WLS 1982 / Guests Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas / Steve and Garry Show Seen On Our Site

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WLS 1982 / Guests Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas / Steve and Garry Show

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when you’re crazy people are hooting on
you politics all the time so when Dave
was playing the cassette for him he was
like coughing through those parts
there’s a couple of long lines there you
know I told hope he was fired I said we
got rid of that monkey fast he took a
couple of shots at you Bobby but he’s
now oh God you’re out of control I love
my snare drum oh we think we love you
guys we really do then this is not to be
patronizing or anything because uh what
the heck records anyway so but um
I watch you guys and it’s it’s truly
inspiring I mean to see not just the the
uh Bob and Doug stuff but but you know
the Bob Hope and Woody Allen and Jerry
Jerry Todd how are you now when the heck
is WLS FM going to make the transition
to video come on you guys get into the
80s I mean Steve you must have worked
with a few of those guys yeah oh with
the goatee and everything they’re all
like that they’re all like that I work
for like 50 program directors that talk
just like that look just like that as a
matter of fact we got guys here that
look and talk just like and you know I
would love to run an international Jerry
Todd Phil dead air contest cuz those
guys used to you could say news coming
up at 4 H gay I’ve got 27 minutes to
talk no problem a beautiful Ed just talk
forever give birthdays and yeah there
one guy there was one guy I worked with
who um who over the intro of Papa Was a
Rolling Stone I I was working part time
in the radio station the intro was a
minute 20 yeah after did the weather and
the HL hockey scores he got to like
Bantam and Tike which is like
six-year-old hockey you know North York
Tykes beat the Oakville bantams by score
at 6 to four who cares and that ain’t
right yeah wow those are funny I finally
did a location piece with Jerry Todd I
took him out of the studio and he he’s
outside and he’s one of those guys that
wears those you know those weird fur
winter hats with like the Persian lamb
really don’t do anything Russian hats
the comrade hats yeah yeah when uh is
that going to be showing so are you guys
doing I mean I don’t know it seems to me
that every when I watch it lately it’s
just stuff that I’ve seen before there’s
not I know there are people that believe
that they’re never was an an original
broadcast of some of our shows you know
that’s that’s the problem with this
network thing is that they made the deal
with us on the 30th and said they wanted
the first show on the eth and uh so H to
it yeah we can’t write and shoot and
post- produce our shows are you know we
we have have to have a a little lead
time built in because they’re done like
films they’re not done like
a TV show in front of a an audience with
a homebased set or anything we we chew
up sets and throw them out you know 15
of them in a show you know they’ve gone
we never see them again and uh so
because of that we do need the lead time
so there’s been a lot I apologize Rick
I’m sure you I mean it’s a horrible
thing to have to you know what it is the
network is trying to build its audience
and they don’t want to have a Friday
night go by without having our show on
so consequently you get third and fourth
plays on a lot of the things now in
February they they’ve got a couple of
shows with about 75% new material and
we’re going back Monday to start writing
again and then we shoot and new shows
will be coming on April the 10th
supposedly but I I don’t know I mean
it’s all we can do is apologize I don’t
think you have to AP apologize cuz uh uh
even with
uh with the reruns I’ve noticed that
it’s still the best thing happening you
know on Friday nights I mean I I watch
Fridays and they’re doing new stuff and
you guys don’t have to comment cuz maybe
that wouldn’t be professional but I’m
not known profal into my Pepsi now while
but it’s still I me still hand uh you
know hands and uh we never see our show
feet above everything else we were
working in Edmonton you know and the
7:00 makeup calls to do a lot of those
characters and the show was the feed was
out of Spokane Washington so it was 1:30
till 3:00 in the morning the show was
airing so we didn’t see them and we
heard yesterday that in Denver it’s on
from 2:30 to 4:00 which is almost
Saturday morning TV so we’re up there
with the Flintstone the Scooby-Doo we’re
