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Vintage wrestling rivalries and Rick Moranis – The 1UP Podcast Ep. 12 (Pt. 4) Featured On Our Site

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Vintage wrestling rivalries and Rick Moranis – The 1UP Podcast Ep. 12 (Pt. 4)

Witness the clip “Vintage wrestling rivalries and Rick Moranis – The 1UP Podcast Ep. 12 (Pt. 4)” and alot of related clips featuring the well known comedic characters of Doug and Bob.

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Tensions build as we find out that only half of the 1UP Podcast grew up watching WCW and the other half watched the far inferior WWF. Everyone absolutely knows that Goldberg would completely dominate classic Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock (current Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is basically a mountain of muscles in the shape of a man and is not in the consideration of this conversation). After researching what the hell a Hardy Boys Swanton Bomb might be though, I am fairly impressed. Did Jeff Hardy get a concussion every single time he used that move?

We are Tony, Pucho, Doughy, and Mateo. Thanks for tuning in for another week of The 1UP Podcast and click that subscribe button if you are so inclined.

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this is what our producer was talking
about tony that phone should be on
silent here
this is this is a lack of
professionalism from these people up top
these people got no respect for the
i am a dj you know i do have a
and a youtube page okay
[Music] and one other interesting aspect that i
don’t think any of us
have touched on and it’s also part of
the reason because my advice would be
just don’t have kids right
like when i was in college my wife was
on birth control i was using condoms i
was we were making sure
damn sure not to have children because
you know even my uncle yo shout out my
he his wife was on birth control he was
using condoms
got his wife pregnant that [ __ ] happened
they had a
kid beautiful kid my beautiful baby
cousin who watches the podcast
so shout out um and that [ __ ] happens
so still even when you try the most [ __ ] happens
so you know i was trying the most and
and i was
trying to get to a situation where
i was trying to get through situations
in college when you’re at your poor’s
level of life
absolutely yo the brokest time of my
life man
it’s probably when i was a kid right and
my parents
whatever the [ __ ] they did man i had a
lot of video games growing up i had
consoles televisions
we had cable we were watching
pay-per-views all that [ __ ] i watch every wrestlemania every royal
rumble every king of the ring
you were poor every [ __ ] summerslam that [ __ ] was [ __ ] lit
shout out bret hart the the the my my
dog from [ __ ] alberta canada all
with the sharpshooter the sharp
[ __ ] shooter right and sean
michaels was also one of my favorite
and the manager screw job [ __ ] [ __ ] vince mcmahon and [ __ ] sean michaels for that all right well
you don’t understand go [ __ ] a goat
because i don’t give a [ __ ] about you
what was what was stings because sting
also did a sharp shooter but he called
it something else right
i don’t remember i don’t [ __ ] this thing
that’s some wcw [ __ ] all right
out here all right
wait wait it one second nintendo 64.
wcw versus nwo revenge
y’all wasn’t playing that i didn’t play
that [ __ ] that game was fire
wow i played it only because my cousin
eric and ever they [ __ ] loved
wcw and all that [ __ ] i didn’t [ __ ] with that [ __ ] i ain’t [ __ ] i was
[ __ ] with my wwf
wrestlemania two [ __ ] thousand
and i was wrestling i was [ __ ] with
wwf no
you wanted to play your nwo versus the
world or you wanted to play your other
[ __ ] whatever the [ __ ] was called
with your
[ __ ] knockoff ray mysterio mill
masquerades and [ __ ] like that
go for it do you know
rey mysterio jr was in wcw versus nwo at
that point
and then where’d he go he went to the
place that mattered baby
for all intents and purposes invented
yeah my favorite wrestler of all time is
this thing was like only good thing that
came out of wcw
they did three all right they did three
great things right nwo
fire the triple cage match the cage on
the cage on the cage
fire i wanted that so bad and they had
like a triple ring royal rumble
she was insane fire and wcw
you know what it’s it’s capitalism at
its finest okay
they were the lesser one the less child
and for a time they were actually bigger
than wwf but the world didn’t really
know it
what about that what about that nature
boy ric flair though
he’s from wwe he went to wc though all
right y’all got your timelines
no no what really happened was the wwf
was a [ __ ] up organization that’s why
i say [ __ ] the manchester screwdriver
[ __ ] vince mcmahon and all that [ __ ] they had a whole lot of problems a lot
of people got posted wcw
there’s a butt coming so would you say
that www
that was around the era that was around
there were like like
98 99 around the
the the rock and the stone coast of
