THE RICK MORANIS FANCLUB – Mashin Sentai Kiramager EPISODE 31 Review As Seen On

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THE RICK MORANIS FANCLUB – Mashin Sentai Kiramager EPISODE 31 Review

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Austin talks about Honey I Shrunk the Kids and William learn about Adult Swim as they talk about Mashin Sentai Kiramager Episode 31; “Toys”.

In this new unnamed series, William, a person with no knowledge of tokusatsu watches and discuses Mashin Sentai Kiramager with Austin, a person with actual knowledge of tokusatsu.

What will William learn from this series? Will Austin actually explain 40+ years of Super Sentai and Kamen Rider lore to William? Listen and find out.

#mashinsentaikiramager #supersentai #powerranger

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william hey yeah hey toys have you
bought your camera major toys yet
oh my god
there are actual toys in this episode
yeah they’re so literal toys i mean they
always had toys technically didn’t they
on their wrists you know the changers
yeah yeah usually those are the
just the toy changes that they that they
do yeah
it’s usually just the changes or the
actions but but the boy
they just straight up got the toys in
this in this episode
before god no yeah they really did i
i don’t what what did i experience in
this episode
if you ignored the fact that they just
become toy this was actually a good
episode all right
because it was actually a driven episode
a character not well that character this
was like an emotional driven episode
with the
with the with the with the guests i
would say guess but the um
the the the two the two units the both
the focus characters yeah
of this episode right if you ignore the
fact that they’re just they’re just
[ __ ] toys right
it’s really it’s a real episode
yeah there you go [ __ ] oh god i mean
it’s it’s fine and all but i have an
issue with this
the only because it’s like it’s [ __ ] weird it’s weird
yeah i don’t know it’s just like i
expect some ridiculous [ __ ] from this
but the fact that we went all uh honey i
shrunk the kids and toy story in one
episode is just really weird
okay but would it make you feel better
we just if we go punch rick mirandas in
the face
that was this year too jesus yeah i know
it happened this year
he’s like oh you know what did it happen
like two months ago for the time of this
oh [ __ ] wasn’t it like no it was this
month wasn’t this
month this month it was this month it
was like
it was like november dude oh what the
[ __ ] what was this
oh [ __ ] no it was a month ago oh
wait was it a month ago
yeah it was at the start of december it
was the starting october
holy [ __ ] that’s for less than a month
oh what the [ __ ] oh wait hold on
i looked it up man accused of punching
rick mouretta’s
attacked other people as well
okay no i see no you see i remember why
it was reported this month it’s because
they made the arrest
oh oh that’s why oh but jesus christ has
only been a month
since that happened that’s how topical
these videos are
okay oh my god hey hey what’s up
anyway so back welcome back to our anime
discussion series about matches that’s
we need discussions here well i also
think personally we use some knowledge
about rick mirandas
[Laughter] okay so it’s not called rick and
miranda’s got punched in the head
okay cool
[ __ ] okay wow what a [ __ ] opening
that was like that’s it that’s a good
code open if we ever had one before
yeah i guess we should talk about
celebrities being punched in the face
more often
no no no no just rick miranda we are
literally videos it was
just dedicate the covering who put rick
mirandas all right
oh my god
no one else we are just we are the
biggest rick mirandas
getting punched fan club on earth all
right okay hold on
i didn’t i’ve never joined this fan club
to begin with don’t you start putting me
into oh no
you’re already drawing you’re already
into it it’s automatically okay
just like how i would sign up for the
nra you’re automatically signed up for
the nr
for the rick miranda’s game punch club
yeah that happened to me
i got really annoyed by that i came home
one morning to check my mail
and apparently at some point someone
signed me up for the nra i was like
huh oh i was like
yeah i was like man i was like kind of
annoyed because you know why because i
had to spend the next half an hour
calling the nra saying hey i didn’t sign
up for this
please remove me from your mailing list
all right
i mean look look look austin just what
you could what you should have done what
the nra would have respected
okay it’s like if you if they if you
wanted to get off their list all you had
to do was
mail them a gun
remove remove my name for the list no no
no what i should have done
but i should just mail them that or a
note saying we’re moving from your list
or i’ll punch rick mirandas
that’s their ultimatum all right what do
they want like oh boy he’s actually
do it we should remove it from the
mailing bus
oh my god of course everyone will come
everything the world will come to a halt
if you threaten to
punch me yeah that’s right oh speaking
of spill
speaking of the world before we actually
