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Toon Jam Episode 173 – Gravedale High Presented By Our Site

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Toon Jam Episode 173 – Gravedale High

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Matt and J-Man head to a very different type of school this week as the teacher is none other than beloved actor Rick Moranis! (Also everyone else is a monster)

Enrol at Paydale High:
do damn
[Music] [Music] [Music] oh spooky
too spooky for you
hello welcome
to toon jam i am matt and i’m jaime and
you’ve joined us in the throes of our
spooky season it’s october
and we’re and we’re on the spooky trail
so maybe you’ve been following from
the first episode of this spooky trail
which was
last week
know many moons ago
but maybe you’re joining us for the very
start of it today um and if so let me
tell you
exactly what we’re talking about today
it is
gravedale high um or to be more precise
uh rick moranis in gravedale
oh boy
let me tell you about it um it is an
american series uh produced by hannah
barbara for mbc productions
um the latter that company owns all
rights to the series fun fact the series
premiered in
the autumn or fall of 1990 on nbc and
13 episodes so
quite a short run
the show was developed as an animated
vehicle for rick moranis building on his
star appearances in the series of
ghostbusters and honey i shot the kids
film franchises
so i mean
it was uh
so 1990 so
i mean it has a very 80s feel this show
yeah with it being 1990s fresh out of it
and yeah it’s got it this was like
the rick moranis
sky was in everything
you know if you’re if you’re new to
rick moranis
in any way
i mean when i was a kid it was like it
was like every film you watched that was
that wasn’t
an animated film of some sort had rick
moranis in it that’s it he was just
always there yeah he and then he just
yeah what happened
uh i’ll tell you what happened
his wife died
oh yeah it’s quite sad um but he decided
and concentrate on racist kids
so you know
it’s what a guy tough dad rick yeah i
you you’d have you’ve no everyone liked
rick moranis hmm
um i think he’s making a sort of
comeback at the moment i guess now his
kids are old enough
yeah um
which i can’t see anyone having a
problem with no
he just you know
he was like one of those guys that made
geeks cool early on yeah
and and the 80s was a time when geeks
were starting to become cool
yeah it was definitely more like hey
those geeks as well
yeah just so you know guys
geeks exist
it had quality awareness in 1990
um so i had quite a uh
a cast of well-knowns i would say voice
acting one at least um
for the time so obviously rick moranis
big star um
barry gordon
you you may know him um
jack earl haley oh yeah
so he was a gil waterman oh really yeah
as in the creature from the black lagoon
uh maurice lamarche
yeah yeah
frank welker
um the one that stood out the most to me
was uh ricky lake
from tv fame yeah so
i don’t know if you remember this but
uh ricky late used to have a sort of
it was like a jerry springer type show
one wasn’t it yeah yeah ricky ricky
yeah she played cleophatra
and we’ll touch more on that later um as
far as uh ratings
can you guess what it’s got on imdb
imdb i’m gonna go um
six point eight
that is john that’s that’s the best
you’ve done yet that’s 6.7 oh
very close
very close but yeah 6.7 and uh there’s
no rating on rotten tomatoes
so who’s to say whether it would have
been 100 or not
yeah who’s to say
who is to say
um okay well um
with that shall we what’s twitter got to
say about gravedale high
yeah some folks uh remembering gravedale
high some folks just discover engraved
ohio so we’ll see how this goes uh we’ve
got uh wally 132 who says yo
this show graved ohio would have been
huge in these modern times a cartoon
that’s legit about teenage monsters with
rick moranis as their teacher
get cartoon network on the phone
i mean that is something we’ll talk
about this a bit more later but yeah
i agree
but i mean what a concept
yeah yeah it’s it would work it would
work you know they might have to change
some things oh yeah definitely which
will i’ll say we’ll
but yeah i mean yeah the concept could
work as like you know what what what
society’s going through
you know people seeing monsters
everywhere these days oh yeah
spooky talk about which trials oh boy oh
uh we’ve got uh speaking of which is
we’ve got tricky c six six
just two sixes there so it’s not too bad
who says
do you ever even think of rick
moranis-led 1919 cartoon series grave
doe high anymore of course not you only
think about yourself
so i don’t know whether that was part of
like just you know an ongoing argument