austin area that was the era that i kind
fell off for watching the rock was so
corny i like the rock now but he was so
coordinated as a wrestler
yo that ass in the hood this i was right
all the people
a lot of puerto rican people want to be
white a lot of the people yeah they were
like some stone coast steve austin fans
and guess what as a young brown man
i saw the rock as a [ __ ] hero baby i
was like damn
all these [ __ ] wrestlers my whole
life have been white people
all right and and and the only the only
dark-skinned man that
that that that that [ __ ] pulled up in
the ring was like a [ __ ] papa shango
he was a [ __ ] a witch doctor from
like jamaica or some [ __ ] it’s a [ __ ] stereotype
so and and then and and that
[ __ ] transitioned into becoming
the godfather
he was a pimp that guy was a pimp that
was a black man who was a pimp
like those are the people that that was
like all right these are the only brown
people the black and brown people
and then then when the rock came around
it was like what about booker t
all right that was after that that was
that w man
booker t goes back to wwf i think wwe
he went to wwf but he was he i think
booker t might be one of the longest
reigning champions in wcw history
um shout out shout out booker t all
right because he he’s named after booker
washington one of the legends in true
american history for black so go back to
the whole steve austin [ __ ] right
first off steve austin was a legend
steve stevenson whooped his ass in a
epic that’s just what i don’t want to do
because y’all want to sell
these these are perspectives from from
the top people on the box because people
want to yeah
these light skinned people and they love
they love that they love their trailer
as steve austin popping otherwise just
need to pay attention to this upper [ __ ] real quick all right
steve austin was the [ __ ] what man 316.
[ __ ] gay matter of fact mateo
you live in [ __ ] texas don’t even
disrespect austin he’ll come to your
house and [ __ ] straight up
texas right himself
and mind you i was also a rock fan the
[ __ ] people’s
elbow the eyebrow that’s the eyebrow
wow i got this rock bottom my daughter
every every day
facts they need that i swear to god i
asked my wife
my daughter be getting a little a little
too roused this is what our producers
taught this is what our producer was
talking about tony that phone should be
on silent here
this is a lack of professionalism from
these people up top
these people at top got no respect for
the podcast
yeah yeah i keep being anchors because
that’s the moment look at
his face that’s pretentious doping
i am a dj you know i do have a
and a youtube page okay he looks like he
was about to sip some champagne
and drink and eat some caviar or
something up there
i was like yo that’s that’s on the
bucket list i’ve
due to certain circumstances i’ve had
the capability to to
to travel around a little bit and try a
lot of different food
i’ve never had caviar i’d like to try
some yeah that’s all right i’m good off
i’ve had i’ve had row on top of sushi
yeah i should know but that’s not quite
the that’s not quite the same it’s like
not the same level
yup it’s like on the same level as my
passion for poppers
so what i was ultimately trying to say
because we gotta keep the [ __ ] moving
um the the
one of the arguments that i saw on
twitter that took me aback a little bit
was they were ultimately trying to say
that um people telling
poor people to not have kids is
literally equivalent is the the modern
day manifestation of
eugenics for people who don’t know what
eugenics are
it is um just basically
trying to solve for genetic um
inadequacy genetic yeah like things that
you don’t want right
you’re you’re trying to solve for for
genetic not deformities but just
and it’s and it’s historically used by
white supremacists like i think
the nazis i think it was the term was
invented by a nazi scientist
like it might not have been but that’s
that’s that i i was
happily staying corrected like if
someone comes to us in our comments
i’m just saying that eugenics is most
famously associated with nazis for
grabbing a bunch of jewish people and
gay people and
i say in the most respectful terms
because i don’t know the right words
but like what they would have
categorized as like
gypsy people and gay people and darker
skinned people they grabbed all these
people put them in concentration camp
basically try to exercise them from
society to try to create a master race
through eugenics in a sense which is
basically if you remove all the
undesirables from society
then the gene pool would be um
better right you get rid of all these
pieces of [ __ ] is like what their view
is not my view i’m just you know
i’m just repeating like the the nazi the
nazi point of view
and from what i saw on twitter people
feel like
um granted this podcast is full of um
uh people of color and you know two and
a half of us feel like you know maybe
poor people shouldn’t have kids
they view us as a bunch of white people
of privilege