go to this office just because we’re on
the topic
did you heard about that that that that
uh tv show pitch about
rick mirandas by the way from adults
what do you mean so so adult swim
so at some stupid music festival or some
[ __ ] animation festival or some [ __ ] right
adult swim was there right and they’re
like hey
come pitch us a show in in
like a minute all right if we like it we
try to pick it up and make it a real
thing right it was an open it was an
open contest like so anyone could have
just went in line right
and so and then when is your turn you go
up to like a board of like i think like
three or four people from from adult
swim right and then you just pitch your
show right
and at the end people vote for that [ __ ] right so these guys when they were like
they just went in line without a pitch
and so at that point they just started
coming over random [ __ ] and so this was
the thing they pitched to adults web
it’s a show about so you know how rick
miranda’s went in retirement right
because because i think yeah no it turns
out the route because he was actually
the last guardian of earth
and he had went he went and he went he
retired so he could secretly protect her
from the other other side of
of the realm
it was like the greatest pitch ever uh
adult swim show uh it’s insane
uh do we just want to talk about rick
and morty
miranda’s fan fan fan channel at this
oh my god okay let’s see what this is
it’s actually insane
you see
keeper between our world and hell itself
wait what
oh kid went to consciousness expiration
he leaves has been operating as the
gatekeeper plating our world and hell
itself alongside such characters as his
praying mantis butler
mormont oh my god
that’s so good oh can this be a thing
i want this to be a thing i want it to
be a real thing so anyway
okay okay so anyway so now that we got
the rick mirandas for adam
out of the way we can actually talk
about the episode and now the fact that
jeru does not own any clothes apparently
oh wait what why what i’m confused by
this why
why is this why is this a uh why is this
a statement
but so we are clearly assuming that drew
only owes two sets of clothes this
entire series right oh you mean like the
uniform he owns his school uniform and
he has to cure a major
team outfit right yeah and apparently
the underrated has like a completely
separate set of outfits we never saw
that looks way better yeah for the first
yeah for the first time in like
ever in the show besides the opening
they’re actually wearing a different set
of clothes
yeah now that you’re like not including
something that’s stupid like like like
like their job uniform like these
clothes are drastically different than
th than the clothes
we saw in episode zero right like these
are completely new outfits that they
i was like i was like that’s totally
different this outfit looks so
nice i was like oh boy why don’t they
wear this [ __ ] more often like you got
[ __ ] you you got [ __ ] tommy toma with his
stupid-ass future
with his stupid-ass future shades that
he used to play monster hunter esport
because you know that’s what all boston
hunter esport players wear
when they played the game yeah you wear
your when you wear your future shades
yeah they wear the shades that they got
from the back to the future
like auction yeah like literally what
they look like yeah goggles or whatever
like [ __ ] like these outfits that these that that
uh that the other four rangers
are look really nice as character
outfits like
like like like if they did had had the
stupid uh carrot major uniform
oh i would not be complaining if they
were to wear these these snakes every
episode right
yeah this is gives us it definitely
gives us a sense of personality too
yeah like just by looking at them you
can tell what type of characters they
are like i’m just
like like i have a freeze paper right
now like you see [ __ ] tommy tobo with
his stupid-ass future shades and
right yeah he’s all just a bit like this
[ __ ] jacket and
yeah hey you see sugar like this like
you i would say it was not like is that
a varsity outfit but
like this really good professional um
coat and everything yeah it looks very
well tailored
yeah and then you see sent us i know we
would like with like this uh outfit with
a tie and a
and a windbreaker and and then style
with her
no it’s it’s a it’s like this little uh
not fluff uh it’s not a tie it’s a
ribbon thing oh it was a reminder
for it oh okay yourself it’s something
that’s sewn into the clothes
yeah i think yeah and and style has like
has like this whole like whole like like
like professional outfit and everything
yeah it just reminds me how everyone is
so dressed like [ __ ] losers all right
[ __ ] but yeah it’s like the like
literally one scene and i know we’ll
just never get another scene while
they’re dressed like that yeah
i hope we actually hope they actually
revisit these outfits fairly scared
because they do look nice and it really
fits their character personality really
well for what we
for what we’ve seen with them yeah i
mean you say that austin but it’s been
half the season and this is like the
first time they’ve done look
there’s only like 20 episodes left for
right there’s still time for them to
