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ZBros Play Star Fox Adventures! Episode 14 Presented By

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ZBros Play Star Fox Adventures! Episode 14

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We raid the crackhouse in this episode to find and destroy Rick Moranis’s evil hideout. What doesn’t kill you makes you save bafomdads.
yeah it’s a good thing you have a
[ __ ] Furby in your pocket allows you
be screwed it’s just like he [ __ ] ambushed me that’s not fair that is fair
you gotta be expecting them then but she
gotta be cautious he’s blocking a
[ __ ] fireball with his main man it
played that like stuck unsheathing sword
push okay so I have to kill don’t you
move on okay you had okay no and by the
way even though they’re dead the barrels
will still come out they’re all come out
at night yeah because I guess these are
automatic machines they’re automatic
barrel shooting machines yeah stupid
trap is dad that’s like worse than a
home alone trap I thought this was wrong
it’d be like a high-tech army in the
throwing [ __ ] yeah they have [ __ ] spaceships
they have spaceships but are you kidding
me let me plant the damn Spore
alright I guess that’s not what I’m
supposed to put oh hi remember what
comes out of these as a spider mmm well
you’re gonna let’s just say you’re gonna
love that I vaguely remember this area
is that some sort of shitty minigame
ball it’s this game of course there’s
gonna be a shitty game at some point no
I mean but as does that have something
specific to do with the [ __ ] the hell
was that oh I guess that’s a geyser oh
that’s a warning guys I remember this
place see I think we’ve got another good
part we got into the juicy parts for
Michael’s far Oh God
what unbelievable [ __ ] that they do
that why did they do that
oh as now I gotta climb it’s um it’s
they don’t that dead site of [ __ ] just
walking on open lava like that some of
that like pretty tolerable lava you know
it’s a little bit off it’s a little bit
off just a little bit toast how did he
get over here it’s so good
alright what is this
gotten past okay move around jump moon
mountain wider than a mile I’ll be
crossing you in style some day oh Dream
Maker you heart breaker wherever you’re
going I’m going your way
hey look I need to call the police what
the hell I want that does emerge from
you is that like from something yeah oh
it’s a song it’s just it’s a it’s a
known song and it looks like there’s a
puff on dad why is it that whenever I
say that word you feel like Apes [ __ ] no
look there’s another one because it’s
they’re fairies and in legend zelda and
fairies are a thing but found dad’s what
the hell is a puff on dad well it’s that
it’s a perform dad watch out for those
barrels by the way [ __ ] it bum rush it
the product there tonight if there’s
anything Super Mario Sunshine play to
you has taught me is to bum-rush
everything you’re welcome by the way I
taught you that I just watched you know
I’m gonna look up the phone dead I
really want to get to the bottom of this
they like from something for fun dad no
I’m sure that they’re made up just like
puck puck eggs bomb dad yeah so far
everything why do you think that’s so
funny it’s brilliant I’m [ __ ] stupid
oh you know what I do remember that
what there you know how the John John
yeah untrained repeat this at some point
I do remember I vaguely remember
freaking out of the buff on dad yeah
like there’s even
I mean like I know that he did well if
he’s more immediate mounted ten for ten
hours he’s definitely more of a comedian
than uh they’re not really but it’s just
like he did not come close that’s true
it was funny though I remember think
funny I just haven’t seen in like years
nine years many many months sorry about
that let’s picked up probably whatever
I’m editing so who knows maybe I’ll put
in some great stock sound effects maybe
I’ll put in some text in Comic Sans or
maybe it sounds like something you do I
will now I’ve got to remember how [ __ ] you get in on the screen okay it looks
like I can use the spell stone to just
no don’t be ridiculous Michael [ __ ] this
game okay only he who lights the orbs
that the CRA’s OA may pass I smell a
shitty staff thing oh I see
are you kidding me with the ship
you see those torches I think you’re
supposed to hit it when it’s that color
Oh nope I did the other one now I gotta
wait for it to go back around what the
[ __ ] I feel like they literally just RG
beat this like it doesn’t do anything
what am i what am I not doing well they
gave any magic which me which means it’s