that are telling people not to have
children and we want eugenics and we
want to wipe out like the black and
brown and hispanic races
out of society i don’t necessarily agree
with that
and maybe because i disagree i’m
painting it in a more
um like a bit of a straw man
but they’re basically saying that the
argument of telling a poor person not to
have a child
is equivalent to saying like we don’t
want black people because
um uh
uh what’s the [ __ ] word
proportionally there are more
more black people and hispanic people
that are poor
so if you tell a poor person not to have
a kid you’re basically telling mostly
black and hispanic people not to have a
kid and
and even when i say mostly i’m still
speaking strictly in percentages
because i think the most if you grab the
bulk of the people that are poor the
majority of them would be white anyways
um i really think so
i heard like i heard i’d be curious to
see the stats
because i’m not i don’t i don’t know
whether you would be right
or wrong on that one honestly and yeah
and because i don’t know whether you
would be right or wrong it makes me
think that like there is
yeah there’s a good chance you that
you’re not yeah i’m just saying like if
white people are 60
of of of society and say like
10 of them are poor or whatever
and maybe that’s a low number or
whatever but let’s just say 10
of them are in poverty that means that
six percent
of of of them are you know six percent
i’m i’m [ __ ] drunk my map’s off point
that from what i’ve read is that the
majority of poor people
are white the the
the difference is that
that like when you look at the number
it might be like oh the poverty rate is
just like you know
20 or something but then when you look
at the black
population and hispanic population you
see oh the poverty rates are creeping at
like the 40 50
60 and it’s like damn most of these
people are poor
so when you tell poor people not to have
kids you’re basically saying like
chop your population in half because
you’re not having kids no more um
and they’re saying ultimately that it’s
like a form of eugenics
and i i think there’s definitely some
i don’t think it’s straight up eugenics
what sucks is that having kids is
and it’s very expensive and kids are
one of the most precious things in the
world i mean i think the children should
be protected and i think they should be
allowed to thrive
emotionally physically financially like
i think that’s what you owe to
a child if you bring it into this world
it’s a [ __ ] up world
i think that you should do as much as
you can to make that child’s life easier
um so yeah my personal advice would
remain the same
and i do think that that advice does
disproportionately affect people of
i think um people might call me a
socialist for saying this but i think
there should be more programs for
helping out
you know children and you know more
money should be sunk into that if that’s
your choice if you do want to have a
child then you don’t
necessarily have the right amount of
money i don’t think you should be
um taken out of the candidacy
you know i i i agree i agree 100
yeah i i also agree but sorry i laughed
in the middle of your comment because
i i agree and i wouldn’t want to be
called the socialists
i don’t like i’m not a big fan of
political labels and [ __ ] like that
because this [ __ ] gets
used to like fight against people and
all that [ __ ] but
i think that based on my beliefs i’d be
most categorized with like a social
democrat which is basically like
someone who’s like on the left not quite
a socialist or democrat
but i’m sorry not quite a socialist or
communist but that ultimately they want
like more and more social
like safety nets so that people could i
don’t want no one to starve to death or
nothing crazy like that i might know
survival of the fittest ass
you know person so um
yeah i don’t know so um
one aspect of of
of um all of this that that um we were
talking about because
a lot of the times our topics come from
just us having conversations in
different contexts so
we’ll be having a conversation in a
discord playing video games or
[ __ ] on the playstation party and
[ __ ] like that but um the conversation
addictions also came up um somewhat in
somewhat in the context of that also
coupled with the fact that dmx had
recently died due to
um having an overdose on drugs you know
rest in peace dms
yeah um since we’re doing multiple rips
this episode
earlier i was talking about um trojan
house and this is now
literally a deviation for me introducing
a topic but you know that’s how we do on
the one up
but rp my dog [ __ ] kenny [ __ ] mirrorless
we’re in trojan house kenny was the
[ __ ] homie
rest in peace kenny all right absolutely
to uh to break
to break the fourth wall a bit here uh
tony looks like he might be getting
called into work we might have to
have to call this one early and keep our
addiction podcast in the bag
yeah because tony definitely had the
most um
the hottest addiction take from our
short conversation and i don’t want to
talk for the man
100 he’s he was the one like driving