wear clothes all right
there’s still time for them to wear
were they not wearing clothes before
okay okay look those uniform those
uniform [ __ ] socks are right
they they [ __ ] suck okay
again i blame the fact that they just
don’t have a budget for this apparently
yeah they just put it all in kamen rider
which i kind of appreciate and i kind of
don’t okay
because what happens with sentai yeah
yeah so apparently yeah so apparently
the episode starts off
i legitimately thought they were going
to appear in this episode honestly
right oh what do you mean oh you mean
like the characters themselves yeah it’s
gonna be like the
machines yeah like the suit actors and
that was it i was like i was like
because the episode just starts with
with you all right so now we’re going so
now we got that hinge off your clothes
we can actually go to the episode play
by play
and we see how they’re just how it just
starts off with takamichi
and jeru and with with ducka hakatami
ami and mabushina just
just chilling in the base and i’m like
oh boy there’s a monster
we don’t know where the rangers are the
worst ones they’re like they’re doing
their real jobs i’m like
damn i guess is that a priority for them
guess they’re too busy with real jobs
this is like yeah you know what we got
we got this it’s more important than
saving the earth that we’ve done over
like i don’t know [ __ ] 30 times
and they’re just like [ __ ] uh i don’t
even know
like they just play one of them plays
video games one of them just runs
i mean one of them acts only one one of
them i would say is like kind of
important the fact that they’re kind of
actually saving lives because one of
them is an actual goddamn doctor
you’re right that racist to save lives
all right wait that okay wait that
is that racist no that no that race that
race is to save lives
oh okay i thought for a second that we
had a secret episode where santa was
secretly racist
okay so he’s she just hates
she just hates all people who are not
human she just like secretly races
against mabushi and
the whole [ __ ] episode where she
calls him african nature
she seeks them starts like [ __ ] forming her own clan and stuff like they
did in [ __ ] season one apparently
that you told me in [ __ ] that’s right that was a thing that’s
that’s a call back that’s like
so surprised i’m still surprised at that
they just really brazenly did that i
mean look look
japan doesn’t know the concept of racism
all right
uh you say that but do i have to refer
to history
where has history ever been right okay
i mean the thing is you say that but
then that means
it’s you say that austin but
that just means everything wrong in
history is still bad
it’s still wrong austin it doesn’t
change the fact that i’m right
look how do we know this isn’t actually
it actually happened and that is not a
controlled by big media all right what
i don’t know how do we know what really
happened how about we know what really
back back back into how we know there
was actually a world war
ii all right all right oh my god no
no are you saying no don’t don’t stop
stop the light
[Music] brought up some good points okay
yeah like we’re freaking uh rudy
ourselves our indonesian audience
doesn’t know what the [ __ ] we’re talking
do you think anyone in southeast asia
knows who the [ __ ] rudy giuliani is
i mean you know what since i said it
they can look it up look at rudy
giuliani look at what a piece of work he
actually better yet watch borat too oh
thank you
it’s right there we go so back to the
episode so okay
so now that we went on on our historical
denier route
we could check that off the box
you have a box looking you know what
sure go ahead you have a box of you have
a checklist of yourself
on topic topics to talk about yeah they
they pulled the honey i shrunk the kids
that was really weird right really so
here’s here’s what i thought so so based
on the pu for this episode right
i didn’t assume jeru was going to be in
this uh i thought this was
just gonna be a mecca episode based on
the mechs just
digging around because before it satis
history pass
we do have episodes where where when the
mechs are sent in and they have their
own personality and their and they
weren’t just big machines
right because we had seasons where the
mex were just mechs they were just
[ __ ] machines that just there to be
like hey yo calling the robots right
yeah yeah but we already do have had
season where the mech had actual
we’re like oh boy hey yo what up what up
i’m the red ranger mac
or wherever the [ __ ] right right we have
had episodes where those mechs
are just the main focus of the episode
right and and we focus on them and not
the rangers
and everything so that’s what i thought
this episode was i didn’t realize jira
was gonna be [ __ ] here and [ __ ] takamitri doesn’t even show up
apparently after they shrunk him down
no i mean taking me talking
he’s here to i mean i mean i guess you
could say he’s not there
but he is the mech so yeah technically
is there yeah uh yeah you’re right i do
forget he tries to the [ __ ] chris i
forgot about that
yeah because i was like because i was
watching this house i was like why
aren’t they [ __ ] cutting to takamichi
