Categories: Rick Moranis

Trump Catches Corona!/Melania’s Secret Recordings!/Debate Debacle!/Rick Moranis Attacked! Sponsored By Our Site

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Trump Catches Corona!/Melania’s Secret Recordings!/Debate Debacle!/Rick Moranis Attacked!

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Tonight on “The Dusty Smith Show” Trump tests positive for Covid-19, secret Melania tapes get released, the presidential debate was an absolute shit show, Rick Moranis gets brutally attacked on the street, plus 50 other topics!

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[Music] this is the greatest
[Music] is
what’s up everybody welcome to the dusty
smith show
episode two hell yeah greatest show on
thank you for joining me tonight i
appreciate the new theme song that’s
from uh the band [ __ ] knuckle
they made my own theme song so i don’t
get [ __ ] copyrighted hope
everybody’s doing tonight all right
tonight holy [ __ ] guys i got such a good
[ __ ] show for you guys tonight it’s
it’s only been four days how is so much
[ __ ] happening in four days
let me show you this [ __ ] it’s unfucking
believable that’s not it
[ __ ] off gotta click on that to tweet
that out
look at all this [ __ ] gonna be a
long show tonight probably two plus
hours i’m going to try to barrel through
this if you’ve never watched this show
it is the most fast-paced podcast in the
goddamn world i pick 50 plus subjects
and we barrel through them
like nobody else does hell yeah and as
always we have 10 cats
10 cats in this room right now which is
what makes it so exciting so if you see
camera bounce up and down it’s because
the cats are running all over [ __ ] making noise [ __ ] [ __ ] up as they
want to do so it’s all good
so what you guys up to did you have a
good week it’s friday friday gotta kill
trump on friday
just kidding just kidding i don’t wish
him death
oink potus potassium it’s me it’s me
it’s the d-o-u-s-t why why cause i love
nah good night dustian hi everyone hey
what’s going on kinky good to see you
is america great again yet we’ll see
we’ll see if corona does its job
strapping you guys hell yeah gonna be an
amazing show let me read the uh
super chats first let me go e-bagging i
got a uh a big new
patreon right before i came on the show
it’s like a 130 bucks i don’t know who
it is i don’t want to look because i
don’t want to out you if you don’t want
your name known but uh
i’m gonna look and uh let me move this
over here and look see who the hell it
might not even tell me i don’t even know
where the [ __ ] to look in this thing i’m
bad at patreon i’m bad at making money
anyway i’ll find out for the next show i
wasn’t prepared for that but thank you
whoever it was
and if you want to support the show
please consider reporting on patreon french last
concast there is a link in the
description of the video dollar or two a
month whatever you can afford it all
adds up if you like the show please
consider supporting it because uh
i work my ass off on the show it’s the
best [ __ ] show so you should support
and as always
super chat super chatty chats live for
the show i read every super chat during
the show so if you want to mortal like
yourself forever
and the super chats cats making noises
destroying my house it’s all good
i don’t give a [ __ ] corey davis five
dollars have some moolah i will corey
davis thank you very much appreciate it
good to see you jay hansen499
what’s the best thing about melania
going into quarantine with donald trump
is the first
time she’s ever been positive around him
i think he went to the
uh the the hospital without her so i
don’t think they’re even quarantined
together anymore guys so just
already moving my [ __ ] all ready to show
in my show
like they do every time appreciate that
breaking battle 94499
anyway get off my computer dude
cat wants to go and play my computer
they are like i played earlier now they
keep trying to get back behind to
unplug the [ __ ] why why i just
want to [ __ ] up my show
keep me on my toes cause it’s not hard
enough to do this show already without
10 cats running [ __ ] around
anyway makes it fun right um
breaking battle now fourth water not
anybody with the heart hopes
the trumps don’t die of covet
i don’t know about that i got a heart i
got a big [ __ ] heart that guy’s asked
for it
like he begged to [ __ ] die of cove
but he’s done everything he could
[ __ ] do to die of coffee
and uh he’s taken a lot of [ __ ] people with him you know he’s killed a
lot of people
trump is a mass murderer so do i feel
bad like i want him to live
because i want him to lose the election
and go to prison i would much rather see
him in prison than get an easy way out
and die but
will i cry or feel bad at all if trump
dies [ __ ] no
that [ __ ] deserves as much as
any goddamn body ever has
but seriously imagine being a fly on the
wall of the quarantine i truly can’t
i can they’re [ __ ] [ __ ] panicking
right now
at his age range there’s a five to six
percent chance of death
and now it’s finally him and he’s
[ __ ] scared as [ __ ] don’t care [ __ ] [ __ ] about anybody
else about all the harm he’s done
about all the death he spread but now
that it’s him he’s [ __ ] panicking
like a little [ __ ] and it’s glorious
i hope he’s scared i hope he’s
frightened i hope finally he knows
what everybody else he spread and helped
felt like brandonhubert799 had a little
extra and wanted to spread the love well
thank you brandon appreciate that i feel
the love
thanks for the hard work you do oh as
for trump being in the hospital it is
what it is i know
i don’t really care do you as melania
would say uh joseph gonzalez499
no all we need is mike pence to get
covered 19 and we can save the usa
yeah i don’t think mike pence has a very
good chance of staying president very
long so
even if he was for a brief time it’s not
that big of a deal and elijah miller
hope you got my letter hey thank you
i don’t want you to think i’m not
grateful i think you sent it to the uh
old address this is the new address and
i haven’t been by there this week i’m
gonna buy that by the tomorrow
but uh i very much appreciated using the
best [ __ ] and so i don’t what you think i’m not
incredibly incredibly thankful for it
because i am
and i will message you tomorrow when i
go get it i really appreciate it uh
sofia what’s up sophia i have a tweet
from you tonight sophia
i uh we’ll be sharing that later with
everybody with trump claiming
he has covered peeps need to watch the
film bob roberts let’s say
life is stranger than fiction all right
i think i saw a long time ago but i
don’t remember everything about it so
i’ll check that out cal if you’re 15
pounds thank you cala very
generous trump is at very high risk yes
he’s obese elderly
and according to his tax returns very
very low income thanks for the amazing
content unfortunately he’s not going to
get the treatment of somebody low income
he’s got the best goddamn treatment in
the world
because life’s not fair thank you for
that and steve arf at alex what’s up
steve good to see you tonight soldier of
science five dollars does hope hicks
get the nobel prize asking for a friend
she’s the reaper of death right
uh it depends on how many people she
drops but probably she should be
nominated for it
sophia christie if trump dies it might
be a boost
for champagne cells yep be terrible for
the show
i gotta admit uh he keeps things
i just i hate him kenny the eighth is
already on trump was airlifted to walter
reed does the yep i saw that we’re gonna
cover that
i’ve been adding stuff to the show right
up to the [ __ ] start time so
craziness how much is going on
all right dudes we gotta go ahead and
start the show if we don’t start we’re
never gonna [ __ ] finish it because
there’s so much
and we’re going to start right out with
the trump segment that’s going to be the
bulk of the show tonight because there’s
so much that went on this week got a big
chill watch section after that so stay
tuned for that but
uh unfortunately folks trump’s your
president he’s your president he’s the
he’s the he’s the easily he’s the
president at least i assume he’s still
alive for right now we’ll see what
happens the the night is young
it could go either way really so only
been four days and all this [ __ ] happened so let’s start
at the beginning let’s start with the
timeline of this week first off
trump was out there trying to spread
fear about
widespread voter fraud that doesn’t
actually exist because he’s trying to
interfere with our elections destroy our
elections uh
cast disparagements upon how fair our
elections are so then he can
not uh concede the election and then he
could call on his proud boys to murder
us on the streets apparently
apparently so anyway here’s what he said
i think tuesday maybe talking about uh
a bunch of ballots getting dumped in the
river alert it never happened
you have to be very careful with the
ballots the ballots that’s a whole big
scam you know they found i understand
eight ballots in a
waste paper basket in some location
they found it was reported in one of the
newspapers that they found a lot of
ballots in a river
they throw them out if they have the
name trump on it i guess but they had
okay well they still found him in a
river whether they had a name on it or
but uh the other ones had so he just
making [ __ ] up folks they found him in a
i don’t know what that was some cat [ __ ] going on behind me they found all these
ballots in the river it proves i was
trying to belong
the voting is all fraudulent and [ __ ] and so they asked like
no another reporter knew what the [ __ ] he’s talking about because he just makes
this [ __ ] up
so they asked his press secretary what
the [ __ ] is he talking about what river
no no cece cece
no get away from my computer get away
there’s no reason for you to be over
there sorry about that folks
cats cats everywhere they’re trying to
sabotage the show and it hasn’t even
just got started so they ask her what
[ __ ] river are you talking about
we ain’t heard no reports about no
ballots in the river that’s what she
besides the mail-in voting process quite
a bit over the last few weeks
the other day he said they found a lot
ballots in a river who is they
um so the what the president was
referring to are um
something that we’ve seen just in the
last seven days where in wisconsin
there were trails of may ending up in a
ditch that’s
i believe the specific he was referring
to um and that included
absentee ballots it was in a ditch not a
because trump with this great memory
i’ll get the best movie ever i’m so
can’t remember this we had a ditch in a
river even even though it’s more alert
neither this should happen specifically
in this particular statement though
who is they that found those ballots and
where is this river
anywhere in this country the local
authorities it was a ditch in wisconsin
that they were found and i can get the
article to your inbox
and you really you’re missing the force
for the trees here the point is so
he didn’t misspeak when he said river
but he meant a ditch because they’re the
same [ __ ] thing
well like i said never [ __ ] happened
male found
goddammit i got your my ad blocker off
add blocker off [ __ ] mel found in greenville ditch did not
include any wisconsin ballot so it was
erroneously reported i guess a cop some
some cops said that there were some
ballots in there but cops are [ __ ] liars
and of course the trump administration
doesn’t know what the [ __ ] they’re
talking about they just listen anything
that uh forged their narratives so start
right out this week levi
never happened and then he went right
into his racism today
you know they’ve spent ten thousand
dollars apparently on ads already uh
demonizing somalia refugees
which are the exact people we should be
helping the people from war-torn
countries who are trying to make a
better life for themselves and their
hell yes anybody who has any empathy
whatsoever that’s kind of people you
want to help but of course trump is evil
as [ __ ] and uh his followers are racist as [ __ ] so here he is trying to scare you
with the very people we should be
helping that we’ve got to change it
who’s going to do what we’ve done for
right another massive issue for
minnesota is the election
of joe biden’s plan to inundate your
state with a historic flood
of refugees naked racism
nobody can say he’s not being racist
he’s trying to make you scared of brown
people black people 100 that’s what
happened here
crazy bernie sanders boo all these crazy
racists are booing refugees
so [ __ ] christian they’re just
goddamn evil
if he dies he dies the [ __ ] and
uh so here he is a little bit later
making jokes about the coronavirus
right as it kills 200 000 people
coronavirus doesn’t sound like
italy a beautiful villa you have a
beautiful corona
yeah does the coronavirus sound so
i mean it didn’t but it’s tonight it’s
sounding a little bit more beautiful to
be honest with you
now that i know you got it [ __ ] and then the debates happened oh my god
if you watch the debates i’m sorry what
a [ __ ] amazingly horrific dumpster fire i was
goddamn angry folk because this shit’s
lives are on the [ __ ] line and all it
was was trump
talking over joe biden not letting him
get a word and just lying his ass off
over and over and over again but
first off look at the difference in the
way their wife’s treats them so weird
you can tell that trump’s wife hates his
[ __ ] gut so here’s joe biden and his
hugging each other up and here’s trump
look trying to jerk her head and she’s
you don’t want to be jerk [ __ ] he’s so insecure
he knows that she [ __ ] hates his guts
you know he married a gold digger yeah
you get what you pay for i guess
and so here’s the scary part folks
it seems fairly likely that trump might
have known he had coronavirus or
suspected highly
he had coronavirus before he even went
to these debates
that’s how little he gives a [ __ ] about
other people’s lives
um this is chris wallace explaining that
trump was late
supposedly purposely late to the debates
they had already agreed to show up early
so they could be tested for covet 19