likely that that yeah oh I know what I’m
supposed to do oh yeah well this dang
old things except it’s it’s one of the
shoot the the arrow through the fire
yeah it doesn’t make sense since it’s
literally a fireball mm-hmm that’s
[ __ ] weird I love this game
all right there we go that’s what we
call a puzzle yeah what you’re that
[ __ ] music
yeah dancing in this game is it feels
like it doesn’t match usually the
problem is is that it’s it’s like trying
to be cinematic and over-the-top but you
know the instruments they chose are so
goofy that a junk just doesn’t work look
so good before and I just think the
worst force field thing I’ve ever seen
in my life it looks like it looks really
a Nintendo sick oh yeah well this game
was originally gonna be and I know but
it looks like they they just sort of you
know what I mean I just sorta would you
[ __ ] let me hit you already do you
feel like you’re fighting a style pose
and uh [ __ ] Crocker Karina you shut
Cochrane up crime
maybe the macarons man are you [ __ ] me let me hit you already I could swear
there’s a scene just like this in a
Jurassic Park did you just say what I
think you’d learn and Jeff Goldblum
picked up a staff and thought of another
dinosaur – it was built was had a bunch
of medieval armor on yeah you know what
that’s always it’s another thing that’s
always like amazed me is why is it that
you know like general pepper can hire
all of them to come down to the surface
you know they’re all mercenaries and
they all know how to fight you know how
these guys had a worried so why did they
send these Fox to a point filled with
dinosaurs guys have like spaceships and
stuff yeah do you think maybe general
scales told them all when he put him on
that point he posted them on the planet
he said he always shooting before you
think dinosaurs we’re gonna give you
medieval armor and an axe and say sounds
butter I think that happened and it
sounds like something that would have
happened in this game i standard fair
yeah probably the most mediocre State
Fair I’ve ever been to he [ __ ] ate my
face standard fare let’s see how this
looks fun so second room that being God
of War to get all the way tricky tricky
is literally trying to look through
there and he’s standing right on top of
it oh it’s that’s only he who dims the
claims of the Kazami all right okay it’s
me tricky whoo I like bacon whoo-hoo
that like all the Bacon’s to save them
get up there it’s like when the cutscene
went over he like dropped you okay for a
second I thought it went back in and is
just going to name this episode ladder
you know that’s a joke you don’t name
the episodes
the show mm-hmm how am I supposed to dip
smuggling in the flames of the cracks as
I was fearing you’re gonna have to do
something stupid and not just beat that
sleeping GrubHub up oh I know what’s
gonna happen I hope you get to because
we’re going back to the entrance through
the top so that means that we’re
probably gonna be one we’re my well this
is a definition of W UT of game design
or wate that other mean oh yeah weird
got a slash woman did you know that I
like there’s like this one part of Sonic
3 knuckles were you going like this
pyramid sort of area mm-hmm
I’d like added that into the
hieroglyphics in the background wasn’t
well edited it took me a long time to
make it work so you have it takes you a
long time to do anything and guess what
I just figured out why did you just
figure it out because I don’t think
obnoxious you see how I climbed up there
and after I let that thing yeah well I
was supposed to like that one too so I
could get over there
yeah but because I’m already all the way
up here and I’d never light it I can’t
move forward so now I have to jump down
activate this thing there is good news
tricky is a hilarious and likable
character no lying is against the Bible
or something even though I don’t care
it’s the like 13th proof mandolin oh
that one shalt not lie well shalt not
commit poop Daltry poop that’s right
well which playthrough was that Spyro
oh is it blank section your favorite oh
it’s such like a like a juvenile joke
that’s basically what this game is this
is what if you took the blink sections
and stretch them out over a 12 hour game
there’s less big purple McDonald’s toy
spiders and this one though
oh but it’s got its own unique enemies
that’s right those flying gremlins like
can we count the fond as his enemies
because I feel like they are enemies of
of modern-day intellectualism they’re
they’re really water like Martin Lee
Burlingame design and right there now
the made-up thing
wasn’t that a good puzzle looks like