i was like
what like did the actor get covered or
something and so they had to get him the
voice over his footage
right i was so [ __ ] confused well i
was really confused this episode
why they weren’t showing takamichi at
any point
right i actually forgot that he
transferred to the [ __ ] stupid
to transform into the mech oh you you
thought they were lazy and they just
didn’t bother me yeah
and it just voiced over and they just
voiced over his footage i thought
he wondered why they were just voice
overing his footage
no don’t worry they they remember they
remember their own lore and they
remember that he’s just a giant goddamn
crystal yeah i forgot about that [ __ ] i forgot not touch it yeah so the ranger
gets trans so the mecha gets transferred
into small
into toys into real life toys for you to
buy and
like hey yo buy this toy and this kids
and this and this small japanese school
between i think that’s all oh [ __ ] free
if you even fair if i was the kid i saw
free toys like that i would [ __ ] yeah
i don’t
i always trust free toys being given out
by people all right
i mean it’s not like they’re getting i
mean it’s given up by nature austin
there’s a difference
hey look at you will kill me and make
sure if nietzsche approaches you in a
white man
and he got freaked out would you shake
oh my god i just a van and it’s just
you hear the door open and then oh you
don’t see a person you just see a fern
slowly opening the door and it’s just
like shaking it’s first
it sneezes at you and then the worse
it’s not like the interior of a car it’s
just like a bunch of trees and rocks
right like it’s a bunch of grassland
like they’re like there used to be an
interior of a car but but they’re not
just a bunch of grassland and everything
they have the old goddamn ecosystem and
[ __ ] it’s like hey kid you
uh you want you want some you want some
this is like it’s not even an actual toy
it’s just a stick
it’s just a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] jesus let’s make like a treat
and get out of here
don’t you make like a tree and leave
look man look we all know the right ways
to say the way i said
no okay okay yeah so this little
japanese school boy just picks up the
picks up the mecca i got [ __ ] i’m taking
this [ __ ] i’m taking this [ __ ] and then and then i think it’s the first
time we actually seen the mud
use their [ __ ] ranks as a [ __ ] ring yeah
i mean you say that but even they’re not
really using it properly
like this is like like the thing is
they’re just kind of tossing it towards
the side and it’s just like that’s not
how you rake stuff man
you’re supposed to put it down on the
ground and drag it out oh yeah yeah
re-watch it you’re just [ __ ] just
shoving it into
into the grass and everything you think
they have
do you think they have an issue with
like [ __ ] stepping on their own kind
because it’s made out of mud right yeah
mm-hmm and it’s a rainy day
you think they have a problem with that
do you think does do the moneys have
enough intelligence to recognize
to recognize their own kind that’s the
thing hmm
this is this this is getting really this
game really feels like people for no
[ __ ] reason
you say you say that but austin they can
recognize uh well i know wait hold on
no kid no what am i saying kids aren’t
going to listen to this they can
recognize sexual pleasure
awaken something in them remember i mean
you can recognize that
oh what yo donna does is different than
look yodana does something different all
yeah she hit’s different
[Laughter] anyway [ __ ] uh sure we’ll just get
the [ __ ] philosophical debate because i don’t say
i don’t think they’re worth it
[ __ ] what i just don’t know don’t
deserve our philosophy
uh yeah but apparently yeah they’re
looking for the [ __ ] toys
whatever he steals the toys everyone’s
wondering about where the toys went
also i [ __ ] hate this kid i [ __ ] so so when he takes the
meccas out right he leaves the [ __ ] meat that needs to be refrigerated on
the [ __ ] table
god damn it that meat costs money you
[ __ ] [ __ ] kid
it’s just [ __ ] leaving me to be
spoiled [ __ ] to be fair it was probably on sale look
look it doesn’t [ __ ] matter you have
to refrigerate the meat
right ever since i started buying meat
and realize the importance of having
value meat i’m like
oh [ __ ] i need to refrigerate this this
kid does not understand
how good he has it he needs to [ __ ] he needs to [ __ ] put that meat away
in the refrigerator too in order for it
to keep it cool so he can be safely
god you give it also he has a lot of
free time apparently jesus [ __ ] christ
i mean you know he’s he’s unsupervised
he’s a kid who has nothing to do when
his mom is out at work and it’s just
like all he has to do is just stay at
home and just like do whatever yeah and
he [ __ ] and he made this whole [ __ ] elaborate set out and everything
by by the way cup noodles makes an
appearance in this in this episode
randomly really [ __ ] weird oh there’s
like this [ __ ] cup noodle
if only we were sponsored by companies
yeah hey hey
hey cup noodles the official sponsors of
the rick miranda’s fan
fan club rick moranis fan club where we
where rick morris gets punched 24 7.