definitely competing with cartoons now
and I hope to wipe them right off the
face of TV hey come on I love cartoons
very time I like the video dinners that
was a good one yeah Christmas Carol with
the Alistar Sim and some hollay
sauce well that’s what it’s getting to
jeez I mean just everywhere yeah sure is
we were going to play Jeopardy all right
you got you guys know jeopardy I me you
got that up in Canada right okay but
like I’m going to play it as Bob mcken
so you won’t know if I’m really stupid
or playing it as a joke a now you guys
have to leave at what time right away a
qu to four so we can play a fast hand or
two we can play it he can be a little
late there’s a guy who knows a little
late I’ve done these promotional things
before yeah we can we can do what we
want man this guy is he a promotional
promotional Scout is that window
open another promotion man Bites the
Dust you can always tell the promotion
man cuz they’re making the least of
anybody in the ENT but dressed the
nicest and here we are again the S Hotel
ladies and gentlemen now you cannot love
it here the desert climate that’s just
what I need how long it take you to get
that Bob ho how long did it take you to
get there oh about 5 minutes in the
makeup chair when they put that fake
nose on me and I stuck out my jaw and
they sliick back my hair and I saw that
I could actually look like them which is
something I didn’t expect um The Voice
the The Voice actually comes from
sticking out your jaw you know which
okay now there’ll be 50 Bob H everybody
great yeah I’ll away I got to tell you
we we were down in LA on the weekend we
did a guest shot on Billy Crystal’s new
comedy show and every time Dave does
hope he does it a little bit better but
this time he outdid himself is
phenomenal he’s got the new Bob Hope
which the new way which Bob is listening
uh Rick go ahead you explain it cuz uh
I’m not going to be
last thing I want to hear from Hope is
yeah that kid Dave Thomas Yeah I broke
him like a twig out of he’s out of the
business takes time to get an impression
properly and and you’ve studied them
Beyond how you’ve studied him before
yeah it’s you’ll this is a good plug for
the Billy Crystal well I think aoy did
that with Snider he did ended up doing
Snider better than Snider yeah Snider
started doing Snider like aoy did you
see Sterling Hayden on SN
yeah smoke a little hasht uh I like to
get on the barge and just drink wine
yeah yeah yeah I’m sure you’ll
agree Tom acts like he’s talking to God
yeah I know oh that’s smoke hash wow
incredible and how about how about those
extreme close-ups yeah they’re in on his
eye you know and then Tom smoke from his
cigarette coming up still too through
the picture that’s nice that’s always a
nice where’s Tom going to go uh I say to
uh Ted Turner F really that’s not a bad
cuz Ted Turner likes him he always had
him on the show we did a show for Ted
for Cable News Network called Lee
Leonard uh out of La I’ve seen that done
in an office like the the ceiling is
this low the lights are strapped out of
the ceiling very strange TV the backdrop
the backdrop which looks like a city
skyline is the city skyline there’s a
window to think that there are set
designers in the major networks trying
to figure out how to create a city
skyline that’s the new television you
want to play some you want to do this
and play sure let’s do do come on in Jim
we’ll do our uh unless you I mean I
don’t know you know I don’t the worst
that can happen is it’ll all go up and
smoke and yeah said it’s a loose show
usually we do it see because you get we
get guests in here that like we had aie
Osborne in here who was like like on
another bit the pigeon off
somebody’s we bit a glove’s head off so
the record Executives would remember him
and promote his record good I bet it’ll
be a few doves that’ll be pooping on his
shoulder here there too okay maybe
that’s how we get our record to number
one a is like start eating dov’s heads
yeah yeah well okay you go right ahead
I’m going to stick with Cornish
hands so anyway we do Jeopardy in case
people don’t want to talk you know okay
it’s always a nice fallback but we’re
having a good time here but it’ll be fun
all right well maybe in between
questions we can you know have a
conversation shoot the braid a little
bit while I’m trying to figure out my
this is great to meet you cuz everywhere
we went in this town people were asking
us you doing Steve doll show you doing
Steve doll show so with a bit of
research we found out that you’re a
legend of this town Steve so it is a