that conversation so
i agree i agree
um yeah so did you
you guys want to talk about um
the we could talk about
we could talk about wcw versus wwf oh oh
you want to get into wrestling talks
because i’m going to tell you goldberg
was in fact the man
i lost 100 percent i love that that
music comes on
that music comes on and he walks out and
they breathe smoke out through his nose
when he’s doing his little crazy flex
i think what was the goldberg music
[Music] i don’t know what it the song actually
was it’s like superman music
it was like godzilla’s
if i’m not correct his debut
was it was against the big show
bro when he broke he lifted
the big show straight up into the air
on his shoulder and then dropped him
yo when i saw that bro as a child i was
like yo who is this man
because i’ve never seen the big show be
picked up like that like it was nothing
this is the big show is a prime example
shout out to the big show
wasn’t he the giant at that point the
giant or one of them yeah it was he was
the fake giant okay
yeah he wasn’t it wasn’t the giant this
is this is what this is my point okay
shout out to the big show because it’s
always the big bad
show tonight okay i i i [ __ ] with the
big show and ultimately the big show
came to the day off you know what i’m
saying it’s a
they have always kevin nash also you
know what’s interesting yes kevin nash
he seems like he would be a total like
right-wing alt-right dude
and he actually has posted some pretty
so like like uh progressive things on
his twitter
over the past year or so so big shout
out to kevin nash kevin nash
he was in wwf before wcw i think so and
then he
came to wcw he was his he was part of
the the nwo like takeover of wcw
yeah man yeah there was a lot of
um because like i remember razer ramon
who the wcw wimps as i call them
mateo and though the the wcw wimps
they know my man
razor ramon who who
who lost the first ladder match in the
day of history against sean michaels
um they know my man as i believe his
name is scott
hall he’s just a white man and brown
yeah for all intents and purposes
but for me as a kid man i looked at
razor ramon with a toothpick and i was
like yo
my [ __ ] brother dude he’s holding it
he had that toothpick in his mouth and
he had that greasy greasy gross ass hair
just slicked all the way back
that man looked like he was going he was
definitely going to betray you
you should not trust that man he was 100
gonna betray you at some point
some would say that’s racist are you
saying that toothpicks and greasy
hairs equate to um
he had a mannerism that man didn’t walk
he slinked
across he was the wwf world champion
okay i might
was on wwf last night and he [ __ ] killed it everybody is saying that bad
bunny needs to be in wwe
who’s saying that last night apparently
yes apparently his appearance last night
on the wwf
was like everybody on twitter is going
apeshit about it
why he was on i guess you know how
they’ve been having snoop dogg they have
that bunny before
appearances yeah for years they’ve had
many many guest appearances like i
during the um what what
what the [ __ ] was the the green and
black there was
x-pac there were shawn michaels is a
part of the crew i can’t remember that
it was generational generation
yeah generations
by the way tony welcome to uh welcome to
all the glitters is gold our our
podcast it’s our new spin-off series
from the one-up cats
yeah ever since you took a phone call we
just went full wrestling you know what
i’m saying i can’t leave you kids alone
pooch is a big wrestling fan right
people might not know that about me all
before i was a grown-ass man and
believed in nothing but science and
i was a firm believer that only the
pieces of [ __ ] in the world
wanted to hold wrestling down and wanted
to treat it as a fake
sport okay these are the greatest
athletes in the history of man
[ __ ] the greeks [ __ ] the olympics [ __ ] the nwa
well i don’t know i don’t know why you
think it’s fake no one is more
one of the hardy boys do a [ __ ] swanton bomb
off the top of the [ __ ] ladder okay
nothing was more impressive i mean the
skin was in the punches i can maybe
see that but back in the days collapse
like now if you watch what’s going on
they pull their that you can pull the
punch do you see that
nowadays that’s always that’s been
always back then my
bro they had broken glass shards on the
[ __ ] floor [ __ ] thumbtacks and
[ __ ] was getting
flipped and [ __ ] on that [ __ ] stage
but you’re thinking of
you’re thinking of one of the dopest
wrestling federations ecw
which we haven’t brought up no mick mick
foley and wwf
also did that actually holy ghost shout
to that [ __ ] big dick energy for me
yo mick foley was such a good [ __ ] actor i could i did as a child and did
not separate
his characters i knew it was the same
person but i
always felt like it was somebody else
because he had the guy the lumberjack
then he had the socks the sacko dude
and then he had another one didn’t he
play mankind for a little while
mankind wait the the lumberjack and one
