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The Scoleri Brothers Bring Pure CHAOS To The Courtroom | Ghostbusters 2 As Seen On

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The Scoleri Brothers Bring Pure CHAOS To The Courtroom | Ghostbusters 2

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Ray (Dan Aykroyd), Egon (Harold Ramis), Venkman (Bill Murray) and Tully (Rick Moranis) have an encounter with the Scoleri brothers in court… | Buy or rent Ghostbusters II here:

Five years after they defeated Gozer, the Ghostbusters are out of business. When Dana begins to have ghost problems again, the boys come out of retirement to aid her and hopefully save New York City from a new paranormal threat.

© Sony Pictures
before we begin this trial I want to
make one thing very clear well does not
recognize the existence of ghosts and I
don’t believe in them either so I don’t
want to hear a lot of malarkey about
goblins and Spooks and demons we’re
going to stick to the facts in this case
leave the ghost stories to the kitties
understood wow sounds like a pretty
open-minded guy huh yeah they call him
the hammer what can we do it’s all in
the hands of our lawyer now I think you
guys are making a big mistake
I do mostly tax laws and probate stuff
occasionally I got my law degree in
night school well that’s fine Louis we
got arrested at
night look just put these guys away fast
and make sure they go away for a long
long time okay I don’t think it’s going
to be hard with this list of charges
good very
good violating a Judicial restraining
order willful destruction of public
property fraud malicious Mischief see in
a couple of years years at your first
hearing they’ll never take us
alive all right all right let’s get on
it your honor ladies and gentlemen of of
the of the
audience I don’t think it’s fair to call
my client frauds okay so the blackout
was a big problem for everybody okay I
was stuck in an elevator for 2 hours and
I had to make the whole time but I don’t
blame them cuz one time I turned into a
dog and they helped me thank you
very good leis short but
pointless Mr
fanella please look at exhibits a
through F on the table over
here do you recognize this equipment
yeah that’s the stuff the cops took from
their truck do you know what this
equipment is used for I don’t know uh
catching ghost maybe I don’t know may I
remind the court that the defendants are
under a Judicial restraining order that
strictly forbids them from performing
Services as paranormal investigators or
eliminators so
noted now Mr fanella can you identify
the substance in this jar marked exhibit
F yeah yeah that’s the stuff all right
your honor I’ve been working underground
for KET for 27 years I never saw
anything like this in my life whatever’s
down there they must have put it there
no he
didn’t shut up so so so you were just
trying to help out a help out a friend
who was frighten who was a scared of
what was happening to her when you’re
scared what there was no evil int there
was no evil intended No Malice because
you live here when you live in a place
and you love it like you do you don’t
want nothing bad to happen one isol
because it it’ll never happen again it’s
an isolated incident it’s a one shot
deal objection your honor what he’s
leading the witness it’s the same give
me a break we’re both lawyers Mr Tully
you have any questions for this witness
might have some bearing on this case do
I no we’ve helped them out enough
already no your
honor you’re a
witness Dr
vanman would you please tell the court
why it is that you and your
co-defendants took it upon yourselves to
dig a very big hole in the middle of
Avenue well there’s so many holes in
First Avenue we really didn’t think
anyone would
keep that up mister I’ll find you in
contempt I’m truly sorry your honor I’ll
ask you again Dr vanman why were you
digging the hole and please remember
you’re under oath there are some things
in this world that go Way Beyond human
understanding things that cannot be
explained things that most people don’t
want to know about that is where we come
in so what you’re saying is that the
world of the Supernatural is your
exclusive province kitten I think what
I’m saying is that sometimes
happens someone has to deal with it and
who you going to
call shut
up Peter Wiman Raven STS Eon Spangler
stand up get
up you too Mr
Tully find your guilty on all charges
order you to pay fines in the amount of
$225,000 each inured 18 months to the
City Correctional Facility at Riker’s
Island e she’s twitching I’m not
finished on a more personal V let me
just go on record as saying that there’s
no place for fake charlatans uh your
honor shut up Tex like you in decent
Society your honor this is important you
play on the cability of innocent people
yes sir be quiet but my hands were by
the unalterable fs of the law and I
would inul thetion our ustri is Barber
reach back you have P ster Justice and
wow oh my God the scaler
[Music] Brothers scary brothers friends of yours
I tried them for murder gave them the
[Applause] [Music] chair you got to do something what don’t
you just tell them you don’t believe in
[Music] [Applause] [Music] ghosts we got to do something help me
don’t talk to me talk to my attorney
that’s me my guys are still under a
judicial mangement in order that blue
thing I got from her they could be
exposing themselves and you don’t want
us exposing
[Music] ourselves you’re next bubbles all right
all right are in the order K just miss
Hur we got the stop doing
[Music] oh oh I always hated this part of the
[Music] business you know it’s been a couple
years since we used this
stuff hope it still works they should
the power cells have a halflife of 5,000
years there’s no time for a bench test
heat them
[Music] up
no Rak
[Music] gone
[Music] waa
[Music] [Laughter] a
[Applause] ha come out bad boy I’m going to take
you all
soon you got him you got him make it
bring okay
okay behind you
hold the
r start bringing it
back come on you big let’s
go keep pulling to the
right okay going
in no no
no call it R hit
[Music] it
two in the box ready to go we be fast
and they be slow

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