that was a joke hit the drums come on
hey well back in this is great radio
real loose I used to be a disc jockey
and I always tried to get my show this
loose where were you a disc jockey at
cftr 1972 which was a rock station at
ckf 1974 which was a rock station till
one day I got a memo that said we’re now
country have a nice day and then a CHUM
FM which is a do the voice for that man
which gu the CHUM FM voice do that music
from Leed Zeppelin on CHUM FM Stairway
to Heaven and we’re taking requests next
you see that’s he I heard him explain
the other day which is great you know
when you hear somebody you work with
finally explaining where they got
something that they’ve done that Jerry
Todd is in the middle he’s not a high
powerered jock he’s not the low power
jock he’s the guy in the middle everyone
was doing the high powered in the FM
George Carlin’s album AM FM which is a
classic was was both and Todd is
somewhere right in the middle you know
all those middle of the road guys who
like you say where the goate it’s a
million of them leisure suits yeah leion
suits I just want to comment on the air
today whoa boy was that nice M no that
was yesterday today the gas bills went
up yesterday the air was good he’s all
he knows folks is headlines okay but
he’s trying to relate to top particular
City his
album guess who I got that from huh yeah
you’re we are in the city of Clean Air
everybody laughs
wrers okay we’re going to take care of
some bus here and we’ll be right back
fm95 identify the station Grey
it’s 341 with Rick moris and Dave Thomas
back in the flight why did Roger
beginning Chicago Lung Association
sponsors a Winter Ski track February
26 dressing down now that I said that
for the tales called 232000 we’re here
with Bob and Doug that’s right interrupt
the PSAs what the heck yeah good day
everyone how’s it going e and like good
day to all you people who listen to all
the other stations in town and then tune
in the Steve doll show eh we hear about
yeah so do we you’ve got to find a way
to blend in with the rest of the station
because people listen to you and then
they tune out hey that’s not my problem
that’s your problem you know what we do
in video is we take the opportunity
during the show to promote some
interesting things coming up in the rest
of the day what if there’s nothing
interesting coming up well then you
should sign up at the end of the show
oh all right we’re going to play this is
we’re going to do a team thing I guess
against you yeah International Celebrity
team Jeopardy okay okay this is uh Jim
O’Donnell he’s our art Fleming hi Jim hi
Jim we’ve actually had art Fleming up
here I heard about that heard yeah it
was fun he’s a great guy and a very and
I bet he knows the game too yeah he does
f Us in on some of the rules stuff so I
worked out you should have just recorded
some things from to pop in like
wrong you know I he told me he would do
that and I got to send him a list of
what I want him to say and I keep
forgetting but and uh you know thank you
thank you D part thank you studio
audience I mean doesn’t so as a matter
of fact we played he hosted and Jim
played with Gary and myself and I and I
always win I mean I always win Jeopardy
cuz it’s my
show they let me win but I couldn’t even
answer cuz I just kept watching him cuz
he’s standing in the corner just like he
did on Jeopardy you know kind of like
this it was so inspiring it was so great
are you guys too paro’s voice is the
best yeah I just Saturday Night Live
kild the redner
we tried to get him to Ann you know who
we wanted to be our station announcer
ATV carll Tom Carell please man ice
cream car ice cream Eugene Levy thank
you very much John Candy and espe
Especial Joe Flair they they don’t have
that here but I have seen those
commercials no wonder that went over so
good took me a minute it took me a
minute to remember Rim shots live by
satellite from Las Vegas are you guys
going to do a film I mean that would be
yeah we’re going to do a a Bob and Doug
movie well you guys are really taking of
the bank here well why not you guys got
I come up with something no you know why
what happened with the album we didn’t
say hey let’s let’s take it to the bank
do an album no I’m I’m just teasing you
don’t have to defend yourself I’m we
have three record companies called you
will anyway very
insecure we’re taking it to the
bank I admit it now we’re going to do it
low budget and in Canada so uh just to
keep the studios out of it that must be
nice for the TV too to do it there cuz
you don’t have all Union problems and