oh my god at least rick moran doesn’t
get punched in the face by ramen
jesus uh [ __ ] this kid just makes a
mess though
yeah he just makes a whole entire mess
he does he’s just [ __ ] like [ __ ] all
he’s like yeah i’m not gonna clean this
[ __ ] up
i’m gonna [ __ ] up all these cup [ __ ] cup noodles and throw helico in the
where she does where she belongs
she’s a trash mech and she belongs in
the track
jesus [ __ ] christ
i don’t know i don’t know why i’m so
aggressive to haley girl she’s done
nothing wrong
and that’s the problem she’s done
nothing that’s the problem
exactly but anyway [ __ ] yeah he starts messing like you know i
the fact that when he’s playing with his
toys it’s literally just a tutorial on
how to assemble the toys yeah
that’s the thing i realized i was like
wait a minute this is a this is a really
[ __ ] big commercial out of nowhere
even though the whole point of the
series is to sell toys wait a minute
this guy’s actually selling the toys to
us god damn it
he’s actually showing you how to [ __ ] built the mech in case if you were to
in case of any kids that were watching
this before was a big [ __ ] idiot
like oh hey yo now you know how to
assemble the toy
oh yeah pretty much also i just
i i don’t like how the [ __ ] mex was
like especially with um senna’s like car
and i don’t know it’s
race right yeah mack mack
is it mac yeah m-a-c-h i was looking it
up too because i was gonna bring it up
yeah and he said he’s all like oh that’s
my sensitive spot it was like
why you this is this is not okay
he’s got a child playing with this toy
and he responds to that
it’s all kinds of wrong this and then
look jennifer
is really [ __ ] weird all right yeah i
know but here’s the thing austin
because once he says that it made me
realize that he’s basically
fondling all of these people these these
these mechs who have sentience and they
apparently have sensitive spots on
it’s not okay it’s like i don’t know
it’s like are they trying to teach
consent here or something or not
what is going on austin you could please
look it just depends how much pleasure
can a crystal feel
okay i mean i mean here’s the thing
austin you can always ask takamichi
because he’s a crystal too you know
he’s just messing with freaky like
freaky takamichi too
this is a problem
like if like i know i’m not supposed to
look too deep into it and honestly it’s
just a joke
but when you look deep into it yeah it
was really weird
it was really weird like like like like
like it was supposed to be a throwaway
light about oh boy this is my sound like
i was like wait does everyone does
everyone have feel this way too
right it was really [ __ ] weird right
because at some point when he was
messing with helicopter right i realized
the way that he
she he opened helicopter wait was he
just splitting helicopters legs open
i was like oh wow
oh no right it got real weird i was like
i was thinking about it too i was like
oh oh no no this thing is he’s
technically he does that with like
freaking uh what what’s his name what’s
his name
fire right yeah i think his name is fire
like i mean technically he splits
everybody open austin this is not
except shove yellow apparently who just
who just attaches on
oh yellow acknowledges too yeah i’m not
right yeah he’s pretty simple he’s just
like yeah i guess i guess i’m really
yeah that’s simple that’s actually
pretty funny
i just love the fact that he’s just like
yeah he’s he’s not a big
he’s not complicated he just [ __ ] snaps on i was like
i was like oh wow you don’t realize it
until you until you actually see it in
yeah i know it’s pretty definitely
[ __ ] yeah but afterwards then you get this
whole thing where like
they decide to come alive and they tried
to escape but then this drew was like no
i have an idea i’m gonna repair this
family relationship before uh
before we go save the world look here’s
the thing right i didn’t know why didn’t
you just say there was a [ __ ] dream
right i i legitimately thought they were
gonna never be like oh this is a [ __ ] dream
you’re dreaming that the toys are alive
right i was like oh okay
yeah i thought that’s what i thought it
was it was like you know but they don’t
say no no no we’re alive we’re we’re
setting machines like oh okay
okay i guess we’re just gonna straight
up just say that okay
yeah ooh excuse me okay what has hallie
called done
let’s see the voice actor she’s done
nothing austin no no
i’m not looking at the voice actress to
see what she’s been in that i can
recognize her from oh
is this something that you’ve been
wondering for a while uh
okay no nothing that i know of these
okay nothing big the do i what i know
no no no no no no no prominent anime
that i probably watched when she was in
i mean whether
she’s only done minor voice casts
no okay from what i can sound
[ __ ] okay [ __ ] freaking
jew is like oh yeah you know what i’m
gonna break this toy story rule and show
the kids yeah yeah i’m like