but he mysteriously showed up late and
couldn’t be tested in time
so they wanted the honor system imagine
having an honor system for a goddamn
donald trump
a human being incapable of honor was
that i arrived on sunday i think you
arrived on monday
they didn’t arrive till tuesday
afternoon so
for them to get tested uh there wouldn’t
have been enough time to have the test
and have the debate at nine o’clock that
night they didn’t show up until three
four five o’clock in the afternoon so
yeah there was an honor system when it
came to the people that came into the
hall from the two campaigns
no honor among goddamn trump and trump
[ __ ] supporters
whatsoever and so uh yeah it’s possible
that donald trump got joe biden sick
with coronavirus now joe biden did
test negative for the coronavirus today
but it takes a couple days
to actually get in your system sometimes
and this guy did an analysis
on uh the likelihood he might have
infected joe biden he was continuously
interrupting him continuously looking at
him spitting goddamn [ __ ] lies his
so this [ __ ] might have infected
who knows
he might have no purpose folks i mean
trump is a [ __ ] psychopath it seems
likely he knew he had it and
this is the way they behaved they showed
up him and his family
they were their mask at first as soon as
they sat down they all took their mask
because they cannot stand to be
responsible enough to be good leaders
they do not give a [ __ ] about the
american people and they knew
they very likely had it at this point
here he is during the debate making fun
of joe biden
like i said he very likely knew he
already had it and yet he’s still making
fun of joe biden in this debate
for wearing a mask i don’t have i don’t
wear mess like him every time you see
him he’s got a mask he could be speaking
200 feet away from me he shows up with
the biggest mask i’ve ever seen
i don’t have i can’t believe how much he
wears a mask
how insane of him to wear a mask yeah he
probably don’t get covered like you
now you all scared [ __ ] i saw
when he was going on this chopper he was
wearing his mask now they’re all wear
masks we’ll show you that in a minute
before we get there during the debates
biden dropped an
inshallah which was delighted
by the muslim community now apparently
uh some people say
that’s not what he says it sounds like
that’s what he says to me for those who
don’t know i learned this myself
inshallah means when allah wills it so
it was basically a uh
a clown line where he’s clowning trump
and you’ll get to see it and you’ll get
to see it but let me just
heavily tweeted by the muslim community
and then just before
the debates began the fbi who has been
trump his own fbi has been fighting him
because he’s lying
about the hate crimes and the biggest
danger for violence in this country
so his own fbi has to leak out these
reports that show
that uh he’s refusing to get dim
right-wing violence but the fbi
is saying it’s very possible
that there’s gonna be an uprising of
right-wing violence and lots of murder
over the elections and there’s outright
saying he’s trying to
hide it he’s trying to make it look like
antifa are the evil ones and downplay
white supremacist violence because he
knows that’s his base and it is his base
i’m about to show you and so they
straight up asked him during the debate
to condemn white supremacy and the proud
and here’s the interaction that they had
truly criticized the vice president for
not specifically calling out antifa
and other left-wing extremist groups but
are you willing
tonight to condemn white supremacists
and militia groups
and to say that they need to stand down
and not
add to the violence in a number of these
cities as we saw in kenosha and as we’ve
seen in portland
are you prepared to specifically do it i
would say
almost everything i see is from the left
wing not from the right
what are you what lies literally against
what is fbi saying
how much video have i shown you of right
wing violets
i’m i’m willing to do anything i want to
see people do it sir say it
do it say it do you want to call them
what do you want to call them give me a
name give me a white surprise
stand back and stand by but i’ll tell
you what
stand back and stand by
so it’s pretty clear what he means here
by stand by folks
stand back for now but stand by because
i might need you to murder all my
left-wing enemies if i decide not to
concede the presidency
so he’s about to tell them to stand by
and then blame antifa
name give me a white supremacy
stand back and stand by but i’ll tell
you what
i’ll tell you what somebody’s got to do
something about antifa and the left
because this is not a right-wing problem
this is a fbi director
fbi director said but he don’t give a
[ __ ] folks and uh so the proud boys
and the white supremacists that love
trump heard this
loud and clear they knew exactly what he
was saying
exactly what he meant here is joe biggs
who’s an organizer for the proud boys
trump basically said to go [ __ ] them up
this makes me so happy
standing by sir president trump told the
proud boys to stand by
because someone needs to deal with
antifa well sir
we’re ready yeah just give us the order
and we’ll murder your enemies for you
proud boys shout at at the president
debate yeah
they was happy as [ __ ] about it and uh
the white nationalists on 4chan now look
folks i know that some of these people
are trolls
unquote trolls i know they just do this
to [ __ ] post
but a lot of these people literally are
white supremacists and they use oh it’s
just a joke man
to hide behind and to organize we’ve
seen this over and over we still
kill people from the fortune of the 8
chance board so here’s the kind of [ __ ] they were saying
on a 4chan i’m ready i’m so ready to
kill as many as possible before my
inevitable death please god i want bombs
and [ __ ] going off
guided by trump refused to give into the
kike’s demands stand by
and stand down truly a man of culture
stand by proud boys
stand by slaughtering leftists in droves
will not be a punishable crime two
months from now
scary as [ __ ] dude it’s like the night
of the long knives it’s
nazi [ __ ] yep i’m thinking trump is the
fear again standing by
kill squad standing by
stand back instead i do it trump based
as [ __ ] gear
up laughing my ass off trump handled
that one so [ __ ] well stand down and
stand by
holy [ __ ] best moment of the night
even more of this [ __ ] folks
oh beast oh wow he did how did i miss
that completely stand back and stand by
uh nice antifa necktie
and just lots of other ones folks i
could reach it went on and on base get
stand down and stand by they’re ready to
murder all of us at a moment’s notice if
they believe
trump has given them uh the go ahead
even more proud boys kyoqua standing by
yep i think
i read that uh yes service president
standing by
high oh hi ohio yep right leader
standing by
and here they are appraising cal
we will be the last stand of protecting
the white house from antifa and blm
folks this is during a content
presidential debate
tell me fascism isn’t alive within our
country and so immediately
they started putting out clothing
merchandise donald trump gives proud
boys a new slogan
as standby merchandise appears yeah they
didn’t waste any time to make [ __ ] money off their standby merchandise
we hear you loud and clear president
and within minutes they were bragging
about how their numbers were swelling
because of what he said
some claim to see a spike in new
yeah no [ __ ] this is exactly what donald
trump inspires
is exactly what he attracts
but uh you don’t have to believe what
trump says foe because ben shapiro’s got
it figured out right
ben shapiro’s got it all figured out you
don’t have to listen to trump you should
never listen to trump what he says
because uh
trump can’t be taken seriously right uh
yeah but he’s just
i think he still should be president
even though i don’t uh take him
and i think he bullshits constantly for
some reason i still wanted to be
first 10 seconds of this clip sure twice
and then he says again sure i’m willing
to do that and then
trump turns right he turns and he
swivels and he says i don’t understand
why we’re talking about right-wing
violence in cities that are being
dominated by left-wing violence oh
because your fbi director came out said
that is the biggest threat
i don’t understand this why aren’t we
talking about blm why aren’t we talking
about antifa that is a perfectly
legitimate point
okay and then wallace because he was
terrible the other night decides that
he’s going to double down on this
yes sir but will you conde he already
did twice he said sure
two times if he wanted to say no he
would just shake his head or he would
say no you think donald trump
is is unwilling to say things that piss
people off he does it all yes i think
donald trump knows what he has to say to
get by and he knows how to dog whistle
to his base
obviously what the [ __ ] dude okay but
the fact is that he does
condemn white supremacy he does condemn
these people who are committing violence
in the cities if they’re from the right
okay like i’m sorry but okay so there’s
only there’s literally a three-word
thing and that trump says in the rest of
this exchange that everybody on the left
is hanging their hat on to claim
that he is in fact everybody on the left
uh yeah there’s a bunch of white
waiting to kill people they’re the ones
hanging on this i just showed you you’re
lying [ __ ] a white supremacist okay and the only
way you can read this is if you think
that trump is exact with his language
which we all know he is not it is
amazing how the left
which fully understands that donald
trump is wildly in exact with his
language that donald trump routinely
says dumb crap
he just said donald trump says exactly
what he thinks it means and now he’s
saying he’s
wildly inexact with this language and
doesn’t actually say what he means so
he’s literally saying the opposite
and just the 30 second span gets super
serious and meticulous about his
literal language all the time now listen
i understand the left saying to people
on the right you know you guys you say
that you should take him seriously not
literally and that
that lets him out of the that lets him
basically say whatever he wants to say
and we’re supposed to read into his
words but i don’t even take him
seriously i’ve said this all along
i’ve been very consistent virtually
anything trump says ought to be taken
seriously man he should be impressed
what the [ __ ] why would you want this
you can’t take serious to be the leader
of the free world because you’re a
[ __ ] clown nobody should take serious
obviously and um
folks i usually don’t play clips this
long but if you didn’t see the debate
i think this is important i’m going to
play a lot of this
because it does such a good job of just
pointing out all the lies he told
over and over again and it’s it’s just
it’s kind of breathtaking
how many lies he told and this lays it
all bare for you so if you didn’t see it
or you didn’t hear the fact check
here it is for you
[Music] by the way i brought back big 10
football it was me
and i’m very happy to do it
portland the sheriff just came out today
and he said i support
president trump nope
in tonight’s president’s day the
president said the portland sheriff
supports him i have never supported
donald trump and i would never support
he wants to get rid of the affordable
care act and there’s a hundred million
people have pre-existing conditions
and they’ll be taken away as well the
hundred million people is totally wrong
i don’t know where you got that number
a department of health and human
services study says as many as 133
million people
have pre-existing conditions and are
thereby at risk of losing care
the bigger problem that you have is that
you’re going to
extinguish million people with their
private health care that they’re very
simply not not true
biden’s plan would not eliminate private
it would simply give americans the
option to buy a government-run plan
they said it would take a miracle to
bring back manufacturing
i brought back 700 000 jobs no you
as of august the us had lost 237 000
manufacturing jobs under trump
even before the pandemic fueled
recession only 483 000 manufacturing
jobs not 700 000 had been added under
the 200 000 people that have died on his
watch and if you were
here you wouldn’t be 200 it would be 2
million people
because you were very late on the draw
you didn’t want me to ban china
which was heavily infected you didn’t
want me to ban all right
wrong bite never opposed restriction of
travel from china or europe
on april 3rd biden’s team told cnn
science supported this ban
therefore he did too
and again trump restricted travel not
banned it
approximately 40 000 people flew to the
us from china in the two months
trump’s announcement of a travel
restriction his own former spokesperson
you know riots and chaos and violence
helpless cause
that’s what this is all about i don’t
know who said that i do
who i think kellyanne conway i don’t
think she said she said that
she did say that yes and anarchy and
vandalism and violence reigns
the better it is for the very clear
choice on who’s best on public safety
and law and order take a look at what
happened in virginia and other places
they’re not losing two percent one
percent which by the way is too much an
election could be one or lost with that
they’ll lose in 30 and 40 percent it’s a
nope there is no evidence that suggests
any state has lost 30 to 40 percent of
in fact there is no evidence of
widespread u.s voter fraud period
a washington post analysis of data from
the three vote
by male states found 0.0025 percent of
people might have voted twice
or voted on behalf of the dead in the
2016 and 2018 general elections
the three states colorado oregon and
washington sent ballots by mail
to every registered voter in their
respective states and do so every
i’m cutting drug prices i’m going with
favored nations which no president has a
courage to do because you’re going
against big pharma
drug prices will be coming down 80 or 90
they will question mark prescription
drug prices are up
three percent between february 2017 and
august 2020.