they were having with somebody on
twitter or not but um
you know that was i mean it sounds like
you know just a humorous post about
people not thinking about gravedale high
yeah um but it does sort of uh
you know it could be like you know when
people start posting
passive aggressive things and they don’t
want to single someone out but they also
yeah yeah this is like definitely
yeah something happened that night and
you know they they went to twitter to to
to vent instead of speaking to the
person directly i think that’s yeah
because they were so annoyed that they
didn’t ever think about rick morales in
delhi how dare they
good point i know whose side i’m on in
that argument
[Laughter] uh we we’ve also got uh get tradified
who says
for a long time i thought i’d imagine
the gravedale high and the hilarious
house of frightenstein because i
described them to people and no one
would know what i was talking about
and this i actually did a tweet before
we went out um
about this being the show
that only you know
but for it’s like this is that that one
show for everyone this is what i don’t
it’s just everyone that no one else
how strange spooky it’s like none of us
would admit to each other that we know
what it is yeah
it says deep dark secrets it’s all of us
maybe because we’re only thinking of
ourselves oh yeah we are selfish though
i think that’s that’s true that’s true
um we’ve got out on blue six who says
separated at birth living in america by
james brown and the gravedale high theme
i listen to them both side by side fair
[Laughter] i don’t remember the theme tune that’s
escaped me yeah it is
living in america so yeah it’s it sort
of starts like that and then so it just
ends on like they just kind of change
the notes at the end to like grave deal
and then there’s this high note that
comes out of absolutely nowhere that
really caught me off guard and it just
ends on my gravedale hey
i mean if you’re gonna do that on any
word it has to be high doesn’t it yeah
it has to be high yeah it was pretty
impressive to be fair
it made me laugh
it’s like oh boy it really
absolutely sealed the deal on that end
that was fantastic
um and then finally we’ve got uh let a
sun dog live
no yeah yeah who says um
wow i just learned about a cartoon from
1990 called gravedo ohio by rick moran’s
voice is a teacher at school of monster
kids and it’s all on youtube
friday night is about to turn up
[Laughter] oh baby this is a good friday night
watch that’s it fright night
fright night friday night
is happening i mean it’s always good
when you can find an old cartoon on
youtube and it’s all on there yeah
free to watch legit
that’s where i watched this it was on
youtube so you know yeah if you want to
go out we watch the first episode
as always
it’s there it’s there so
use it if you want
but yeah that’s it for tweet quotes okay
well yeah so um
generally it’s just people either
learning about it or remembering it yeah
yeah um
i mean there’s nothing negative there no
no there’s nothing to say like how good
it was
um so so this is an interesting one
we’re you know
we’re not sure what people think of it
other than they’re happy to learn of it
so again it plays to the concept doesn’t
what we what where we’re at at the
moment it’s a good concept
yeah i like i like it i like the look of
it yeah you see the poster for it you’re
like okay i’m into that yeah yeah
ghoulies ghoulies
and ghosties and goodies
uh monsters
you know yeah rick moranis rick moranis
what’s not what’s not to love
i mean let’s rip and runners let’s let’s
go back on that i mean
what is so strange that this whole thing
how does this
come about how does it exist
i mean i’m not i’m not sad it does it
doesn’t sorry but you know
or sad it does or yeah i’m not sad it
i’m confusing myself now but uh you know
it’s such a strange thing
yeah and it’s and it’s so specific like
rick moranis and he and he pretty much
just he plays a teacher
yeah he’s the only one that isn’t a
so he kind of plays just you know if
they did a live-action version of him it
would just have to put on a bow tie in a
suit yeah
it’s just so strange
rick moranis playing rick moranis in a
spooky school
like where does that come out off
it’s crazy like you know
like you know the big celebrities and
big names and stuff like things do get
made around them but usually it’s like
there’s also something else there
whereas this was like rick moranis was
so huge that they were like
as long as rick moranis is in it the
rest of it doesn’t really matter
just like they just built a concept
around come on yeah because i mean look
at like what else we’ve we’ve watched uh