stuff I mean even here we have Union
problems I heard about that I got
slapped with three grievances on my way
in here oh yeah the only thing the rim
shot when I need it the only thing
you’re the Bob Hope voice all right the
only thing you’re allowed to touch in
Chicago is the cop
button oh sorry no um the Edmonton is a
non-union house and the guys are Fant
they work till right in the you know 3:
in the morning on Triple and quadruple
time and Rolls-Royce Mercedes and
Porsches started to pop up in the
parking lot
they were doing well on our show we did
a show here what is that some kind of
lesson to Union people shut up we uh did
a TV show here on doing some Elvis stuff
making fun of Elvis and U I guess the
grace period is over yeah it’s a I think
it’s a threee thing and then it’s uh
Open Season and um we uh were doing
right in the middle of doing something
took us all day to do it I just finally
got I was being Elvis and I finally got
it right but it was lunchtime and all
the lights went off right right in the
middle of it just and all the union
Engineers I looked around there was
nobody in the studio they were all gone
lunch so we never got it done okay they
came back and it was time it was H you
know by the time they got set up again
it was time to go home we’d have a lot
higher repeat Factor if we were in a
situation like that you know yeah c a
lot we do a lot of our best stuff during
lunch do you have anything to eat by the
way speaking of lunch all right okay
categories uh there’s if you want if you
Ser seriously if you want something like
to take with you out on the ride there’s
a place downstairs Marcus can go get
some food no we’re fine we’re we’re
we’re in good shape okay can’t look at
Dave’s gut well I can’t talk you know I
don’t think you can talk it’s your show
M okay I got a non brim shot that time
okay ready to go Jim are you playing
Dave and uh Rick team Jeopardy dve Rick
or dog and Bob okay briefly refresh us
with the rules again and then we’ll
decide there are categories right
there’s four categories 10 20 30 40 50
and you got to go in order and then you
have to phrase it as a question right
and if you don’t he’ll go question
please okay I’m doing it as Bob McKenzie
it’s my only hope eh my ride’s here this
is great I love a soundproof
Studio it’s Hill Street Blues oh sorry
an anonymous cop show it’s another okay
come on come on okay let’s go
and and the contestants are entering the
studio for International Celebrity team
Jeopardy first from the great white
North Doug and Bob McKenzie good day
how’s it going hello everyone we hope we
win and our defending Champion Steve and
Gary Meyer sorry start the music too
early so I didn’t time out and they’re
all here to play hit
it Jeopardy and here’s the host and star
Jeopardy art
Fleming are you guys laughing at us or
with us we’re having a good time I love
music thank you thank you Dono studio
audience my friends at home in
cars we have a goodlooking panel Doug
Bob Steven Gary on that note let’s play
Jeopardy okay is it okay if we
smoke yes okay
KY that’s a curtain coming back
revealing the board oh isn’t it
beautiful a
car no the board you
H and the curtain Parts the categories
in Jeopardy today are uhoh the great
white North we’re going to win that one
uncured Mac bacon oh jeez we’re going to
clean up Margaret’s bedroom uhoh and
Canadian rockers oh Beauty okay the
great white North there’s our chance of
us winning cured back bacon Margaret’s
bedroom get to him out in the hallway
and Canadian rockers who goes first I
will remind you there is one daily
double concealed on our Board St Gary is
our deao defending Champions it’s up to
you gentlemen to please select and start
or something make a buzzer noise how’s
that that’s good that’s good buzzer okay
I go first right okay
uh Margaret’s bedroom for 10 first time
in the category and the answer is M
Trudeau frolicked with this
band Yes okay like who are the stones
nicely done please continue um I’ll take
great white North for 10 a first time in
the category and the answer is of molsen
dois and leat ding ding ding ding ding
Steve uh dois is right
and question what
is it’s laat by the way please select
you cheating already St he gets to
select oh uh gr white North for 20 stays
with the category and the answer is
current host of you asked for
it who’s for who’s a judge Mark is a
judge I heard I got to be honest I heard
the ding first who is the ding
remembering okay uh who is Rich Little
is Right Steven Gary our leaders at 30
Doug and Bob at 10 Steve please select
uh margus bedroom for 20 going back to