his favorite nation executive order has
not been implemented
and is expected to impact just seven
percent of people on medicare
and no one who is uninsured or gets
coverage from their job
well so far we have had no problem
whatsoever it’s outside that’s a big
difference according to the
experts there have been some problems
trump has held two massive indoor
rallies in recent months herman cain
after his june rally in oklahoma cases
spikes recorded highs locally
and trump himself got it local health
officials said the rally likely
contributed to the rise no [ __ ] super spreader events nevada health
officials have predicted an
increase in virus cases after he defied
state rules and held an indoor rally
there in september i want crystal clean
and air i want beautiful clean air we
have now the lowest carbon
if you look at our numbers right now we
doing phenomenally no we aren’t
the u.s ranks 26 in the world for
sanitation and drinking water
and 16th in the world for air quality of
the more than 100 environmental laws and
rules trump rolled back
one of them was made to minimize
pollution in the public bodies of water
[Music] trump also cut or undermined various
clean air act regulations
but sir if you believe in the science of
climate change
why have you rolled back the obama clean
power plan which limited
carbon emissions in power plants why
have you relaxed because it was driving
energy prices through the sky false
most of obama’s clean power plan was
never put into effect
because it was temporarily stopped by
the supreme court in 2016
and then trump repealed it and i’m okay
with electric cars too i think i’m all
for electric cars i’ve given big
incentives for electric cars
not quite trump has repeatedly sought to
get rid of the 7 500
tax credits for people who buy electric
including most recently in his formal
2020 budget request
take a look at west virginia mailman
selling the ballots
they’re being sold never happens
postal workers are not selling ballots
in west virginia or elsewhere
however in july a west virginia postal
worker did plead guilty to attempted
for changing the political party on five
priority ballot request forms
from democrat to republican as you know
today there was a big problem in
philadelphia they went in to watch they
called poll watchers a very safe very
nice thing they were thrown out they
weren’t allowed to watch
you know why because bad things happen
in philadelphia bad things
question mark not only did the trump
campaign not have any approved poll
in philadelphia as of this debate but no
polling places were actually open
even if the trump campaign had approved
poll watchers in the area
they wouldn’t have had the right to
surveil the satellite election
offices where philadelphians were
requesting and submitting ballots
would you say that’s the end of it so
it’s a fire hose of lying folks
it’s just amazing that her whole night
was just him talking over biden
not letting biden get in the word and
edgewise and just lying his [ __ ] ass
so and [ __ ] infuriating no fact checking
what so goddamn
ever how can anybody support this lying
[ __ ] nobody can nobody with
integrity can look at this and support
[ __ ] nobody they asked biden straight
up if he
regretted calling trump a clown and a
and this was his
a quote response liar clown racist
putin’s puppy and the worst president
american has ever had and you told him
to shut up
do you regret any of that no
why not because everything i said was
yep it was everything you said was true
that lion [ __ ] so infuriating to watch
but uh they did polls who won the debate
in every major poll yep trump lost
morning consult
by 50 percent trump 34 data for progress
52 trump 39
cnn pbs biden 60 trump 28
cbs yugoff biden 48 trump 41 which
led trump to tweet out i won the debate
big based on copulation of polls etc
thank you
327 000 likes just it doesn’t matter the
truth doesn’t matter these people they
don’t give a [ __ ] and uh tim paul of course about to die
of a copium overdose
we need to watch out for that dude trump
won the debate for one reason oh really
how’s that the conversation is almost
entirely about what trump did or did not
browsing social media and you might be
wondering if bad was even there it’s
either orange man bad or mega yeah he
did so terribly everybody taught
about how [ __ ] he’s done which means he
won the more people tell you how much of
a loser you are
how pathetic you were in the debate the
more it means you win it’s just logic it
millionaire temple with zero integrity
in any bit of his body and [ __ ] david silverman imagine watching that
debate watching all the lies trump told
watching trump embarrass himself and
coming away saying i’m more verbally
undecided kill me
god damn it [ __ ] you are so
pathetic david silverman it’s so [ __ ] obvious what you’re doing dude it’s sad
what you’ve become
but it’s also hilarious and please keep
it up because i love destroying you over
it’s hilarious and next up
trump is threatening to what he was
threatening he’s already got a built-in
excuse now not to do the rest of the
debates because now he has coronavirus
which is kind of convenient
but even before he this coronavirus he
was already threatening to pull out of
the base because they
were such a [ __ ] show they were going to
change the rules to mute his microphone
so anybody else could talk except for
him and he’s like
why would i allow debate commission to
change the rules for the second and
third debates when i
easily won the last time you lost
ridiculously but it doesn’t matter what
he says
and i agree with aaron rupar pulling out
of the remaining debates would to me
be a major sign of weakness and
concession of defeat for either
candidate and i would be surprised that
trump did it
well he’s going to do it now i bet you
but this tweet seems to lay the
groundwork for it yeah the coronavirus
sets the groundwork for it
so then after the debate was over he got
over the proud boys [ __ ] over the fact
they were all going public talking about
how they’re waiting for
a sign from him to murder us all and so
they just asked him straight out again
and he still couldn’t answer the
question look at this guys
they [ __ ] straight out asked him
white supremacists clearly love you true
story they do
do you welcome that and instead of
answering he’s like i wrote law and
just say no what the [ __ ] this is
the president of the united states folks
listen to this [ __ ] i want law and order to be a very
important part it’s a very important
part of my campaign
and when i say that what i’m talking
about is law enforcement has the police
have to take care and they should stop
defunding the police like they’ve done
in new york
like they’ve done in new york i just
told you
i’ve always denounced any form any form
any form of any of that you have to
denounce but i also and
joe biden has to say something about
antifa it’s not a philosophy
these are people that hit people over
the head with baseball bats
he’s got to come out and he’s got to be
strong the white spirits are murdering
people all over the place
yeah somebody hit the bike lock a long
time ago andy no-go got punched in the
face one time oh my they’re [ __ ] murdering people all over the place you
son of a [ __ ] they’re champion got the bit to do it
again and they’re so desperate
to explain away what he’s saying look
how ridiculous this is
here’s his son
so obama said i guess in 2013 president
obama if we just stand by and do nothing
in the face of immense change
understand that part of our character
would be lost
literally completely different context
than every goddamn way for the word
and he’s like uh did the phrase stand by
have a different meaning to the media
when obama used it here
yes dude words have different meaning
depending on the context you use them
obviously unlike you he wasn’t telling a
terrorist group to
stand by this is so [ __ ] pathetic so
finally they asked them again and he got
it right this time
he finally unequivocally managed
to announce white supremacy and the
prowl boys
on fox news third three hundred pounds
of drama i guess here we go
and i have to say i’ve said it many
times and let me be clear again i
condemn the kkk
i condemn all white supremacists i
the proud boys i don’t know much about
the proud boys almost nothing but i
condemn that
but he should condemn also antifa
antifa is a horrible group of people
they kill people
they what they do to people and they’re
causing insurrection they’re causing
growth they didn’t condemn
he has to change the subject tantivo
because that’s what he does yes i have a
steam account
i’m colton dusty one on there or culture
i don’t know i’d have to look later um
so he finally condemns the kkk in white
and the proud boys and oh my god the pro
boys went [ __ ] nuts
they were licking this ball sack before
and then they just completely
shattered get on the president’s twitter
telling me [ __ ] up
he works for us the people not the other
way around
completely melting down here’s some more
for the pro boys love to see it let us
see him cry
pettiness 20 20. what a [ __ ] [ __ ] the media will go all in with the
white supremacists have been causing
violence all summer narrative
trump the cuck just gave them all the
credibility they need
yeah trump just condemned the proud boys
he came to pressure wow
what a [ __ ] cuck 500 billion dollars
for n words
and stabbing your base in the back how
trump not learned apologizing is
you can’t you can fight for donald trump
in the streets and get murdered by
but at the end of the day the orange i
guess [ __ ] is this word
i’m pretty sure he’s not jewish which is
a slur for jews
only cares about israel and his
credibility inward or no i’m sorry his
inward friends it’s time to stop using
terms like
wignet and embrace reality trump bros
trump’s 500 billion in n-word gibbs
have already been forgotten and he
immediately was pressured by fox news
to denounce white supremacists trump is
gutless so love to say it
at least he’s finally making him cry
i’ll give him a little paddle back for
that and then
next up one of his main aids
hope hicks apparently uh
they’ve been in a room a little room
together with him and all of his aides
and she’s been helping him debate prep
and like she’s always around
she’s like like i said one of the main
sickle fans that’s always hanging around
there she is going on air force one
after she had kovic covered and look
she’s gonna touch the handrail all the
way up
as all the rest of this trump staff go
all the way up next to her
holding the rail yeah that’s not great i
wonder how you guys got it it’s a
it’s a mystery
you’re so [ __ ] stupid you’re so
stupid and he knew she was positive like
i said he knew she was positive before
he went to the debate
knew he was likely also positive but he
regardless went to his fundraising event
they had a two hundred thousand dollar
per couple fundraising event he went to
the president practices in a round table
with supporters the president delivers
remarks in a fundraiser committee
where they didn’t wear a mask where
they’re in a room together where he’s
two feet from people right in their face
knowing him likely has it
he does not give a [ __ ] about you right
now he’s getting the cutting edge
medical treatment that none of you can
get that none of you can afford
but he knew and he didn’t give a [ __ ] about you 200 000 [ __ ] because all he cares about is himself
and uh
here they are saturday in the rose
garden at the white house
this is uh the [ __ ] this guy’s name
mike lee of utah this guy has covered
look at him look at these [ __ ] ignorant [ __ ] no so she didn’t think hugging right up
in each other’s face
yeah give them all corona yeah spread it
yeah it’s chris christie yeah who needs
massacre social districts not like
there’s a global payment dividends going
on let’s kill 200 000 people
they don’t give a [ __ ] if they get it
they’ll give a [ __ ] they spread it to
we have to get these [ __ ] out
of office stat god damn it
and then the chairwoman of the rnc
tested positive for corona they’re all
getting it folks all these ignorant
[ __ ] who thinks it’s a
sign of weakness to wear a mask they
they don’t want to send the message to
their base of their virtue signaling so
they can’t wear masks so yeah you’re all
going to get it
gives a [ __ ] right and so finally
trump admits it tonight flotus and i
tested positive for covet 19
we will begin our quarantine and
recovery process immediately
we will get through this together yep he
got it folks he got it
he got it no shocker folks he’s
literally been begging to [ __ ] get
this [ __ ] he’s done everything he [ __ ] can to
get this [ __ ] cut off my [ __ ] thing cat get off my
computer get off me she’s gonna
shut my computer down if this computer
goes off folks i’ll be back in just a
we need to get these cats out of here i
guess they’re being too [ __ ] ornery
don’t [ __ ] listen
that is not a happy cat yeah just get
her out of here for now take him in the
other room
that was a little miss yoda little baby
being an [ __ ] sorry about that and uh
so yeah he got it he got it and folks i
think maybe
uh it appears that the coronavirus has
had some major changes on trump pretty
rapidly you know uh
haters haters are going to say this is
fake but nah
nah and allow you [ __ ] stickers
he went to walter reed so quickly i
think i would go to walter reed too if
that had that uh change
so god damn quick and uh so
next up uh here is an artist
representation of what it was like when
trump was meeting with
hope hicks in that little room over and
over again
to practice his debates with your body
i’ll make chicken because it’s one
that’s all i can get with it wonder what
happened to your voice
two mcchickens two chickens maybe three
okay you keep going up i have the corona
virus that’s why i don’t have a voice
so clean the mic after this or you will
get it
[Music] why you out what is wrong with you of
course you ain’t wearing a mousekey
they’re so
thoughts and prayers to all of that and
but i agree again with aaron ruper
this is basically uh murder he is trump
is a murderer he knows he’s killing
people he don’t give a [ __ ] it’s a borderline criminal that trump
was aware he was exposed to the
coronavirus by hope hicks who tested
positive on wednesday but he still
traveled to his club for a fundraiser on
thursday where one attendee
said potus came in contact with about a
hundred people and he was having
symptoms yep he knew what he didn’t give
a [ __ ] he just wanted that money he
don’t care if he died folks
he only worried about his own life
that’s the way it always been with trump
and uh another big brain big brain
millionaire temple give it his brick
brain takes
all of a sudden people are now telling
us that wearing a mask is supposed to
us from the coronavirus well it does
minorly protect you but it’s mostly to
protect the other people
and you want them to wear a mask to
protect you obviously we all know that
what the [ __ ] you talking
acting like trump not wearing a mask is
why he got it
no trump not wearing a mask just means
he could have been spread against others
you [ __ ] idiot
obviously we know that of course like i
said it does have a small percentage of
helping you not to get it but it’s about
not giving to other people
that’s why you were masked about others
and they wear masking around you because
you want to be responsible
mature adults so to spray this [ __ ] around and have it spread to you
[ __ ] brady egg temple gonna sell
around the world on his giant [ __ ] brain
this bald ass and next up
they’re so [ __ ] shameless folks i
don’t give a [ __ ] this is the grift
another ben shapiro tweet
looking forward to all the kind-hearted
expressions of sympathy to trump
and melania from the blue check mark
left yeah
it’s the it’s the left that are not
civil folks the left are so rude you
it’s obvious they’re not going to be
nice to trump because
that’s all folks is [ __ ] porky pig
[ __ ] so anyway
here are some ben shapiro tweets fun
quotes from recently deceased howard
only one question will gnome chomsky
jordan yeah die gnome chonsky
travis martin would have turned 21 today
if he hadn’t taken a man’s head and
beaten into the pavement before being
shot yeah
thoughts and prayers driving martin
rodney king found dead at a bottom of a
must have been mark fuhrman in the
racist lapd yeah so kind
so kind to people that have died and
remember what little bitty shapiro said
back in the day when uh hillary clinton
got the flu got sick had a little dizzy
was he classy was he nice looking
to all the i already said that here’s
his response
live shot of hillary clinton and it’s a
picture of uh zoolander
calf calf i think i’ve got the black
lung pop so he’s making fun
that’s how the game is played folks they
act like the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] in the world
and then they turn around and blame the
left for not being civil
and the difference is like their fan
conservative followers don’t give a [ __ ] about hypocrisy
but the left actually does give a [ __ ] to some degree
and so actually hold our own side
accountable some people call that a
purity test because we hold our own side
accountable you know
uh you’re woke scolding people or
whatever [ __ ] new term they have this
week but shouldn’t we hold people
instead of be like the conservatives who
are just [ __ ] hypocrites like
[ __ ] all the time do we want to
be these people
i don’t think so i want to hold my
[ __ ] side accountable
but uh there were a lot of very nice
comments from people on the
left or liberals i don’t know if you
want to call uh rachel maddow the left
god bless the president and the first
lady art stop [ __ ] off
already god bless the president of the
first lady no
[ __ ] that they’re both evil you can i
can say like i hope they don’t die
that’s fine
but uh not god bless either one of these
[ __ ] if you pray please
pray for their speedy complete recovery
nah [ __ ] them
they’ve earned it and before you say
don’t be mean to them about it you reap
what you sow that’s a biblical [ __ ] here
he is
making fun of mitt romney for testing
positive for cove at 19.