hey yo what up it’s like i’m alive i’m a
i’m a real life toy
the worst part of this is when we cut
back we see the toy just sitting on the
right it’s so [ __ ] stupid
he’s just [ __ ] sitting on the couch
because we’re on the actual toy the real
life um
uh dx caramel machine you can buy
for for your free child right it doesn’t
do that [ __ ] it cannot sit on a couch
and give you a [ __ ] pep talk like
that you just
you just throw it on the couch and
that’s it it’s like the [ __ ] it’s like
the funniest it’s like the stupidest
[ __ ] thing i’ve ever [ __ ] seen
honestly yeah it’s really funny just to
see a toy try to console a child over
the fact that he’s lonely
like it’s just really weird especially
when you
like jew is like a [ __ ] high schooler
and he’s trying to comfort a kid
but he’s also really [ __ ] small and
it’s supposed to be a serious scene but
i can’t take a toy seriously
i can’t i can’t think this season it’s
like the toughest [ __ ] thing ever
yeah i know it’s again it’s that real
like it’s a really weird surreal moment
and it’s just like okay this is weird
but i’ll go with it i guess
and then they’re like oh no we have to
go save the world and the kids are like
and apparently jira had the [ __ ] ball
the entire [ __ ] time
the uh what the kirin made go arrow both
[ __ ] oh yeah yeah he had that he just has
that with him i was like boy it’s a good
[ __ ] man it’s a good thing he [ __ ] took it
in case the other rangers might have
needed it
right yeah it’s not like they needed to
save the world i know they got off
like they were doing their jobs at one
point but they they saved the world
occasionally too come on drew
yeah a high schooler who’s who who wants
to flunk out of school it doesn’t mean
and you know that i think on it jew is
uh uh uh what is essentially a high
school dropout hanging out with a 30
year old man who has no job
and and and and a [ __ ] and a [ __ ] magic talking crystal woman
yeah that too [ __ ] wow this this is
yeah what happens when they’re done
saving the world do they just like end
up becoming homeless beggars on the
street oh look look
look it’s subset most of them have our
actual life afterwards and they
and they continue with the story all
right if you watch other satire
because there’s okay so we’re off topic
real quick okay said ty quick say
so usually after they finish the sentai
season right
they do revisit the the cast every now
and then usually that’s when they do the
team up movies
they show so basically so when they do
the team up movies of like of like i
don’t know the last
the the currencies in the when they
revisit the previous they show what the
previous team have been doing you know
so like oh so you don’t feel like they
just [ __ ] bump
become bombs after they feel like most
of that they do become stuff
and usually sometimes if the series is
popular they do a reunion special movies
to see like hey yo like here’s the 10
years later movie right
they did that recently with another
series like hey yo it’s been 10 years
just see what’s happening with the other
rangers to see what’s happening in the
10 years
most of them have a real job while this
ranger is still a [ __ ] bomb
wait so uh that is that does bring up
the question
is there a way can likely tell how
popular sirius is yes
they get more than one movie oh really
so like
peace we know that there’s a movie
planned for this one right yeah yeah
there’s always well it’s before every
setting season have a movie
okay right so would it be fair like just
to think once they make a second movie
for this one it’s fair to think that
there’ll probably be a reunion movie
or something like that yeah pretty much
because what is it let’s see they just
did one for
for go under and that was a 2009 season
right uh you usually with
it just depends on how popular and [ __ ] the cast
the cast in the series was right
because it was because they did uh two
years ago they did an entire
um oh god [ __ ] they did an entire mother mother movie
where they revisit three sentai cast
who are now actual mothers and
huh all right then yeah that was a
sentai mom
uh [ __ ] uh shiro mama league that was
the name it was that [ __ ] was called
yeah all right that that show that shows
that that was two years ago jesus fight
that shows three sets high voice actors
who are now
actual mothers who are now actual
mothers and everything
huh well you look at that yeah
excuse me [ __ ] uh
wow i was gonna lead up with something
well whatever it’s whatever yeah
yeah so the mother comes back and she’s
like hey yo where’d you get these
where’d you get these toys basically oh
based off she has such a such an
overreaction to this austin yeah
like it’s like oh you found these toys
[ __ ] give me these toys kid you’re
not supposed to have toys
you’re supposed to have a childhood
she’s like
she tries to rip these toys out of her
child’s hands yeah
voice is like i just found them mom
and it’s just like oh god she’s just
trying to
