don’t be shy lab
okay leave a like and uh feel free to
check out all my other videos
look I’m not gonna be doing this every
review but
all right just this once
Flintstones Meet The Flintstones
[Music] they’re the modern Stone Age family
[Music] from the town of Bedrock they’re a page
right out of History
let’s write with the family down the
street through the courtesy of Fred’s to
be when you’re with The Flintstones
[Music] we’ll have a gay all time

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