romney’s in isolation yes g that’s too
g romney who i don’t like is an
g that’s too bad yeah so uh
what’s good for the goose is good for
the gander [ __ ] here he is uh making fun of hillary
clinton remember when hillary clinton
got pneumonia and she had a dizzy spell
was he classy about it or did he make
fun of her and
[ __ ] on her let’s see
but here’s a woman she’s supposed to
fight all of these different things
and she can’t make it 15 feet to her car
give me a break
give me a break
gotta make it fun yeah she got sick it’s
hilarious isn’t it give me
a break she’s home resting right now
she’s getting ready for her next speech
which is going to be about 15 minutes
and it’s gonna be in two or three days
so if you don’t condemn trump for all
this [ __ ] don’t condemn me for making
fun of his ass
i don’t care if you make fun of me or
not or you can dm me for it or not but
[ __ ] this guy and here’s another example
there’s so many like this
i had to edit them out folks but
remember remember what they did remember
the white house reportedly scrapped
a national testing plan because the
virus was mostly hitting blue states
remember that [ __ ] report trump trump
only cared about the coronavirus when
the states were read
remember that [ __ ] the white house
stopped the post office from sending out
free mass to people remember that [ __ ] so you want me to feel bad this
[ __ ] got it no thank you
no [ __ ] thank you and don’t let them
whitewash this [ __ ] and pretend like he hasn’t every step of
the goddamn way influenced his base
not to take mass seriously not to take
the coronavirus seriously
the young turks went out and interviewed
some of his massless
[ __ ] and asked them why they don’t wear
and this is exactly the kind of stuff
he’s influenced
this is the kind of stuff he’s spread
this is why so many people are dying
because of stupid [ __ ] like these
[ __ ] why do you not wear a mask
because it’s a lot more about just
safety it’s actually about control
and the mask and it literally says on
the box of the mask it doesn’t stop the
it just it it decreases your oxygen it
allows you to bring
breathe in your own co2 you need oxygen
to stay healthy you need oxygen to fight
so when you’re wearing a mask
scientifically it is actually lowering
your heart it’s increasing your risk of
actually catching a virus
oh the doctor has spoken trump
supporters on why they want to
hear um dr anthony fauci for example
who’s on the vice president’s health
uh on covet say that by wearing a mask
you’re helping to stop the spread what
do you
think of that he’s a liar
and what why is that because i don’t
believe in numbers
i don’t believe enough why would i
believe the doctors are so confident in
their ignorance
because trump is they feed off his
ignorance we’ll die
with about 40 50 000 every month in the
united states and most of these are
probably people that were going to die
for some reason and just because they
had the virus in their systems
listed as a death so i’m not buying it i
don’t think this is how it is living in
mississippi this is what people sound
like and act like around here
near as many deaths no sir i don’t wear
masks never have
i don’t plan to i know two people that
have died from covet
so i know the virus is real but if
someone is in such
dire condition that they are afraid
that they’re going to catch it they need
to stay at home yeah like trump
i should have said at home right because
and i’d say that to my mother
in fact my mother’s 94 years old but
when it was you you mentioned it what if
you could actually bring it to her does
that give you concern that you should
wear a mask around her ever
well no no i don’t give a [ __ ] you know
yeah i could catch and take it to her
but i ain’t never thought about it i
ain’t worried about it she does she dies
i don’t um because like i said
i think that they’ve blown the entire
thing out of proportion what do you
think of the president’s handling
of the uh coronavirus i think he’s done
a fabulous job
uh that if i’m catching all he could do
to catch it they tried to stop
everything he tried to do
yeah i mean what can you do i mean it’s
something that
it’s kind of snuck in here you can’t see
it i think he’s done a lot better than
you know the previous administration did
with the n1h one but
he literally disbanded the pandemic
office the previous administration set
going on with this coronavirus
he has nothing to do with what’s going
on it happened he’s trying to fix it
that’s all you can do is try to fix the
problem and i don’t believe in wearing a
it don’t do you a bit of good it’s uh
it’s just a way to avoid getting
harassed by people it doesn’t
really serve that much of a purpose in
terms of stopping the spread of of the
it’s not it’s not you’re not going to
die from it most likely
i think he’s doing everything that he
can do
but i don’t go places where you got to
wear a mask
just because you don’t want to have to
do that because i don’t want to get in
fight with somebody to tell you the
just [ __ ] ignorant of [ __ ] dudes
there is a reason 99.99
of these people are trump supporters
this is what he’s cultivated
you know he’s got a lie in the bed he’s
made now right
and uh so yeah now he’s been taking a
walter reed folks
he said he was in quarantine but
apparently he scared his [ __ ] they made
him do a video though before he left
i’ll show you the video that he made but
apparently he scared his [ __ ] and would
immediately be taken to the hospital but
they made this video just so he could
show that i’m still in love i’m still
your strong fearless leader
i want to thank everybody for the
tremendous support
i’m going to walter reed hospital i
think i’m doing very well
but we’re going to make sure that things
work out the first lady is doing very
so thank you very much i appreciate it i
will never forget it thank you
yeah short and sweet thank you thank you
for your support dude’s scared as [ __ ] though apparently
because uh cnn reporting senior
reporting that president began to panic
overnight as symptoms began to set
in we were told he became increasingly
alarmed by his diagnosis
and as he developed symptoms overnight
you probably would too it’s scary
yeah so you want to take us ask the
hospital immediately and get some of
those uh
drugs those drugs are testing
that only the the elite can get at the
moment i heard he was having trouble
breathing too
so he’s probably gonna be okay there’s
like a five percent chance of his
him dying or whatever but uh
he’s got the best health care money can
buy unlike all the people he spread it
to unlike all the common people like you
and me
and the sad part is and reese’s part
is that as he’s had these super spreader
spread this [ __ ] everywhere it affects
more than anybody but they don’t give a
[ __ ] folks
and look at them now they’re all wearing
this was his uh his whole staff as he
was getting on the chopper now every one
of them got a mask
they want to whitewash it they want to
retcon the past and pretend like yeah we
were always from ask
[ __ ] [ __ ] we see right
through this [ __ ] dude
you had super spreader event after super
spreader event quit [ __ ] playing now
that he’s got coronavirus like he was
always for the [ __ ] mask
but he’s probably in walter reed right
now i’m sure uh hooked up to a clorox
iv so uh get disinfected trump
thoughts and prayers on all of that [ __ ] but uh
talking to timing folks speaking of
[ __ ] timing holy [ __ ] apparently
they’ve been creating this documentary
for the last couple months that they
just released
on the day trump got the coronavirus
and this is the uh the trailer for it
the cdc has identified a case of
in washington state the words about a
pandemic at this point no we’re not at
all and
it’s going to be just fine whatever
happens we’re totally prepared
this was made in secrecy over the last
few months the scientists knew
some people are listening to me on the
audio three directors interviewed
countless scientists medical
professionals and government officials
on the inside to uncover the truth
we the scientists knew what to do for
the pandemic response
the plan was in front of us but
leadership would not do it
it is time to lay our careers on the
and push back from academy awards
the united states did not perform to the
best of its ability with the coronavirus
[Music] what went wrong for us the truth is that
political leaders caused avoidable death
and destruction the scientists sounded
the alarm
every day the us government was doing
one day it’s like a miracle it will
disappear it’ll be wonderful it’ll be a
gift from
heaven it’s complete [ __ ] he has no idea what he’s talking about
a key government scientist was removed
because he wouldn’t climb on the
president’s bandwagon
they’d started to blame other people and
it was frightening
there was real fear of retribution and
we were watching the number of deaths in
the u.s
tick higher and higher do you take
no i don’t take responsibility at all
we’ve never had a failure like this
the truth is finally coming out there’s
so much
to expose
we have a totally under control
so yep you knew can’t wait to see that
and yeah folks if people are trolling i
get rid of them i don’t
have to sit here and listen to [ __ ] trolls yeah my show is very twitter
based that’s a great place to
bookmark the news and lay out the show
if you’re not enjoying it [ __ ] off no
one needs you here
eat a dick in a bad way and next up
on this horrible cavalcade of misery
oh my god folks it’s a cult so this is a
fox news doctor david samadi
it’s beyond parody folks
hard to believe this is real he says
always remember the survival rates of
this virus per the cdc
0-19 99.997 percent 20 to
49 99.98 50 to 69
99.5 percent 70 and over 94.6 percent
which is the range trump is in he has a
more than 5 chance to die but the doctor
goes on to say
i would put potus in the 20 to 49
category due to his strength and stamina
retweet if you agree yeah trump’s
basically 20 isn’t he
folks according to this [ __ ] cult do
they really believe that they just said
it’s hard to believe that anybody could
look at this morbidly obese
clown who was painted up like tammy faye
baker who can’t even walk without
dragging his leg behind him who needs
two hands to drink a goddamn glass of
who can barely walk down a [ __ ] ramp
and say yeah he’s basically 20-49 isn’t
just can’t be [ __ ] real folks
here’s another example of that mega life
let’s see what this mega life coach has
to say about it when you want to hire
this guy to uh
teach you how to live life uh more than
likely you’re president of the united
uh who [ __ ] has god-tier genetics
i don’t know i don’t care what you say
that dude’s got god-tier
genetics okay his kids are always
healthy they’re all strong
tall no [ __ ] no deformities nothing
going on all right these are rock solid
god to your genetic folks i mean i guess
to this guy they probably do have
god tear genetics i mean anybody would
god church next to this guy imagine
waking up and look in the mirror every
day and being this dude
and be like holy [ __ ] like anything is
better than this
i can’t imagine anybody pays this guy
money to be a life coach i can’t imagine
to be like yeah that’s the dude i want
to be
this is the uh steely-eyed missile man i
want to grow up and be
when i become an adult holy [ __ ] and uh
but don’t worry folks joe biden
is doing everything he can to lose the
election he’s like yeah
joe biden campaign is pulling all
negative ads today following president
trump’s diagnosis of the covert 19. yeah
we can pull the ads why not no more
negative ads
we don’t want to win why would we want
to win so obviously the republicans came
out and they said that we’re also
pulling negative ads
because republicans are good no no they
didn’t they immediately said
yeah trump campaign indicates it will
not join joe biden pulling negative ads
joe biden used a speech in michigan
today to attack the president there’s
no petition to say anything girl we’re
not going to do it we’re going to still
play evil and bad and dirty
when you guys stand down and lose like
the [ __ ] losers you are
just goddamn so [ __ ] frustrating i guess is the word i’m
looking for and um
now we’re going to talk about the first
melania who also got covered 19 and god
damn it she’s so
weird why are these people so weird
so she put out this ad this week i’m not
gonna play the whole thing she’s gonna
play a little bit of it
but while her husband and stepson are
going around making fun of joe biden’s
for having difficulties with his drug
addiction she’s making this video
uh i’m honoring national substance use
prevention month by joining blah blah
blah she put out this [ __ ] ad
and she’s at some kind of weird angle
they’re just so odd each october
we observe national substance abuse
prevention month
in my time as first lady i have worked
to raise awareness
about the risks and dangers of drug use
our youth through my best initiative
it’s not a shampoo ad why are you
standing at that angle you weirdo
very strange and uh
so apparently one of her best friends
recorded some audio of her secretly i
guess they had a fallen out and they
threw her under the bus and
and whatnot and uh wasn’t too happy
about it so she recorded some audio
and uh here’s melania first she’s
talking about uh the children in cages
and then she’s talking about how
christmas sucks
so i guess uh the world on christmas
this year is going to be led by
the first lady apparently i’m completed
i’m the same like him i support him i
don’t say enough i don’t do enough
i actually agree with it there but it’s
not a very conservative christian thing
to say
i personally hate christmas but she’s
not supposed to
i need to do it right yeah but a hundred
percent you have no choice
and okay and then i do it and i say that
i’m working on christmas uh planning for
the christmas
and they said oh what about the children
that they were separated
give me ooh what about the children that
were separated
give me a [ __ ] break yeah i don’t
care to you it’s clearly what she’s
talking about she’s bitching
because she’s out there trying to talk
like she cares about children but her
husband is literally putting children in
cages and separating her family and she
does not give a [ __ ] about
it and she’s more concerned about what
the press is saying about her than she
is about the children because these
people are the worst scum on the goddamn
where they were saying anything when
obama did that i know
i cannot go i i was trying
to get the kid reunited with the mom
i i didn’t have a chance needs to go
through the process
into the law uh yeah your husband could
have done it you didn’t try hard enough
[ __ ] but here’s my thing hear what you just
said but instead of that
so anyway basically she’s bitching that
the press
was trying to hold her accountable for
not pushing back against her evil ass
and that’s when she decided to wear this
that says i really don’t care to you
which is absolutely 100 clear that she
was talking about
the whole situation with the children
and being blamed for it
because she’s an amaze this is the kind
of person you would imagine would marry
donald trump
and go along with all the evil that’s
happening right now just the [ __ ] worst scum right
and this is the country we’re living in
right now folks this is america for you
here’s trump’s last three campaign
the first one arrested for uh
going to commit suicide and also under
investigation for stealing 40 million
this one arrested for fraud uh indicted
for fraud
drain the swamp folks they still say
that with a straight face
because reality doesn’t matter nothing
is real it’s all [ __ ] so thoughts and prayers you coveted 19
having [ __ ] don’t give a [ __ ] about you not gonna
pretend otherwise
i’m like the joker
i do think it’s funny i’m tired of
pretending i don’t think that
all right let’s check that’s all my
trump stuff we’re gonna get into a big
chad watch section next so uh
we into the second hour took an hour to
get through all that trump stuff
all of that in four days folks
god she’s val yes lights are cool yes
that’s true
she doesn’t care slovenia’s most
expensive escort yeah i mean sex work is
real work but you don’t have to be a
disgusting terrible human being to do
sex work so
uh damn david hasselhoff is looking fine
i don’t know what that means be best
yeah they stole that from uh
michelle obama her b better campaign
they’re just they’re so stupid so petty
she’s a lopsided goon agreed [ __ ] her
too also agreed oh dusty that was rough
that is rough it’s a rough gun it’s a
trash country