yeah he had a hippie it was dude love
dude love
i’m pretty sure i have five characters
one of what we named four
i’m missing one i think that’s wild but
yeah yeah yeah cactus jackie had mankind
he had dude love he had cactus jack and
there was
one more that’s so so we’ve talked about
a lot of legends here
but can we talk about how how bad
donald trump is at faking hits whenever
he was on the wwf that man is trash for
so many reasons
but he made the wwf worse every time he
was on it there was so much stupid
gimmicky [ __ ] with that
everything works not only was he a piece
of [ __ ] in terms of how horrible he was at
selling anything he did on the wwf
i remember like it was yesterday
mike tyson was going to get into a fight
with holyfield right
because i’m a boxing fan and tony wants
to put boxing down you know what
[ __ ] tony why the [ __ ] did i put bob
it’s a muni baby this is your problem
you haven’t even had a drinking you
already forgot the conversation you
tried to put boxing down
i’m pretty sure and i forgot the
conversation but i remember all your
i want to say as i brought up football
about proving something
you were talking some i could prove that
the cowboys won blah blah blah the
cowboys ain’t one [ __ ] and so many
[ __ ] he said that all boxing matches are
rigged and
guess what happened in the great year of
1998 yeah
by none other than the [ __ ] honey i
shrunk the kids man the
legend rick moranis rick moranis okay
all of them yeah [ __ ] them but watch
this keep watching the
greatest watch keep watching the kid the
kid from
from the casper movie alongside rick
alongside the the the kid who couldn’t
[ __ ] catch a ball so he had to put
glue on his hands his [ __ ] whip
the cowboys okay annexation of puerto
rico bud
yup they [ __ ] ran the annexation of
[ __ ] puerto rico okay
one of the few times i was proud of
puerto rico only because it was
football you
because they said that the puerto ricans
of new york back in the days just shot
every hispanic person i thought puerto
rican single-handedly
started a rumor that uh dominican people
don’t wear socks
i want to i want to welcome all our new
listeners to the rick moranis cast where
we talk about race relations between
dominican people puerto rican people for
some reason
they said that they started that you
guys didn’t wear socks with your shoes
yeah yeah that’s [ __ ] funny there’s
go ask any puerto rican do dominicans
wear socks though i’ll say no
i’ve got a real world but i’ve got a
related topic to that there was a thing
that popped up on twitter
and it’s a thing that i’ve talked about
with uh talked with some of my buddies
um there is a claim on twitter and
there’s a lot of white people that come
out and co-sign this statement
that white people don’t wash their legs
oh my god i had this conversation with a
couple of white co-workers and they
don’t watch their lives
yeah there were a bunch of people no no
no no no no there were a bunch of people
i can’t say
it’s not it’s not true that’s not going
down that’s true
signing with you but i’ve seen no no no
i don’t
see i don’t like that that’s something
[ __ ] tony
you’ll make a statement tony will cosign
it times
20 and then it’s like okay so that’s
putra’s belief now it’s like
i’m just saying that i do i had this
conversation with a couple of my white
co-workers dirty bird
and there was some a plurality of them
i would say even a majority of them
didn’t wash their legs and i was shocked
because not only do i wash my legs i
a lot of people don’t use washcloths all
right for for a better part of my life
you know we wash ourselves with any
number of things that we have on hand
that that changing that’s the game shout
out to my [ __ ] cousin will all
he’s showed up with this [ __ ] walmart
or this publix glove
the [ __ ] is made of pure exfoliation
magic okay you want your skin silky
shout out to what i call the
[ __ ] power glove
nothing not to be confused with the
whack ass nintendo power glove
whoa we’re talking about the
[ __ ] and you know what that [ __ ] it’s so bad
it’s so bad
actually i also want to shout out the
the wizard the whiz this is what my
yeah it’s a wizard which might be a
double up
putra also introduced me to the [ __ ] power glove in the gym
because we used to go to the gym
[Music] to the loofah no i had i always brought
the aloofa
nah yes we didn’t have gloves in the gym
i remember
because i specifically purchased i
it was a um was it right guard
i don’t know i want to say this right
the old spice it was an old spice
package it was an old spice package it
came with two different
like body soaps and a loofah that had
like a handle it was supposed to be
manly or
very [ __ ] manly and uh
yeah i used to wash my whole body with
that you put me on the loofah tony you
got your [ __ ] all [ __ ] that’s why you put me on the couch
i had the aloofa you put me on there
you’re talking gym talks 24
24 hour fitness i didn’t have no power
glue damn
that’s your daughter here’s that baby
uh-huh that’s crazy
she got love well
so what’s up