hulk hogan cartoon over at film
which was all about wrestling i mean
loosely but still
yeah it’s nonsense but all about
wrestling with other wrestlers in as
well yeah
what else have we watched like based
baseball stars which is all about sport
and you know
gadgets but it was all revolving around
sport and then you’ve got
rick moranis and it’s all about monsters
i mean like i suppose ghostbusters was
pretty big
that’s true
you know it’s it’s
he was in uh i suppose he could be
playing off that but it’s not like all
he did was monster movies
so it is just uh it’s an it’s such a
interesting choice
but you know fair play turned it for
going out i like completely
talking about sort of the design of it
i mean going in i really did expect this
to be
a pile of trash
if i’m honest i was ready for a pile of
um seeing as there’s only what was it 13
episodes yeah yeah um and no one’s
really heard of it
it’s playing off a celebrity i mean i
like rick moranisport
it’s never a good sign
um it’s also
i mean it’s 1990 i thought it was from
the 80s
and we’ve established before hannah
barbara stuff in the 80s outside of the
is forgotten which this is as well
whether it’s good or not uh so yeah i
didn’t i didn’t know what to expect um
i was
pleasantly surprised by
it it didn’t just feel like lazy
um it felt like they like you know the
design and stuff like they really
actually worked on everything and
i think it wasn’t just like this was
that it felt like everything like the
school bus
yeah it’s like a big hearse
yeah and then it’s lights have got
little candles in um the characters they
actually picked
a lot of it so i mean just the fact that
um the creature from the black lagoon is
a surfer dude
immediately you sort of chuckling
uh there are some there’s some bad
stereotypes in this
and some bad just examples of
what to put in a kid’s show
yeah i think being one of the
you just wouldn’t have that now
no that is a that’s not 20 21 friendly
you know
making fun of people for being fat isn’t
is not cool anymore
it obviously was when we were kids yeah
which um you know has upset many people
at school
yeah directory very true
a lot of complex is made from that yeah
um i mean you know the gag you can see
why they they went for it like it’s you
know it’s you don’t see like big mummies
i suppose
you’re like yeah and obviously the name
sounds quite funny but that’s pretty
much the fun that’s literally a pawn
isn’t it yeah that’s where the the whole
thing comes out of
yeah um
and then
a lot of a lot of the female characters
pretty much just
bad examples of female characters
yeah yeah obsessed with their own looks
you know
what what a male a male would make a
female character as
yeah so there was there’s like one this
like the little weird kind of zombie guy
or whatever who’s like i want to be rich
and then the the medusa type girl was
like i want to marry the rich guy
oh okay well
there’s two isn’t it so there’s like a
there’s a medusa girl
and then there’s like is it is she a
zombie i think she’s yeah she’s like a
frankenstein bride type thing isn’t she
but then there is a frankenstein bride
teacher isn’t there yeah
so i couldn’t figure out what she was
meant to be
she’s green and had a skull in her hair
oh yeah yeah
she loves shopping
yeah do you know what i mean
there’s there’s a lot to be
sort of
outside of that there are good bits i
think to some of the characters
but the surfer dude was probably the
best example of like
i mean easily dawn but you’re like oh
yeah that’s pretty funny
as soon as he came in i sort of chuckled
um the frankenstein
quite funny i thought he i’m not
necessarily as a character but more just
yeah the invisible uh kid who was like
yeah seemed like he was there’s quite a
lot of focus on him in this episode
isn’t that anything yeah and he does a
lot of impressions uh especially off the
yeah which is you know
always forgotten
i mean
immediately dates it yeah
but yeah there’s definitely there’s good
and bad i think with with the sort of
character portrayal but i think the
design i did really like
um and it was clearly of like it was
clearly at the time this would have been
pretty modern pretty cool i think at
least like you know
the way the characters were portrayed
that used to be there’s a lot of them in
cartoons at that time
yeah i think we’ve seen sort of like you
know other variations of like a monster
high sort of thing and they’ve you know
they’ve just not been as
intricate it’s just like you know get
the top three sort of thing it’s a good
top three classics and then it’s like
that’s about as far as it goes like
don’t really give them any
personality or whatever whereas these