the original Jeopardy category and the
answer is according to miss trau she was
one of this singer Lady Love D Gary who
is Lou RS is right please continue
Margaret Margaret’s bedroom 430 shows
courage remains with the category and
the answer is Margaret slapped with this
prime minister Steve who is pi
trau here apparent easy categories and
they’re cleaning up Americans 80
Canadians 10 Steve please Gary’s in the
book we’ve now we’ve lost our name
status now we’re down to a
country uh uh Margaret’s better for 40
staying again with the category and the
answer is starred in Five Easy Pieces D
D D D D Steve who is uh Jack Nicholson
well played that’s right I just guessed
on that one what does that have to do
with Margaret’s bedroom I think he’s
listen he’s claiming that he uh she was
the first one to take her away from
Pierre geez I haven’t been up on my true
confessions Steve please continue yeah
uh margar bedroom more Margaret bedroom
for completing the first category in
Jeopardy and the answer is title of
Margaret Trudeau what is True
no I’m so
sorry I am so sorry I was thinking in
magazine one of my favorites oh title of
Margaret Trudeau’s book she got
two disqual ify the question he does
have two books we accept either answer
oh what is
consequences all right we’ll accept it
fine or Beyond Reason Beyond Reason oh
Bo Beyond Reason how about Beyond reach
with which this game is quickly BEC what
is the stepen Gary at 170 uh Doug and
bob4 still mathematically in the game
oh you
get you can go Jeopardy
here’s where we turn it around now
plenty of time remaining in Jey Gary
please select let’s go uh great white
North for 30 is 30 and the answer is
transplanted Canadian has MC the wizard
of ODS Steve who is Al Hamill I’m so
sorry I got it who is like Alex Tek well
play nice going ktie nice going ktie
take off just get us out of the minuses
that’s all come on get out of negative
Jeopardy I’m going to another category
uncured back bacon for 10 first time in
the category probably having to do
something with hams I guess can I ask
you a question though yeah what’s is
back bacon just like slab bacon like
real thick bacon no wide bacon Canadian
Canadian bacon it’s like American cheese
you call it back cheese here right same
thing same thing yeah it’s Canadian
bacon yeah okay it’s an export name okay
where were we un back bacon 410 and the
answer is old
skos who is Bob Hope well
played the McKenzie is at zero zero got
it’s up to zero why don’t we quit while
we’re ahead in Jeopardy limbo Dave
please select oh I’ll take uh that same
category back Bing for what’s next
showing a lot of Courage and the answer
is old comic who’s never had a
dinner yes who’s like red bot is right
the Mackenzie on a roll at 20 yeah we
love roasts okay I’ll take back to Great
White North for 20 for 40 for
40 oh that’s Celsius I forgot 20
Fahrenheit 40
metric 140 to 20 the Great White North
for 40 and the answer is his movie roles
have included Sergeant tree Vic and
Elmwood blue
is Dan arroy is right please continue
Elwood Elwood is what great white nor
for 50 completing the category and the
answer is Dick Burton and cklw rock this
far south Canadian Steve what is Windsor
is right well played Steven Gary at 230
the Mackenzie at 20 Steve please Pon did
you say Bon Pon excuse me oh that’s
why I was thinking Tor hon gentlemen
that’s what thre me
I think he did like a Cram Course in
Canada last night you know a little
loose on some of the like blat thank you
guys for saving the hostages by the way
thank you thank you Canada thank you
thank you Canada you guys are welcome
thank you we just wanted to say thank
you can we had one of the hostages come
up here Kevin hering did you yeah cuz we
we pretended that we were their managers
when they came back and we were getting
them on Hollywood Squares and stuff and
um we said that he was our favorite and
but we were kidding and he came up here
cuz he heard somebody told him up in
Milwaukee that we said he was we said
that he was our favorite so he came all
the way down Kevin hering to
block to block the rescue effort yeah
they we think they could all go into
Paul Lind Square all 52 of them they’re
back in the news again you know it’s an
anniversary I guess that’s why you
brought that up in the first place okay
let’s go to the next category we’re just
like Bob hope too you whatever is
topical recapping the score is Steven
Gary at 230 the Mackenzie’s a 20 Steve
our last cor questioner unur back bacon
at 30 untouch the Canadian rocker Steve
please select Canadian rockers for 10