somebody’s got a goddamn cover this
[ __ ] don’t they god derby god damn
77 is the new 20. i know when you’re
like the god man like trump who’s
the alpha among us all
yep shadwatch coming next dusty will be
great if a vaccine is discovered a day
after trump dies
i’m not allowed to have an opinion on
that all right let’s check the super
see where we’re at at the super chats
after the first hour here
elijah miller what’s up hey twenty
dollars very generous
my hero elijah miller it’s all good love
me sometimes they love me some e
appreciate that koya koei ten dollas
regardless of what happens i hope 2021
will be a better year and we will have a
better president stay safe and stay
sane i’m trying i mean i don’t see how
it could get much worse i mean i guess
we could have a civil war that would be
pretty bad or i guess trump could win
or steal the election i don’t know i
guess we’ll see what the [ __ ] happened
space goes
martian two dollars if trump dies it was
all his fault no sympathy yeah i mean
he’s begging for it
the sad part is how many tens of
thousands if not hundreds of thousands
hundred thousand maybe people that he
took with him because of his
astro sky two dollars thank you ashley
scott elijah miller twenty dollars those
proud boys don’t have the numbers
nothing but tall it won’t let me type
their name
they’re good they don’t even need to be
platformed but
we’ll see i mean a few might go you know
rogue or whatever we’ll call it murder
folks we’ll see what the [ __ ] happens
most of them are just full of [ __ ] though we’re gonna cover them some more
in the chat what section
b stage thousand nine five dollars stand
back huh waiting for vince mcmahon to
singing and dancing any minute now you
have this strut you gonna do out there
oh [ __ ] this man joshua gonzalez
were they non next people
that need to get covered 19 or people
who voted for trump yeah but if it was
just there they’d be fine but it’s not
that’s what sucks they’re going to take
a lot of old innocent people with them
celanese brudeaux 699 canadian thank you
appreciate that saline
jason more than 10 dusty should moderate
the next debate
uh i don’t think i have the [ __ ] patience for that i think i would just
scream at donald trump and it would not
go well
so probably best that not happened
boston dunning five dollars david
silverman has fallen
but do you think his style of firebrand
atheism is useful i mean i think it was
but i think he has
destroyed his name so much now that
i don’t think any uh atheist with
integrity would want to be associated
with him in any way or want him
representing them so uh
yeah that dude needs to [ __ ] off william
johnson ours just at you on twitter
fallon or dark comedy all right check
that out thank you will
amy penrose five dollars thanks for the
show no problem amy thank you for
supporting the show
love you linda sicoley five dollars
here’s a little bit for the kids the
puppets you rock dusty you rock linda
thank you for joining me tonight name
with hell temple is literally in trump’s
back when i was watching tim him tim
accidentally leaked out that trump held
a special political dinner for pool did
i’m not surprised to hear that he
definitely making a lot of [ __ ] money
and doesn’t give a [ __ ] but i guess you know if you sell your
soul you can definitely be very very
rich in this world
it continuously rewards bad behavior so
don’t like the player at the game i
guess what will happen
to trump supporters if trump died to do
the covet 19
uh they will make him a martyr they will
say he died for us he like jesus
and they would try to push the next
[ __ ] probably his son or something
and both cal rap and david henry became
dust buddies dust but ass
those you know you can come members of
the dust buddies it’s 2.99 a month and
you get a special emoji cons you can
spam the chats with so
support the show i’ll become a dustbuddy
thank you guys elijah motherfu dollars
the mail order russian bride speaks
barely just
crazy that that’s the first lady
remember all the [ __ ] they talked about
michelle obama
such hypocrisy zx spectrum five dollars
thoughts and prayers to covet in this
difficult time thanks for the show i
know probably appreciate that
do what you do covet and julia julia
five honest australian appreciate that
you rock
all right more super chats please if
you’re able if you can and
let me check the other chat real quick
for that continue on with the show
because i never
read this chat too much sorry i don’t
read the chat over here too much guys
with whole burgers yeah if you need to
lose some weight that’ll definitely help
this is you can’t be essay virus yep
it’s indiscriminate that’s for sure
he would be the worst patient yep he’s
probably scared he might listen now
oof yep all right i’ll read some more of
that later
i continue with the show it’s okay we
still love you i love you back thank you
gotta go on with the show cause i just
look how ain’t even covered what have i
got a third of it done yet
definitely gonna be some overtime
tonight over time tonight
but it’s time for show watch
it’s time for a shout watch we talk
about shots and make fun of them yeah
try to watch
here we go it’s going to start off with
uh one of the worst shots
on the goddamn internet snowflake blair
blocked me blocked me i talked about her
in my last show but i don’t know if
that’s what she did
apparently she’s using a blockbot now to
block anybody who i guess
uh is friends people she don’t like but
these are the snowflakes are folks they
claim oh my god it’s the left they’re so
insulted and weak about everything but
they just steadily block everybody and
hide from criticism because you know
they’re hypocritical as [ __ ] and now joe
apparently according to america’s number
one trusted news source the onion
joe rogan starting to make a lot of
sense to man who gets all his news from
joe rogan and that just makes sense i
mean why wouldn’t you get all your news
from joe brooke
he is uh such an informed human
and the guy who has number one podcast
in the world is eight years old
this is the kind of jokes that like
seven and eight year olds were sitting
on the bus when i was a kid here he is
if you’re in a post-debate depression
heed these sage words from the goat and
it’s joey diaz let’s see this amazing
jokes from joey diaz
the only debate you should have who’s
sniffing your nut sack today
number one podcaster in the world folks
this is the kind of amazing comedy
he’s bringing us bropra
he’s oprah for bros just so [ __ ] embarrassing that this is what our
society decides number one
and so then he went out there folks and
uh just
repeatedly this week again
spread translurs
now i’m gonna play this and then i’m
gonna explain to joe rogan why [ __ ] is a slur you shouldn’t say he’s gonna
play like you can’t even say that
oh my god you can’t say it yet for good
[ __ ] reason dude
i’ll explain it to you but but i know
what you’re doing i know you’re trying
to make it like
political correctness you know i can’t
say it anymore but you’re actually
encouraging your audience to say it
which they did
i searched it on twitter and they did in
mass after you said this which is kind
of the code point but anyway
uh let’s go ahead and play this stupid
action i just want to say like your
studio looks ridiculous
looks like they [ __ ] barfed up i
don’t know
hash corned beef hash i don’t know what
the [ __ ] it is dude
a hundred million dollars for that [ __ ] anyway let’s go ahead and play it right
or what’s my chipped me on the way in
which i thought was true they told me
they weren’t gonna do that
they just did a chip in my neck and i
walked in they told me they weren’t
gonna do that i was like okay
well they knew that you talk [ __ ] on
[ __ ] they do they said he’s
only i i like the republican ones i love
caitlyn jenner
i love if you’re a transgender person
you’re against gay marriage i’m already
a fan
i think i i [ __ ] up by saying [ __ ] you can’t even say that anymore can’t
say it even though tranny’s called each
other [ __ ] and gay people call gay people [ __ ] but you can’t say that don’t say it
don’t say it yeah you don’t take it
yes but if your correctness goes wrong
i’m just a simple boy from mississippi
and i haven’t like in my life had a
whole lot of
i guess uh face-to-face time with
transgender people because there’s not
a whole lot around here but i have
learned from the internet and from my
many many transgender friends online
these days why you’re not supposed to
say this
and this guy or somebody like i used to
four and five years ago i used to say
this the word [ __ ] because i watched
every episode of rupaul’s drag race and
they would say this all the time
so i thought well if they’re saying it
obviously it’s fine to say but they
don’t even say that anymore
and i’m gonna try to do my best to
explain why they don’t say this anymore
okay so transgender women
are in incredible danger of being
attacked and killed
and one of the main reasons that they’re
in such danger
it’s because they are not considered
real women
and there is such a stigma in our
society about being gay
that men find themselves attracted to
these transgender women
but they’re so worried that they’re
going to be considered gay by society
and their friend that it makes them in
their friends
they make some lash out violently
towards transgender women
and they were [ __ ] which uh
originally i guess uh
like in rupaul’s drag race was meant to
a substitute for transvestites um which
men who dress like women but they still
consider themselves men
they still identify as male right and so
by conflating [ __ ] to mean
transgender women
and also transvestites it spreads this
narrative that transgender women are not
actually women they’re men
in drag and therefore it increases the
violence upon them
by the homophobic society we find
ourselves in
you can’t say it anymore for a very good
it has nothing to do with pc gold milk
or whatever that [ __ ] is
and it’s so easy to be a decent person
and not say it to put one of the most
harmed and marginalized and attacked
classes in our society
safe isn’t that easy to understand joe
isn’t that real [ __ ] simple dude
don’t you want to be a decent person
not really i know but still it just
pisses me off that this is the number
one goddamn podcast in the world
it’s so [ __ ] low brow and stupid
the dude just doesn’t want to know he
doesn’t give a [ __ ] but this is an oldie but a goodie here’s
a throwback friday clip
i played this a long time ago but uh
re-uploaded this and it’s so [ __ ] hilarious and so [ __ ] cringe i want
to play it for you again this is back
when uh
jordan peterson before he got uh
addicted to i guess he was probably
addicted right now
but he wasn’t so addicted that he had to
be put in a coma
for his benzo addiction here he is
explaining how cool kakistan is
god this is so cringe dude and this is
why i get a kick out of all the kek
kekistan boys you know i do believe that
we’re in a period of chaos what’s a
tech o kek is a mythological country
that’s ruled by chaos
by the god cac who’s a frog who’s a frog
as it turns out
um so i don’t know i don’t know about
this oh well you need to look them up
that’s a big internet thing kekistan
yeah yeah yeah a big internet thing all
i know about the frog is the frog the
trump frog
the pepe the frog who is apparently so
distraught that his frog has been used
to uh killed him yeah he killed him off
but good luck he didn’t
all right so that’s stupid because the
people who were um
who were using pepe i haven’t got the
story quite right but i’ll get it mostly
the people who were using pepe as a meme
here it is
used yeah that’s that’s public of keck
so they used this symbol k e k to
replace l o l
and the reason they did that was because
k e k in korean means
lol and so it was just this little joke
keck k-e-k
well then somebody found out these were
people who were using pepe remember
it’s a frog then people found out that
kek was an egyptian god
and he was a frog and he was between
categories sort of like a transsexual
by the way he was between categories and
so now they
have this republic of keck and it’s
ruled by this egyptian god
whose name is keck who’s a frog hold on
go back zero back don’t don’t keep
changing this
jamie’s doing this in the background
while you’re talking but look at this
there’s a frog with a make america great
again hat and
he’s he’s got like a tombstone it says
those who served in the meme war
we are the gods of the great meme war we
are the [ __ ] posters
the legion of keck we are the internet
the death of the normies
lulls and kek we are one what in the
[ __ ] is going on
that that is the question and that’s the
question you asked me and my answer was
i don’t know
we’re in a period of chaos oh my god so
cringe i’m so [ __ ] crazy i’m so glad
i never got into that stuff i was making
fun of kek i can’t believe how much [ __ ] i took fun of making fun of kick
the whole [ __ ] time they were doing
all that [ __ ] i was explaining to
every one of them why it was so
embarrassing and why they were
eventually going to be embarrassed by
doing there are now everyone
was like oh my god i can’t believe i was
into that that’s so stupid but yeah
it was dumb and you should feel bad
about falling for it and uh next up
speaking of joe rogan
here’s a the guy he helped platform and
promote i watched a clip from joke
around the day who jordan was bitching
about uh people blaming him for the rise
of um
gavin mcginnis because he was saying
yeah well he recruited all these people
after he was on my show but before he
was on my show there was nobody to
recruit yeah because your audience
was a prime target from the recruit from
[ __ ] that’s why you have to be
real careful when you platform these
[ __ ] right
so here’s a gavin mcginnis the founder
of the proud boys
[ __ ] sounds like funky [ __ ] my wife has
this weird scene where chinks keep
popping out of her [ __ ] from last year’s toronto muslim
population is eight percent and will
soon be more than ten percent
there’s only one reason for london’s
terror attacks their muslim population
exceeds ten percent terror happens in
every city where this is true
10 things i hate about god damn
[ __ ] jews yeah that’s the guy
you want a platform isn’t it
joe rugg is saying he’s mostly just fun
isn’t he
and for anybody who has any doubts what
the pride boys are about say they have a
an afro mexican i guess that’s they’re
calling leader of the proud boys now but
they put these guys and they put this
guy in place specifically
to downplay their white supremacist
roots because they know that if you have
a minority as their leader they can say
we are racist we are racist
but it’s definitely it’s a ploy to hide
their power levels
let’s listen to them there’s a proud
voice for you oh yeah
let me tell you these are the real type
of bad boys
1488 type crown boys proud to be
white proud boys
these aren’t [ __ ] [Applause] you know what alt lighters like me quote
are [ __ ] like your biggest [ __ ] allies to the wns
then that shows and all right like i
have no problem with them and even after
like this is a minority i guess maybe a
latin guy a mexican guy
talking about how he likes the white
switches and the alt-right
and all right like i have no problem
with them and even after
like all you know they’re like after
we’re done beating the commies and the
marxists and the [ __ ] bucks
and the lib cards where then we can
start bringing up nazis you know what
[ __ ] these guys you know
nazis are my best friends like all they
want is nationalism what’s wrong with
they want to introduce [ __ ] good [ __ ] for america
not going to be invited to them don’t
stay dude
i don’t give a [ __ ] if real racists come
to the rally
real all right yes we’ve been trying to
beat these people up for the longest
it ain’t gonna work the only the only
thing we can we can do to solve this
whole [ __ ] problem with nazis and all
this [ __ ] is to have a civil conversation
hitler did nothing wrong
so cool hitler did absolutely nothing
so edgy oh my god look at this super
chats flash out says
all right so let me skip that one let’s
get down and we’ll play this one leak
video of them
screaming uh white power after one of
those rallies
there she is
one family let’s play that again
listen and now watch again i think they
were saying white power i couldn’t
really understand that anyway but that’s
what they’re all about folks
don’t let them fool you putting
minorities in charge or having an order
who’s in their uh
pro boys group is a ruse right
v burger not big burger uh i think