i do want to say [ __ ] that power glove
from nintendo
and everybody keeps forgetting about the
best wrestler that is
also so demoralizing to people’s [ __ ] life after he does this move but
everybody knows
and loves rakishi and when them butt
cheeks goes on your face
oh my god bro them butt cheeks were
black and sweaty it didn’t matter
it didn’t matter if it was fake at the
end of the day somebody was getting
ass cheeks pressed against their face
that [ __ ] was a destruction to anybody’s face
anybody’s face rakishi was the man for
was the man that [ __ ] made my day
just saying let’s see
steve nash this is where the wcw divide
is because i’d like
my my wrestlers growing up were like
goldberg kevin nash scott hall
diamond dallas paige stripper
ddp yeah the ddp was fired i’ll give you
what about the 3d boys dudley boys or
whatever the
weren’t they like without in the same
breath as [ __ ] damage
they were in the famous there was a
of hardcore wrestlers there was the
dudley boys
there were the hardy boys and there was
the other
team that i don’t believe had a name but
it was chris
and edge yeah they were they were um
they were originally part of the
ministry of darkness
that was a gang of [ __ ] created
undertaker himself the undertaker took
stephanie mcmahon hostage and
in the hypest moment shout out to the
bodies who love stone crusty boston
and one of the hypest moments in wwf
history okay
stone cold steve austin came out in the
middle of when stephanie mcmahon
was supposed to get like uh like some
type of her soul was about to be
sacrificed to satan because
because you know the undertaker was all
about that [ __ ] at that point
yep um stone cold steve austin came out
and he just straight up stone coast
thunder 20 people in a row and stay
we’ll find this video and overlay it if
need be if people don’t know the moment
all right
but this [ __ ] i don’t [ __ ] with
stone coast steve austin even though the
stunner was fire
because i was you know i was down with
my black and brown people you know
i wanted nothing but dwayne the rock
johnson energy okay
and but when stone cold steve austin
came out and he stole code stunnard like
20 [ __ ] in a row to save
stephanie mcmahon
and i mind you seven man is part of the
one percent you know it’s the daughter
of vince mcmahon who had
earlier i said [ __ ] [ __ ] superman for
the manchester screw job
because my boy from alberta candidate he
never deserved to lose his title
that [ __ ] was an inside job i i’ll say
that people use the same reps from the
boxing match as you watch
one thing about stone cold stunner the
way that the rock used to sell the stone
cold stunner where he used to do
a flip after he got the uncle thunder yo
is the most
craziest ever the most forgiving [ __ ] is
when you see the rock he used to stretch
his arms out
so not only he got stunned not only did
he flip back he would stretch his arms
you’d go yo this man is in full
handstand mid flip
she was impressive the rock was the man
the mother the rock would sell any
[ __ ] move
i remember the rocks debut i remember it
i remember i was so [ __ ] hyped i
remember he had these stupid [ __ ] tassels on his biceps
he had on like a colorful maybe it made
my mind’s all [ __ ] up
but they had something boy rocky
marvia mavia some [ __ ] like that yeah it
was not the rock
the rock came after the the versace
shirts even even stone christine i’m
pretty sure they called him the ring
master at some point
like a lot a lot of [ __ ] and wrestling
they they go through a lot of
iterations they’ll introduce a wrestler
you know the character
the persona doesn’t go very well shout
out to persona i’m playing persona 5 i
just beat kamashita’s palace
the persona doesn’t go very well so you
got to transition to a different persona
you know what i’m saying
also the same same as when you’re in the
middle of a battle with the boston
and it’s like yo the lightning is not
their weakness so you got to switch the
persona hit the
hit the l1 r1 actions
you know pick some of that aggie flow
hit them with the fire i do things that
the same way they’ll kill they’ll
they’ll kill rocky marvel they’ll kill
they’ll kill the ring master they’ll
a variety of characters um to
both to keep a character mo more um
more um not recent reasons not the word
i’m looking for
relevant both to keep your character
more relevant
and also just if a character didn’t hit
they just want to try another character
so like you got stonker steve austin you
got the rock like
like like one of the one of the big
wrestlers sean michaels
he he was tag team partners with marty
um before he was uh a singles they they
were the tag team [ __ ] champions
and not only did stonker steve austin
steal his woman
which i’m not saying like women are an
object to be stolen and things like that
but that was the story that they were
portraying i’m just giving you
window crash glass and then
and then and then the stone coast shaw
michaels went on
to win a variety of things he he don’t
want to roll right now
out of control right now you’re