first time in the category and the
answer is his hits have included
beautiful Gary it was Gordon liot is
Right Canadian rockers for 20 stat with
the category the answer is Winnipeg
singer who’s like Burton
Comm nice rockers for 30 ding ding ding
ding ding ding
ding one’s not over yet it’s the Daily
Double D Bob at 40 it’s a non audio
Daily Double you can wager up to $50
with the category the Canadian rocker
Stephen Gary can’t answer this you guys
have a free shot we’ll wager the the
total the maximum
oh well a daring wager best of luck to
you gentlemen with the category of the
Canadian rocker is the wager 50 and the
answer is on Fernwood tonight she wants
lip sync to Jerry veil’s version of
snowberg who is who is an Murray is
right oh nicely done good going kid the
game heats up once again the Canadians
not honor this one I’ll go back to the
great white North uh next category what
is the score great white North is
completed recaping the score Steven Gary
240 uh Doug and Bob 90 time running I’ll
to the next category in rockers a
Canadian rockers for 40 and the answer
is their albums have included Fly by
Night who is Rush well played how do we
know who was first he cuz he said it
first Canan Marcus is a judge so we have
to be polite now Gary the canadi I felt
I was first I’m sorry but I felt that
okay felted man I guess we’ll have to go
that it was a cosmic
thing first in case we were first my
answer would have been who is
rush I’ll split it with you 20 a piece
that’s please Canadian rocker is
completing the category for completing
the third category in Jeopardy and the
answer is in 1971 song The Guess Who
we’re running back to this yes I got
that one I know it too though just so
you know I know about Canada who doesn’t
huh what is the City of Saskatoon well
played uh 280 1403 questions remain all
under uncured backp I don’t think we can
take it I think we can if if we can
trick these hosers into getting it
wrong he’s done his
homework uncured back bacon for 30 and
the answer is he played comedy writer
sell okay I think I heard them say who
is Lucho agustini so they lose I’ll say
who is myy amster play good good good
uncured for 40 says with the category of
the answer is he’s soon to return as
host of
tattletales Steve who is B Cony by the
way back on the air I saw it today hey
oh thank God thank God thank you Canada
I don’t know how I miss that I love that
guy I don’t know how tattletails gets
into back bacon no hams BT con
H boy got to get up pretty early in
afternoon Steve well we haven’t been on
a grueling promotional tour so finish
off the board we need we need two
incorrect Answers by Steven Gary and a
correct one by the Mackenzie to Ty 50
for what what uncured back bacon
completing the board and the answer is
in September of 1973 he played Billy
Jean King in
Houston I got it who is you know the guy
I mean now you guys can get the wrong
answer and of course it’s quite obvious
that I’m buying time cuz I forget who
Bobby rigs is is
right we’ll be back to double check and
recap the scores after this brief word
from Steve do sturgeon thank you Steve
you want to do the
commercial sturgeon hey we we really got
to split now know and uh how seriously
did you get you play Jeopardy with a lot
of guys how did we do okay did
real good it did real at least
understood the concept is more than most
we got a lot of rock stars in here kudos
to your Master of Ceremonies
excellent thank you Gary and Steve a
great time than we’re looking for extra
work you know one more oh we can make a
deal if you add Our Song to your
playlist we might be able to get you on
the show just something in the
background sometime you how about Bob H
and Woody Allen before you leave and
then we can yeah you better I can’t
believe they make us do these things for
nothing I mean I got to get paid and I I
can’t just say anything I need Marshall
Brickman to help me write it now I just
want to thank these kids for the
wonderful thing they’ve done for all of
us and just as a as a kind of a final
note ladies and gentlemen remember your
heart and lungs are important but don’t
forget your glands they’re the number
one enemy today so watch out for the
glance good night good night everybody
guys Thomas Rick Moranis and here is
diver D with the traffic and withed
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children talk to the children share a
little secret share a
little they still have a phone company
over there I think they locked
[Music] up it’s coming
back hello hello not
[Music] happening how many numbers was it at
random four or five I can’t remember I