it’s like she just ignored the fact that
there’s that
giant [ __ ] monsters attacked japan on
a weekly basis
for the last 40 years did she just
forgot about that
it’s like oh what are these [ __ ] toys
based on the things
that have been saving japan for the last
40 years or her
looking oh god you know it’s just really
astonishing just like
she’s like oh i bring cake oh it’s a ha
it’s kind of like you know she tries
she’s she’s she tries to be good for her
and then she’s just like oh my child
brought toys heretic
yeah he brought toys that i did not buy
because i’m not a good mother enough
jesus but dennis is like what i find
extremely funny
is like immediately afterwards the kid
runs right and i get it right
when the kid goes down the stairs but
then he it’s like the next scene
and he’s on a bridge yeah he’s like yeah
i was like the scenery there’s a there’s
a long distance he ran up and the mother
was just [ __ ] just dilly-dallying
after him apparently i’m like how did
your dog catch up to your kid and couch
where is this bridge in relationship to
the [ __ ] apartment building
that they live in right like i feel like
i feel like this bridge is like five
five miles down the street right this
doesn’t feel like a bridge that’s like
right next to the
to the uh to the apartment building yeah
they were living yeah like this bridge
feels like it’s pretty far off
and everything yeah i’m like
what are you doing that’s like how slow
are you
to like let your kid run this far also
to give props to the kid that kid can
run yeah okay
because apparently to do that and not be
caught by his mother it’s
really really freaking impressive yeah
and so when the kid finally catches up
like the kid says that’s what he is
and and then the mom gets shocked when
the fact that they’re sentient living
and ignore the fact that there’s [ __ ] william
japan is attacked every week by japanese
monsters all right
and they’re saved by a bunch of people
and spandexes right
sentient suits would be the last [ __ ] thing i’d be shocked
sentient toys would be the last set
thing i’ll be shocked by all right i’ll
be more shocked if i go a day in japan
without a monster attacking all right
yeah you know what fair because this is
a daily occurrence to the point where
like they even had other ranger teams
yeah and i don’t i don’t i still don’t
understand how like
nobody knows about these rangers by this
point because every time i see this it’s
like it feels like they’re just not
aware of these rangers
mm-hmm they’re not the fact that japan
gets attacked every [ __ ] day
yeah it’s just like you think they just
like make a fake japan and put it right
next to the real japan
is there two japans
two japans they might occas like they
let some people live on the fake japan
if also if only so that the monsters
that attack it we’re like oh this is the
real japan see there’s people here that
we can harm
jesus [ __ ] christ
this is now my new cannon oh okay ooh
[ __ ] [ __ ] yeah but like uh then
there’s this whole thing where they’re
having trouble fighting the [ __ ] um
yo donut because you know she still
kicks ass yeah yeah
literally literally and figuratively
yeah literally and figuratively yeah
and [ __ ] like uh jeru runs off in his
mech and then brings like the freaking
uh the
uh the go arrow too like freaking uh hot
okay so he they bring it to him and um
like he he’s like oh you know what i can
i can regrow this
uh regrow this this this the go arrow
and then he does it
and then you know he calls the king and
then the king’s like lamar i’m just
going to go [ __ ] this monster yeah
also oh
just repair your relationship so we’re
real quick speaking of the key i don’t
know like we can only call the king on
special moments like
what what’s considered a special moment
honestly at this point
right i feel like the key should just
[ __ ] chill in this [ __ ] in the
real earth realm
and not showing this [ __ ] fake realm
where he rules on a second
crystalia planet apparently right
i was just kidding we’re just completely
ignored that there’s a second crystalia
that he [ __ ] has
that he just [ __ ] rolls over and
we’re ignoring the fact that the main
crystal planet
has been [ __ ] wiped off the planet
yeah that’s true oh no wait remember
remember the reason he goes to the other
planet is because he’s visiting his
second family that he chose to
uh live with as he chose to you know
freaking abandon
his first family oh yeah you’re right i
forgot yeah i forgot about that
this kid is such a [ __ ] awful person
[ __ ] christ god
what a god awful father he is yeah
i’m like rick mirandas
yeah why doesn’t somebody come up to the
king and punch him in the face why don’t
they consider
rick moranis why isn’t why isn’t rick
mirandas the king of crystalia
yeah if he if he was the king he would
have treated his family better
like with his brother and his brother
would have never [ __ ] betrayed him
yeah commit genocide on their planet
