What No One Realizes About Barron Trump Brought To You By bobanddougmckenzie.com

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What No One Realizes About Barron Trump

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Being The First Son Of The President May Seem Amazing But It Has It’s Difficulties

Barron Trump takes after his father. As a headstrong teen determined to become a businessman, “Little Donald” may grow up taking after his father. Despite his father’s willingness to put Barron in the spotlight, mother Melania insists on her son’s privacy, making young Barron the subject of internet speculation. What we do know is that Trump’s fourteen year-old son lives a life of luxury, enjoys golf and is even considered to be a “Little Donald”. What we do know about the only child of Donald’s third marriage is he grew up in the Trump Tower penthouse in NYC, where he had an entire floor to himself, and attended an expensive private school. After moving to Washington following his father’s election, Barron became the first son of a president to live in the White House since JFK. Barron is trilingual, speaking his father’s native English, his mother’s native Slovenian, and French, taking on bilingualism as early as age three. The youngest Trump takes after his father with his reportedly stubborn personality, and in his career aspirations. Mother Melania claims he decided at age five that he wanted to pursue a career in business, and his plan B is to become a professional golfer. The teen loves sports, prefers suits over sweatpants, and shares his mother’s interest in upscale fashion. It’s hard to tell what’s next for Donald Trump’s adolescent son, but it’s likely to include golf.

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Written by: Marlena Nicole
Narrated by: Carmen S.
Edited by: Carla Maria Cuellar

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com

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  1. id like to meet baron trump as he has a young perspective, he deals with class and grace as he seems to be a well adjusted , great kid that cares for all others before himself and id like to apologize for saying daughter ivanka should be doing adult films, she has much class and has respect for all kinds of love and I believe would say love is love and supports mothers raising kids with the means and time that she has, kids are the future as we step off the wheel, dissolve the rat race and work with imagine as the new world order and wealth for all save the earth and its people, I’m sorry I attack sometimes but there are solutions to all our problems but we need time to work on these simple solutions to live in harmony eternally and love all things as true Christian’s

  2. This is a very good follow-up on Barron Trump but as for him following in the footsteps of his Dad and getting into Politics we can just let time tell on that one whether or not he will?

  3. It sure seems like Trump Sr. is shunning involvement with his son.
    Why is there zero video of the two of them playing golf?
    I mean zero, nada.
    Zero video of Baron doing anything at all, really.
    Something about Baron is odd, and the Donald is keeping his distance.
    Why , exactly?

  4. I'm in total disbelief. I recently read a book with a similar topic, and it was astonishing. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

  5. TRUMPIE AND DAHMAR were caught stalking me and my family and this time I remembered that he called me all these names and called me his lil len len on and he saw me walking to Ithaca and the. He saw me on the news and then he mentioned about my son in Pa and I was working on busting out crimminals like hotshots is dahmar and then he showed up in Augusta GA and then rest area and weirdest thing is I was married to a another dahmar and he didn't care about my grandsons birth

  6. I only know a few things anyone needs to know about Barron Trump. The kids a spoiled arrogant little entitled crybaby, just like his father. More bogus Trump poisoned blood.

  7. What's disgusting is people just cannot manage their own family, and stay out of business of what other families do. Who cares what it cost to send one's child to any school, is that anyone elses business. Take care of your own rice patty, and stay out of others crops.

  8. This is all over X Twitter
    When Q says wait until you find who you've been talking to he really means it.
    Barron Trumps mother is Lady Diana and she is a Kennedy.
    There is no Donald Trump that was just part of the movie. So is the President really
    J F Kennedy?

  9. Your question at the end was “What FACT surprised me the most?” Well, it isn’t a fact but what surprise me the most, after all the knowledge you’re displaying about Barron, was the not knowing where Washington D.C. is located lol. I’d check my map again if I were you. Not trying to be mean. It’s just that this was a nice video and I’m sure you’d want it to be totally accurate.

  10. That's what weak people do. They go after people's children. And they don't have anything else to say. Leave Congress, people's families, and children alone. Leave them out of the situation how you fear.

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