forgetting the most magical moment i
think it is when steve austin and the
rock join forces
and started whooping asses left and
[ __ ] right stockholm city of
austin with the stone cold stunner and
the rock bottom and the people’s elbow
all that [ __ ] came together
straight destroying it but then it was
shocking you just named two
moves by the rock rock bottom of the
people’s elbows yeah because he needs
the rock is the best
all your words are george soros [ __ ] problems
he needs one one move is stronger than
both those two he needs two to make the
of this one move because not only is he
kicking them in the [ __ ] stomach he’s also hanging them with the
shoulder lean on their ass
i’m i’m telling you we have we have
slept on
the greatest restaurants if we’re if
we’re speaking rips to people too
no man in wrestling is more deserving of
this the
greatest of all time the macho man randy
because that man was king of the promos
you ever watched those old macho man
randy savage promos
that man was batshit insane crazy
and he was just the greatest he was the
absolute best for those bad
[ __ ] insane promos single-handedly made
me want to eat
endless amounts of slim jims at that age
i didn’t even know what a slim jin was
and those commercials
you used to bend them in half but it
would make like this man
electricity that i was like i don’t know
is that like a glow stick or something
like it popping or whatever
is that snapping to it i snap into a
slim jim them shits don’t [ __ ] snap i
don’t know what he’s talking about
and that [ __ ] are racist he his
characters are racist he’s straight up
trying to be like a chicano
he got no business being chicago alexa
from l.a all right that name is randy
that that uh the the promo where he’s
talking about the cream of the crop
and he’s over there with uh with gene
whatever like that dude’s name is from
he was american princess elizabeth and
he just keeps pulling out these little
creeper cups and putting them on like
his head and on like jean said
this is one of the greatest problems
it’s terrible
the cream rises to the top baby shout
out to randy savage because he
went to wcw early he was one of the
first he was one of the first so i i’ll
give a shout out
my dog knew what time it was same sexy
also also
[ __ ] hulk hogan but his hollywood hogan
character that came over to www to the
was such a great villain he was such a
fantastic villain over on wcw
yeah he was he was borderline villain
villain on wwf
because he just won so much that the
people hated him so
he went to wcw as hollywood hogan
hollywood is the epitome of
everything of to the elites the the
global elites or the hollywood
people about the major history him and
eric bischoff
they were the biggest pieces of [ __ ] in
wrestling but
was the owner of wcw right yeah i think
he became
i think he became the owner but man they
were so good like it was they were such
good villains during that time period
you were forgetting eddie guerrero
facts and [ __ ] until the other day okay
and i [ __ ] latino
but let’s keep it real i was
i i had no skin in the game by the time
he became champ okay
eddie girl i remember for i had had uh
i had quite the stint maybe a cool five
six years i worked at an elementary
she was weird because for some reason
kids are [ __ ] obsessed with wrestling
yeah all this [ __ ] i’m telling you i’m a
30 i’m about to be 31 any day now
i’m a grown [ __ ] man i haven’t
watched wrestling since i was like nine
years old
but i’m telling you this [ __ ] with the
full passion and glory like i’ve lived
this [ __ ] every day in my life okay
because that’s the little kid in me kids
[ __ ] love wrestling
and i don’t fully understand that i i’ve
i’ve vibed with rey mysterio so hard
uh he actually i’ve he lost the magic
the second he lost the mask though
like when he was in that mask in wcw and
flying 500 feet off the top
rope doing these backward moonsaults and
it was because maybe you liked him
you guys were like the same height and
you thought yeah maybe you
can also fly and dagger onto people like
maybe that’s why he’s like he’s fighting
for us little people you ain’t putting
you i think you can fight the same
height i don’t i don’t appreciate this
heidi ism
from these people up top from the top
just [ __ ] down but he’s just sitting
down on these on our
on the australia’s down here yeah
keep them where they’re at that’s it
damn keep them
all right i don’t like that kind of
i bring it up i would just say those
i’m gonna be on my late and [ __ ] i’m
gonna come up front and
i’m gonna create a revolution okay okay
we got a mutiny we already discussed
immunity earlier there will be immunity
give them them big eyes give them give
them the david guys
going nowhere just like my boy said and
the wolf of wall street what is uncle
fester doing here in the spot right now
giving you them to be big guys man the
tally’s got
rights okay the tally’s got rights
the tails
is the homie okay shout out hamilton and
tell doughy to go [ __ ] a goat
you know why because on a previous
conversation this [ __ ] doughboy