we’re getting a staff upgrade real quick
just a grade of staves I always forget
that staves is the plural staff no I
probably noted this plot hole earlier
but how is it that if crystals not from
this planet and she brought the staff
with her that there are didn’t help us
little underground areas spot the great
that what you need to do is looking at
crystals big pothole and see what you
can find
that’s gross real quick yeah that scroll
this real quick so what’s that in you
have something else here well we just
got a power we needed to mmm don’t
before you guys real quick we have to go
through me maybe dungeon by me the plan
I’m [ __ ] what is it doing
oh I used it okay
Oh [ __ ] hell now I got to walk all
the way back around to sign it to why
that’s a good idea
um that’s what that’s a good idea
that’s not even a that’s the same thing
cause the thing is is that you can’t
[ __ ] see you into the microphone
through a pop shield yeah
[ __ ] I can’t beautiful Michael I can’t
be [ __ ] over – pretty scooby-doo
92/100 frights did you see we got a
comment on that recently it’s just like
oh yo you guys are pulling one of my
favorite games it’s just like you’re
doing a great service to the gaming
community it’s just like a self-aware
joke I don’t think it was I think they
were being they get mad because we did
sort of poop on that game I mean yeah I
mean like I was just like oh well kind
of a shame we didn’t finish it except
not really because that game was do you
well then one of my favorite childhood
games I mean I guess they didn’t
flat-out mention they’re like this game
was really good cuz that’s how I just
sort of [ __ ] are you gonna quit good
where are you right now wars point
temple look like weren’t there paying
attention to the giant Triceratops is
this what I mean the forest point temple
what on earth why did Pepe’s disembodied
head just show up
look at this stupid face so we make it
clear the reason why Fox in his team are
helping her because they like money
right yeah
and eventually I think it’s to help
crystal I guess mm or whatever and I
become invested well why does general
dick but dog guy why does he will help
because this planet is in the white
light system no and he’s like supposed
to protect that or some [ __ ] it was part
of his daughter she doesn’t want get
fired yeah but a load of shite I don’t
even have spaceships why are we
protecting them
oh I mean get out of the way
I suppose the [ __ ] fire claws have
spaceships and there’s a reason for that
but I’m kidding me why can’t I give up
there you can’t climb that what are you
the climb on that like eight times so
full surprises pleasant surprises too
like you can walk on lava but watch out
for the the [ __ ] crazy witch gremlins
oh come out of nowhere makes it sound
like I’m sharing a couple of puffs on
Dad’s otherwise you might be screwed you
just got a whatever you call that in
there well apparently my spell stone
doesn’t work on this one you know he’s
are you kidding me that’s because I say
right up there and killed that gremlin
so here’s my theory
those are profound ads at night really
in the daytime there like Furby things
why is that in my way – it’s one of
those Oh apparently I tried that earlier
but it didn’t work
hmm do you think so you know those dark
was the doors doors that you just that
you just walk up to and they sort of
roll away despite the fact that the big
giant boulders yeah do you think that’s
how Jesus got out of the tomb three days
later it was an automatic Boulder door
well that would be a boulder move that
I’ve done before
yeah why is that we’re a la carte door
and we use the term door loosely dude
walking up the ladder or texture ladder
or text no the standard thing just
thanks 3d looks almost sulfated it’s
through DC I guess so
it looks like I gotta do this [ __ ] again
that’s like a face what okay all right
that’s not a face I thought that was a
face wait hold on
so the thing that the torch is in oh
that’s Accra so ahead and then just sort
of like a carved out thing
see to me that’s only bought ugly that
looked like a mouth and at the top is
like chin talking nose jumped I still
looked at a lawyer batter where did it
go would just clip through the wall okay
that’s what how I got kicked off my face
ball team your back clipped through the
wall no my bat was on fire well and the
baseball like it exploded when it hit it
you know those things are highly
flammable er sounds are also wrong but I
was also playing Little League and I was
21 at the time
my mustache gave it away

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