burger pointed this out gavin mcginnis
even has
different rules for black members of the
proud boys special rules black brown
they are western show and as western
chauvinist is code that means fascist
it’s 100 what that means and recognize
that white men are not the problem
they don’t lie about racism or blame it
for their problems yeah
none of your problems are because of
hundreds of years of systemic racism
black proud boys don’t blame the white
man for the things the white men did
um so that brings me
to alan sweeney who i covered on the
show very many times before he’s the one
that uh pulled a gun
on antifa recently remember this dude he
and he uh goes around and
indiscriminately maces people
shoots them with paintballs harasses
them terrorizes people gets up in their
face got arrested though
update proud boy enforcer allen swinney
has been arrested
on 12 charges of violent offenses and uh
remember this dude
see there are pictures of them up there
i know that’s all there is to proud boys
they’re a fun group so next part is
hilarious god dammit
andy nogo and he know goes a
propagandist for the proud boys
like i said they have like uh minorities
even asians
in the midst to them to hide their
racism and of course he is a uh
fascist enabler propagandist not uh
any no-go and uh so funny
hard to believe this is real folks so
he’s like uh any no go
i reached out to the organization and
they say he’s not a member of this
island guy
first off i reach out to the
organization what do you mean you turn
left and talk to your friends that are
right there that you hang out all the
is that what you mean but yeah i reach
at the organization and they say this
guy is not a member of the proud boys
hmm um huh
something tells me uh yeah yeah yeah
he’s a
he’s got probably tattooed on his arm
god damn it right there just no
integrity whatsoever
this guy is in all the proud boys chats
he’s hanging around the pro boys all the
time he’s got a probably statue he’s a
[ __ ] round boy
real journalism that’s what real
journalism is there andy nogo
and uh andy nogo also runs the
post-millennial i guess that’s his news
and he went on there multimedia outlets
falsely claim
man arrested for assault during poorly
riots is a proud boy
literally as the brown boy tattoo what
are you talking about eddie no go but
the truth doesn’t matter
we’re in opposed to society they don’t
give a [ __ ] they’re not tell the truth
because no one holds them accountable on
their side right so who cares right
and uh oh yeah so sad now we got
the press secretary for the president
united states now spreading
annie nogo’s lies and propaganda about
having a brain bleed because this is
where we are in a society their violence
isn’t innocuous antifa
is not an idea um andy najo can tell you
that because he was beaten by a group of
antifa protesters suffering brain bleed
yeah no any no-go never had a brain
so ridiculous he got punched in the face
one time
getting punched in the face one time
gave you a brain bleed that everybody in
the ufc would be dead immediately so
but she’s spreading you know the
propaganda of fascist why wouldn’t you
why wouldn’t our press secretary united
states spread it
and uh tim paul frequently downplays
not only the proud boys but his ties to
white supremacy you guys know that
temple has a
long history of white supremacists so
here he is a couple days ago
gavin get us pulled the biggest troll of
all time the proud boys yeah
being racist piece of shits that create
violence and terrorism
such a troll isn’t it just a troll
imagine lacking this integrity but yeah
and here he has tim pool i think it’s
fair to say you guys were just kind of
[ __ ] around yeah
sure you’re just [ __ ] around
terrorizing people but here he is
tim poole with all these [ __ ] fascists all these white sperms british
petty bone
whose white supremacist [ __ ] james
allsep who is literally a member of a
nazi group
bake alas the whites all these look
there’s a little beanie temple back
there right
here he is again the whole crew here
gavin mcginnis
laura loomer brittany pettingbone i
brady pennybone one that literally
married the white supremacist who got
sent a big
check by the christ church shooter
before he murdered a bunch of people
that’s the kind of people tim paul is
hanging around with that’s the kind of
people tim poole is uh supporting and
making his millions literally spreading
and helping
fascism to spread there he is yeah
white supremacist lana oh there’s a
brady pentagon again
here he is with the shoe on heads good
friend i guess former good friend that
she’s never really officially denounced
publicly because why would she right
lauren southern and james allsop nazi
james allsup
so i guess i’m gonna skip over the rest
of this because i’m kind of tired of
tempo right now i gotta get through this
and these are the kind of people these
are folks these doughy chubby
white dudes that think they’re so tough
and they want to kill us so bad
they want any excuse to look how tough
he is this psychopathic wannabe murderer
i don’t know if a lot of y’all
understand this or not
but come november there’s a war coming
whoever wins and it’s down to two we
already know this third party
they don’t even matter it’s down to two
one of the other is gonna win as a
supporter we know which one’s gonna win
trump 2020 but
there’s a thing about it the reason why
i say there’s a war coming
because if trump wins black lives matter
and all them other antifa
dumb asses are going to try to start war
we ready don’t worry we we ready us
rednecks and stuff we’re ready for y’all
so tough but our body wins
we coming and we coming strong
yeah blind wins we coming and we coming
the only place you’re coming strong to
is the golden corral buffet [ __ ] nobody’s scared of you doughy white guys
what’s your problem
just trying so hard to be tough and
scary we’re not you know what the left
has guns too right
i know there’s a stereotype but it’s so
ridiculous we
oh it’s america we have guns too
so stupid but here’s uh here’s the trump
supporter and that’s the guy you want i
think it’s the kind of people you want
to uh support
and help
this is a trump supporter and his pickup
truck and i guess he has something that
smoke when he wants it to or maybe just
always does that but here he is uh
crop dusting these biting supporters
because they’re so classy
[Music] let’s support these people don’t you
love them folks aren’t they such good
pettiness 2020 [ __ ] let’s make
them cry let’s hurt their feelings [ __ ] everything about these people
here’s another example another trump
punches this uh journalist for no reason
the funny part about it he says if you
want to be violent i’ll be valid if you
want to be peaceful i’ll be peaceful
literally nobody is violent except for
him it’s this double thing
they have in their minds look at these
pieces of [ __ ] another doughy old white
guy that thinks he’s tough i don’t know
what the [ __ ] white privilege makes these old [ __ ] white people think they’re so goddamn
guys each party’s base they’ve also
become increasingly
emotionally charged tonight one of our
photojournalists was attacked
while gathering video in duluth d mine
choon was on assignment to get reaction
ahead of the president’s rally
watch what happens when he encounters a
trump supporter who’s confronting a
group of biden supporters
you guys want to be peaceful be peaceful
okay you want to be violent
come to me
yeah [ __ ] be [ __ ] if you guys want to
be peaceful be peaceful
but if you were to come and be violent
i’d be valid nobody was voting except
for you [ __ ] so hopefully he was charged with assault
because that’s ridiculous make him cry
pettiness 20 20
and uh they want to kill us so bad folks
they’re not even hiding it
they love the thought these [ __ ] psychopaths
this is magic cultist josh bernstein
name and shame these [ __ ] how do they still have a goddamn
platform go around saying [ __ ] like this
i am personally trying to scare the
living [ __ ] out of you
on purpose why because i want you to
what is at stake here i can’t be
any clearer than my message is
now and yes you should be frightened but
more importantly
you should be motivated which i know you
all are but more importantly
it is your responsibility to get other
people that you know
to not only see this video so they
understand what’s at stake
but anyone out there that doesn’t want
to vote for trump
they’re they’re signing their own death
warrant as far as i’m concerned
and not just their own but for their
everything folks is on the line
everything now i will end it with this
if god forbid they figure out how to
steal this election
the only thing that’s going to save this
country is revolution
and trust me it will happen uh there’s
no question
about it and when it happens we will
have a new america
yes there will be blood spilled
unfortunately but they’re bringing it
upon us
yeah you’re asking us to murder you
folks by electing somebody else except
for donald trump
they just psychopath they want to kill
us i
it’s the left that’s the violent ones
how come trump never speaks about this
[ __ ] when he’s at rallies
i mean i know obviously because these
are the people that support him and he
doesn’t want to uh
alienate his base but rick santorum rick
just incredible oblivious own of trump
he didn’t mean to own trump this way but
he couldn’t help he accidentally said
the quiet part out loud
listen to him speak truth accidentally
where he was asking the president do
something that he knows the president
doesn’t like to do
which is which is say something bad
about people who support him
right what declining violence yeah well
talking about the white supremacists
yeah the white supremacists number one
and number two
trump doesn’t like to talk bad about
people that support him you know the
white supremacists just saying it right
out loud dude he knows the truth
that is the truth that’s why he
he knows that’s his [ __ ] base
apparently kellyanne conway has tested
positive for corona 19
so thoughts and prayers uh to kellyanne
conway should have got out while you can
your daughter tried to warn you try to
get you out and next up i
and miles chud the foreign provocateur
that lives in malaysia and has never
suffered the united states and is paid
by conservatives to interfere in our
elections um
like i said folks this is like the ben
shapiro thing earlier
where it doesn’t matter if they’re
hypocrites because their base doesn’t
care about their hypocrisy
they don’t hold them accountable too
many ugly hot takes about trump today
some people have truly lost their
humanity it says
this piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] also him
don’t trip over your own feet he says of
the man who was pushed down by police
and had his head cracked open the
concrete was bleeding
yeah someone was murdered dude
your appeal to emotion has been noted i
don’t care about people getting murdered
who gives a [ __ ] about that and here’s a
woman getting run over by a truck
not gonna lie i found this hilarious
iron mouse chad definitely hates people
who are not civil doesn’t he
literally makes a living doing that and
here he is he he
is paid by conservatives to lie for a
this gotta let’s see how much he got for
i only got 874 likes but i’m surprised i
didn’t get more so
uh here’s what he posted he posted this
and the title of the video that he put
was black lives matter activists
walk through eugene residential
neighborhoods and harass
anybody they see but i’m going to tell
you what actually happened then i’ll
play the video what actually happened is
this guy is the one to the video
laughing my ass off this is my house my
buddy came from the crowd
to try to get us to come out and protest
i told him i couldn’t go and he gave me
a hug
and you can literally see in the video
the guy’s just trying to get a protest
and then he hugs them
like come on out come on out protest
they’re not harassing them they’re
talking to their friends
[Music] and they’re like what’s over and they
hug over here
and then he walks up to the god of the
and talks to them and they hug so look
at these
evil antifa harassing these people
says the that’s the game’s play though
folks it doesn’t matter they’re paid to
that’s how conservative takes and
maintains power in this country
they have plenty of money to lie to us
and uh their side just doesn’t give a
[ __ ] and blunting conservative operator jacob
wall remember these guys
and his uh lawyer buddy like i don’t
know how these guys have stayed out of
jail this long
it’s like they’ve done everything they
can to get arrested
and they just never did this is the guy
that uh held a press conference to claim
that elizabeth warren was having sex
with this little boy toy
and she was a dominatrix he hired the
boy toy to lie and say that
he hired a woman to claim that uh
anthony fauci
sexually harassed her or assaulted her
or something
but they finally got them folks
they’ve been charged with four felony
accounts over alleged voter suppression
robocall the fbi’s gonna give them
they’re gonna do jail time they’re
definitely gonna get
convicted of this basically what these
two [ __ ] morons did
was they created these robo calls which
you don’t know it’s like when uh
computers call up people’s phones and
leave them messages
and play pre-recorded messages and the
pre-quarterbacks they did was they sent
it to only
uh minority neighborhoods they tried to
target specifically black people
and uh disenfranchise them by telling
them in mexicans i think too
telling them that if they voted by melon
that it would send their information to
all the police
and they will be in the database from
then on which is not true and they’re
not allowed to do that of course that’s
a little as [ __ ] but they don’t give a [ __ ] folks this is
how the republicans play the game
they cheat to win so these [ __ ] finally going to jail and uh
you’re going to be popular i’m sorry i
should have said that that’s
that’s terrible i just said that i’ll
take that back that’s a rape joke
and that’s not cool raping men in prison
is not a laughing matter not something
to make jokes about that was
really wrong with me i’m glad i caught
that because i didn’t embarrass put that
out there but anyway
he’s going to jail finally and they
deserve to go to jail horribly so
uh good luck and next up
oh god the difference for euromigs
here’s a rapie mike cenovich who is a
famous for his many rape tweets in which
he uh condones and encourages rape
the truth about sick hillary clinton’s
health yeah
so good it’s the truth about her health
heart heart heart heart and now when
it’s trump all of a sudden
trump takes the hero’s journey with
coronavirus diagnose a hero
for catching and spreading corona
these people are beyond [ __ ] purity
goddammit such a clown show
on the right always a [ __ ] clown show
and the next
up oh my god anything to try to upset
you the grip
is so obvious right it’s so pathetic and
transparent at this point
are you triggered look how triggered the
left is by my shirt and give me money
she’s wearing a shirt that says trump is
my king
it’s just so cringe and silly we see
right there i know what you’re doing
it’s just pathetic and sad
so it works too though to a degree
that’s the sad part they do that because
it works
but it’s so transparent and folks this
is a crazy ass clip
right here folks i don’t know if you
guys saw this one but this went viral
look at this bigoted [ __ ] i’m sorry for
the gender slur but what else can you
call this woman
so oblivious listen to this
some residents voice concerns about
traffic others about overcrowding in
their schools
so let me give you some background
basically uh she’s going to the suburbs
to talk to a white woman
about why she’s afraid to have low
income people
in her neighborhood and basically
supports trump trying to make sure
there’s no low income housing in the
suburbs anymore
and this is the response she gives to
the questions others about overcrowding
in their schools
and some were worried about having low
income housing in their neighborhood
why did you pick this spot nicole
humphrey is a local opponent of the
what is your concern when it comes to
section 8 and low income
the lifestyle i feel like that is goes
with section 8 is usually working
single maybe single moms or people who
are struggling to keep their heads above
water and it’s not
i feel so bad saying that but it’s not
it’s just not people who are i guess of
the same
class as us which sounds bad but i don’t
mean that in a bad way
some people would say you know look they