were like very they were very clear-cut
what they wanted these characters to be
like wasn’t it like you know sometimes
to an annoying degree but at least you
sort of understood what they did was
pretty quick
uh i thought the
the jokes were
surprisingly well thought out on
some of the like sort of levels
right especially the visual gags
just and it was more like the sort of
they were constantly thinking about this
is about monsters
it wasn’t just like like we’ve watched
stuff where we’d have watched this and
they’d have just made jokes about
anything and just chucked him in there
and it wouldn’t you’d be like why are
they even monsters
yeah but there’s no you’re not watching
it at any point and thinking
why is this about monsters
and you easily couldn’t hear like yeah
because even just saying it then you are
like actually yeah why is it
[Laughter] why is it about monsters it’s a good
point you couldn’t have done anything
you know what i mean you i didn’t think
that while i was watching it yeah that’s
the point and you’re like yeah yeah
i mean what did you think did you find
like uh annoying
were the gags there for you
i think every now and then one had land
um it wasn’t it wasn’t like just a a
uh slate of like or bad or good sort of
thing no yeah see that that you know
they they thought out some stuff um i
think just the i think overall the
actual characterization was kind of out
of date i think it’s just kind of a sign
of the times really like yeah yeah that
kind of fonzie looking
vampire guy
which is just like oh this is kind of
weird because it just
like people aren’t like this anymore no
i don’t think people would like that
when fonzie was about you orlando
it’s now very strange to just like have
some guys sort of say a is in a reaction
to every sentence yeah and then just
constantly combing their hair or
whatever it’s just a bit weird
then yeah there was like the little
weird frankenstein guy or whatever that
was kind of
yeah kind of an annoying way about him
but he did lighten up towards the end
when he started surfing with girl so
that was
gil i found annoying because you know
the the sort of the skater bro
kind of thing is kind of irritating to
me but it’s happened in other shows as
well you know yeah
he was like likeable as a character in a
way yeah he did like crack me up you
know sort of that old old man went on
the surf yeah he was on the train
oh tandem style yeah that was pretty
funny it was one of those things where
it was so
that it it somehow broke through to me i
think yeah you could kind of shake it
off oh yeah yeah there’s a fine line but
yeah yeah
i i did sort of i did like sort of how
much focus they spent on like the
invisible kid like there was a solid
metaphor in there about feeling
and him you know wanting to entertain
and still but like not being seen and
you know so that was like that was
pretty good some good moments some weird
some weird impressions and stuff he did
you know overall pretty pretty solid
um and i liked that uh they they found
uh a revolution like uh a resolution in
the end of because they were all kind of
scared of going to uh which is kind of
strange because their teachers are human
but they were really scared of going to
a human hospital
like they were terrified of it which was
kind of odd but then in the end they all
seemed to have a good time and found
like a legit reason to enjoy it their
time there as opposed to sometimes we
see them
everyone just you know they clear that
up in the last second like oh yeah cool
you know there’s but they
you know the story-wise there was
avenues and they they went to places
arrived there and came back sort of
thing so fair play to them uh on that
front but you know i i don’t think i
like anyone more than i like to rick
no but is that just because of
preconceptions of
who rick morales is
maybe yeah maybe you like him moving in
don’t you
yeah yeah but i don’t know whether i was
yeah maybe i’m meant to like him because
he’s the inhuman as well you know i mean
like maybe
i mean the whole show is called rick
moranis in gravedale high yeah yeah so
you know if you’re gonna like someone in
yeah it’s gotta be the title okay
but yeah i even called rick moranis in
it no they should have just called him
rick moranis that would have been well
better yeah yeah he was just about just
like he’s teaching in school yeah
hi kids i’m rick moranis you may
remember me from ghostbusters
but yeah there’s definitely um
it’s morals of dated
but there were certain ones that still
still kind of shine through um like you
say you know about feeling invisible and
acceptance and things like that