exactly oh god that’s really really
[ __ ] bad
you know what it really confuses me
like there’s this whole issue where the
machines are just trying to like
uh elected and shrunk down but can’t
they just change their size at will
yeah here’s the thing right we can only
start with that that the machine can
already change
size can they not change size i get
another small but
hold on do you think this is a good
because it’s a scale conversion right
it’s a scale like they can’t like if
they were to change size they would only
change smaller
right because when we saw them in the
machine that’s their normal size right
and so if they were to change something
different they would just change it to
smaller size right is that
is that what the thing is i don’t know i
wouldn’t think so
none of them if like if there’s a scene
where they explain that like
yeah it works like that then i would go
with it but because they don’t i would
assume that they can just grow
to whatever size they want yeah it’s
really [ __ ] weird i i don’t
understand this [ __ ] weird side [ __ ] so anyway yeah so so the to the kid and
the mom
matt makes up for it and it makes up for
like oh boy we’re a real family again
we’re real real family again now all of
a sudden
yeah and then you know the the episode
ends like yeah everything’s happy
uh happy go lucky now everything’s fine
yeah and then apparently this is the
last song
after we spent the last 10 weeks [ __ ] doing character songs
apparently i hope this is the actual
last song so we probably go back to so
many songs
i never i thought we were actually done
but i didn’t realize we still had so
[ __ ] songs for these characters how
many wake up songs
how many episodes have we been digging
this on one two three four
five six eight weeks i wanna say like
seven eight oh is it eight
okay jesus because we had the sixth main
ranger mabushina and dr
hakatomiyami and everything yeah so we
had eight weeks of
character songs and i i completely
didn’t realize that [ __ ] jesus [ __ ] christ
yeah so i probably might we might get
real songs again or some [ __ ] i don’t
i don’t [ __ ] know yeah at least where
it looks like we’re done with the songs
yeah i i i just they pulled v2 like oh
boy here’s version 2.
here’s remix you can remix of the songs
oh god please no please no this is not
what i want
yeah oh but yeah that was the episode i
yeah it’s fine except for moving a few
plot holes in the fact that it’s just
kind of weird that we had to spend most
of the time with
our just toys with the actual toy prop
yeah that’s really [ __ ] funny though
it was really [ __ ] weird yeah
yeah but i mean hey man this one looks
like we’re getting actual
like well i mean i’m not going to say
this is a bad episode but like
i’m excited for that accent it looks
like garage door remembers that he was a
character on the show
next episode yeah they’re actually gonna
bring him back and he’s actually gonna
do something again yeah
like well let’s just you’re done just
messing around with stuff uh
before yeah uh so it looks like it looks
like guards are never like he was a
character like oh he’s like oh [ __ ] i
i was a character i was like oh yeah
that’s right
yeah it’s like as i guess he found a
purpose now that he after he finished
committing genocide okay
i have a b i have a second thing to do
but here’s the thing here’s the thing is
what he’s gonna do next gonna
gonna gonna live up to expectation like
after you commit genocide right i feel
like that’s a hard act to follow okay
no no no you see this here’s the thing
when you commit genocide the only thing
to do from there now is to commit
genocide but hold on but he already
committed that it won’t be
it won’t be as impactful as the problem
right like the first time you commit
everyone’s like oh wow he
congratulations you could be a genocide
but the second i was like hey you
already did that it’s just like a rehash
it’s just i mean i don’t know what you
look just because i saw epic star wars
episode 4
right it doesn’t mean star wars episode
7 should be the exact same thing
okay to be in episode seven
and not in episode four okay not episode
yeah i i just
i hope that i hope that when they make
star wars episode seven is that an
episode 4.2
okay whenever that comes out
yeah you know what whenever that comes
yeah hey hey hey hey hey hey
hey look i have an idea for star wars
episode seminar right
rick is in it okay
let’s pitch this to disney okay hey yo i
have an idea for star wars episode seven
you put rick miranda’s in it oh my god
that’s it that’s
that’s that’s just the star wars plot
that’s it nothing else
it’s just miranda no here’s the here’s
the thing you have to remember
it’s not just rick moranis but it’s also
his butler mirantis
okay that’s it so [ __ ] all right that’s
we got all logging off all right all
right quote of ours is still like
wash your hands kate thanks bye
[Music] [Music]

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