maybe not have not had the opportunities
they had their kids are not going to
have the opportunities
that your kids are going to have in this
neighborhood right can they share in
um the the problem with that is i hear a
lot of the unfair of oh we haven’t been
given this or not
that or we haven’t been afforded things
that you might have been
afforded um i don’t look at
multi-millionaires and think
why don’t i have a yacht why don’t i
have a private jet um
it’s it’s a mindset i feel like do you
that you maybe are stereotyping the
folks oh i totally
am 100 it’s not it works both ways i
i’m definitely not a racist and i’m not
bigot but um i
i think i hold a little bit of a stigma
against people who
are different we don’t want nomads we
don’t want people who don’t have roots
i just don’t want that to be what my
community is about
i’m not a bigot i just have a stigma
against people that are different than
me oh my god
my [ __ ] god
like what can you even say about these
people folks
they’re just in your face it’s hardcore
to be racist
but i’m not racist murderer just [ __ ] white america god damn it
[ __ ] off karen name and shame
not gonna go well for you i don’t think
karen you have been [ __ ] on pretty
but here’s another carry for you folks
remember this
crazy lady this is a michelle bowman and
now they just they’re so desperate folks
they’re so desperate because there’s no
evidence whatsoever for widespread voter
at all but that’s their whole thing they
have to pretend there is so they can
steal the election because they know
they’re gonna lose horribly
so they just make up stories here he is
making up a story about hey
maybe there’s lots of fake ballots in a
barn somewhere
sure no evidence i’m just making it up
but why not so could you have a more
perfectly framed scenario for fraud
so in this kind of scenario it is
possible that you could have ballots
already filled out in fact they could be
printed in china
they could be routed through various
countries so you can’t detect them
make their way into minnesota be in a
barn somewhere until after the
election day is over you count up the
ballots and you say
gee how many more do we need oh we’re
short 48
000 no problem you go out you haul the
ballots in
yeah what if aliens are interfering our
elections what if ghosts
have like a ballot store to their
haunted houses
who knows folks who knows trump 2020
god damn in america so ridiculous
jessie lee peterson one of the most
ridiculous people to ever live
he’s not too happy with trump for
nominating a woman for the supreme court
let’s see if he makes any good points in
his argument against trump’s election
i personally believe that the president
should have appointed a man this woman
is a liberal well i don’t know if she
goes by liberal but
she’s no different than the other
feminists she does not stay home
and raise the children and which tell me
that this woman think that she’s above
men and that she is a man
and that she can go to work and raise
and be like a man this woman is on an
ego trip like ninety going north if
she’s not decent enough to
raise stay home and raise the man’s
children she’s not gonna think straight
on the court
it’s unfortunate that women are so
that they feel that they gotta intrude
upon everything that women
do whenever women get involved with men
issues you gotta lower the standards
it’s not in her nature to come up to the
of a man but as you know the world is
the old testament
and women are being appointed to the
world to run the world
in order to destroy it men are the light
of the world sought of the earth
and they have a responsibility to
represent that
after women are representing evil
they’re doing their job
they’re represented their dad is satan
my children can
i’m sorry i think he might be a little
bit misogynistic i don’t know
i don’t know you guys judge for yourself
but uh
trump supporters right am i right
god damn it america and uh
here’s dave reuben just bought him a 4.5
million dollar house and uh
they can’t just say i’m against white
supremacy they just can’t say it
unequivocally i’m against right
supremacy full stop they gotta throw
other [ __ ] in there
they try to make it to try to do this
false equivalence
and one thing he threw in there to do a
false equivalence to white supremacy is
trans supremacy because you know that is
this right folks
are you trans women want to be superior
to us you’re
ruling our society
i want to disavow white supremacy okay
i’m disavowing completely i want nothing
to do with it
i also want to disavow black supremacy
not good
don’t want to do it i don’t like it okay
i also want to disavow
asian supremacy okay that we’re not
going to be doing that
around here okay that’s for sure jewish
no good sorry jews not gonna do it all
latino supremacy also not a good one
no mas okay we’re not gonna do that
anymore gay supremacy
sorry no we’re not doing it i’m
disavowing completely
trans supremacy no i don’t believe in it
and i want to be very specific about
that when i’m talking about decepticon
supremacy so that goes for megatron
starscream soundwave shockwave
the whole thundercracker the whole crew
all right no
no we’re uh-huh gotta be [ __ ] transphobic why not why wouldn’t you
throw trans people under the bus for no
reason of course only one of those
uh supremacies really has any real
effect on our society but
i know what you have to say that because
you know that that is a huge part of
your base so
why wouldn’t you have to do the false
equivalence like that of course you
and uh let’s see what time
is it
all right i guess that’s all my chud
watch i was gonna do one more about this
this professor who pretended to be a
woman of color in order to brag about
how he is uh
sabotaging the efforts to spread a
racial awareness in his college
hopefully they fire this [ __ ] interesting story if you haven’t read it
craig chapman name and shame i’m gonna
skip it for now because we gotta get a
move on let me read the chat see what
you guys gotta say
i hear the cats in the background
they’re mad like let me shut off your
computer daddy
let me in no
[ __ ] amazing yep he’s beta
birdo hell satan
[Music] do you love black people
uh some of them
not all of them i don’t love everybody
because uh some people are pieces of
[ __ ] we’re gonna cover a piece of [ __ ] later
who attacked me rick moranis seemed like
he only attacked
rick moranis because he was white we’re
gonna talk about that not for that
not for hate crimes against white people
which exists sometimes
bad um some roots okay i guess
i guess he probably got no problem with
rich supremacy
oh yeah meow meow lots of meows let’s
check super chats
super chatty chat share what we got
going on here
julia julie followed us australian thank
you for that cindy bueno 4.99 thanks
dusty hey thank you cindy appreciate
that good to see you jester gerard
christopher gervais
50 dollars swedish u.s is going fascist
and the whole gop have decided to rule
without the approval of the people yep
i’m hoping it’s going to come back
bottom of the ass
i’m hoping they’re going to get voted
out in landslides we’ll see what happens
space shark 399. thanks for your show
much love much leave love you special
appreciate that
400 20 is very generous i’m going to
take your question extremely serious
[ __ ] evan mcginnis hell yeah
and it’s in verse chin i’ve seen him
without the beard he has no chin
whatsoever that’s why he has that beard
i have a little bit of a chin but that
dude holy [ __ ] it’s sad
a lot of the cats and doggos appreciate
that i will buy them a special treat for
you corey davidson artist oh supremacy’s
thank you for that appreciation enjoy
you rock
all right let me continue on with the
all right next up we gonna do a little
segment i call
not like we haven’t done enough corona
coverage already
but we have a short my corona section so
i don’t have my thing up for it god damn
oh god damn it anyway my
so i had to look this up to see if this
was [ __ ] first off
i’ll show you this one this is the state
i live in mississippi
and our governor tate reeves taints
becomes the first state to mandate to
are the first state to lift statewide
mass mandates
of course mississippi is doing that
mississippi has one of the highest
spreading of coba 19 if mississippi was
a country
it would be the second deadliest per
capita for covet on earth
just beating out peru only tiny san
marino would be worse
but it’s only the seventh deadliest u.s
state so why wouldn’t they
lift the mandel mask and i had to look
this up
mississippi covered milestones one out
of every one thousand
residents in this state is dead from
coven that seems impossible
but it’s true one out of every 1
000 mississippians has been killed by
holy god damn [ __ ] we are the laughing stocks of the
country in the world for good [ __ ] reason we keep having these goddamn
trump supporter piece of [ __ ] they don’t
give a [ __ ] about our lives all they
care about is money
and here’s the difference for these
[ __ ] evil
conservatives when trump gets
charlotte climber who is a right-wing
trump supporter
we’re going to fight for their safety
healing and well-being even when we know
they wouldn’t do the same for us because
that’s who we are and that kind of
mindset prevents us all from getting
tragic situations like this but here she
is when um georgia
breaking georgia verifies one thousand
new covenant 19 cases 24 hours
sips coffee because it’s a totally
different story when they do it right
here’s the far right cova denialist max
guess what party he’s from during a
showing his support by trump for trump
by cutting up a mask
look at this crane [ __ ] and so again
symbolically i want to cut these masks
right in front of our viewers i want to
be the first senate candidate and your
first senator
in the united states to say i protest
telling us what we have to wear and
telling us
what our businesses are necessary and
what are unnecessary this is a
this is why all the republicans are
coming down cove they’re [ __ ] idiots
that don’t give a [ __ ] so edgy so edgy and uh folks
how can this be real life these two
tweets are literally four minutes apart
this is a former right-wing republican
uh congressional candidate i think she
read against nancy pelosi maybe
deanna lorraine does anyone else find it
odd that no prominent democrats have had
the virus but the list of republicans
goes on and on
i wonder why that could be i it must be
a conspiracy i wonder what four minutes
what’s more useless joe biden or mask
oh god
it’s beyond purity like i said it over
and over again but like how can you make
fun of people
you can’t they do too good of a job of
making fun of themselves constantly
self owns everywhere and now it’s time
for our hero segment very small hero
segment today
but uh god damn it where’s my heroes
thing i could look for it but it’s
usually up here
and now i got all this other [ __ ] up
here for no reason because i’m reading
other [ __ ] that i don’t really be
we can be heroes for just one day
rick moranis you guys know rick moranis
he was uh
in ghostbusters and he was in a honey i
shrunk the kids and this [ __ ] hero
left his high-paying job in hollywood as
a movie star
to raise and take care of his children
awesome dude
so here he is just walking down the
sidewalk minding his own business and
black guy just walks up and punches him
in the face for no reason
it seems to me this is probably a hate
crime and yes
sometimes black people do commit hate
crimes against white people it’s
absolutely ridiculous now i know that
uh society is oftentimes unfair
against minorities and black people and
uh makes them hate society and hate our
but to take it out on all white people
would be just as stupid
as taking out all black people because
this one black guy punched
rick moranis so i’m going to show you
this video it’s back here
over here we see the mouse it’s rick ran
us back here this guy going to punch him
and then
they’re going to walk up so let’s see if
we can find out who this guy is because
i’ll hell no you don’t put
rick around us here he is just walks up
punches for no reason right
piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] i love new york
so anybody recognize this guy in this
stupid [ __ ] shirt let’s find out who
this [ __ ] is i think this is a
hate crime
but maybe it’s not i have no idea but uh
you know i wouldn’t be surprised
god damn it he’s fine though folks he
had some uh
i think he hurt his hip and he hurt his
ribs or something and he had like a
bruise on his face but he’s
ultimately fine so terrible terrible
gotta call it on all sides folks no
quarter for any of these [ __ ] and tonight on the hero segment cuomo
made it
which cuomo is chris cuomo he uh given
uh ted cruz the business and finally
santa ted cruz what everybody should be
saying to ted cruz all the time it’s
clear you’re scared of trump
he called your wife ugly you ain’t got
no spine [ __ ] admit it to get on it when you have
to get on it my brother will stand for
his own republic
why don’t you talk to the president the
way you talk to my brother ted you’re
afraid of him
you think he’ll smack you down at home
is that what it is like he’s terrified
almost you guys you’re really i’m
talking about the president
my brother’s not the president i’m
talking about the president the one who
called you a liar
the one who said your wife is ugly that
guy you know
oh destroyer the woody said your wife
was ugly what you gotta say about that
ted cruz nothing
because you are a coward you are scared
no guts whatsoever
and now folks it’s time for the bad cop
got a short backup segment i know a lot
of people you look away during the
backup segment because it’s very painful
and i understand that but we got to
cover this [ __ ] unfortunately so
bad cops back guys what you gonna do
what you’re gonna do when they beat the
[ __ ] out of you
back come still bad still out there
and uh first off on bad cops
was uh this woman who was pulled over
because apparently she was driving a car
that earlier evaded police
and a man was driving again i guess she
borrowed it from her sister i don’t know
who was originally driving it
she didn’t have any idea what was going
on the cops uh accused her of stealing
the car
they uh pulled up with her and her kids
pulled guns on him screamed at them
handcuffed her and then drug her across
the concrete
while she was handcuffed don’t get all
into it
kicked her in the stomach that first he
kicked her in the stomach first he
claimed she was reaching for a weapon
of course she didn’t have any weapon on
her they always they’re liars folks
they want to abuse you they want to harm
you they want to hurt you they get off
on it
and they can lie and people just
automatically believe in her here we go
again kicks her in the stomach
she’s handcuffed and grabs her by her
big tough man treating a woman like that
isn’t he i guess she wouldn’t hang up
now she’s saying now he’s got handcuffs
know their own video don’t give a [ __ ] don’t give a body cameras on don’t give
a [ __ ] because they know nothing’s gonna happen
to them why would they give a [ __ ] there is a roving band of thug criminals
that the state has given illegitimate
power over us to murder us and torture
us at their whim
and that is the only opinion i’m allowed
to have i’m not allowed to really tell
you other than that what i think about
it but uh
so uh in portland now i guess carrying
signs is illegal because [ __ ] the first
where are you at where you at proud boys
we got everybody that says you’re gonna
stand up against uh
the evil government if they encroach on
the constitution
here they are uh indiscriminately macing
peaceful protesters torture stealing
their signs when they have every right
to be out there in protest with signs
[Music] give me that son no [ __ ] i have
a first man right to hold this one
[Applause] they’re going to make this one for no
reason look yeah you’re recording me you
can’t record the god man
we are allowed to torture you for
recording us though they’re not but who
are we free yet are we great yet america
and then they’re gonna make this guy
look right straight up his face mason
right look right up his face put it
right in his eyeballs and mason
and take his sign and then arrest him
and it’s always been like this folks
it’s always [ __ ] been like this these
thugs have
always they used to be the slave patrols
right and now all of us are their slaves
all of us are here for them to abuse us
they’re traitors to the constitution a
hundred percent traitors every one of
these [ __ ] is a traitor of the
any patriot should stand up and oppose