um they were there
but the trouble is is the
sort of the stereotypes the characters
kind of
take the shine off it yeah
it’s like it had some good ideas but the
execution was like yeah you’re sketchy
and that and that sort of brings us back
to that the idea of the reboot of it
uh we talk about reboots every now and
again um sometimes it’s a good thing
sometimes it’s a bad thing
rick moranis engraved down high
i think there’s there is space for a
reboot of this show
i think this is time for rook miranda’s
second wind yeah because i think often
when you think there’s only there’s only
like a few episodes of it
no one really remembers it
you can remake how you want the only
thing it needs is rick moranis
and if he’s involved then who cares
how different
everyone’s on board
but yeah and that’s when you can kind of
you know
modernize it
iron out those
you know horrendous points
do do we have like a modern day rick
you know the
archetype of rick moranis yeah do we
have do you have one like nowadays is
that gone
i guess the trouble is now like
geeks and nerds you know they’re not
they don’t have the same place in
society as they did back then no
you know you don’t necessarily have that
character because
he’s really a normal guy hmm just a nice
guy i wanted like he was just yeah a
nice guy with glasses on he was quite
a nice guy with glasses yeah
he really was
um so yeah i don’t know um
i mean if you were to have maybe like
mark ruffalo
my referee
could see him fill in that role
yeah i don’t know
definitely yeah
i don’t know if he’s necessarily you
know today’s rick moranis in the same
no yeah
chris pratt probably
that’s who they’d get anyway yeah even
though he’s not you know
yeah that’s what they do these days yeah
but i feel like maybe maybe jesse
eisenberg was like a typecast kind of
nerd guy for a while yeah
like he’s too acidic isn’t he yeah
i think yeah nowadays
you know but if they put glasses on him
back in his you know back in the day
he could have slowly become maybe
michael sarah because he’s the softer
jesse eisenberg yeah he could have been
yeah definitely yeah put glasses on
michael sarah and we’ve got ourselves
[Laughter] i do i mean we laugh that would sell i
think yeah yeah i think that’s what it
you know he’s not been in anything in a
while as well i’ve watched that michael
cera with glasses yeah
comes in to teach like just you know
modern modern teens but they’re all
monsters oh yeah they’re just different
stereotype monsters
but you know to a modern
i’d watch that yeah
there you go so we’ve sorted it reboot
marco sarah
gravedale high rick moranis should come
should be like the head teacher or
something oh yeah yeah yeah like he’s
been there this whole time
and he just makes the odd appearance
sort of yeah
and everyone claps
as soon as he walks in the room
okay well we we’ve talked about it um
we’ve we’ve uh created a reboot
so it’s just
it’s just down to our reviews now
hi i’m rick moranis you may remember me
from such films as ghostbusters but you
probably remember me from my tv shows
such as gravedale high
germdale high
birddale high
space dale hi
you may even remember me from house dale
but this time i’m at veg dale high where
things are getting really green
sir i don’t feel so good
you are looking pretty green even for
i know broccoli i’m a cauliflower
you’re a what a cauliflower
wait who’s this coming in
huh i’m here sorry i’m late sir it’s me
halsey what are you doing here this
isn’t house dale house you’re in the
wrong school
oh no
not again how see
he’s breaked it again
that’s right i’m rick moranis and join
me this year
for vegeta high
coming this fall
okay well here at toon jam uh we have a
three point rating system uh infallible
in its design and it goes as follows uh
thumbs up
uh monsters
monsters at school
what a great thing um thumbs down
um horrendous old stereotypes that don’t
belong on on tv or anywhere anymore
shaky middle um the fact that rick
morales isn’t called and rick moran is
in this show
[Music] um so
good bad i’m not really sure about that
gravedale high episode one your thoughts
well um you know going in it didn’t
really look like much you know we’ve got
a very dated kind of
look to it but i mean the character
designs are still
something that they’re still something
for sure and i mean it kicks off with
that uh that very familiar sounding
theme tune
um and then with that high note right at
the end that was you know that set me up
for a good time so i was i was already
feeling pretty good at that point and
then we’ve got you know we’ve got way
more rick moranis than most cartoons can
in a very rick moranic’s role and