di five four I
think or is it
no is am Landers in Iran today does she
go to foreign countries like Santa Claus
you L Iran we’re sorry your
international call did not complete in
the country that you dialed please hang
up and try your call again this is
okay get
off must be F though
[Music] huh we’re calling Muhammad
bashim and if he can tell us how much is
in our wacky Iranian Cash Call jackpot
he’ll be the
winner yes this is Mohamad back inor
yeah you listening to the radio right
now hello
hello yeah who’s
this oh
smart alec smart alec oh cut it out cut
it out no come on come on who is this
who is this he this an Iranian dude are
you Iranian
Iranian hey hey cut it out out come
on it’s not happening not happening I
can tell why isn’t it
happening oh
[Music] we better do our commercials huh
yeah and
today the hostages just went back to
West Point cuz they didn’t feel that
they had thanked the people of that town
enough plus everybody has forgotten
about them so they thought oh where it’s
Bingo tell his cab driver that he’s on
the air too a yeah I
will hello hello you’re on the air
you’re on the air in America yes we’re
calling from
America hello hello hello yes so we’re
on the area we’re calling from America
we just wanted to see how things were
there it’s big of the
English how’s that wacky
ayatolla how’s the
ayatolla h hello hello talk to us hello
you’re out of the air uh how’s the
ayatolla doing
ayatolla we’ve got her
hello hello ayat that could be our Echo
for all we know no I don’t think
SOA you’re on the air
ma’am do you have facial hairs lot of
Ayatollah can she hear
hello oh I got our husband hello we’re
on the air sir we’re calling from
America I just wanted to call us see how
you guys are over
there hello
sir hello yeah you’re on the
air speak to
hello hello yes uh what’s the weather
like in your area this time of the year
Teran yes yes h
Ayatollah no no how how’s he doing we
thought this was his
hello how come they say hello if they
hate America yeah they say hello hello
but they hate
America yeah
sir and how come he says yes have your
own word for yes how many tweet jackets
do you
ayatolla I think they’ve had enough of
that yeah they were quite interested
though for like 3 minutes super
talkative couple yeah now they’re going
to go back to making Iranian love yeah
or dry shave each other one or the other
it’s the middle of the night there
that’s right what are they six and a
half hours yeah so no 9 I think so it’s
like is it good it’s like 4 in the
morning there that was pretty good for 4
in the
morning let’s do all our commercials
here WLS fn95 the whole the original
home of crank calls to
Iran uh here’s some what stuff we got to
654 Saturday Night February 6th at the
Rosemont Horizon explosive high school
basketball action the WLS invitation
animals The Treehouse animal shelter
needs volunteers call 78454886
I guess we don’t we’ll do another one
tomorrow another call to Iran just want
to see how they are I guess the aat had
an awards banquet so the students would
have the hostages hostage and now Freddy
best self flatulation by a
group ah that cookie I told the hostages
went back to whatever Town West Point’s
in they dedicated a statue to them they
got all kinds of free stuff you know
they free flights back there and stuff
still milking it you know we ought to go
back there we didn’t thank him enough
and we haven’t been out of the house for
a year yeah we haven’t been celebrities
for a while geez you think after you
know that you just want to come home and
like just go back to living a normal
life instead every one of them wants to
be like Eric Estrada the Eric Estrada
syndrome oh well thanks for listening
have a wonderful night see you monana
yeah we’ll talk to you tomorrow bye so
long bye
see you bye bye bye good night bye what
the hell are they doing up there at 700
we’re supposed to be done at
7 always good to hear this
song get a new beach Voice song Come go
me pretty
original Tomy Edwards I’m going to go
and thanks for listening I’ll see you
tomorrow be talking to you 7:00 in
Chicago Tommy Edwards here have a nice
season see you tomorrow afternoon be
talking to you Brent Miller is next it’s
7:30 I mean 7:00 and
37 it’s now 7:00 and 41 seconds and I’m
putting in for
overtime good
[Music] night there is a house in
they r
so it’s

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[random_line] – [random_line] – [random_line] – [random_line] – [random_line] – [random_line] – [random_line] – [random_line]

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