them but you don’t you fake ass patriots
your larpers your pretenders
so this happened i think this happened
in may
this guy was walking down the wrong side
of the street
when the video’s starting he’s
handcuffed folks there’s three of them
and he’s handcuffed
not a single one of them have been held
responsible after you watch this this is
gonna make you mad
and then i’m gonna read you the police
statement about what happened and it’s
gonna make you madder folks
big tough
who cares let’s break your legs smash
you in the kneecaps
let’s beat you the three of us like a
why are they allowed to do this there’s
three of them
why is it legal to torture people why is
it illegal to torture united states
these doughy fat [ __ ] who just get off
they claim they beat him because he
tried to take one of their guns as his
hands were
handcuffed behind his back
their words should be inadmissible in
court but be prepared to be bad folks
this is what they said this is their
their little response
police union leader says hcso deputies
showed restraints and reginald arrington
arrest he’s suing them now this is just
why i’m bringing this up
happened a few months back i never saw
this clip before but now he’s suing them
the international brotherhood of police
that sounds like a cool organization
doesn’t it that doesn’t sound terrifying
at all
an international brotherhood that’s a
gang name it’s a gang
will represent all five hamilton county
sheriff deputies accused of excessive
force in the case of reginald erickson
why wouldn’t you why wouldn’t the
brotherhood of police officers uh
represent you why wouldn’t they have
your back
we are the organization that represents
the officers
we will be representing them through any
of the internal affairs investigations
that will go on to police union
spokespersons vince champion
defund these [ __ ] it wasn’t a beating it was trying to get
the compliance that was needed
and to use the force needed yeah we
weren’t beating him
you didn’t see what you just saw with
your own eyes folks yeah there’s five of
us in one of him but now we were beating
95 of every video you probably ever seen
it doesn’t look good our job doesn’t
look good on video
but if you’re not willing to put the
whole context of the video you’re not
willing to have the due process of the
investigations why don’t you just put it
out there
and let the public make up its own mind
we’ve seen how that’s going
what i really saw in my opinion is a lot
of restraints from the officers
champion toad channel three so yeah you
can’t reform this folks
they want you to believe them over your
own eyes they don’t give a [ __ ] i’m not allowed to have opinion beyond
we’re almost done with this cop section
folks and i’m sorry to say
it gets worse so here they are about to
arrest a disabled man in a wheelchair
put him in jail for nine hours and
charge him with
menacing look how menacing he is
[Applause] we can’t look away we can’t pretend it’s
not happening folks
we have to face the reality of what this
country has become
what it’s probably always been
tweakers arm behind his back put him in
jail for nine hours
charging with menacing
all right one more folks
this is a little better this is just a
[ __ ] tweet but they lie so bad they
[ __ ] lie
here’s what portland police said press
release officers assaulted here at
unlawful assembly in kington
neighborhood yeah unlawfully assembly
they have every right to assemble they
have every right to protest you
[ __ ] news release officers assaulted during
an unlawful assembly in kington
a portland police sergeant was sent to
the hospital where where’s his injuries
where the picture of that
didn’t show any of that after being
assaulted and at least five officers
were sprayed by chemical irritating mace
did you do they get sprayed by your own
because you’re the one spraying every
mace out there during an unlawful
assembly in kington neighborhood on
monday september 28
2020 portland police learned of a
unpermitted march initiated at kenton
officers observed participants carrying
shields wearing body armor and helmets
the posture of the gathering suggested
that it would become violent no yeah
it suggests we can buy it from you
they’re doing that to protect us from
you because you’re the violence rioting
as many such gatherings have been over
the last 120 days because of you
to lower the likelihood that members of
the gathering would use the shields to
protect those
intent on committing crimes such as
throwing objects at police
officers moved to the park and seized
numerous shields they wouldn’t seize
other [ __ ] that they’re using to protect
us against you
the violent criminal thug gang members
who are abusing and torturing them
and they show they stole this from a
press from the press
press credentials press jacket
no photos whatsoever any cox cops are
just bragging about arresting
and harassing the press this is the
press release they’re literally putting
out for themselves folks
they don’t give a [ __ ] they get off on
god damn it [ __ ] these [ __ ] all
right that’s all on my cop segment
i mean look at the chat real fast what
you guys gotta say let’s look at this
other chat over here
i think the guys with the super maze and
the sticks look more menacing yeah the
guys the yeah
the super bear maze that are a lot of
torture you get away with it yeah that’s
pretty scary
ted cruz is bearded consent yet that’s a
nice looking beard
gay supremacy sounds interesting hell
yeah let’s get out get on that i want
the lesbian supremacy
don’t believe the unions no i don’t
believe they need the [ __ ] cops
i’m usually for unions but not police
unions [ __ ] those [ __ ] this is america angrying yes anger
rising that is the correct emotion a cub
oh my god yes yes
i understand
restraint not outright murdering people
yeah thank you for your restraint
brotherhood yeah they’re brotherhood
literally a gang name this is sick yeah
it is i mean what can you say i know
dusty now tell me we don’t need a global
i’m not allowed to have an opinion on
that so i can’t tell you anything about
that sorry
all right let me check the uh super
chats real quick
danny nerd nick what’s up daddy 9.99 do
you think if trump makes a turn for the
and you know from covet do all the
people who’ve died come back
like if you killed the original vampire
the 80s horror flick i wish that were
true but nah
they all stand dead it’s perma-death as
far as i know and this plane of
sucks maybe that guy just didn’t like
ghostbusters i ain’t afraid of no ghost
i don’t give a [ __ ] you do not punch
rick moranis hell no
and john ball schultz became a member
remember the dust buddy is welcome to
the dust buddies john paul schultz you
rock appreciate that spam the chats
spam it with those emojicons and we’re
in overtime folks tim and it’s over time
we’ll finish up all my material not
we got a one more section to do
and it is the what the [ __ ] section so
time to get in your super chat’s last
chance to get in your super chats
if you want to cause what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] and first off on what the
[ __ ] an incidence of road rage this guy
decides to fire a gun
through his own windshield at another
passer by i guess uh this guy he was
pulled up next to him and showed a gun
and he sped off so he chased him at 100
miles an hour and fired his own gun
at the guy because why wouldn’t he do
that right here we go
yeah let me just fire right through my
own windshield
genius geez because yeah don’t do that
taking his seatbelt off think about
jumping out of the car what the [ __ ] is
wrong with you you got the idiot
yeah you’re gonna go to jail for that
you [ __ ] [ __ ] so stupid and then i guess this is the
guy uh
he’s chasing down i guess the guy
supposedly slows down lowers widow a
cock’s pistol i guess
what this guy did so uh
he’s like oh that guy just cut oh i got
a gun too [ __ ] this is america
pew pew pew yeah
that’s some crazy ass [ __ ] dude so don’t
know what happened
pretty sure he’s in jail right now can’t
imagine he wouldn’t be and next up on
what the [ __ ] folks you wanna know why america’s such
a [ __ ] show right now it’s because
trump has literally bribed these
[ __ ] with millions and millions of dollars
from the corona relief
of i guess they call them
they call them loans but they’re
actually grants they don’t actually have
to pay it back
but he sprout these people these
christian evangelists with millions of
in order to con their gullible flock
into voting for him
and they’re literally just jibbering
literally jibbering in this clip and
this is why trump is president this is
why it’s such a trash country let’s look
i’m voting for one nation
under god our only
choice is president trump
you must pray and you must
vote why did trump why did god let trump
get corona then
if he’s god’s candidate doesn’t seem
like god likes him very much
all start praying in tongues
you at home too
[Music] all right they’re literally just
jibbering crazy people folks
but trump still has a chance to win and
of course we already know this i told
you this guy’s before but they wrote
another article recently there’s even
more evidence that uh
trump secretly mocks his christian
supporters and of course he does like
why wouldn’t you mock these people
and the thing is that they don’t even
give a [ __ ] these people don’t give a
[ __ ] that trump mocks them
because they are con artists they know
they’re full of [ __ ] but they also know that because they’re
televised con artist trump will never
come after them
trump will never do anything to them
trump will never hold them accountable
and not only does he not hold them
accountable he gives them
millions of dollars in bribes
in order to con their flock so none of
them give a [ __ ] they’re all in it
together folks
they know what’s up and uh this video
went viral this week what do you guys
think about this so apparently um
this girl was twerking inside this
restaurant or something and
people were watching her and taking
video of it and her boyfriend outside
saw her doing it and got really mad and
stormed in
and uh do you guys think his reaction
was justified or
he’s a horrible woman beater
[Applause] she’s twerking he’s like let me in
and yeah so what do you guys think about
this i got 11 million views a lot of
different thoughts on that some people
think that he’s obviously violent
um and they’re worried about her some
people were like well he’s justified
doing that because like his girlfriend
is in there twerking in front of other
when she thinks he’s not around anybody
be upset about that so what you guys
honest red says i mean he has a point
now he has a right to be upset
what’s up honest red i know you out
there listening i don’t care what the
boundaries they said for their
relationship are
the way he’s acting is a bit ridiculous
though hopefully it didn’t escalate
i personally feel it’s a silly thing to
get upset over yep
i don’t give a [ __ ] about that work all
you want to long as you ain’t cheating
on me ain’t got no problem with it
and uh last on what the [ __ ] this also could be a palette cleanser
this little boy is getting attacked by a
and he don’t seem too happy about it he
peeling his little ass off
scooting his ass off look that bird mad
he’s like what the [ __ ] get on your bird
[Laughter] dude leave that kid alone what that
can’t do to you
that kid steal your eggs or something
don’t know maybe the kid reminded him of
the dude that murdered his bird wife or
something i don’t know
and last but not least folks here’s a
little pilot class right now
um i often thought folks
that probably a lot of the ufos
that people have seen over the last
couple decades are exactly like this
now once the public has technology like
this this is for those who are listing
an audio this is a
flying saucer drone it looks just like
every flying saucer you’ve ever seen on
any flying saucer video
and when the public has technology like
this this is created by somebody in the
uh just a regular citizen
that means the government in the
military has had [ __ ] like this for you
decades so i wouldn’t be surprised at
all if a lot of the ufos that have been
recorded since the decades were just the
government testing [ __ ] just like this
and now that we have like this the
public they have way better [ __ ] than
this you know they do
so that was my first thought on seeing
that which you guys got to think about
15 minutes over time that is all my
material for tonight i hope you guys
have enjoyed it that’s what you guys got
to say
scrolling scrolling scrolling keep the
chatter scrolling
helmet shotty yep hahaha yep poor kid
don’t panic she’s the bird punch the
bird in the face it’ll be fine
jealousy is a stinky cologne yes it is
specky weasel
religion is a mental illness people get
mad at me when i say that but
in a way it is memetically it is for
this is hilarious probably
let’s see
um i can hear sterling archer saying
two idiots with guns yep for sure that’s
a miracle for you everybody’s [ __ ] stupid got a gun
dope bunt trickers i know punch the like
button absolutely hit that like button
it helps me uh grow the show leave
comments do all that good [ __ ] make sure you uh subscribe like and
subscribe all that i never say that [ __ ] but
nah you should you should like and
subscribe it’s a good show right i work
hard on it
don’t believe the unions i already read
that okay cool all right let me check
this and then i’ll finish up the super
so wired had a bird like flying into a
glass door
bird must have liked the color of the
kid’s shirt probably probably trying to
[ __ ] him
horny bird playing angry birds
definitely a very angry bird that was
the best all right let me check the
super chats
chatty chat chat
[Music] i don’t know if i said john ball schultz
became a dust buddy but he did welcome
to the dust buddy john’s bar
i’m rich a lot of great followers keep
up the great work i will richly keep
supporting me i’ll keep doing it i
appreciate it good to see you tonight
he gave me another 20. keep up the great
job i will e
you have done an amazing job supporting
me i will keep doing that
just for you thanks for what you do it
may soon become illegal i know
right scary i gotta kind of watch what i
say to make sure but
do it as long as i can ivy evans five
dollars for the fuzzies thank you ivey
good to see you tonight thanks for
joining us
this this this five dollars
i wonder if trump’s prophecy film saw
trump getting covered
i don’t think so i think god told him
god wanted to keep it a secret surprise
[ __ ] and christopher gervais
20 sweden did not read my super chat i
didn’t i thought i did
i saw christopher gervais and i read it
u.s is going faster the whole jpl
decided to roll with the approval of
people yeah i read that
i read it and answered that were you in
the bathroom or did you send me another
one that didn’t show up
i got your back chris the juror of all
but thank you for the other one to let
me know
appreciate that in ibm’s five dollars
shout out to spanky weasel happy
birthday happy birthday spanky weasel
you rock dude i appreciate it now i knew
if your birthday i wish i had your
song queued up but i don’t have your
song queued up i have the other song
queued up but next show i’ll play your
song again
really appreciate that spanky weasel
folks that’s my time
ebay support me on patreon link in the description
the video link in the description of the
to my uh soundcloud
link to where you can send direct tips
uh link to my animal sanctuary
amazon wishlist you want to send
presents to the dogs and cats we really
appreciate that stuff they’re loving
everything you guys sent them they’re
having a blast now their lives are so
much better for you guys
supporting them i really appreciate that
and uh p.o box
you guys can send me anything you want
to from anywhere it accepts uh fedex it
uh ups it accepts everything
and there’s a link in the description of
the video to my po box so send me
whatever you want to send me and i will
unbox it for you guys i will be back on
monday probably
i’m going to try folks i assume enough
stuff is going to happen this weekend
because [ __ ] continuously happens all
the time
so i will be back on monday folks i love
this [ __ ] i love you guys thanks for
supporting the show tonight
you guys stay safe out there and as
always pray for trump
hello everybody logic love you guys
this is the greatest show gets
everything you have upon [ __ ] this is
this is
[Music] see
[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so
[Music] you

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