then said i don’t want i i watched the
first i
i watched the first 20 seconds of
hamilton and and i didn’t like it
i only watched 20 seconds and i also
wanted to go sign up
and then and then i don’t [ __ ] cut me
off and then he said
and then he said you’re my dope uh no no
no no no
i’m on my dope i’m mimicking doughboy
you can’t mimic me
make me do what the [ __ ] and then he’s
like and
and you haven’t even played persona and
guess what
i’m playing persona [ __ ] my
hours say that i’m about 11 hours in
guess what mateo i’m still in the
[ __ ] that dude yeah i thought i was
telling doughboy you know what he wants
nothing for tutorials he
he’s like you know what though it’s
teaching you how to play the game
the game is so good that it has to teach
you how to play it’s like
dude it’s been 11 hours that’s something
that’s a real good doughy if i close my
eyes i wouldn’t be able to tell the
difference we wouldn’t be able to tell
guess what i’m gonna go take a piss how
about that
[Laughter] this was one hell of an episode thank
you to all the listeners and the viewers
here that uh
stuck through the oh here we go [ __ ] dough boys cut off go dope
what is what these [ __ ] fingers
raise my hand to speak [ __ ] out of here
though go ahead cut off
king no i don’t think the two did you
just hit the two
mm-hmm that’s the classic what’s up with
the two
i don’t know what that meant what did
that piece here all
peace yo were they were saying world
peace so you got to be quiet when i put
up the pieces
there’s no more words spoken that [ __ ] is weird
elementary school they had there were
some weird movies
when you saw your teacher yo with miss
vance shout out to miss vance outside
jamaica queens homie
ps182 ms vance used to put up the peace
sign the whole gang used to shut up
cut it this vance made me fall in love
with the solar system shout out ms vance
all right i just wanted to send a quick
shout out
to everyone that watches this podcast
whether it be
family friends people that come here
like we really appreciate everything all
the commenting all the liking
everything that you guys do all the
feedback thank you for that like it
really means a lot
i’m having a lot of fun doing this this
is like a
very very much a therapeutic thing for
and i and i love you guys and thank you
to everyone that comes here and
whether it be 5 to 10 minutes to 15
minutes or
you know i appreciate you thank you
i don’t really good good good [ __ ] there
this is really i’m about to start firing
y’all [ __ ] because this is
starting to be
a [ __ ] takeover i’m not like yeah
fire me
that’s why i canceled you that’s why i
can’t do early eight minutes and i can’t
do you left hand [ __ ] you’re not
my right hand
mateo you’re also not marrying go back
to putin that’s good man
i’m i’m holding it down here at the
bottom you know what we got no
discontent down here at the bottom
[ __ ] would be happy about all the
[ __ ] those [ __ ] are being
fed bugs
and at one point they hinted they were
being fed human bodies
facts but like the boy said piggybacking
thank you to all the listeners
and we really do appreciate all your
comments and all that and feedback
and don’t worry what as time goes on
this will get bigger and better and
and we would do much more of um
scolding on doughboy’s part with his
bladder issues maybe one day he might
find out
that he has a bladder issue and get it
fixed i don’t know
what if there’s a pill you could take
that you didn’t have to deal with that
what if there’s a pill you could do
we need to see a doctor’s note doughy
i’ll take it i’ll take it oh
okay so then why are you so mad at us
we’re concerned with your health
facts we love you man i love you though
dude i’ve been friends with you since
the tender age of 12.
some people don’t really twelve was not
yes that’s how huge would work i didn’t
know it was true i didn’t know i was 12
years old when i met y’all
when when every day that i was younger
when i met you
i was 11. you was oh i met you when you
was 11. yeah
she’s sixth grade y’all friends before
me see ya
eat that dick that’s a wonderful
even though some people know people
longer we’re at the bottom right baby
yeah you guys are we connect on
different levels you know what i’m
saying yeah now you guys are deeper you
guys are like mold people you’re small
went to the bar solo dolo shout out
to uh this sing his name is actually
assassin but it’s a lot of ease in there
but it’s confused me over the years
shout out to the homie
solo dolo polo like solo dolo like
like because some people don’t realize
scarface don’t kill the homie all right
and scarface is all alone in the world
people don’t peep that [ __ ] i thought
you were getting us out of this tony
well thank you again this is the one up
and hopefully we get better at the outro
but i like it though thank you again for
watching i am your host el caballo aka
tony here with doughboy
doe sorry though matteo and pucco peace
be with you all
just stay quiet this fan says so

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