the characters yeah they they did grind
on me a little bit but um you know i saw
what they were they were trying to do
some of the some of them were like
that’s that’s pretty funny that’s pretty
funny you know uh some of them i was
like i don’t that’s really weird that
they’ve done that but
but uh you know that it was that was the
type of mix that it was um and you know
rick moranis uh title you know name
above the title he did his job he was he
was thoroughly rick moranis all the way
through it you know it did feel like a
wholesome ending thanks to the presence
rick moranis um and you know i i really
liked what they did with the uh the
invisible kid and i think you know it it
did seem go a good pace as well you know
we ended up
at a hospital it was fun it was it was
still kind of fun all the way through
you know there was there was laughs
there was a big
swimming situation that happened it was
all cracking up um
but you know as a whole
as a whole would i watch more and
you know maybe i’d go somewhere for you
know my to get my rick moranis kicks
elsewhere uh but you know this was a
it’s a fair effort i think and you know
with a few changes maybe it could come
back so i’m gonna go and give greg deal
high it’s going to be a it’s a low shaky
for me it’s a low shaking it’s
it’s almost
a down but it’s not it’s as shaky
yeah that’s fair that’s fair um yeah i
uh i actually
was pleasantly surprised by this show i
thought it was going to be terrible
which could have affected my overall
opinion to be fair
but yeah no it was
it was it was okay there was there’s a
few laughs in there i mean some did fall
flat and especially with
a lot of the gags relying on these
sort of bad stereotypes that we keep
going on about um doesn’t really help it
but that being said i thought they’d you
know actually worked on the design like
you could tell some actual thought was
made and the amount of shows we’ve
where you’re just like who
well how do they even think about these
things because it’s it’s like they’ve
gone it’s like they’ve worked harder to
not think about the subject
yeah do you know what i mean things like
swamp thing and and
other things we’ve watched in the past
we’re just like this is just
mind-boggling but it felt like they’d
actually put thought into
all the aspects of this show and
um even if it’s not dated well
i think at the time at the time it would
have been would have been good it would
have been fine um and i do think with it
with an update
it could be something really cool
um that means that i can’t i can’t give
it a thumbs up
simply because
um i would it’s not like i would
encourage anyone to watch this now out
of anything other than nostalgia
and like you say i don’t think i would
watch another one
um it wasn’t
you know it didn’t blow my mind
uh but it wasn’t it wasn’t bad by any
stretch so i’m actually going to go up a
shaky middle as well but mine’s a high
one oh high shaky high shaky i mean it
makes it look like it’s a middle isn’t
middle the middle of this middle yeah
it’s not like you’ve got like a 24 yeah
you know for what it’s worth mine was a
or high some might say oh yeah
oh boy okay so two middles
that’s a step up from mommy nanny
yeah oh man yeah it definitely was
a step up from that yeah
um and we’re we’re now halfway through
our spooky thong
so uh let’s hope from here
it’s all thumbs up oh yeah
but it could get too spooky
um but we shall see
thank you for joining us today i hope
you enjoyed today’s episode and i hope
it brought
maybe a flashback from your own memory
um or maybe maybe you only tuned in
because you’re like yeah i love this
um and if so sorry
uh for our opinions but we’re not always
right so why not get in touch with it
you can do so on the
three um
the three gravedale
horrendouses of the internet
facebook instagram and twitter at
um and let us know
um what you thought uh you can also uh
recommend anything that we maybe haven’t
covered before uh or if you want to
check out our old stuff you can go to
our youtube which is also at toonjampod
and we’ve got all sorts on there
from our past we’ve done
over 100 episode 150 episodes at least
are on youtube there’s more more than
that so
um yeah if there’s more check it out um
if you wanted to get some bonus episodes
maybe you’ve listened to all of them and
you’re like i want more well you can do
so on our patreon
um we’re currently going through baby
baby cartoons as in like aka muppet
babies uh etc etc
which is uh you know
an interesting dive
so join us for that and there’s also
you’ll have access to all our old
episodes on there as well
there’s also

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